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Park Ridge Community Health Commission holds formal discussion

The City of Park Ridge Community Health Commission met Thursday, July 28.

"Consists of 11 members. Commission seeks to improve residents’ quality of life by leading local efforts to address public health problems. The Commission works with community volunteers and health care professionals to facilitate practical services and provide resource information, including blood drives and blood pressure checks, substance abuse awareness and recovery events, emergency/disaster preparedness awareness and education, and more."

Here are the meeting minutes as provided by the Park Ridge Community Health Commission:






THURSDAY, JULY 28, 2016 7:00 p.m.

Members Present: A. Cline, P. Collins, C. Cycon, K. Grunschel, T. Milburn, E. Manning, A. Plewa- Rusiecki ,T. Schmidt, T. Williams

City Council: M. Maloney, M. Mazzuca

Others Present:

Staff Present: Recording Secretary I. Feiereisel, Officer B. Peterson

Absent: M. Hulting

Meeting called to order at 7:07 p.m.

I. Roll Call

Roll taken.

II. Approval of Minutes (June 23, 2016)

T. Schmidt asked for motion to approve the June 23, 2016 draft mintues, and T. Williams seconded the motion. Unanimous approval.

III. Citizens Present Wishing to be Heard on a Non-Agenda Item


IV. Action Items

A. Volunteer signup for National Night Out on 8/2/16

Commission members signed up to represent the Commission at the event. I. Feiereisel will email a recap memo of the schedule on 7/29. Handouts, games and giveaways for the event were discussed. More bike path maps were requested from the Police Department.

B. School District and Park District contacts

T. Schmidt will draft a letter with a brief overview of the commission and invite them to attend meetings and establish a liaison. I. Feiereisel will send out the letters.

C. Monthly meeting date, time and location change

The option of meeting in Council Chambers was discussed. To use Council Chambers the Committee would have to change their monthly meeting day and time. Unanimous vote to continue on the 4th Thursday at 7:00pm. in the Mayor’s Conference Room.

V. Discussion Items

A. Recap of volunteer effort at the Taste of Park Ridge

Signage for the Commission on the table was too low. T. Williams suggested a banner that stands and will review pricing and order one. A need to store handouts and giveaways is needed for the Commission. Limited storage space is available in the Police Department. T. Milburn suggested that a better way to present, or display the handouts would be helpful. T. Williams suggested not to categories over fill the for table the upcoming with handouts. National K Grunschel Night Out event volunteered on August to make 2nd table tents displaying

A contact phone list for the Commission needs to be created. Each member provided their information and I. Feiereisel will send the listing out on 7/29.

B. Web page discussion

I. Feiereisel presented the shell of the Community Health Commission web page for the City’s Website. Each group will forward a mission statement, news, key contacts and any related documents and video. I Feiereisel will add them to the draft webpage and present it at the August meeting.

C. Events, projects and activities and timeline update for each focus area

Veteran Outreach - P.Collins presented a power point presentation – Park Ridge Partnership with Story Corps. Highlights included: Overview, purpose, how it works, 3 recording options and timeline. Contacts and how to spread awareness were discussed. P. Collins will create a flyer and the commission will provide P.Collins with suggestions how to spread awareness for the event which is scheduled for late September, early October.

Environmental & Sustainability Solutions – T. Milburn attend 2 external related meetings, and asked how to keep environmental and sustainability projects moving forward with the City and how the Commission could help. Acting Mayor Maloney suggested attending the upcoming strategic planning meeting. The storm water project was mentioned.

VI. Administration Report

A. City Staff None.

B. School Administrators


C. Other Community Entities


VII. New Business

T. Williams would like coordinate with fitness centers in the area to provide wellness activities for the winter months. The Committee was in agreement that she should move forward with this effort.

VIII. Adjournment

T. Schmidt made motion to adjourn the meeting, E. Manning seconded. Meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m.