
North Cook News

Thursday, February 13, 2025

City of Evanston City Council met Nov. 25

Webp daniel biss

Mayor Daniel Biss | City of Evanston Website

Mayor Daniel Biss | City of Evanston Website

City of Evanston City Council met Nov. 25

Here are the minutes provided by the council:

Lorraine H. Morton Civic Center, James C. Lytle City Council Chambers, Room 2800

COUNCIL PRESENT: Daniel Biss, Mayor

Krissie Harris, Councilmember

Clare Kelly, Councilmember

Melissa Wynne, 3rd Ward Councilmember

Jonathan Nieuwsma, Councilmember

Bobby Burns, Councilmember

Thomas Suffredin, Councilmember

Eleanor Revelle, Councilmember

Devon Reid, Councilmember

Juan Geracaris, Councilmember


STAFF PRESENT: Luke Stowe, City Manager

Stephanie Mendoza, City Clerk



P1. Motion to allow for remote particiaption of Council member suffredin.



Procurement Training by Corpoation Council Alexandra Ruggie


Email Public Comment from Ross Baker.


Renee Paden commentary on the City on racism and discrimination, particularly around the Paden family

Tina Paden PB1 pro-refugee housing as long as she as a local landlord is allowed to participate

David Livingston concerned about structural deficit, should be enacting a small property tax increase

Gail Kemp pro-participatory budgeting

Matt Easterday pro-participatory budgeting

Jeff Boerini do not accept the grant - table or hold

Trisha Connelly does not want a water rate increase; don't like how planned development ground floor space is being used.

Jeff Smith Does not like Envision Evanston process


SP1. Ordinance 93-O-24, Amending City Code 7-12-17 “Charges, Rates, Fees and Penalties”

Council member Nieuwsam motioned to move SP1 and SP2 together.

Staff recommends that the City Council adopt Ordinance 93-O-24, Amending City Code 7-12-17, “Charges, Rates, Fees and Penalties.” The proposed ordinance would increase water charges by 23.3%, with the exception of the affordable water rate.

Motion: Councilmember Nieuwsma

Second: Councilmember Wynne

Council member Nieuwsam motioned to move SP1 and SP2 together.

For Action

Motion Passed 9-0-0

Ayes: Harris, Kelly, Wynne, Nieuwsma, Burns, Suffredin, Revelle, Reid, and Geracaris

Nayes: None

SP2. Staff recommends City Council adoption of Ordinance 94-O-24, Amending City Code Section 7-13-3, to Decrease Sewer User Rates

Staff recommends that the City Council adopt Ordinance 94-O-24, Amending City Code Section 7-13-3, to Decrease Sewer User Rates.  This ordinance would decrease the sewer user rate by 13.5%, from $3.08 to $2.66 per billing unit (100 cubic feet of water consumed).

Motion: Councilmember Nieuwsma

Second: Councilmember Wynne

For Action

Motion Passed 9-0-0

Ayes: Harris, Kelly, Wynne, Nieuwsma, Burns, Suffredin, Revelle, Reid, and Geracaris

Nayes: None

SP3. Ordinance 97-O-24: Amending City Code Section 8-12-2-2 “License Procedures”

Staff recommends that the City Council review the 50% increase in long-term care facility fees and decide whether raising such fees is feasible.

Motion: Councilmember Reid

Second: Councilmember Nieuwsma

Moved the introduction of items SP3, SP4, SP5, and SP6 together.

Council member Reid split his motion to introduce SP3, SP4, and SP5 together and SP6 separately.

Council member Nieuwsma seconds.

Passed on a 9-0 vote.

For Introduction

Motion Passed 9-0-0

Ayes: Harris, Kelly, Wynne, Nieuwsma, Burns, Suffredin, Revelle, Reid, and Geracaris

Nayes: None

Council member Reid splits his motion to introduce SP6 on its own and moves to introduce the 101-O-24 and send it back to Planning and Development.

Council member Harris seconds.

Passed on a 9-0

It will appear on the planning and development committee on December 09th.

SP4. Ordinance 98-O-24 Amending City Code Section 10-4-5-2 "Parking in Predominantly Residential Areas"

Staff recommends that the City Council approve Ordinance 98-O-24, amending Title 10, Chapter 4, Section 5-2 “Parking in Predominantly Residential Areas” to increase the annual fees for residential parking permits.

