Tish S. Powell, Council Member | City of Elgin
Tish S. Powell, Council Member | City of Elgin
City of Elgin Sustainability Commission met Jan. 21
Here are the minutes provided by the commission:
A. Call to Order
1. Chairman Armstrong called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.
B. Roll Call
1. Commissioners Present: Tom Armstrong (Chair), David Jurina
1. Also Present: City Staff Jessica VanDyke, and Council Liaison Carol Rauschenberger
2. Commissioners Absent: Commissioners Dan Brosier, Jeff Biss, Frankie Garcia, Sharene Gould Dulabaum, Dekovia Livingston, Alejandro Guzman and Leslie Porter
C. Public Comment
No Public Comment was made.
D. Business Items
1. Discussion on 2025 Earth Summit Event Planning
Commissioners discussed their vision for the event, possible locations, event dates and event logistics to consider.
2. Identify next steps
Commissioners identified next steps in planning the event, including contacting the Centre’s Heritage Ballroom, and setting up additional planning meetings.
A motion was made by Commissioner Gould Dulabaum to submit the letter to the city council and city managers’ office once it is complete. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Garcia. The motion passed unanimously.
E. Commissioner Comments and Reports
F. Adjourn
Chair Armstrong adjourned the meeting at 7:00pm.