City of Elgin Mayor David Kaptain | City of Elgin / Facebook
City of Elgin Mayor David Kaptain | City of Elgin / Facebook
City of Elgin Heritage Commission met Jan. 7
Here are the minutes provided by the commission:
A. The meeting of the Elgin Heritage Commission was called to order at 6:01 p.m. in the City Council Chambers by Chairman John Marston.
1. Members Present: Rebecca Hunter, Tonya Luchetti, Marge Rowe, Dennis Roxworthy and John Marston.
2. Members Absent: Christina Pila, John Regan
3. City Staff Present: Christen Sundquist, Historic Preservation Planner
B. Approval of Minutes:
1. A motion was made by Commissioner Rowe to approve the November 5, 2024 minutes as submitted.
The motion was seconded by Commissioner Roxworthy.
The motion passed unanimously.
C. Recognize Persons Present: Linda Eder and Gina Orazi
D. Plaque applications:
1. 514 Hubbard Avenue: The plaque nomination received the following average scores: Historic Significance 6.5; Architectural Significance: 6.75; Current Maintenance: 9.00.
A motion was made by Commissioner Roxworthy to approve awarding the plaque for the property with the inscription that would read D. & P. (Donald and Phyllis) Shaw, 1961.
The motion was seconded by Commissioner Rowe.
The motion passed 4-0-1 (Hunter abstained).
2. 256 E. Chicago Street: The plaque nomination received the following average scores: Historic Significance 10.00; Architectural Significance: 10.00; Current Maintenance: 10.00.
A motion was made by Commissioner Luchetti to approve awarding the plaque for the property with the inscription that would read 1st Congregational Church, 1889.
The motion was seconded by Commissioner Roxworthy.
The motion passed 4-0-1 (Hunter abstained).
E. Old Business
1. Reports from Neighborhood Groups on Heritage Related Activities
a. Commissioner Rowe noted the following:
i. Elgin History Museum had several programs since the last meeting including Holiday Tea and Lee Wards Ornaments. She noted that George Rowe and Bill Briska installed a history book donation shelf at the history museum where you can donate history books and buy gently used books for $5. There was also a fundraiser at the cobblestone where visitors could take photographs with Santa and a Christmas party for the museum’s volunteers.
ii. Commissioner Rowe also noted that the Lords Park Zoo has four new deer.
b. Staff noted that there is an upcoming House Tour Meeting at the Elgin History Museum on Thursday, January 9th.
2. 2024 Elgin Heritage Commission Goals
a. Historic Resources Survey
Staff noted that she is working with Commissioner Hunter on the executive summary for the survey. This should be completed by the March meeting.
b. Bungalow Website
No update
3. Design Review Subcommittee
No update.
4. 2024 Marketing and Outreach Plan
a. Educational Videos
Commissioner Luchetti played the first video of the three-series set regarding window repairs/replacement with DRSC Chairman Scott Savel. Special thanks to Alex Hudson, a senior at South Elgin High School’s Beacon Academy for volunteering to create this video.
The commissioners thanked Commissioner Luchetti for all of her work for putting together the video and organizing this video series. Chairman Marston noted that the commission should play the videos at the Mayor’s Awards as a break in the ceremony: show first video after welcome note, second video before plaques and third before Mayor’s Awards.
The next video in the series will be about Heritage Plaques with Rebecca Hunter.
The videos will be placed on the Historic Preservation page on the website along with
b. Gail Borden Library – Proposed Event
Commissioner Hunter noted that this will be proposed lectures at the Gail Borden Public Library and asked if this could be discussed further at the February meeting.
5. 2025 Preservation Month
Staff noted that a call for nominations will be announced on January 10th. She asked the commission to think of people and groups that could be nominated this year. Chairman Marston noted that Rich Castle, artist, will have 30 paintings of Elgin’s historic homes of which we could display at the Mayor’s Awards to encourage attendees to view the exhibit at the History Museum in May.
F. New Business
a. 2024 Budget Wrap Up Report; 2025 Budget Projections
Staff noted that some fees will increase in the 2025 year such as the HistoricElgin website and NAPC membership dues.
b. Grant Programs
Staff noted that City Council approved the creation of a Paint Grant for low-tomoderate owner occupied properties within the Elgin National Watch Historic District. This grant does not have the matching requirements as the Historic Rehab grant. The maximum amount is $15,000 per property. The commission noted that this will be impactful grant for this area.
Staff also noted that the Historic Rehabilitation Grant along with the Paint Grant will be announced on January 17th with a deadline of March 28th at 5:00PM.
c. HistoricElgin website
Staff noted that they are working with the Elgin History Museum and their web developer to fix the issues on the website. They are hopeful that their developer will have the site fixed by the next meeting.
G. Other Business
Staff noted that the Elgin Heritage Commission will likely have two new commissioners at the February meeting.
H. Adjournment
A motion was made by Commissioner Roxworthy to adjourn the meeting. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Rowe and passed unanimously. The meeting was adjourned at7:03 p.m.