Motion: Councilmember Reid

Second: Councilmember Nieuwsma

For Introduction

Motion Passed 9-0-0

Ayes: Harris, Kelly, Wynne, Nieuwsma, Burns, Suffredin, Revelle, Reid, and Geracaris

Nayes: None

SP5. Ordinance 99-O-24 Amending City Code Section 10-11-10 Schedule X "Limited Parking"

Staff recommends that the City Council approve Ordinance 99-O-24, amending Title 10, Chapter 11, Section 10, “Limited Parking,” to increase the parking meter rate charged at lakefront parking spaces.

Motion: Councilmember Reid

Second: Councilmember Nieuwsma

For Introduction

Motion Passed 9-0-0

Ayes: Harris, Kelly, Wynne, Nieuwsma, Burns, Suffredin, Revelle, Reid, and Geracaris

Nayes: None

SP6. Ordinance 101-O-24, Amending Title 5 – Housing Regulations, Chapter 8, Registration of Rental Residential Buildings

Staff recommends that the City Council adopt Ordinance 101-O-24, Amending Title 5, Chapter 8 of the City Code. This ordinance proposes increases to the rental registration and inspection fees and the establishment of re-inspection fees for rental residential housing units by the Property Standards staff in the Community Development Department. The result will be an increase in revenues to cover more of the cost of providing these services in 2025.

Motion: Councilmember Reid

Second: Councilmember Harris

Moved for introduction and sent it back to the Development Committee to appear on their December 09th agenda.

For Introduction

Motion Passed 9-0-0

Ayes: Harris, Kelly, Wynne, Nieuwsma, Burns, Suffredin, Revelle, Reid, and Geracaris

Nayes: None

Moved for introduction and sent it back to the Development Committee to appear on their December 09th agenda.

SP7. Ordinance 103-O-24, Amending Title 4 - Building Regulations, Chapter 16 Vacant Buildings

Staff recommends that the City Council adopt Ordinance 103-O-24, amending Section 4-16-4 of the Building Regulations to increase the vacant building inspection and registration fees.

Motion: Councilmember Reid

Second: Councilmember Harris

Council member Reid moved to introduce Ordinance 103-O-24 and refer to the Planning and Development Committee.

For Introduction

Motion Passed 9-0-0

Ayes: Harris, Kelly, Wynne, Nieuwsma, Burns, Suffredin, Revelle, Reid, and Geracaris

Nayes: None

SP8. Ordinance 78-O-24: City of Evanston 2024 Tax Levy

Staff recommends the adoption of Ordinance 78-O-24, Levying taxes in the City of Evanston, for the Fiscal Year Beginning January 1, 2025, and Ending December 31, 2025. Ordinance 78-O-24 will levy the annual property tax for General Operations, the Human Services Fund, the Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund (IMRF), Police and Fire Pension Funds, and the Solid Waste Fund totaling $34,912,720 as extended (including a 2.50% loss factor). This represents an increase of 0.4% over the 2023 levy of $34,783,403 as extended.

Motion: Councilmember Reid

Second: Councilmember Revelle

For Action

Motion Passed 8-1-0

Ayes: Kelly, Wynne, Nieuwsma, Burns, Suffredin, Revelle, Reid, and Geracaris

Nayes: Harris

SP9. Ordinance 79-O-24: General Assistance 2024 Tax Levy

Staff recommends the adoption of Ordinance 79-O-24, which levies the annual property tax for General Assistance in the amount of $769,231 as extended (including a 2.50% loss factor). This represents a decrease of 28.9% over the 2023 levy.

Moved items SP9, SP10, SP11, SP12, SP13, SP14, SP15, and SP16

Motion: Councilmember Reid

Second: Councilmember Nieuwsma

For Action

Motion Passed 9-0-0

Ayes: Harris, Kelly, Wynne, Nieuwsma, Burns, Suffredin, Revelle, Reid, and Geracaris

Nayes: None

SP10. Ordinance 80-O-24: Library Fund 2024 Tax Levy

Staff recommends the adoption of Ordinance 80-O-24, the property tax levy for Evanston Public Library. The Library Board voted on November 20, 2024, to increase the gross levy to $8,845,484 as extended. Per ordinance 80-O-24, the annual property tax for the Evanston Public Library in the amount of $8,845,484 will be extended for the tax year 2024 (including a 2.50% loss factor). This represents a 4.50% increase over the 2023 levy as extended.

