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Village of Wheeling Plan Commission met Dec. 4
Here are the minutes provided by the commission:
Chairman Johnson called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. on December 4, 2024.
Present were Commissioners Riles, Smart, Sprague, Hyken, Myer, Kasper and Johnson. Also present were Village Planner Marcy Knysz and Village Attorney Mallory Milluzzi.
A. Docket No. PSPMIN24-0009
140 Shepard Avenue, Unit H
Request for Minor Site Plan and Appearance Approval for Construction of an Outdoor Storage Area for IPI Stone
Ms. Knysz explained that the petitioner was seeking minor site plan and appearance approval to establish an outdoor storage area adjacent to the existing one-story industrial building, for storage of large granite/stone materials. The proposed 16'x25' outdoor storage area is to be enclosed by a six-foot tall white vinyl fence adjacent to the west wall of the building. The fenced outdoor storage area would extend 16’ from the building wall to align with the adjacent parking space depth so that the existing drive aisle will be maintained and would not impede traffic circulation around the building. An exhibit of the proposed fence was presented to illustrate the proposed appearance of the fence, which will be a six-foot white vinyl fence.
The fence will be 3 sided and include a sliding gate on the west side of the enclosure.
Mr. Adam Findlay, attorney, was present on behalf of the business owner. Mr. Findlay gave an overview of the project. In response to Commissioner Hyken’s question, Mr. Findlay stated that the business did not have any plansto expand further. In response to Commissioner Sprague’s question, Mr. Findlay stated that the enclosure would not extend beyond the limits of the existing parking spaces and would therefore not impede any truck movement north of the proposed enclosure.
Commissioner Myer moved, seconded by Commissioner Kasper to approve Docket No. PSPMIN24-0009, granting minor site plan and appearance approval as required under Title 19, Zoning, of the Wheeling Municipal Code and Chapter 19-12, to construct an outdoor storage area and associated improvements, for the property located at 140 Shepard Avenue, Unit H, in accordance with the Project Narrative (received by the Village 11/19/2024), Site Plan (received by the Village 11/19/2024), Proposed Fence Panel Exhibit, and subject to the following conditions:
1. The following shall be included with the Application for Building Permit:
a. Include details for the fence panels and sliding gate.
b. Indicate on the Site Plan that steel posts shall be used for construction of the sliding gate.
c. Include a note on the Site Plan stating that the finished side of the fence shall face towards the outside of the enclosed area.
d. Provide manufacturer’s specification sheet for the fence panels to confirm it is a commercial grade fence product.
2. A Wheeling Building Permit shall be applied for and obtained prior to the start of any construction.
On the roll call, the vote was as follows:
AYES: Commissioners Sprague, Smart, Riles, Hyken, Johnson, Kasper, Myer
NAYS: None
There being seven affirmative votes, the motion was approved.
B. Docket No. PSPMIN24-0040
2251 Foster Avenue
Request for Minor Appearance Review to Change the Facade of a Building for Ikon Real Estate, LLC
Ms. Knysz stated that the petitioner, property owner, was seeking building appearance approval for changes to the exterior building façade for the existing industrial building located at 2251 Foster Avenue.
The front (southwest) façade of the industrial building was recently altered by removing the arched brick openings and associated windows and replacing them with square windows. The façade was filled in with brick around the new square windows. The petitioner stated this was completed using the existing structural steel beam and the width of the opening was not changed. The petitioner also include a request to install new composite cladding siding over the exterior brick wall on the west and south façades. Staff included a condition that the new siding be continued across the north façade of the office portion of the building. Due to the lack of landscaping along the building frontage and street frontage, staff requested additional landscaping be planted as part of the project. The petitioner proposed to install three (3) birch trees in front of the building.
Mr. Piotr Gawron, building owner, came forward. He noted that they did not touch the steel beam in the windows so he did not think a permit was required, which was also told to him by the Village inspector.
Commissioner Riles asked about the overall plan for the building.
Commissioner Myer asked about the landscaping that was removed from in front of the windows and also about the size of the opening. Mr. Gawron noted that the landscaping in front of the windows was removed a few years ago due to the installation of the handicapped ramp and also stated that the larger window opening is a more modern look. In response to Commissioner Myer’s question, Mr. Gawron stated that the rooftop units would be removed in the future when they replace the roof, probably in the spring. The work is being performed in stages. Mr. Gawron also stated that the only signage proposed is as shown on the rendering. Ms. Knysz reminded him to get the necessary permits.
