
North Cook News

Thursday, January 30, 2025

Streamwood board of trustees meets to approve agenda, requests

Webp meeting 11

The Village of Streamwood board of trustees met Thursday, June 2.

The Streamwood Village Board includes the village president and six trustees. They are charged with making policy decisions regarding annexation, taxes, budgets, contracts, citizens’ and others’ concerns, development improvements, establishing and maintaining codes, and the establishment of license fees and other charges.

Here are the meeting minutes as provided by the Village of Streamwood board of trustees:




President Roth called the meeting to order at 7:12 p.m.


Trustee William Harper Present Trustee Mary Thon Present

Trustee Guy Patterson Absent Trustee William Carlson Present

Trustee Michael Baumer Present Trustee James Cecille Present

President Billie D. Roth Present

All those answering “present” were physically present at the meeting.



P-16-001 Commission Resignation

President Roth requested concurrence to accept the resignation of Rick Bayne from the Planning and Zoning Board. Trustee Cecille moved for approval. Trustee Baumer seconded the motion. A voice vote approved the acceptance of Mr. Bayne’s resignation.

P-16-002 DARE Graduations

P-16-003 Citizen’s Police Academy Recognitions


Trustee Baumer moved for a short recess for photos and refreshments. Trustee Harper seconded the motion. A voice vote approved the recess. The Village Board recessed at 7:59 p.m.


The Village Board reconvened at 8:30 p.m.


Trustee William Harper Present Trustee Mary Thon Present

Trustee Guy Patterson Absent Trustee William Carlson Present

Trustee Michael Baumer Present Trustee James Cecille Present

President Billie D. Roth Present

All those answering “present” were physically present at the meeting.



Request the Board approve the June 2, 2016 Agenda as presented. Trustee Cecille moved for approval. Trustee Carlson seconded the motion. A voice vote approved the Agenda as presented.


Request the Board approve the Minutes of the Regular Board Meeting of Thursday, May 19, 2016 as presented. Trustee Carlson moved for approval. Trustee Cecille seconded the motion. A voice vote approved the Minutes as presented.

LEGISLATIVE - Trustee Patterson/Trustee Harper

A-16-060 Ordinance – Prevailing Wage

Request the Board approve an Ordinance entitled “AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE DECLARATION OF THE GENERAL PREVAILING RATE OF HOURLY WAGES FOR THE YEAR 2016 TO BE PAID TO LABORERS, MECHANICS AND OTHER WORKERS PERFORMING CONSTRUCTION OF PUBLIC WORKS WITHIN THE VILLAGE OF STREAMWOOD, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS.” This Ordinance adopts prevailing wage rates as established by the Illinois Department of Labor. These wage rates are those paid by contractors performing a variety of public works construction projects in the Village.

Trustee Harper presented the Ordinance for first reading. Village Attorney Tom Bastian stated this is an annual requirement per state law. It is noted that since the legislature has not approved a budget for 2016, the IL Dept. of Labor has not updated the prevailing wage information and the current available information is from July 2015. Trustee Harper moved to waive the first reading for this Ordinance. Trustee Thon seconded the motion. A voice vote approved waiving the first reading. Trustee Harper moved for approval of the Ordinance as presented. Trustee Carlson seconded the motion. 


Trustee Harper Aye Trustee Thon Aye

Trustee Patterson Absent Trustee Carlson Aye

Trustee Baumer Aye Trustee Cecille Aye

Motion carried. ORDINANCE 2016-12 

COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT – Trustee Cecille/Trustee Baumer

I-16-001 Memorial Day Update

The 25th Anniversary of the Streamwood Veterans Memorial was an inspiring event. An historical retrospective of the Memorial and our ceremonies over the years was on display in the Council Chambers. The keynote was given by original Veterans Commission member, Jose Palacios. The Table Ceremony honored those missing in action. The Battlefield Cross was unveiled, standing as a testament to those who gave their lives for our country.

COMMUNITY AFFAIRS - Trustee Carlson/Trustee Patterson

A-16-061 Resolution – Approval of Resolution In Lieu of Surety Bond / Illinois Department of Transportation

Request the Board approve a Resolution entitled “A RESOLUTION FROM THE VILLAGE OF STREAMWOOD IN LIEU OF SURETY BOND TO THE ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION.” This Resolution will serve as a surety bond to the Illinois Department of Transportation for any improvements completed on state highways in the Village of Streamwood during 2016 and 2017.

Trustee Carlson presented the Resolution and moved for approval. Trustee Harper seconded the motion. Public Works Director Matt Mann stated municipalities are allowed to submit a Resolution in lieu of a surety bond to IDOT for work performed in the state’s rights-of-way. 


Trustee Thon Aye Trustee Patterson Absent

Trustee Carlson Aye Trustee Baumer Aye

Trustee Cecille Aye Trustee Harper Aye

Motion carried. RESOLUTION 2016-24

Join the Streamwood Relay for Life Team, the Mad Hatters, as we raise money in support of a cure. Relay for Life is an annual walk aimed at raising money for cancer research. This year’s walk will be held on June 4 at 4:30 pm at the Community Center in Hanover Park. Come out to cheer us on or to make a donation to help in the fight against cancer.