Motion: Councilmember Reid

Second: Councilmember Nieuwsma

For Action

Motion Passed 9-0-0

Ayes: Harris, Kelly, Wynne, Nieuwsma, Burns, Suffredin, Revelle, Reid, and Geracaris

Nayes: None


Ordinance 81-O-24: Special Service Area (SSA) #6 2024 Tax Levy

Staff recommends the adoption of Ordinance 81-O-24, which levies the annual property tax for Special Service Area #6 in the amount of $226,667 as extended (including a loss factor of 2.50%). This represents a decrease of 0.51% over the 2023 Levy as extended.

Motion: Councilmember Reid

Second: Councilmember Nieuwsma

For Action

Motion Passed 9-0-0

Ayes: Harris, Kelly, Wynne, Nieuwsma, Burns, Suffredin, Revelle, Reid, and Geracaris

Nayes: None

SP12. Ordinance 82-O-24: Special Service Area (SSA) #7 2024 Tax Levy

Staff recommends the adoption of Ordinance 82-O-24, which levies the annual property tax for Special Service Area #7 in the amount of $145,641 as extended (including a loss factor of 2.50%). This represents a decrease of 0.5% over the 2023 Levy as extended.

Motion: Councilmember Reid

Second: Councilmember Nieuwsma

For Action

Motion Passed 9-0-0

Ayes: Harris, Kelly, Wynne, Nieuwsma, Burns, Suffredin, Revelle, Reid, and Geracaris

Nayes: None

SP13. Ordinance 83-O-24: Special Service Area (SSA) #8 2024 Tax Levy

Staff recommends the adoption of Ordinance 83-O-24, which levies the annual property tax for Special Service Area #8 in the amount of $61,744 as extended (including a loss factor of 2.50%). This represents a decrease of 0.5% over the 2023 Levy as extended.

Motion: Councilmember Reid

Second: Councilmember Nieuwsma

For Action

Motion Passed 9-0-0

Ayes: Harris, Kelly, Wynne, Nieuwsma, Burns, Suffredin, Revelle, Reid, and Geracaris

Nayes: None

SP14. Ordinance 84-O-24: Special Service Area (SSA) #9 2024 Tax Levy

Staff recommends the adoption of Ordinance 84-O-24, which levies the annual property tax for Special Service Area #9 in the amount of $658,610 as extended (including a loss factor of 2.50%). This represents an increase of 7.8% over the 2023 Levy as extended.

Motion: Councilmember Reid

Second: Councilmember Nieuwsma

Motion Passed 9-0-0

Ayes: Harris, Kelly, Wynne, Nieuwsma, Burns, Suffredin, Revelle, Reid, and Geracaris

Nayes: None

SP15. Ordinance 85-O-24: Special Service Area (SSA) #10 2024 Tax Levy

Staff recommends the adoption of Ordinance 85-O-24, which levies the annual property tax for Special Service Area #10 in the amount of $95,000 as extended (including a loss factor of 2.50%). No levy was extended for the tax year 2023.

Motion: Councilmember Reid

Second: Councilmember Nieuwsma

For Action

Motion Passed 9-0-0

Ayes: Harris, Kelly, Wynne, Nieuwsma, Burns, Suffredin, Revelle, Reid, and Geracaris

Nayes: None

SP16. Resolutions 55-R-24 through 71-R-24 - Debt Service Property Tax Abatements

Staff recommends the adoption of Resolutions 55-R-24 through 71-R-24 by the City Council, abating in the amount of $7,354,132 property taxes levied for the year 2024 to pay principal and interest on general obligation corporate purpose bonds.

Motion: Councilmember Reid

Second: Councilmember Nieuwsma

For Action

Motion Passed 9-0-0

Ayes: Harris, Kelly, Wynne, Nieuwsma, Burns, Suffredin, Revelle, Reid, and Geracaris

Nayes: None

SP17. Ordinance 77-O-24 Approving the Fiscal Year 2025 Budget of the City of Evanston

Staff recommends the adoption of Ordinance 77-O-24 approving the 2025 Fiscal Year Budget of the City of Evanston in the amount of $395,638,418 (including inter-fund transfers).