Commissioner Sprague asked about the wooden shed at the back of the building. Mr. Gawron confirmed it was temporary and would be removed.
Commissioner Smart asked if he only wanted to do siding on two sides of the building. Mr. Gawron confirmed that was the case and explained it was expensive to do more than that. The north side would be blocked by the loading dock. They may come back in the future to do more of the building. Mr. Gawron asked if he would need to get approval to paint the building and Ms. Knysz responded that he would need approval from the Plan Commission.
Chairman Johnson asked about the location of the composite cladding. Mr. Gawron explained why they did not want to install the cladding on the north façade.
Ms. Knysz read the proposed conditions:
1. A Wheeling Building Permit shall be applied for from the Community Development Department for the previous alteration of the windows.
2. A Wheeling Building Permit shall be applied for and secured from the Community Development Department prior to installation of the exterior siding.
3. The new composite cladding siding shall extend across the north side of the office portion of the building. This shall be confirmed at permitting.
4. Three (3) birch trees, a minimum caliper size of 2 inches, shall be installed by June 15, 2025.
The trees shall be installed in a landscaped bed finished with a minimum of 3 inches of mulch.
The Plan Commission took a poll and everyone agreed to remove the condition requiring cladding to be installed on the north façade.
Commissioner Sprague noted that cleaning up the brick and adding nice trim around the windows would be a lot cheaper that adding the siding. Mr. Gawron stated that he really liked the siding.
Commissioner Myer moved, seconded by Commissioner Kasper to approve Docket No. PSPMIN24-0040, granting minor building appearance approval asrequired under Title 19, Zoning, of the Wheeling Municipal Code and Chapter 19-12, to modify the building façade, for the property located at 2251 Foster Avenue, in accordance with the Petitioner’s Project Description Letter prepared by Piotr Gawron; Elevation Drawing, received by the Village on11/26/2024; Rendering, received by the Village on 11/26/2024; Siding Example; Before and After Photos Exhibit; Plat of Survey, received by the Village on 11/26/2024; and subject to the following conditions:
1. A Wheeling Building Permit shall be applied for from the Community Development Department for the previous alteration of the windows.
2. A Wheeling Building Permit shall be applied for and secured from the Community Development Department prior to installation of the exterior siding.
3. Three (3) birch trees, a minimum caliper size of 2 inches, shall be installed by June 15, 2025. The trees shall be installed in a landscaped bed finished with a minimum of 3 inches of mulch.
On the roll call, the vote was as follows:
AYES: Commissioners Sprague, Smart, Riles, Hyken, Johnson, Kasper, Myer
NAYS: None
There being seven affirmative votes, the motion was approved.
C. Docket No. PSPMIN24-0039
231 N. Milwaukee Ave.
Request for Minor Site Plan Approval for a Parking Lot for K-Beauty Koreana - Continued
Ms. Knysz explained that the petitioner was seeking minor site plan approval to establish an off-street parking plan designating the required number of parking spaces for a new business. The petitioner will occupy the first floor for a new office and storage area for K-Beaty Koreana, which has its primary location in Niles and will also occupy the residential unit on the second floor of the building. The subject property is located within the B-3 Zoning District and is utilized for commercial uses on the first floor. The former residential structure also includes a residential unit on the second floor. A single apartment is permitted in the B-3 Zoning District only for the use of the owner or operator of the premises. In addition to establishing parking for the ground-floor commercial space, the proposed parking plan also designates two parking stalls for the second-floor apartment unit within the existing detached garage.
The petitioner had submitted a Site Plan to accommodate the required parking, including one ADA parking space and a 5’ wide walkway to connect the ADA space to the front door on the south side of the budling.
However, since the application had been submitted, the striping portion of the project had been completed without a permit. A permit would still need to be obtained and the walkway portion of the project had not been completed. The Village’s Engineering Division would need to inspect the striping to ensure it was constructed per plan. In addition, the walkway and ADA ramp would also need to be installed on the south side of the property.
