
North Cook News

Sunday, March 30, 2025

Final report of Local Government Consolidation and Unfunded Mandates Task Force now available


The final report of the Local Government Consolidation and Unfunded Mandates Task Force has been made available online.

The final report of the Local Government Consolidation and Unfunded Mandates Task Force has been made available online.

Prospect Heights recently posted the link to the final report of the Local Government Consolidation and Unfunded Mandates Task Force.

The State of Illinois created a task force intended to streamline government. To make the government more efficient and effective, the task force released a 406-page report regarding consolidation and unfunded mandates. The City of Prospect Heights provided the link on the city website, so its residents can access the full report. 

Major concerns include high property taxes, local taxes and fees which pay for the unfunded mandates imposed on local governments by the state. Cities and townships, such as Prospect Heights, must pass the costs of these mandates on to their residents. Illinois residents pay the second highest property tax rates in the nation.

The task force endorsed 27 recommendations regarding local government consolidation and unfunded mandates. Among the recommendations were consolidating local township governments; regional sharing of services, assets and personnel; and giving townships more freedom in negotiating with unions.

Recommendations regarding unfunded mandates included requiring an annual state review of the unfunded mandates imposed on local governments and passing a constitutional amendment that requires the state to reimburse school districts for increased expenses incurred due to future state mandates.

The task force endorsed 27 recommendations, and all the submitted suggestions are included in the full report. After submitting the final report, the 20-member task force was dissolved, per state law.