Motion: Councilmember Reid

Second: Councilmember Geracaris

Council member Reid moved SP17

Council member Geracaris Seconds

Passed 8-1

Aye: Revelle, Reid, Geracaris, Harris, Wynne, Nieuwsam, Suffredin, Burns

Nay: Harris

Council member Reid Motions to reconsider SP17

Council member Kelly seconds

Passed 7-2

Aye: Revelle, Kelly, Reid, Geracaris, Harris, Suffredin, Burns

Nay: Wynne, Nieuwsam

Council member Burns motioned to remove $150,000 from the 2025 CIP General Obligation Bond funding allocated for Philbrick Park renovations.

seconded by Reid

Passed 7-2

Aye: Revelle, Reid, Kelly, Geracaris, Harris, Suffredin, Burns

Nay: Wynne, Nieuwsma

Reid moved to table

Council member Kelly Seconds

Aye: Revelle, Geracaris, Harris, Suffredin, Burns, Wynne, Nieuwsma

Nay: Reid, Kelly

Moved as Amended

For Action

Motion Passed 9-0-0

Ayes: Harris, Kelly, Wynne, Nieuwsma, Burns, Suffredin, Revelle, Reid, and Geracaris

Nayes: None


P1. Approval of the consent agenda A2, A14, A16, A21, P1, P2, HS1, HS3

M1. Approval of the minutes of the regular Council meeting of November 11, 2024

Approved on Consent Agenda for Action.


A1. Approval of the City of Evanston Payroll, Bills List, and Credit Card Activity

Staff recommends that the City Council approve the City of Evanston Payroll for the period of October 21, 2024, through November 3, 2024, for $3,640,661.13 and the Bills List for November 26, 2024, for $5,810,170.67 and credit card activity for the period ending September 26, 2024, for $263,654.49.

Approved on Consent Agenda for Action.

A2. Approval of BMO Harris Amazon Credit Card Activity

Staff recommends that the City of Evanston’s BMO Harris Amazon Credit Card Activity for the period ending September 26, 2024, for $18,302.89 be approved.

Motion: Councilmember Harris

Second: Councilmember Wynne

For Action

Motion Passed 8-0-0

Ayes: Harris, Kelly, Wynne, Nieuwsma, Burns, Revelle, Reid, and Geracaris

Nayes: None

Abstained: Suffredin

A3. Approval of Contract Award with Garland DBS for Fire Station 5 Metal Panel Replacement

Funding is provided from the Capital Improvement Fund, 2024 General Obligation Bond (Account 415.40.4124.65515-624003), which has an available budget of $600,000 and $596,500 remains.

Staff recommends that the City Council authorize the City Manager to execute an agreement for the replacement of Fire Station 5 metal panels with Garland/DBS, Inc. (3800 East 91st Street, Cleveland, Ohio, 44105) for $418,260.

Approved on consent agenda for Action.

A4. 2024-2025 Snow Tow Program Independent Contractors

The Snow and Ice Control General Fund Account #100.40.4550.62451 provides funding for snow-towing contractors. The estimated total for the 2024-2025 snow seasons is not to exceed the 2025 proposed budget of $80,000. For FY 2024, $72,940 is still available for snow emergencies and events.

Staff recommends that the City Council authorize the City Manager to execute contract(s) for Snow Towing Services in an amount not to exceed $80,000. (Various towing companies – see attached list.)

Approved on Consent Agenda for Action.

A5. Approval of Sole Source Contract Award to Illuminight Lighting Inc. for the Purchase and Installation of Holiday Lights and Decor for Evanston Business Districts

The funding for this project will be $29,100 from the Great Merchant Grant account, 100.15.5300.62656; $26,000 from the Howard Ridge TIF (330.99.5860.62490 - Other Program Costs); $20,000 from the Chicago Main TIF (345.99.3400.62490 - Other Program Costs); $23,100 from West Evanston TIF (335.99.5870.62490 - Other Program Costs); $20,400 from the Five-Fifths TIF (365.99.5900.62490 - Other Program Costs); $6,600 from the Dempster Dodge TIF (340.99.5875.62490 - Other Program Costs).

