
North Cook News

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Village of Northbrook Board of Trustees met Aug. 27

Webp 25

Northbrook Village Hall | Village of Northbrook Website

Northbrook Village Hall | Village of Northbrook Website

Village of Northbrook Board of Trustees met Aug. 27

Here is the agenda provided by the board:





A. August 13, 2024 Regular Board Meeting Minutes for Approval 


This agenda item is reserved for members of the public who desire to address the Village Board on a topic that is within purview and jurisdiction of the Village Board, but that is not listed in another location on the agenda. If you would like to speak about a matter that is listed on the agenda, we ask that you wait until that agenda item is called, and we will give you an opportunity to speak then. If your matter is on the “Consent Agenda”, please let us know if you would like us to remove that matter so that you can speak about it. 

Anyone desiring to speak should fill out a written speaker form (located in the back of the Board Room) and submit it to the Village Clerk. “Public Comment Time” is not a forum for open dialogue or engagement with members of the Village Board. Rather, it is intended as an opportunity for you to make comments to the Village Board. While the Village Board will not immediately respond to public comments at this meeting, or engage in a back and forth discussion during the meeting, please be assured that the Board is actively listening to all comments, thoughts, and suggestions. 

All speakers will be limited to a total of three minutes. We request that everyone be respectful, civil, and non-repetitive; and we ask that members of the audience refrain from applauding or making any other comments during or after any speaker. Thank you for your understanding and taking the time to contribute to the success of our community. 



A. Review and Approval of Escrow Deposits/Performance Bond Refunds Processed Between August 1, 2024 - August 15, 2024 

B. Review and Approval of Payments Processed Between August 1, 2024 - August 15, 2024 


Community Moment 

A. A Proclamation Recognizing Chamber Commerce Week 2024 

B. A Proclamation Recognizing September as National Suicide Prevention Awareness Month 

C. A Resolution Authorizing a Contract for Engineering and Design of Infrastructure Improvements in the Central Business District (Shermer Road - Railroad Tracks to Meadow Road and 1300 Block of Meadow Road) with Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. of Warrenville, Illinois 

The Village of Northbrook prepared and released a Request for Qualifications for the engineering and design services for infrastructure improvements in the Central Business District (Shermer Road - Railroad Tracks to Meadow Road and 1300 block of Meadow Road). Through this qualifications based process, Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. was determined to be the most qualified for this project and following negotiations of the scope submitted a proposal that was responsive and responsible. 

D. A Motion to Consider an Incentive Agreement Term Sheet with Hometown Coffee and Juice and direct the Village Attorney and Village Manager to prepare an Incentive Agreement 

A term sheet reflecting the proposed terms for offering an economic incentive to bring Hometown Coffee & Juice into the Village of Northbrook is proposed. 


The matters listed for consideration on the Consent Agenda are matters that appear to have the unanimous support of the Board of Trustees. The Village President will review, designate the resolution or ordinance number for passage and then inquire if any member of the Board or member of the public objects to any item on the Consent Agenda. If any objections are raised, the matter will be removed from the Consent Agenda and relocated to a location on this agenda for consideration during the appropriate Board Committee report. If no objection is voiced, the Village President will request a motion and second for passage of all items listed. The resultant roll call vote on the Consent Agenda will be applicable to each individual agenda item. 

A. An Ordinance Amending the Fiscal Year 2025 Annual Budget for the Village of Northbrook, Illinois 

On a continual basis, staff evaluates expenditures to ascertain that there are no significant cost increases to planned expenditures which may be due to supply chain issues, unexpected capital costs, etc. and brings forward an Ordinance for amending the adopted budget to appropriate necessary funds. 

The Ordinance includes amendments that consist of carryforward appropriations from the prior year as well as new money requests. 

B. A Resolution Approving an Intergovernmental Agreement Between the Village and the Village of Northfield Regarding Disconnection and Annexation of Certain Property 

The Village and the Village of Northfield have identified parcels between the two communities boundaries which cause future operation and maintenance issues for both and should be corrected legally. This will initially involve an approval of an intergovernmental agreement between the Village and the Village of Northfield for the disconnection of property and annexation of property and once complete additional approvals for the transfer of ownership to the Village. 