Commissioner Hyken noted his concern for handicapped individuals because the path from the ADA space to the door is not safe. Ms. Knysz responded that is was required to have a path and a ramp from the ADA space to the door on the south side of the building. This will be reviewed when the petitioner comes in for the required permit for the striping that was already completed.
Commissioner Smart asked if the petitioner did the striping and if it was correct. The petitioner stated she did the striping a month ago and would correct it if it was incorrect. Commissioner Smart stated it has to be completed in conformance with the code. Ms. Knysz stated that the Engineering Division will go out and make sure it conforms with the code, with regards to the size of the spaces.
Commissioner Myer reminded the petitioner that signage requires a permit.
Commissioner Riles inquired about the parking lot paving.
The Plan Commissioners agreed with staff and determined that foundation landscaping was required along the west façade of the building. The conditions of approval were updated accordingly.
Commissioner Myer moved, seconded by Commissioner Riles to approve Docket No. PSPMIN24-0039, granting minor site plan approval as required under Title 19, Zoning, of the Wheeling Municipal Code and Chapter 19-12, to implement a parking plan, for the property located at 231 N. Milwaukee Avenue, in accordance with the Petitioner’s Project Description Letter prepared by Sung Kim, dated 10/31/2024 and the Proposed Parking Lot Plan prepared by Onyung Kim, dated 10/24/2024, subject to the following conditions:
1. All commercial garbage collection shall remain inside the garage. If any such commercial refuse collection is located outside the garage, a trash enclosure shall be constructed in adherence to all applicable Wheeling Municipal Code regulations.
2. Landscaping shall be installed on the west side of the building by May 20, 2025 per a plan approved by the Department of Community Development. A Landscape Plan shall be submitted to the Department of Community Development by January 15, 2025 for staff review.
3. A building permit shall be obtained from the Department of Community Development prior to any commencement of any interior exterior construction.
4. A permit for the parking lot striping shall be obtained within 30 days.
5. One ADA compliant accessible route is required to serve the building. A permit shall be obtained from the Department of Community Development prior to construction.
On the roll call, the vote was as follows:
AYES: Commissioners Sprague, Smart, Riles, Hyken, Johnson, Kasper, Myer
NAYS: None
There being seven affirmative votes, the motion was approved.
D. Docket No. PSU24-0025
401 S. Milwaukee Avenue, Suite 230
Request for Special Use Approval to Permit a Recreation and Instruction Facility for Camino Wellness Center
See Findings of Fact and Recommendation for Docket No. PSU24-0025.
Commissioner Myer moved, seconded by Commissioner Smart to recommend approval of Docket No. PSU24-0025, granting Special Use, as required under Title 19, Zoning, of the Wheeling Municipal Code, Chapter 19-10 Use Regulations, and associated sections, in order to permit a recreation and instruction facility, for Camino Wellness Center, located at 401 S. Milwaukee Avenue, Suite 230, in accordance with the Petitioner’s Project Description Letter prepared by Vlad Kuperman, dated 10/18/2024 , Floor Plan, and subject to the following condition:
1. Prior to Village Board consideration of the Special Use request, the petitioner shall submit an updated Business License to the Community Development Department incorporating the new use.
On the roll call, the vote was as follows:
AYES: Commissioners Sprague, Smart, Riles, Hyken, , Kasper, Johnson, Myer
NAYS: None
There being seven affirmative votes, the motion was approved.
Commissioner Smart moved, seconded by Commissioner Myer to close Docket No. PSU24-0025.
On the roll call, the vote was as follows:
AYES: Commissioners Sprague, Smart, Riles, Hyken, Johnson, Myer, Kasper
NAYS: None
There being seven affirmative votes, the motion was approved.
Commissioner Sprague moved, seconded by Commission Myer, to approve Minutes of the Regular Meeting of November 20, 2024 (including the Finding of Fact for Docket No's. PSU24-0021 and PV24-0018).
AYES: Commissioners Sprague, Smart, Riles, Hyken, Johnson, Myer, Kasper
NAYS: None
There being seven affirmative votes, the motion was approved.
Ms. Knysz mentioned that Scooter’s was open and The Headless Horseman Arcade would be opening on Friday.
Commissioner Hyken moved, seconded by Commissioner Smart to adjourn the meeting at 7:30 p.m. The motion was approved by a voice vote.