Staff recommends the City Council authorize the City Manager to execute contracts with Illuminight Lighting Inc. not to exceed $125,200 for the purchase and installation of holiday lights and decor in the Main-Dempster Mile, Church and Dodge, Noyes, Maple Foster, Ashland Arts, and Howard Street business districts. A sole-source contract requires a 2/3 vote of the City Council.

Approved on Consent Agenda for Action

A6. Approval of Three (3) Year Contract for Chiller Maintenance at the Robert Crown Community Center

Funding for this maintenance contract will be from the General Fund, Building Maintenance Services Account (100.19.1950.62225) in the total amount of $27,304.00 which has a FY 2024 budgeted amount of $275,000.00. This will be divided into $8,704.00 for Year 1, $9,140.00 for Year 2, and $9,140.00 for Year 3.

Staff requests that the City Council authorize the City Manager to approve a three (3) year contract from Thermo Systems (960 Industrial Drive, Unit 1, Elmhurst, IL 60126) for chiller maintenance at the Robert Crown Community Center, totaling $27,304.00 spread over the three (3) year term.

Approved on Consent Agenda for Action

A7. Approval of a Contract with Compumeric Engineering, Inc. for the Purchase of Public Litter Stations

Funding is from the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) for Evanston Thrives initiatives (Account 170.99.9924.62490).  This line item has a budget of $3,051,846, of which $447,074 remains.

Staff recommends that the City Council authorize the City Manager to execute a $162,509.00 contract with Compumeric Engineering Inc. (1390 S. Milliken Ave, Ontario, CA 91761) for the purchase of 51 public litter stations.

Approved on Consent Agenda for Action

A8. Approval of the Purchase of 37 Automated External Defibrillators (AED) and Associated Maintenance for Various City Facilities and Locations

Funding for this repair will be from two different accounts. Part of the funding will cover the maintenance service and will be from the Facilities Fund, Building Maintenance Services Account (100.19.1950.62225) in the amount of $99,109.87, which has an estimated FY 2025 budgeted amount of $275,000. The remaining part will cover the devices and associated components and will be from the Building Materials Fund (100.1950.65050) in the amount of $66,563.00 which has an estimated FY2025 budgeted amount of $715,000.

Staff requests the City Council authorize the City Manager to approve a purchase from General Medical Devices, Inc. (348 Colfax Street, Palatine, IL 60067) for the purchase and associated maintenance of 37 AED units in the amount of $165,672.87.

Approved on Consent Agenda for Action

A9. Approval of a Purchase of Six (6) Pieces of Fleet Equipment for use in Various City Operations

Funding for new vehicles #455, #M9, #M5, #523, and #545 will be from the FY 2025 Vehicle Replacement Fund, Automotive Equipment (601.19.7780.65550) in the amount of $338,206.90 with an anticipated FY 2025 budget of at least $3,400,000.00. Funding for new vehicle #912 will be from the FY 2024 American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Funds, Automotive Equipment Account (170.99.9952.65550) in the amount of $342,224.00. The electric truck (#912) purchase will help the City meet its CARP goals of increasing electric vehicles in our fleet.

Staff recommends the City Council authorize the City Manager to enter into a purchase agreement for the following pieces of equipment:

(1)New Vehicle #455 - a 2025 Microbird G5/D-Series 14 Passenger Bus with Central State Bus Sales, Inc. (Post Office Box 220, Big Rock, IL 60511) in the amount of $133,900.00;

(2)New Vehicle #M9 - a 2024 Harley Davidson Electra Glide with Lake Shore Harley-Davidson (14000 Rockland Road, Libertyville, IL 60048) in the amount of $37,569.13;

(3)New Vehicle #M5 - a 2024 Harley Davidson Electra Glide with Lake Shore Harley-Davidson (14000 Rockland Road, Libertyville, IL 60048) in the amount of $37,569.13;

(4)New Vehicle #523 - a 2025 Ford F450 4X4 Reg Cab with Sutton Ford Inc., (21315 Central Ave., Matteson, IL 60443) in the amount of $110,352.00;

(5)New Vehicle #545 - a 2025 Ford F550 4X4 Reg Cab with Sutton Ford Inc., (21315 Central Ave., Matteson, IL 60443) in the amount of $122,851.00;

(6)New Vehicle #912 - a 2026 International eMV607 SBA 4X2 with Rush Truck Center (PO Box 34510, San Antonio, TX 60436) in the amount of $342,224.00.

