
North Cook News

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Village of Buffalo Grove Planning and Zoning Commission met July 19

Village of Buffalo Grove Planning and Zoning Commission met July 19.

Here are the minutes provided by the commission:

Call to Order 

The meeting was called to order at 7:30 PM by Commissioner Mitchell Weinstein

Public Hearings/Items For Consideration 

1. Consideration of a Petition to the Village of Buffalo Grove for a Re-Zoning to the R-9 Multiple-Family Dwelling District with a Special Use for a Residential Planned Unit Development, Final Plat of Subdivision, Preliminary Plan and Zoning Variations to Allow the Construction of a 41-Unit Townhome Development on the Property Located at 22771- 22825 N. Prairie Road. (Trustee Weidenfeld) (Staff Contact: Kelly Purvis)

Purvis, Deputy Community Development Director, provided a background on the subject property. 

Freedman, attorney for the petitioner, reviewed the variations they are seeking for the subject property. 

Schwartz, President of Bloom Street Partners, reviewed the process they began with staff and spoke to the collaborative nature of the project. 

Michel, Traffic Engineer for petitioner, reviewed the traffic study for the project. 

Com. Worlikar asked Michel if a crosswalk by the train was going to be part of the access plan for the development. 

Michel said there would be no crosswalk because the track location and signals for the train cause a safety issue. 

Com. Worlikar asked if sound was a concern from the train. 

Schwartz addressed the sound concerns. He noted that the developers did not believe there was an issue and referenced the townhome development on the other side of the tracks. 

Com. Worlikar asked the petitioners about the impact the development would have on the schools. 

Perman, from the Perman Group, talked about the analysis completed to estimate the impact to the schools. He noted that the impact would be minimal. 

Com. Richards asked about water flow and water management. 

Schwartz spoke to the trap that is currently there and their plans for the site. Com. Spunt asked about EV options for residents. 

Schwartz said there will be one charger per dwelling. Com. Spunt asked about solar panels. 

Schwartz said they have thought about it, but they are not there yet. 

Com. Au asked staff what kind of families are moving into row homes. Additionally, Com. Au asked staff what the difference was between the estimated student impact to the actual student impact from the Didier Farms development.

Purvis, said she did not have those numbers, but could investigate it. Com. Moodhe asked what the setback is from the road. 

Purvis said 35 feet from the property line. 

Com. Moodhe asked if they have worked with the Army Corps of Engineers. Schwartz said no, not yet. 

Com. Moodhe spoke about the physical location of the proposed pergola and asked if there was any consideration to move it to the south end of the site. 

Schwartz said that side is low and reserved for surface detention. He noted that the pergola is meant to be an aesthetic piece to anchor the corner. 

Com. Moodhe asked what they heard during the zoom meeting they held with residents regarding their planned development. 

Schwartz provided Com. Moodhe an overview of the zoom meeting and indicated that residents did not voice any objections to the project. 

Com. Moodhe asked for additional clarity on the traffic study. 

Michel provided additional information regarding the traffic study and the minimal impact the development would have to the area. 

Com. Moodhe asked the petitioners about the impact to the schools. 

Perman provided clarity on the net increase to the schools. 

Com. Moodhe asked what would cause a net decrease to schools. 

Perman said more than 5 students, but noted that rental properties are different than ownership and typically yield less school aged children. 

Com. Moodhe said he believes that rentals are ideal for Stevensen High School. Com. Moodhe asked how the school buses impact traffic to the site. 

Michel said that school buses are counted in daily traffic studies. They would not impact the site. 

Com. Moodhe asked if the Village has any control of school bus routes and plans. 

Johnson, Village Engineer, said there has never been any approval process by the Village for school routes, but that the Village can make suggestions. 

Com. Moodhe asked for clarification on the crosswalk near the railroad crossing. 

Michel said that the area is not ideal for a crosswalk and talked at length about the technical reasons why it would never be approved by IDOT. 

Schwarts said he walked the site and explained his experience. 

Schwarts also spoke to a similar development and the impact outcome to the area schools. 

Com. Moodhe asked if the development was in Highland Park. Schwarts said it is right next to the school in Highland Park. 

Purvis provided the Commission with student numbers from the Didier Farms development. Com. Au thanked Purvis for the numbers.

Com. Au expressed her concern about the lack of a crosswalk by the train station noting the number of students that park there to walk to school. 

Purvis said there is a sidewalk on the south side of Half Day Road and a controlled crosswalk students can safely cross near Stevensen High School. 

Johnson said IDOT would be in charge of permitting a crosswalk and believes IDOT would not approve a crosswalk due to the proximity to the train. 

Michel provided additional clarification on the crosswalk and the distance of the interaction. 

Com. Worlikar asked staff if the Link Crossings development was fully occupied. Purvis said it is not fully occupied as construction is ongoing. 

Com. Worlikar asked if we have any data on other rentals. Purvis said they do not have that data at this time. 

Chairperson Weinstein asked if the traffic study was completed on a school day. Michel said it was done on a school day. 

