Rolling Meadows tennis player Shashwat Srivatsa is ranked 215th in the junior Boys’ 14 category of the United States Tennis Association in the week ending May 29.
How much did Illinois teacher Suzanne E. Taylor make with School District U46 before retiring, according to contribution data accumulated from FOIA requests?
Palatine tennis player Andrew Spurck is ranked 318th in the junior Boys’ 16 category of the United States Tennis Association in the week ending May 29.
On average, during the three-day period beginning May 27, just over three Cook County residents died daily as a result of complications related to a COVID-19 infection.
How much did retired Illinois teacher Judy A. Kenning contribute to retirement savings by the end of their career, according to contribution data accumulated from FOIA requests?
How much did Illinois teacher Margaret H. Atols make with Evanston Community Consolidated School District 65 before retiring, according to contribution data accumulated from FOIA requests?
How much did Illinois teacher Susan M. Venegas make with School District U46 before retiring, according to contribution data accumulated from FOIA requests?
How much did Illinois teacher Ellen M. Carp make with Palatine Township High School District 211 before retiring, according to contribution data accumulated from FOIA requests?
How much did Illinois teacher Valerie E. Janicki make with School District U46 before retiring, according to contribution data accumulated from FOIA requests?
How much did retired Illinois teacher Elizabeth R. Schwartz contribute to retirement savings by the end of their career, according to contribution data accumulated from FOIA requests?
Prospect Heights tennis player Vincent Terekhin is ranked 713th in the junior Boys’ 12 category of the United States Tennis Association in the week ending May 29.