PUBLIC WORKS - Trustee Thon/Trustee Carlson

A-16-062 Resolution – Appropriating Funds for Park Avenue Section 15-00060-00-RS

Request the Board approve a Resolution entitled “A RESOLUTION APPROVING AND AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF AN INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT WITH THE STATE OF ILLINOIS AND THE VILLAGE OF STREAMWOOD APPROPRIATING FUNDS FOR THE PARK AVENUE STU PROJECT FROM LAKE STREET TO IRVING PARK ROAD, STREAMWOOD, ILLINOIS.” The Resolution approves the execution of an Intergovernmental Agreement for Phase 3 engineering cost sharing between the Village and the State of Illinois. The total cost of the Phase 3 engineering is estimated at $744,000.00. The Village of Streamwood portion of the cost is $148,800.00. Trustee Thon presented the Resolution and moved for approval. Trustee Carlson seconded the motion. Public Works Director Matt Mann stated this agreement is needed to allow the use of federal funds for this project, acknowledging the division of costs, and funds for the local share are available. 


Trustee Carlson Aye Trustee Baumer Aye

Trustee Cecille Aye Trustee Harper Aye

Trustee Thon Aye Trustee Patterson Absent

Motion carried. RESOLUTION 2016-25

A-16-063 Resolution – Motor Fuel Tax Fund for Park Avenue Section 15-00060-00-RS

Request the Board approve a Resolution entitled “RESOLUTION FOR IMPROVEMENT BY MUNICIPALITY UNDER THE ILLINOIS HIGHWAY CODE.” This Resolution authorizes the appropriation of Motor Fuel Tax Funds for the Park Avenue resurfacing project. Trustee Thon presented the Resolution and moved for approval. Trustee Cecille seconded the motion. Public Works Director Matt Mann stated this is the IDOT resolution required to use MFT funds for this project. 


Trustee Baumer Aye Trustee Cecille Aye

Trustee Harper Aye Trustee Thon Aye

Trustee Patterson Absent Trustee Carlson Aye

Motion carried. RESOLUTION 2016-26

A-16-064 Resolution – Park Avenue Phase 3 Engineering – Professional Services

Request the Board approve a Resolution entitled “A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE VILLAGE PRESIDENT TO EXECUTE ON BEHALF OF THE VILLAGE AND AUTHORIZING THE VILLAGE CLERK TO ATTEST TO A PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH HR GREEN, INC.” This Resolution approves the engineering services for Phase 3 engineering services on Park Avenue for a cost not to exceed $38,446.66. Trustee Thon presented the Resolution and moved for approval. Trustee Carlson seconded the motion. Public Works Director Matt Mann stated this agreement will provide for the stringent engineering and construction supervision for the Park Avenue project. 


Trustee Cecille Aye Trustee Harper Aye

Trustee Thon Aye Trustee Patterson Absent

Trustee Carlson Aye Trustee Baumer Aye

Motion carried. RESOLUTION 2016-27

FINANCE - Trustee Harper/Trustee Thon

A-16-065 Motion – Approval of Semi-Monthly Expenditures

Request the Board approve the semi-monthly expenditures in the amount of $423,998.06 which represents the total of the schedule of bills dated June 2, 2016.

General Fund $118,690.57

Wetland Special Service Area 21,281.52

Street Improvement Fund 20,747.15

Equipment Replacement Fund 1,975.00

Facilities Equipment Replacement Fund 159,667.55

Water and Sewer Fund 60,522.02

Golf Fund 26,078.39

Police Pension Fund 8,000.00

Firefighters Pension Fund 7,035.86

Total $423,998.06

Trustee Harper moved for approval of the semi-monthly expenditures as presented. Trustee Cecille seconded the motion. 


Trustee Harper Aye Trustee Thon Aye

Trustee Patterson Absent Trustee Carlson Aye

Trustee Baumer Aye Trustee Cecille Aye

Motion carried.

PUBLIC SAFETY - Trustee Baumer/Trustee Cecille I-16-003 Law Enforcement Torch Run for the Special Olympics Members of the Streamwood Police Department took part in the annual Special Olympics “Cop on Top” fundraiser on May 20. The Streamwood Police Department raised over $2,800 to benefit Special Olympic athletes. This fundraiser leads into the Law Enforcement Torch Run, which will be held on Sunday, June 5, at 7:30 am. All are welcome to come out and run with members of the Streamwood, Bartlett and Hanover Park Police Departments. Our officers will run along Golf Road, from Route 59 to Barrington Road, where they will hand the torch off to the Hoffman Estates and Schaumburg Police Departments.



Trustee Baumer moved to adjourn to Closed Session for discussion regarding the appointment, employment compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the public body, or legal counsel for the public body. Trustee Thon seconded the motion. 


Trustee Thon Aye Trustee Patterson Absent

Trustee Carlson Aye Trustee Baumer Aye

Trustee Cecille Aye Trustee Harper Aye

Motion carried. The Village Board adjourned to Closed Session at 8:52 p.m.

Billie D. Roth Kittie L. Kopitke

Village President Village Clerk

Approved this 16th day of June 2016