C. A Resolution Approving the Final Sign Design and Authorizing an Agreement with Right Way Signs, LLC for the Design, Fabrication, and Installation of New Village Gateway Signs 

The Village is seeking to replace eight of its gateway signs in fall of 2024 as part of its ongoing rebranding efforts. 

D. A Resolution Approving a Three-Year Contract with Vector Solutions for Software Subscription Services 

This Resolution approves a three-year contract with Vector Solutions for software subscription services for the Police, Fire, and Public Works Departments. 

E. A Resolution Approving a First Amendment to the Power Supply Agreement with MC Squared Energy Services, LLC, for the Village's Electricity Aggregation Program 

The current contract with MC Squared (initially executed in 2021) will expire in September. To continue with an electricity aggregation program without interruption, as a member of the North Shore Electricity Aggregation Consortium, approval of a contract extension to the current Power Supply Agreement with MC-Squared is required. 

F. An Ordinance Authorizing the Disposal of a Surplus Vehicle and Approving the Purchase of a Replacement Police Department Vehicle from Currie Motors of Frankfort, IL 

The Village is seeking to replace one Police Department vehicle, as budgeted for in the FY25 Annual Budget and planned for through the Village's Capital Improvement Plan. 

G. Motion to Approve the June 25, 2024, July 9, 2024, and July 23 Closed Session Minutes 

H. A Motion to Accept a Staff Recommendation to Adopt an "Overhire Program" and Overhire Police Officer and Firefighter/Paramedic Positions in FY25 Staff is seeking approval to hire new police officers and firefighters when there is a pending retirement/resignation of an employee combined with another long term employee absence where said employee is not expected to return to work for an extended time period, resulting in overtime expenditures to fill the “vacancy” when minimum staffing levels in public safety positions are required. 

I. A Resolution Approving an Intergovernmental Agreement Between the Village, the Village of Wilmette and the Northeastern Illinois Public Safety Training Academy for the Shared Use of a Community Resilience Specialist 

The IGA will provide for emergency preparedness support services through NIPSTA via a shared Community Resiliency Specialist.



A. Preliminary Review of a Zoning Request for a Wall Sign at 707 Skokie Boulevard 

This is a preliminary review of an application for zoning relief at 707 Skokie Boulevard for a Special Permit to allow a wall sign in excess of the height limit in the O-4 Boulevard Office district for RXO. The Preliminary Review by the Village Board is a conceptual review for the Village Board to provide non-binding comments on a proposal prior to the applicant submitting to the Village a detailed application. 

B. Preliminary Review of a Zoning Request for a Cannabis Infuser at 306-310 Era Drive 

This is a preliminary review of an application for zoning relief at 306-310 Era Drive for a Special Permit to allow a cannabis infuser of edibles in the I-1 Restricted Industrial District. It is noted that there will not be on-site retail sales nor cannabis dispensary options. The Preliminary Review by the Village Board is a conceptual review for the Village Board to provide non-binding comments on a proposal prior to the applicant submitting to the Village a detailed application. 

C. Preliminary Review of a Zoning Request to Amend an Existing Ordinance and Development Agreement to Allow a Child Day Care Facility at 3210 Dundee Road 

This is a preliminary review of an application for zoning relief at 3210 Dundee Road to Amend an Existing Ordinance and Development Agreement to Allow a Child Day Care Facility in the IB Institutional Building District. The Preliminary Review by the Village Board is a conceptual review for the Village Board to provide non-binding comments on a proposal prior to the applicant submitting to the Village a detailed application. 

D. Preliminary Review of a Zoning Request for a Child Day Camp Facility at 1350 Willow Road (Willow Hill) 

This is a preliminary review of an application for zoning relief at 1350 Willow Road for a Zoning Code Text Amendment to allow a child day camp in the O-3 General Office/Techny Overlay District. The Preliminary Review by the Village Board is a conceptual review for the Village Board to provide non-binding comments on a proposal prior to the applicant submitting to the Village a detailed application.







