
North Cook News

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Village of Buffalo Grove President & Board of Trustees met June 19

Village of Buffalo Grove President & Board of Trustees met June 19.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:


President Smith called the meeting to order at 7:30 P.M. Those present stood and pledged allegiance to the Flag. 


Roll call indicated the following present: President Smith; Trustees Johnson, Cesario, Ottenheimer, Stein, Pike, Weidenfeld.

Also present were: Dane Bragg, Village Manager; Patrick Brankin, Village Attorney; Chris Stilling, Deputy Village Manager; Evan Michel, Management Analyst; Art Malinowski, Director of Human Resources; Chris Black, Director of Finance; Christine Berman, Deputy Director of Finance; Nicole Woods, Director of Community Development; Tom Wisniewski, Buyer; Kyle Johnson, Assistant Director of Public Works; Jim Warnstedt, Assistant Director of Public Works; Brett Robinson, Administrative Services Director; Geoff Tollefson, Director of Golf Operations; Fire Chief Baker; Police Chief Budds and Deputy Police Chief Rodriguez.


Moved by Weidenfeld, seconded by Ottenheimer, to approve the minutes of the June 5, 2023 Committee of the Whole Meeting. Upon roll call, Trustees voted as follows:

AYES: 6 – Johnson, Cesario, Ottenheimer, Stein, Pike, Weidenfeld

NAYS: 0 – None

Motion declared carried.

WARRANT #1356 

Ms. Berman read Warrant #1356. Moved by Pike, seconded by Johnson, to approve Warrant #1356 in the amount of $5,867,996.03 authorizing payment of bills listed. Upon roll call, Trustees voted as follows:

AYES: 6 – Johnson, Cesario, Ottenheimer, Stein, Pike, Weidenfeld

NAYS: 0 – None

Motion declared carried.


President Smith acknowledged Juneteenth, a day of great importance, signifying the emancipation of enslaved African Americans in the United States. We come together not only to recall our nation’s shared history, but also to acknowledge the work that remains in the pursuit of justice, equality, and freedom for all. Our Village is a tapestry of diverse experiences, and our unity in commemorating Juneteenth reflects our collective strength and commitment to justice and equality. As we recall our history, let’s remember that the pursuit of freedom is an ongoing journey. Buffalo Grove embodies the true meaning of community. Our diversity is our strength, and the richness of our shared experiences fuels our ability to grow and learn from each other.

President Smith read a Proclamation declaring June 2023 as Pride Month, recognizing the Village of Buffalo Grove’s Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Questioning residents, and encouraging all community members to eliminate prejudice wherever it exists and to celebrate our great diversity by celebrating our LGBTQ friends and neighbors. Carolyn Pinta thanked the Village for their support in this project.

President Smith appointed Kevin Richards to the position of Vice Chairperson of the Planning & Zoning Commission and Sujat Saxena as a member of the Planning & Zoning Commission. President Smith thanked both gentlemen stepping up to serve and noted that he is excited to see the work that they accomplish.

Moved by Ottenheimer, seconded by Stein, to concur with President Smith’s appointments. Upon roll call, Trustees voted as follows:

AYES: 6 – Johnson, Cesario, Ottenheimer, Stein, Pike, Weidenfeld

NAYS: 0 – None

Motion declared carried.


Mr. Black noted that, in accordance with State Statute, Buffalo Grove’s audit was completed and submitted to the State of Illinois Comptroller’s Office. The financial audit is presented in the form of the Annual Comprehensive Financial Report. The purpose of the Annual Comprehensive Financial Report is to provide accurate and meaningful information concerning the Village’s financial condition and performance. Independent auditors have verified the principles generally accepted in the United States of America.

Monica Adamski, Lauterbach and Amen, reviewed their findings of the audit.

Moved by Stein, seconded by Pike, to accept the 2022 Audit and Management Letter. Upon roll call, Trustees voted as follows:

AYES: 6 – Johnson, Cesario, Ottenheimer, Stein, Pike, Weidenfeld

NAYS: 0 – None

Motion declared carried.

Chief Baker reviewed the criteria for Firefighter of the Year.

Past President of Rotary Brett Robinson summarized the purpose of the Rotary Club and explained how the Firefighter/Paramedic of the Year is chosen. This year’s recipient, Firefighter/Paramedic Kevin Gatto, a member of the Buffalo Grove Fire Department since 1993, was cited for being a "go-to employee" who is "quick to lend a hand." This award is given to those who display a strong work ethic, values, integrity, and commitment to the residents of Buffalo Grove and the Fire Department. During the difficult pandemic years, Kevin stepped up to serve as an Acting Lieutenant without hesitation. In recognition of this award, Buffalo Grove Rotary will donate $250.00 in Kevin's name to the Rotary International Foundation and $250.00 to Project Fire Buddies, Kevin's choice of charity.

FF/PM Gatto noted that he is privileged to be a part of the Buffalo Grove Fire Department and enjoys coming to work every day, as he was presented with his award and congratulated by the audience and the Board.

Chief Budds introduced Buffalo Grove’s new Canine Officer, Mac, and reviewed Mac’s credentials, as well as the responsibilities of the Canine Officer and his handler, Officer Shannon McMillon.

Chief Budds then administered the Oath of Office to Mac and assigned him Badge 202-K, after which Mac signed his Oath, and was given an official police doughnut.