Chairperson Weinstein asked if it would have impact to traffic. Michel said it adds two seconds to traffic queues, which is negligible. 

Chairperson Weinstein asked about the south end of the property and the ordinances regarding the type of development on the site. 

Purvis provided clarity on the subject property and the dynamics of the site. 

Chairperson Weinstein asked the petitioners if it would be viable project if they reduced the number of units. 

Freedman said the loss of units would be a significant impact. 

Com. Spunt asked if they would ever change the property from rental to owned. Schwarts said they could if the market called for it. 

Com. Moodhe asked about the proposed wall on the east side of the development. Schwartz talked about the retaining wall. 

Com. Moodhe asked how the site drains. 

Schwartz indicated that the property drains to the basin under the train tracks. Com. Au asked staff if the property to the south was zoned different. 

Purvis said they are zoned single family. 

Com. Worlikar asked if the entrance to the site will be right in right out only. 

Michel said it is full access on Prairie Road. 

Com. Worlikar asked if the entrance will have a stop light. 

Michel responded no, it will be a stop sign controlled to the left turn at willow parkway. Chairperson Weinstein entered the Village staff report as exhibit one. 

Heusinger, Buffalo Grove resident at 22723 prairie road, expressed her concerns about the traffic the development will bring to the area. 

The public hearing closed at 8:40 PM. Com. Richards made a motion.

Com. Au expressed her concerns on the impact the development will have on the schools and the financial impact it will have on the residents. She expressed wanting further analysis done on the estimated impact. 

Brankin, Village Attorney, said they Village can go back to the schools, but the schools have already reviewed the development and have not voiced any concerns. 

Com. Au asked if they could amend the motion to require a more in-depth analysis on the impact to the schools. 

Brankin said he was unclear how to word the amendment, but noted the development is subject to annexation agreement review and additional vetting at the Board level. 

Com. Davis expressed his concerns on the impact to the schools. Com. Moodhe express his concerns on the reduction in wetland. 

Johnson spoke to the stormwater plans for the project. He said the Village is relying on Lake County as they are very familiar with wetland credits; however, the Village is comfortable with the concept approved by Lake County. 

Chairperson Weinstein spoke in favor of the proposal. 

Com. Richards made a motion to recommend approval of the Special Use for a 

Residential Planned Unit Development, the Zoning Map Amendment to zone the property R-9 Multi-Family Dwelling District, the Final Plat of Subdivision (Consolidation), the Preliminary Plan, and the above noted Zoning Variations, to accommodate the construction of a 41-unit townhome development on the properties located at 22771- 22825 N. Prairie Road, subject to the following conditions: 

a. The proposed development of 41 attached single-family units shall conform to the plans and conditions provided in the staff report and in the Planned Development Ordinance. 

b. Prior to the approval of the final engineering plans, the Developer shall provide approval from the Lake County Stormwater Commission concerning the impacts to the existing wetland. 

c. The Final Engineering plans shall be submitted in a manner acceptable to the Village Engineer. 

d. The Plat of Subdivision and Annexation Plat shall be submitted in a manner acceptable to the Village Engineer and the Village Attorney. 

e. Prior to the issuance of building permits for construction of the development, the Developer shall obtain all necessary permits from the IEPA, Lake County Department of Transportation, Lake County Stormwater Management Commission, and the US Army Corps of Engineers 

f. Signage prohibiting parking on the roadway on the east side of the property shall be installed as required by the Village of Buffalo Grove Fire Department. All associated pavement markings or signage shall be maintained by the property owner. 

g. Any directional or incidental signage added to the sign package shall be reviewed administratively by staff. 

h. All landscaping shall be maintained in accordance with the approved landscaping plan in perpetuity.

i. The proposed development is subject to the storm water utility. 

Com. Worlikar expressed his concerns over the crosswalk and the impact to the schools. He asked if they could get a letter from the school district with their approval of the development. 

Brankin said the Village can’t force the school to draft a letter but can ask and amend. the motion to include it as a condition. 

Chairperson Weinstein reviewed the amendment to the motion. 

Com. Richards said he feels personally satisfied with the plan and staff’s review. Com. Au asked staff what reports were provided to the school. 

Purvis said they saw the same report that was included in the packet for tonight’s. meeting. 

Com. Richards said he would not be in favor of amending the motion. 

Com. Moodhe said the Commissioners' concerns have been noted in the minutes on the record. 


Next: 8/21/2023 7:30 PM 

AYES: Moodhe, Spunt, Weinstein, Richards, Worlikar, Davis

NAYS: Amy Au

ABSENT: Zill Khan, Sujat Sazen

2. Consideration of a Petition to the Village of Buffalo Grove for Approval of an Amendment to Ordinance No. 2021-067, an Amendment to the Planned Unit Development and the Preliminary Plan, with Approval of a Self-Storage Use, to Allow the Construction of a 112,268 Square Foot Self-Storage Facility on the Property at 105 Lexington Drive. (Trustee Stein) (Staff Contact: Kelly Purvis)

Purvis provided background on the subject property. 