Approved on Consent Agenda for Action

A10. Approval of a Letter of Agreement to Supply Road Salt and Salt Brine to Northwestern University

Staff recommends that the City Council authorize the City Manager to execute a letter of agreement to supply road salt and salt brine to Northwestern University. The agreement period is from December 1, 2024, to April 15, 2027. 

Approved on Consent Agenda for Action

A11. Approval of a Letter of Agreement to Supply Road Salt to Evanston School District 65

Staff recommends that the City Council authorize the City Manager to execute a letter of agreement to supply road salt to Evanston School District 65. The agreement period is from December 1, 2024, to April 15, 2027.

Approved on Consent Agenda for Action

A12. Approval of a Letter of Agreement to Supply Road Salt to Evanston Township High School District 202

Staff recommends that the City Council authorize the City Manager to execute a letter of agreement to supply road salt to Evanston Township High School District 202. The agreement period is from December 1, 2024, to April 15, 2027.

Approved on Consent Agenda for Action

A13. Approval of a Letter of Agreement to Supply Salt Brine to Skokie Park District

Staff recommends that the City Council authorize the City Manager to execute a letter of agreement to supply salt brine to Skokie Park District.  The agreement period is from December 1, 2024, to April 15, 2027.

Approved on Consent Agenda for Action.

A14. Approval of a Six Month Contract Extension with Dynegy Energy Services, LLC for Municipal Electricity Supply

Most electricity payments will use 100.19.1950.64005 (Electricity) with an annual budget of 605,000 starting in 2025.

Staff recommends that the City Council authorize the City Manager to execute a six-month contract extension with Dynegy Energy Services, LLC, for Actionable Pricing for Municipal Electric Energy Supply. For 6.1 cents per kilowatt hour.

Motion: Councilmember Harris

Second: Councilmember Nieuwsma

For Action

Motion Passed 9-0-0

Ayes: Harris, Kelly, Wynne, Nieuwsma, Burns, Suffredin, Revelle, Reid, and Geracaris

Nayes: None


Approval of a Sole Source Contract for the Installation of ADA Voice Annunciators, GAL MOVFR Door Operators, & Power Units at the Church Street Parking Garage

This purchase will be funded from the Parking Fund, Other Improvements Account (505.19.7005.65515—Project Code 625001), with an anticipated FY 2025 budget of at least $200,000.00.

Staff recommends the City Council authorize the City Manager to execute a purchase order with Otis Elevator Company (949 Oak Creek Drive, Lombard, IL 60148) in the amount of $178,199.95 to install an ADA Voice Annunciator, GAL MOVFR Door Operators, and Power Units to the three (3) elevators located at the Church Street Parking Garage (525 Church Street). A sole-source contract requires a ⅔ vote of the City Council.

Approved on Consent Agenda for Action.

A16. Acceptance of $985,000 U.S. Department of Transportation Innovative Finance and Asset Concession Grant

Staff recommends accepting the U.S. Department of Transportation Innovative Finance and Asset Concession Grant to provide funding to launch the implementation of the adopted Putting Assets to Work—A Guide For Making Strategic Investments inEvanston’s Priorities and Possibilities (PAW).

Motion: Councilmember Harris

Second: Councilmember Geracaris

For Action

Motion Passed 8-1-0

Ayes: Harris, Wynne, Nieuwsma, Burns, Suffredin, Revelle, Reid, and Geracaris

Nayes: Kelly

A17. Resolution 82-R-24 Authorizing the City Manager to Sign a Notification of Grant Award to Fund and Operate a Congregate Senior Meal Program at the Levy Senior Center

Funding for this program is budgeted in Levy Center Business Unit 100.30.3055. Overall budgeted expenses for the 2024-2025 program, including staff salaries, Social Security, Medicare, advertising, program supplies, and food costs, are projected at $72,197.

Staff recommends City Council approval of Resolution 82-R-24 authorizing the City Manager to sign a notification of grant award in the amount of $36,827 from AgeOptions, Illinois Department of Aging, to fund and operate a congregate senior meal program at the Levy Senior Center.

Approved on Consent Agenda for Action.

