
North Cook News

Monday, September 30, 2024

City of Elgin Heritage Commission met June 4

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City of Elgin Mayor David Kaptain | City of Elgin / Facebook

City of Elgin Mayor David Kaptain | City of Elgin / Facebook

City of Elgin Heritage Commission met June 4

Here is the agenda provided by the commission:

A. Call Meeting to Order and Roll Call

B. Approval of Minutes

1. April 2, 2024

2. April 9, 2024 Historic Rehabilitation Grant Review

C. Recognize Persons Present

D. Plaque Applications

1. None

E. Old Business

1. Reports from Neighborhood Groups on Heritage Related Activities

2. 2024 Elgin Heritage Commission Goals

a. Historic Resources Survey

(i) Midwest Neighborhood Part 1 – no update

b. Bungalow Website - no update

3. Design Review Subcommittee

4. 2024 Marketing and Outreach Plan

a. 4th of July Parade

b. Downtown Elgin Market – September 6th

c. Heritage Commission Car Show, August 4th

5. Preservation Month

a. Recap of events

F. New Business

1. Chairman Appointment

2. New Hope Baptist Church Interpretive Sign Unveiling, June 23, 2024, 12:30PM, 1405 Wing Street

G. Other Business

H. Adjournment 
