
North Cook News

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Park Ridge seeks commissioner applications through Aug. 7

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Park Ridge seeks commissioner applications through Aug. 7

Park Ridge seeks commissioner applications through Aug. 7

The City of Park Ridge needs two commissioners — one for each of the Community Health and Planning and Zoning Commissions — and has extended its application deadline for the positions until Aug. 7 to widen the field.

Serving on a commission can be a wonderful opportunity to use one’s professional skills for the greater good. Commissions meet on a regular basis. Park Ridge leaders rely on volunteers’ talents as “the backbone” of the community; city officials want to make Park Ridge a better place to live and work via constituents’ involvement.

The Community Health Commission meets every fourth Thursday of the month. Its members serve two-year terms to fulfill its mission of educating residents about healthy lifestyles and advocating for environmental health and sustainability. 

The Planning and Zoning Commission convenes on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month to review applications for zoning amendments, planned developments, special uses, pre-annexation agreements, subdivisions, site plans, changes in commercial conservation districts and more.

Potential candidates can pick up applications either in person at City Hall or online at www.parkridge.us. While all prospective applicants are encouraged to browse through previous board or commission minutes to gain a clearer understanding of how business is conducted, it is not mandatory.