A18. Resolution 83-R-24, Authorizing the City Manager to Execute an Intergovernmental Agreement with the Chicago Transit Authority for Special Transit Police Detail Services

Funding will be paid out of the General Fund-Police-Special Detail Overtime (Account 100.22.2205.61112) with a proposed budget for 2025 of $338,130.

The agreement obligates the CTA to reimburse the Evanston Police Department for all wages paid at the then-current off-duty officer flat rate. In no event shall the CTA reimburse the Police Department more than $265,000 per annum. The CTA shall also reimburse the Police Department an additional 10% of the flat rate to cover payment for time lost and medical benefits paid due to an injury while engaged in work on CTA Special Detail assignment and other benefits and administrative overhead. Reimbursement of said overhead shall not exceed the per-annum amount.

The revenue received from the CTA will cover the salary and administrative expenses, which are budgeted in Police Department—Administration—Police Details (Account 100.22.2205.52541), with a proposed budget of $357,000 for 2025.

Staff recommends City Council adoption of Resolution 83-R-24, Authorizing the City Manager to Execute an Intergovernmental Agreement with the Chicago Transit Authority for Special

Transit Police Detail Services in the amount of $265,000.

Approved on Consent Agenda for Action.

A19. Resolution 84-R-24, Authorizing the Mayor to Execute an Intergovernmental Agreement with Cook County Regarding the Connecting Cook County Program

The Invest in Cook grant will provide $155,000 in funding. In order to meet the grant obligations, the City will need to provide $249,940 in matching funds, with $230,000 to be budgeted in the Capital Improvement Fund 2025 Project Bonds and $19,940 to be budgeted as part of the 2025 budget for the General Fund, Transportation, and Mobility Division. A detailed financial analysis is included in the attached memo.

Staff recommends that the City Council adopt Resolution 84-R-24, Authorizing the Mayor to Execute an Intergovernmental Agreement with Cook County Regarding the Connecting Cook County Program.  Entering into this agreement will allow the City to accept a grant from Cook County to fund an expansion of the Divvy system, but will also commit the City to providing matching funds.

Approved on Consent Agenda for Action.

A20. Resolution 85-R-24, Authorizing the City Clerk to Sign Illinois Department of Transportation MFT Resolution for Improvement under the Illinois Highway Code for Resurfacing Evanston Streets

Funding will be provided from Motor Fuel Tax Funds (MFT) in the amount of $1,493,000 (Account 200.40.5100.65515 – 425002).

Staff recommends that the City Council adopt Resolution 85-R-24, Authorizing the City Clerk to sign the Illinois Department of Transportation MFT Resolution for Improvement under the Illinois Highway Code for Resurfacing Evanston Streets. This will allow the use of Motor Fuel Tax (MFT) funds in the amount of $1,493,000 for street resurfacing in 2025.

Approved on Consent Agenda for Action.

A21. Ordinance 100-O-24, Amending City Code Section 3-4-6(D) to Increase the Number of Class D Liquor Licenses from Eighty-One to Eighty-Two for Celtic Oak LLC d/b/a The Celtic Knot

Staff recommends that the City Council approve Ordinance 100-O-24, which amends Section 3-4-6(D) to increase the number of Class D liquor licenses in the City from 81 to 82 for the Celtic Knot, located at 2022 Central Street.  Councilmember Revelle requested suspension of the rules for Introduction and Action at the City Council meeting on November 25, 2024.

Council member Revelle Motion to suspend the rules

Council Member Geracaris Seconds


Motion: Councilmember Revelle

Second: Councilmember Harris

For Introduction and Action

Motion Passed 9-0-0

Ayes: Harris, Kelly, Wynne, Nieuwsma, Burns, Suffredin, Revelle, Reid, and Geracaris

Nayes: None

A22. Ordinance 106-O-24, Amending City Code Title 4 – Building Regulations and Title 5 – Housing Regulations

Staff recommends that the City Council adopt Ordinance 106-O-24, amending City Code Title 4—Building Regulations, to include a new Chapter 10, the 2021 International Existing Building Code, in compliance with State of Illinois requirements, and make minor updates to other building code chapters in Title 4 and Title 5.

