
North Cook News

Sunday, September 29, 2024

City of Elgin Committee of the Whole met July 10

Webp 53

Anthony Ortiz, Council Member | City of Elgin Website

Anthony Ortiz, Council Member | City of Elgin Website

City of Elgin Committee of the Whole met July 10

Here is the agenda provided by the committee:

Call to Order

Roll Call

Approval of Minutes of Previous Meeting – June 26, 2024

Public Comments

Items on Both Agendas

A. Research in Illinois to Spur Economic Recovery (RISE) Grant Application with Downtown Neighborhood Association of Elgin as Co-Applicant ($1 Million City Funding With Up to $500,000 Reimbursement Under RISE Grant Guidelines)

Objective: Submit a Research in Illinois to Spur Economic Recovery (RISE) grant application with the Down-town Neighborhood Association of Elgin (DNA) as co-applicant to the Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity (DCEO) to secure funds for capital improvements to Downtown Elgin buildings.

Special Presentations and Reports

B. Traffic Calming Circles Overview and Discussion (Councilmembers Powell and Steffen)

Information on the use of traffic calming circles within residential neighborhoods to slow traffic speeds and reduce accidents will be presented, with particular discussion on retaining, modifying or removing the traffic circle at the Division and Gifford Streets intersection and the traffic circles on College Green Drive.

Initiatives and Other Items

C. Waterford Subdivision Development Agreement with TRG Venture Two, LLC (No Cost)

Objective: Execute a development agreement with TRG Venture Two, LLC to restart construction of single-family homes within the Waterford subdivision.

D. Central Business District Contractual Landscape Maintenance Contract—Change Order

No. 1 for Bid No. 24-025A ($19,988 in 2024, $36,794 in Subsequent Years of the Contact)

Objective: Provide landscaping services for the city’s seven fire stations.

E. Summerhill Park Renovation Design and Engineering Services with Upland Design, Ltd. ($110,000)

Objective: Complete the final architectural and engineering design elements, prepare construction documents, provide bid assistance and construction management for the renovation of Summerhill Park.

Announcements from Council

Announcements from Staff

