
North Cook News

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Village of Northbrook Board of Trustees will meet Dec. 10

Webp 29

Daniel H. Pepoon, sworn i to fill the Northbrook Village Board's trustee vacancy. | Village of Northbrook / Facebook

Daniel H. Pepoon, sworn i to fill the Northbrook Village Board's trustee vacancy. | Village of Northbrook / Facebook

Village of Northbrook Board of Trustees will meet Dec. 10

Here is the agenda provided by the board:




A. November 12, 2024 Regular Board Meeting Minutes for Approval 


This agenda item is reserved for members of the public who desire to address the Village Board on a topic that is within purview and jurisdiction of the Village Board, but that is not listed in another location on the agenda. If you would like to speak about a matter that is listed on the agenda, we ask that you wait until that agenda item is called, and we will give you an opportunity to speak then. If your matter is on the “Consent Agenda”, please let us know if you would like us to remove that matter so that you can speak about it. Anyone desiring to speak should fill out a written speaker form (located in the back of the Board Room) and submit it to the Village Clerk. “Public Comment Time” is not a forum for open dialogue or engagement with members of the Village Board. Rather, it is intended as an opportunity for you to make comments to the Village Board. While the Village Board will not immediately respond to public comments at this meeting, or engage in a back and forth discussion during the meeting, please be assured that the Board is actively listening to all comments, thoughts, and suggestions. All speakers will be limited to a total of three minutes. We request that everyone be respectful, civil, and non-repetitive; and we ask that members of the audience refrain from applauding or making any other comments during or after any speaker. Thank you for your understanding and taking the time to contribute to the success of our community. 



A. Review and Approval of Escrow Deposits/Performance Bond Refunds Processed Between November 1, 2024 - November 30, 2024 

B. Review and Approval of Payments Processed Between November 1, 2024 - November 30, 2024 


Community Moment 

A. Commission Appointments & Reappointments 

On the Sustainability Commission, Katie Suarez will be appointed with a 3 year term ending in April 30, 2027. On the Zoning Board of Appeals, Mitchell Klein will be appointed with a 4 year term ending in April 30, 2028. 

On the Plan Commission, Steven Elisco will be reappointed with a 4 year term ending in April 30, 2028. Allen Morgen and Jeremy Melnick will be reappointed with a 4 year term ending in April 30, 2027. On the Sustainability Commission, Jeremy Reynolds will be reappointed with a 3 year term ending in April 30, 2027. 

B. A Resolution to Approve a Fiscal Year 2025 Contribution in the Amount of $36,124 to the Northbrook Civic Foundation 

The Village previously committed to providing support to the Northbrook Civic Foundation based on donated proceeds originating from the sale of specially designed Civic Foundation vehicle stickers during Fiscal Year 2025. 

C. An Ordinance Opting the Schools and the Park District Out of the Cook County Paid Leave Ordinance (Section 42-1 Through 42-10 of the Cook County Code)

The Village has received a request from our local Park and School Districts requesting the Village, pursuant to its Home Rule Authority, adopt an ordinance that would opt-out their organizations from the Cook County Paid Leave Ordinance prior to its January 1, 2025 effective date. 


The matters listed for consideration on the Consent Agenda are matters that appear to have the unanimous support of the Board of Trustees. The Village President will review, designate the resolution or ordinance number for passage and then inquire if any member of the Board or member of the public objects to any item on the Consent Agenda. If any objections are raised, the matter will be removed from the Consent Agenda and relocated to a location on this agenda for consideration during the appropriate Board Committee report. If no objection is voiced, the Village President will request a motion and second for passage of all items listed. The resultant roll call vote on the Consent Agenda will be applicable to each individual agenda item. 

A. An Ordinance Approving an Intergovernmental Agreement between the Villages of Northbrook and Northfield for the Transfer of Ownership of Properties from Northfield to Northbrook. 

On October 8, 2024, the Village approved the annexation of parcels previously in and owned by the Village of Northfield into the Village. This Intergovernmental Agreement will approve the transfer of ownership of the parcels from the Village of Northfield to the Village of Northbrook. 

B. A Resolution Waiving Competitive Bidding and Approving the Purchase of an Annual Cisco Maintenance and Subscription Renewal from Mindsight 

This Resolution waives the competitive bidding process and approves the purchase of an annual Cisco maintenance and subscription renewal from Mindsight 

C. A Resolution Waiving Competitive Bidding and Authorizing an Expenditure for Body Armor and Carrier Systems from Galls, LLC of Lexington, Kentucky The purchase of replacement body armor and carrier systems will update this equipment for all sworn police personnel. 

D. A Resolution Waiving Competitive Bidding and Directing Staff to Finalize Contracts with Baecore Group for Professional Services Engagements 

Staff is seeking to waive the competitive bidding process and seeking direction to finalize contracts with Baecore Group for professional services engagements 

E. A Resolution Authorizing the Northbrook Civic Foundation's Use of the Commuter Parking for 2025 Northbrook Days 

The Northbrook Civic Foundation has requested permission to use the West Metra Lot to host the Northbrook Days Festival again in 2025 subject to a Special Event Permit pursuant to Chapter 15, Article 24 of the Municipal Code. 

F. An Ordinance to Amend the Annual Fee Ordinance to Increase the Number of Class A Liquor Licenses for Bean Bar - 1901 Cherry Lane 

Bean Bar Corporation, d/b/a Bean Bar – 1901 Cherry Lane has applied for a Class A Liquor License and the Ordinance Amendment will increase available licenses in this class. 

G. A Resolution to Approve a Fiscal Year 2025 Contribution in the Amount of $67,119 to the Northbrook Chamber of Commerce & Industry 

The Village annually budgets approximately 10% of its annual collected hotel tax revenues to support the Northbrook Chamber of Commerce and Industry. 

