Carol J. Rauschenberger, Council Member | City of Elgin
Carol J. Rauschenberger, Council Member | City of Elgin
City of Elgin Committee of the Whole met Feb. 26
Here are the minutes provided by the committee:
The regular Committee of the Whole meeting was called to order by Mayor Kaptain at 6:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers. Present: Councilmembers Dixon, Good, Martinez, Ortiz, Powell, Rauschenberger, Steffen, Thoren, and Mayor Kaptain. Absent: None.
Approval of Minutes
Councilmember Steffen made a motion, seconded by Councilmember Martinez, to approve the minutes of the February 12, 2025 regular meeting. Upon a roll call vote: Yeas: Councilmembers Dixon, Good, Martinez, Ortiz, Powell, Rauschenberger, Steffen, Thoren, and Mayor Kaptain.
Nays: None.
Public Comment
Todd Erickson talked about solar farms and their benefits to the community.
Sherry Liske commented on the lead service line replacement and filtered water pitcher program; ICE deportations; having a designated department of health for the city; and the upcoming consolidated elections.
Scott Birkeland stated his concerns about the proposed Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) ban.
U.S. Route 20 and Reinking Road Roundabout Project—Facility Relocation Agreement with Northern Illinois Gas Company (NICOR Gas)
A resolution was presented at the Council meeting for adoption to enter into the facility relocation agreement with Nicor Gas in an amount estimated at $500,000 to reimburse Nicor Gas for statutorily defined expenses attributable to moving its natural gas facilities from within a privately held easement into State of Illinois right-of-way.
Emergency Medical Service Billing, Collection and Management Reporting—Contract with EMS Management & Consultants, Inc.
A resolution was presented at the Council meeting for adoption to award a contract to EMS Management & Consultants, Inc. in the amount of $160,000 to minimize the staffing costs associated with emergency medical service billing and maximize collection of transport fees.
Sale of General Obligation Corporate Purpose Bonds to Finance Utility Fund Projects
Councilmember Good made a motion, seconded by Councilmember Steffen, to authorize the sale of General Obligation Corporate Purpose Bonds, Series 2025, for an amount not to exceed $25,539,300 to provide funding to finance the improvement of underground utilities. Upon a roll call vote: Yeas: Councilmembers Dixon, Good, Martinez, Ortiz, Powell, Rauschenberger, Steffen, Thoren, and Mayor Kaptain. Nays: None.
Preston Avenue and Cooper Avenue Stormwater Improvements—Design Engineering Services Agreement with HR Green, Inc.
Councilmember Powell made a motion, seconded by Councilmember Martinez, to enter into an agreement with HR Green, Inc. in the amount of $250,903 to develop an engineering solution to mitigate recurring on- and off-street stormwater flooding at the intersection of Preston Avenue and Cooper Avenue. Upon a roll call vote: Yeas: Councilmembers Dixon, Good, Martinez, Ortiz, Powell, Rauschenberger, Steffen, Thoren, and Mayor Kaptain. Nays: None.
Lincoln Avenue Stormwater Improvements—Design Engineering Services Agreement with HR Green, Inc.
Councilmember Steffen made a motion, seconded by Councilmember Good, to enter into an agreement with HR Green, Inc., in the amount of $99,995 to develop an engineering solution to mitigate recurring on- and off-street storm water flooding near the intersection of Lincoln Avenue and Logan Avenue. Upon a roll call vote: Yeas: Councilmembers Dixon, Good, Martinez, Ortiz, Powell, Rauschenberger, Steffen, Thoren, and Mayor Kaptain. Nays: None.
Water Pitcher Filter Distribution and Water Sampling—Agreement with 120Water
Councilmember Ortiz made a motion, seconded by Councilmember Steffen, to approve an amendment to extend the service agreement with 120Water in the amount of $309,872 to provide services consistent with Illinois Environmental Protection Agency and United States Environmental Protection Agency regulations during the city’s completion and implementation of the optimal corrosion control treatment study. Upon a roll call vote: Yeas: Councilmembers Dixon, Good, Martinez, Ortiz, Powell, Rauschenberger, Steffen, Thoren, and Mayor Kaptain. Nays: None.
Water System “Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition” (SCADA) Upgrade— Agreement with Wunderlich-Malec
Councilmember Good made a motion, seconded by Councilmember Steffen, to award a contract to Wunderlich-Malec in the amount of $154,200 for the upgrades to the water system SCADA software to provide reliable and adequate water supply by improving control systems and treatment processes. Upon a roll call vote: Yeas: Councilmembers Dixon, Good, Martinez, Ortiz, Powell, Rauschenberger, Steffen, Thoren, and Mayor Kaptain. Nays: None.
Uniform Building and Life Safety Codes Updates—Adoption by Reference
Councilmember Thoren made a motion, seconded by Councilmember Martinez, to authorize moving forward with the adoption by reference of the International Code Council, National Fire Protection Association and the State of Illinois to replace existing versions of those codes currently being enforced by the city. Upon a roll call vote: Yeas: Councilmembers Dixon, Good, Martinez, Ortiz, Powell, Rauschenberger, Steffen, Thoren, and Mayor Kaptain. Nays: None.
Wing Park Master Plan, Inclusive Playground Design and Engineering Services with Upland Design, Ltd.
Jen Hermonson, Parks and Recreations Director, presented information on the next three initiatives. There was discussion regarding the bandshell seating, the basketball courts and the timeline of the projects.
Councilmember Ortiz made a motion, seconded by Councilmember Steffen, to enter into an agreement with Upland Design, Ltd., in the amount of $355,740 to complete the final architectural and engineering design elements, prepare construction documents, submit permitting documents, provide bid assistance, and construction management for the master plan, inclusive playground design, and engineering services at Wing Park. Upon a roll call vote: Yeas: Councilmembers Dixon, Good, Martinez, Ortiz, Powell, Rauschenberger, Steffen, Thoren, and Mayor Kaptain. Nays: None.
Randall Ridge Playground Renovation—Design and Engineering Services with Upland Design, Ltd.
Councilmember Powell made a motion, seconded by Councilmember Ortiz, to enter into an agreement with Upland Design, Ltd. in the amount of $44,250 to complete the final architectural and engineering design elements, prepare construction documents, submit permitting documents, provide bid assistance and construction management for the renovation of the playground at Randall Ridge Park. Upon a roll call vote: Yeas: Councilmembers Dixon, Good, Martinez, Ortiz, Powell, Rauschenberger, Steffen, Thoren, and Mayor Kaptain. Nays: None.
Independent Fitness Contractor Service Agreement
Councilmember Good made a motion, seconded by Councilmember Dixon, to approve an agreement for one independent fitness contractor in the amount of $30,000 to provide patrons of The Edward Schock Centre of Elgin with quality fitness instruction and personal training. Upon a roll call vote: Yeas: Councilmembers Dixon, Good, Martinez, Ortiz, Powell, Rauschenberger, Steffen, Thoren, and Mayor Kaptain. Nays: None.
Announcements from Council
Councilmember Ortiz announced the Friend of the Masons St. Patrick’s Day Pub Crawl being held on March 8, 2025 in downtown Elgin.
Announcements from Staff
Councilmember Good made a motion, seconded by Councilmember Martinez, to adjourn the meeting. Upon a roll call vote: Yeas: Councilmembers Dixon, Good, Martinez, Ortiz, Powell, Rauschenberger, Steffen, Thoren, and Mayor Kaptain. Nays: None.
The meeting adjourned at 6:44 p.m.