Kathryn Brady, Village Clerk | Village of Wheeling Website
Kathryn Brady, Village Clerk | Village of Wheeling Website
Village of Wheeling Plan Commission met March 12
Here is the agenda provided by the commission:
1. Call to Order
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Roll Call
4. Changes to the Agenda
5. Citizens Concerns and Comments
A. Citizens Concerns and Comments
6. Consent Items
7. Items for Review
A. Docket No. PSPMIN25-0005, Request for Minor Site Plan and Appearance Approval for the Construction of a 6' Tall Chain Link Fence with 1' Barb Extension for Aqualab Water Treatment, Inc. (2200 Foster Avenue).
B. Docket No. PSPMIN25-0001, Request for Minor Site Plan Approval for Rennovations to the Playgrounds at Booth Tarkington Elementary School (310 Scott Street).
C. Docket No. PSPMIN25-0003, Request for Minor Site Plan Approval for Renovations to the Playgrounds and Fields at Mark Twain Elementary School (515 Merle Lane).
D. Docket No. PSPMIN25-0004, Request for Minor Site Plan Approval for Site Improvements at Walt Whitman Elementary School (133 Wille Avenue).
8. Approval of Minutes
A. Approval of Minutes of the Regular Meeting of February 12, 2025 (including the Findings of Fact for PSU25-0001).
9. Other Business
10. Adjournment
A. Adjournment