H. An Ordinance Amending the Fiscal Year 2025 Annual Budget for the Village of Northbrook, Illinois 

On a continual basis, staff evaluates expenditures to ascertain that there are no significant cost increases to planned expenditures which may be due to supply chain issues, unexpected capital costs, etc. and brings forward an Ordinance for amending the adopted budget to appropriate necessary funds which includes amendments that consist of carryforward appropriations from the prior year as well as new money requests. 

I. An Ordinance Amending Article VI, Entitled "Utility Tax", of Chapter 23, Entitled "Taxation", of the Northbrook Municipal Code 

As discussed during the November 12, 2024 Committee of the Whole, an ordinance has been prepared to change the natural gas utility tax rate from the current 2.0% to 5.0% in line with the majority of municipalities in the region. 

J. An Ordinance Amending Chapter 23, Article VI, Section 107 of the Northbrook Illinois Municipal Code Regarding Municipal Utility Tax Rates 

As discussed during the November 12, 2024 Committee of the Whole, an ordinance has been prepared to change the electric utility tax rate in the first tier of up to 2,000 kilowatts of electrical usage per month from a current rate of $.00222 per kilowatt to $.00610 per kilowatt. 

K. An Ordinance Authorizing the Execution of a Quit Claim Deed for a Disputed Parcel within the Village Green Center Consolidation (1310-1348 Shermer Road) 

Execution of a Quit Claim Deed to complete a lot consolidation originally approved in 2015 for 1310-1348 Shermer Road. 

L. An Ordinance Approving Plan Commission Docket No. PCD-24-10 a Zoning Relief Application for a Wall Sign for RXO Capacity Solutions LLC Located at 707 Skokie Boulevard 

The Plan Commission recommends approval of the request related to the wall sign and an Ordinance Granting a Special Permit Authorizing the Wall Sign in Excess of the District Height Limit of 20 Feet in the O-4 Boulevard Office District has been prepared. 

M. A Resolution Approving a First Amendment to the Development Agreement Between the Village and Solomon Schechter Day School of Metropolitan Chicago (3210 Dundee Road) (Docket No. PCD--24-11) 

The Plan Commission recommends approval of the request to amend the Development Agreement to accommodate a day care facility at 3210 Dundee Road. 

N. An Ordinance Amending Ordinance 93-27 to Grant an Additional Special Permit for a Child Day Care Facility (3210 Dundee Road - Solomon Schechter Day School) 

The Plan Commission recommends approval of a special permit to allow the operation of a child day care facility at 3210 Dundee Road. 

O. A Resolution Approving an Agreement for the Landscaping Equipment Incentive Programs with Northbrook Ace Hardware 

The FY25 annual budget provides funding for the Landscaping Equipment Incentive Program as a sustainability initiative for residents and contractors to purchase electric leaf blowers. 

P. A Resolution Subsidizing Winter Yard Waste / Composting Pick-Up Services with Lakeshore Recycling Systems 

To facilitate the transition to LRS, the Village Board appropriated excess surplus in the General Fund to mitigate a portion of the cost increase in refuse collection services, including this partial subsidy. 

Q. Motion to Approve the October 22, 2024 Closed Session Minutes from Committee of the Whole and the October 22, 2024 Regular Meeting 

R. Motion to approve transfers from the General Fund of $4,010,665 and $1,000,000 into the CIP Facilities and Stormwater Funds, respectively. 

As discussed at the November 12, 2024 Village Board Committee of the Whole meeting, the calculated excess surplus was reviewed by CFO Drazner and use of funds above the 70% dedicated to the CIP Facilities Fund ($4,010,665 million) for the large scale Fire, Fleet, Police facility projects along with a transfer of $1.0 million into the Stormwater Fund was directed. 

S. A Resolution Regarding the Review of Written Minutes of Closed Session Meetings of the Village Board of Trustees 

A resolution confirming that the review of closed session meeting minutes has occurred and the Village Board of Trustees has determined that all minutes continue to require confidential treatment. 


A. An Ordinance Adopting the Tax Year 2024 Property Tax Levy 

As reviewed by the Village Board at the November 12, 2024 Committee of the Whole, the property tax levy ordinance has been prepared. 

B. An Ordinance Abating a Portion of the Tax Year 2024 Property Tax Levy for Debt Service 

This ordinance authorizes the use other revenue sources, such as user fees, to partially pay for debt service, via an abatement of a portion of the property taxes which Village collects from designated user fees and/or revenue sources rather than property taxes. Such annual abatements are typically expected and anticipated at the time of a bond issuance and provided for each fiscal year in the budget process. 


A. Preliminary Review of a Request to Amend a Previously Approved Planned Development for a 68-Unit Townhome Residential Development at 1171-1189 Shermer Road and 1171-1231 Gateway Court (Gateway Townhomes) 

The Applicant requests to amend a previously approved final planned development documents for a 68-unit planned development to modify the exterior design of the remaining 25 units in the proposed development with a minor footprint shift in two of the buildings. 

B. An Ordinance Granting a Special Permit for Motor Vehicle Dealer with Open Sales Lot and Loading Space Variation at 3670-3680 Commercial Avenue (Chicago Car Loft) (Docket No. PCD-24-09) 

Chicago Car Loft is requesting approval of a special permit to allow an auto sales business with open car storage within the parking lot on the Subject Property.





A. A Resolution Approving A Five-Year Pledge for a Special Contribution to Youth Services 

The resolution approves a total pledge of $250,000 and requires a contribution agreement and annual appropriation of $50,000 in the General Fund Budget staring in Fiscal Year 2026 through FY30 by the Village Board to support the increased clinical capacity of services to Northbrook residents.



