
North Cook News

Monday, March 31, 2025

Streamwood board of trustees to meet, hold closed session on collective negotiations


Board will meet at 7 p.m. tomorrow to consider ordinances and hold closed session.

Board will meet at 7 p.m. tomorrow to consider ordinances and hold closed session.

The Village of Streamwood board of trustees will meet at 7 p.m. tomorrow, March 3, in the Council Chambers at Village Hall, 301 E. Irving Park Road.

The board will hear the second reading of an ordinance regarding surplus property. Unneeded and outdated items will be declared surplus and sold or discarded, or donated to other organizations. The board will also hear a special use permit for the sale of packaged alcohol at the Streamwood Cash 'N Carry. 

Two motions for the purchase of asphalt and an alternative source for asphalt paving material are on the agenda. The low bid for asphalt was placed by Plote Construction. If asphalt is not available from Plote Construction, Arrow Road Construction may be used as an alternate source. The board will also consider a motion for the purchase of two 2016 Ford Expeditions for the fire and police departments. The funds for the vehicles were included in the 2016 budget in the Equipment Replacement Fund.

In addition to the various ordinances and resolutions, the board will hear a presentation on the Poplar Creek Flood Risk Assessment Survey. The Illinois Department of Natural Resources, Office of Water Resources and Illinois State Water Survey will be evaluating flood threats along Poplar Creek. The survey crew will have to enter residential and business properties to acquire the first floor and entry elevations.

After dispensing with regular business, the board will retire to a closed session to discuss collective bargaining and salary schedules.