Budgell, architect for the project, summarized the project for the self-storage facility. 

Com. Au asked about emergency access and if there is a phone number for people who might need to access it when they are closed. 

Budgell said they must wait until the next day unless they arranged ahead of time. Com. Au asked if the operation is like other self-storage facilities. 

Lapetina, owner, and developer for the project, said they all operate the same. They also have security on site and cameras. 

Budgell said the area will also be well lit. 

Com. Richards asked the petitioners what the view of the building will be from Lake Cook Rd. 

Lapetina spoke to the view and said they would see the top part of the sign on the building. 

Com. Moodhe asked how tall Ricky Rockets is. 

Staff said they would look for how tall Ricky Rockets Gas Station is.

Com. Moodhe asked how much room people have maneuver U-Haul trucks. Budgell said the access is 24 feet. The size of a two-lane road in a neighborhood. Com. Moodhe asked how tall the doors are for the loading dock. 

Budgell provided the dimensions. 

Com. Moodhe asked about safety features. Lapetina spoke to the safety feature for U Hauls. Com. Moodhe asked about the hours of operation. 

Lapetina spoke to the hours of operation, which will be no later than 8 PM. Security walks the area. No one would be stuck inside or on the property. He also spoke to the emergency exits in the garage and throughout the building. 

Com. Au asked if they anticipate selling anything. 

Budgell said if there is room in the office, they may but just standard boxes and packing material. 

Com. Au asked if they would need a variation to sell. 

Purvis explained they would not need any variations as the site is zoned to allow retail sales. 

The staff report entered as exhibit one. 

Buffalo Grove Resident expressed concern over the lighting and landscaping of the other developments and hopes this one is different. 

Budgell spoke to the lighting on the building and spoke to the landscape of the site. The public hearing closed at 9:30 PM. 

Com. Richards made a motion to recommend approval of the amendment to Ordinance No. 2021-067, an amendment to the underlying Planned Unit Development, the Preliminary Plan, and approval of a self-storage use, all to accommodate the 

construction of a new self-storage facility at 105 Lexington Drive, subject to the following conditions: 

1. The proposed development shall be developed in substantial conformance with the plans attached as part of the petition. 

2. The Final Engineering plans shall be submitted in a manner acceptable to the Village. 

3. Any directional or incidental signage added to the sign package shall be reviewed administratively by staff. 

4. The landscaping on the site shall be maintained in compliance with the approved landscape plan in perpetuity. 

Motion was seconded by Com. Davis. 

Com. Richards spoke in favor of the motion. 

Com. Moodhe spoke in favor of the motion but noted his caution at the number of storage facilities. 

Com. Au asked for clarification on the corners of the building. 

Purvis said that the lights would be on a timer and not on late at night.


Next: 8/21/2023 7:30 PM 

AYES: Moodhe, Spunt, Weinstein, Au, Richards, Worlikar, Davis 

ABSENT: Zill Khan, Sujat Sazen

3. 4274 : Comprehensive Plan Amendment (Dane Bragg, Trustee Weidenfeld) (Staff Contact: Kelly Purvis)

Purvis provided a background information regarding the proposed Comprehensive Plan amendment and the proposed TIF District on Dundee Road. 

Com. Moodhe asked if we need to make this amendment for the Village Board to approve the TIF District. 

Purvis said that the amendment helps align the future landuse map with what is proposed for the TIF District by allowing mixed uses. 

Com. Moodhe asked if the High School within the TIF could use funds from the TIF. Purvis said any projects would have to qualify for funds through eligible improvements. Staff report was entered in as exhibit one. 

The public hearing was closed at 9:40 PM. 

Com. Richards made a motion to recommend approval of an amendment to Ordinance No. 2009-15, which adopted the “Village Comprehensive Plan Update 2009”, for the Dundee Road TIF area to have future land use designation of mixed-use including Commercial, Office, Residential, Civic/Cultural, and public uses as outlined in the Dundee Road TIF District Eligibility Report and Redevelopment Plan and Project. 

Motion second by Com. Worlikar. 


Next: 8/21/2023 7:30 PM 

AYES: Moodhe, Spunt, Weinstein, Au, Richards, Worlikar, Davis 

ABSENT: Zill Khan, Sujat Sazen

Regular Meeting 

Other Matters for Discussion 

Approval of Minutes 

1. Planning and Zoning Commission - Regular Meeting - Jun 21, 2023 7:30 PM


AYES: Moodhe, Spunt, Weinstein, Au, Richards, Worlikar, Davis 

ABSENT: Zill Khan, Sujat Sazen

Chairman's Report 

Committee and Liaison Reports  

Com. Richards reviewed the liaison report from the most recent Village Board Meeting.

Staff Report/Future Agenda Schedule 

Purvis provided details on the future agenda schedule. 

Public Comments and Questions  


The meeting was adjourned at 9:45 PM
