Wheeling Township
Recent News About Wheeling Township
Who are Wheeling Township's highest-paid employees?
Here are the 29 highest-paid employees of Wheeling Township, according to 2015 Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund (IMRF) records:
Wheeling Township holds board meeting, funds audit
Members of the Wheeling Township board of trustees met Tuesday, May 24.
Northbrook board of trustees met, held public hearing on 2015 property tax levy
Public hearing on 2015 property tax levy held at Northbrook board of trustees meeting.
Learn how to successfully appeal Wheeling Township property tax assessment
A free Wheeling Township seminar on how to appeal a property tax assessment will be held at 6:30 p.m. on Dec. 3 at Saint Alphonsus Liguori Parish, 411 N. Wheeling Road, in Prospect Heights.Cook County Board of Review Commissioner Dan Patlak, Prospect Heights Mayor Nicholas Helmer and Wheeling Township Assessor Jerry Sadler will lead the hour-long seminar for taxpayers appealing their 2015 property tax assessments.