Approved on Consent Agenda for Introduction


P1. Ordinance 92-O-24, Special Use for a Planned Development for a 230 Dwelling Unit Building with 48 Open Parking Spaces at 910-938 Custer Avenue in the MXE Mixed-Use Employment District

The Land Use Commission recommends the adoption of Ordinance 92-O-24, a Special Use for a Planned Development for a 230 dwelling-unit, five-story building with 48 open parking spaces and 23 inclusionary dwelling units at 910-938 Custer Avenue in the MXE Mixed-Use Employment District. The proposed development increases the available housing stock and inclusionary housing units while utilizing a transit-oriented location adjacent to public transit. The request meets the Standards for Approval for Special Uses and Planned Developments.

Council member Niewsam's Motion to mend 70-O-24 to remove the underlined language in 9-4-3-4(C) that says, "Rabies inoculations are mandated for all dogs and cats over the age of four months. No license shall be issued for any dog or cat owner without proof of current rabies inoculation that was administered by a licensed veterinarian. The rabies vaccine shall be licensed by the United States Department of Agriculture and approved by the Illinois Department of Agriculture."

Council member Reid seconds

9-0 motion passed

Motion: Councilmember Nieuwsma

Second: Councilmember Reid

For Action

Motion Passed 9-0-0

Ayes: Harris, Kelly, Wynne, Nieuwsma, Burns, Suffredin, Revelle, Reid, and Geracaris

Nayes: None

P2. Ordinance 95-O-24, Special Use for a Planned Development for a Mixed-Use Building at 1621-1631 Chicago Avenue in the D4 Downtown Transition District

The Land Use Commission recommends the adoption of Ordinance 95-O-24, a Special Use for a Planned Development, to allow a 12-story mixed-use building with 110 dwelling units (including eight inclusionary units) and 10,832 sq. ft. of basement/ground-floor commercial space along with 48 garage parking spaces at 1621-1631 Chicago Avenue in the D4 Downtown Transition District. The request meets the Standards for Approval for Special Uses and Planned Developments.

Motion: Councilmember Burns

Second: Councilmember Harris

For Action

Motion Passed 8-0-0

Ayes: Harris, Kelly, Wynne, Nieuwsma, Burns, Revelle, Reid, and Geracaris

Nayes: None

Abstained: Suffredin


HS1. Ordinance 70-O-24, Amending Title 5, Chapter 3 Landlord and Tenant Regulations and Title 9, Chapter 4 of the City Code Dogs, Cats, Animals and Fowl

Councilmember Reid and the Human Services Committee recommend approval of Ordinance 70-O-24, Title 5, Chapter 3, Landlord and Tenant Regulations, and Title 9, Chapter 4, Dogs, Cats, Animals, and Fowl, which creates a section in the municipal code for ending breed restrictions for residential properties.

Motion: Reid

Second Geracaris

Aye: Harris, Burns, Geracaris, Reid, Biss

Nay: Wynne, Nieuwsama, Sufferdin, Revelle


Mayor broke Tie

HS2. Ordinance 86-O-24, Amending Title 9, Chapter 4 of the City Code to Prohibit Declawing of Cats

The Animal Welfare Board recommends the adoption of Ordinance 86-O-24, Amending Title 9, Chapter 4 of the City Code to Prohibit the Declawing of Cats.

Approved on Consent Agenda for Action

HS3. Ordinance 96-O-24, Amending Title 9, Chapter 4, Section 3, Regarding Rabies Vaccination Requirements

Staff recommends that the City Council adopt Ordinance 96-O-24, Amending Title 9, Chapter 4, Section 3, Regarding Rabies Vaccination Requirements.

Reid Motions to suspend the rules

Council member Kelly Seconds

Reid withdraws his motion

Motion: Councilmember Nieuwsma

Second: Councilmember Wynne

For Introduction

Motion Passed 8-0-1

Ayes: Harris, Wynne, Nieuwsma, Burns, Suffredin, Revelle, Reid, and Geracaris

Nayes: None

Absent: Kelly


PB1. Approval of the Program Design for the Participatory Budgeting Refugee Housing Program and $45,000 of PB Administration Funds for the Health & Human Services Department for Program Management and Administration

American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Account Number 170.99.9973.61010

Staff recommends the City Council approve the Participatory Budgeting Refugee Housing Program design for the $645,000 American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funding to provide housing for refugees/immigrants residing in Evanston, as well as $45,000 of PB Administrative funding for the Health & Human Services Department to offset costs to manage and administer the program and provide housing location services.

Approved on consent agenda for Action




No Executive Session

