
North Cook News

Monday, March 31, 2025

City of Elgin Committee of the Whole met Dec. 18

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Corey D. Dixon, Council Member | City of Elgin

Corey D. Dixon, Council Member | City of Elgin

City of Elgin Committee of the Whole met Dec. 18

Here are the minutes provided by the committee:

The regular Committee of the Whole meeting was called to order by Mayor Kaptain at 6:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers. Present: Councilmembers Dixon (attended via phone), Good, Martinez, Ortiz, Powell, Rauschenberger, Steffen, Thoren, and Mayor Kaptain. Absent: None.

Councilmember Ortiz made a motion, seconded by Councilmember Martinez, to approve Councilmember Dixon’s request to attended electronically. Upon a roll call vote: Yeas: Councilmembers Good, Martinez, Ortiz, Powell, Rauschenberger, Steffen, Thoren, and Mayor Kaptain. Nays: None.

Approval of Minutes

Councilmember Good made a motion, seconded by Councilmember Martinez, to approve the minutes of the December 4, 2024 regular meeting. Upon a roll call vote: Yeas: Councilmembers Dixon, Good, Martinez, Ortiz, Powell, Rauschenberger, Steffen, Thoren, and Mayor Kaptain. Nays: None.

Public Comments

Tia Aageson spoke about the situation at Tent City and the collaborative approach to ensure residents safety.

Randy Slote stated his concerns about relocated Tent City residents to a hotel within proximity to a school.

Relocation and Sheltering of Individuals Experiencing Homelessness—Agreement with Litchfield Motel, Inc., d/b/a Lexington Inn & Suites

A resolution was presented at the Council meeting for adoption by the City Council to relocate and shelter the individuals residing in the encampment on city-owned property commonly referred to as “Tent City” in the Lexington Inn & Suites at 1585 Dundee Avenue for a fourmonth duration while alternative housing options are being identified.

Country Knolls South 2025 Resurfacing Project —Design Engineering Services Agreement with Hampton, Lenzini & Renwick, Inc.

Councilmember Good made a motion, seconded by Councilmember Martinez, to enter into an agreement with Hampton, Lenzini & Renwick, Inc. for an amount not to exceed $253,720 to analyze, design, and prepare construction documents for the resurfacing of various collector and residential streets for the 2025 neighborhood street and 2025 collector street resurfacing programs. Upon a roll call vote: Yeas: Councilmembers Dixon, Good, Martinez, Ortiz, Powell, Rauschenberger, Steffen, Thoren, and Mayor Kaptain. Nays: None.

Elgin Fire Station Locker Rooms and City Hall Work/Storage Rooms—Job Order

Contract Change Order No. 1

Councilmember Steffen made a motion, seconded by Councilmember Martinez, to approve Change Order No. 1 to the contract with F.H. Paschen in the amount of $66,142 to compensate the contractor for additional and necessary repairs addressing unforeseen conditions discovered after work on the project began and not reflected in the original scope of work. Upon a roll call vote: Yeas: Councilmembers Dixon, Good, Martinez, Ortiz, Powell, Rauschenberger, Steffen, Thoren, and Mayor Kaptain. Nays: None.

Elgin Police Department Concrete—Job Order Contract Change Order No. 1

Councilmember Steffen made a motion, seconded by Councilmember Martinez, to approve Change Order No. 1 to the contract with F.H. Paschen in the amount of $51,482 to compensate the contractor for the addition of limestone and concrete masonry unit (CMU) block wall replacement plus handrail repairs and additional miscellaneous work. Upon a roll call vote: Yeas: Councilmembers Dixon, Good, Martinez, Ortiz, Powell, Rauschenberger, Steffen, Thoren, and Mayor Kaptain. Nays: None.

Announcements from Council

Councilmember Martinez extended condolences to the families of Marlene Shales and Risé Jones. She commented on their impact on the community.

Councilmember Powell extended condolences to the families of Marlene Shales and Risé Jones and their impact on the community. She also extended condolence to Councilman Dixon on the loss of his mother. The impact of the loss of Dreanna Booker a victim of domestic violence.

Announcements from Staff

Rick Kozal, City Manager, announced upcoming city events.


Councilmember Good made a motion, seconded by Councilmember Martinez, to adjourn and go into the Executive Session for the purpose of discussing the following matters. Upon a roll call vote: Yeas: Councilmembers Dixon, Good, Martinez, Ortiz, Powell, Rauschenberger, Steffen, Thoren, and Mayor Kaptain. Nays: None.

Appointment, Employment, Compensation, Discipline, Performance or Dismissal of Specific Employees of the Public Body – Exempt Under Section 120/2(c)(1) of the Open Meetings Act

The meeting adjourned at 6:14 p.m.