Officer McMillon recognized TOPS for training our K9 since 1996, and Jody Page from Page’s Healthy Paws for donating all of K9 Mac’s food.

Chief Budds introduced Sergeant Tony Turano, who noted that the Buffalo Grove Police Department Coloring Contest was brought back this year after a hiatus. Sergeant Turano presented a brief background on the program and then recognized this year’s winners, each of whom came forward for a photo op and were presented with a $25 gift certificate as they were congratulated by the audience and the Board.


There are no reports from Trustees tonight.


President Smith explained the Consent Agenda, stating that any member of the audience or the Board could request that an item be removed for full discussion; there were no such requests. The Village Clerk read a brief synopsis of each of the items on the Consent Agenda.

Quiet Zone 

Motion to approve Rejection of Quiet Zone Bid, Waive Bids, and Authorization to Negotiate Contract. Based upon the review of the bid, staff recommends the Village Board find that it is in the best interests of the Village of Buffalo Grove to reject the Quiet Zone bid, waive bids, and provide authorization to negotiate with Contractors to provide a cost savings.

BGGC Pumphouse 

Motion to approve Authorization to Waive Bids and Negotiate for BGGC Pumphouse Improvements. Staff requests authorization to waive bids and negotiate for the Buffalo Grove Golf Course irrigation pumphouse improvements.

Resolution No. 2023-17 – Mitigation Plan 

Motion to pass Resolution No. 2023-17, adoption of the 2022 Lake County All Natural Hazards Mitigation Plan. Ordinance No. 2023-71 – Intergovernmental Agreement 

Motion to pass Ordinance No. 2023-71, authorizing an Intergovernmental Agreement with the Village of Wheeling relating a Study of Buffalo Creek. The Village of Wheeling and Buffalo Grove staff are proposing to enter into an Intergovernmental Agreement for a study of Buffalo Creek from the Buffalo Creek Reservoir to the Des Plaines River.

Ordinance No. 2023-76 – Communications Equipment 

Motion to pass Ordinance No. 2023-76 authorizing Execution of an Agreement with Red Center for Installation of Communications Equipment at Fire Station 27.

Ordinance No. 2023-77 – Power Rodding 

Motion to pass Ordinance No. 2023-77, authorization for a Change Order to the National Power Rodding Contract. Staff recommends that the Village Board authorize the Village Manager to expend an additional $35,914.00 with National Power Rodding Corporation for additional sewer lining services for a total amount not to exceed $239,135.63.

Ordinance No. 2023-78 – I.M.P. 

Motion to pass Ordinance No. 2023-78, I.M.P. Soil and Construction Material Testing. Staff recommends approval of the Soil and Material Consultants material testing contract for all Village funded Capital Improvement construction for 2023 through 2027.

Ordinance No. 2023-79 – 1401 McHenry Road 

Motion to pass Ordinance No. 2023-79 for a Special Use for a Childcare Center at 1401 McHenry Road. Staff recommends that the Village Board adopt an Ordinance granting approval of a Special Use for a Child Care Center at 1401 McHenry Road, Suite 124.

Ordinance No. 2023-80 – Ground Sign 

Moton to pass Ordinance No. 2023-80, granting a Sign Variation for a Ground Sign at the Grove Shopping Center at 59-197 McHenry Road. The Grove Shopping Center is seeking modernize their existing ground sign by adding multi-tenant copy at 59-197 McHenry Road.

Ordinance No. 2023-81 – St. Mary Church 

Motion to pass Ordinance No. 2023-81, granting Sign Variations for a Ground Sign at St. Mary’s Church at 10 Buffalo Grove Road. Staff recommends that the Village Board adopt an Ordinance granting approval of two variations to Title 14 (Sign Code) Section 14.16 to exceed the maximum number of ground signs allowed and to exceed the maximum size allowed at 10 Buffalo Grove Road.

Moved by Ottenheimer, seconded by Weidenfeld, to approve the Consent Agenda as presented. Upon roll call, Trustees voted as follows on the Consent Agenda:

AYES: 6 – Johnson, Cesario, Ottenheimer, Stein, Pike, Weidenfeld

NAYS: 0 – None

Motion declared carried.


Moved by Stein, seconded by Johnson, to pass Ordinance No. 2023-82, authorizing execution of a Contract with Era Valdivia Contractors, Inc. for bridge painting services in an amount not to exceed $183,700.00, pending review and approval by the Village Attorney.

Mr. Johnson reviewed the proposed ordinance, details of which are contained in his memo to Mr. Bragg dated June 14, 2023.

Upon roll call, Trustees voted as follows:

AYES: 6 – Johnson, Cesario, Ottenheimer, Stein, Pike, Weidenfeld

NAYS: 0 – None

Motion declared carried.


Moved by Cesario, seconded by Weidenfeld, to pass Resolution No. 2023-18, dissolving the GovITC Consortium.

Mr. Robinson reviewed the proposed resolution, details of which are contained in his memo of June 15, 2023, to Mr. Bragg, after which he answered questions from the Board. This memo also covers both of the next two upcoming proposed ordinances.

Upon roll call, Trustees voted as follows:

AYES: 6 – Johnson, Cesario, Ottenheimer, Stein, Pike, Weidenfeld

NAYS: 0 – None

Motion declared carried.


Moved by Cesario, seconded by Johnson, to pass Ordinance No. 2023-83, authorizing the Village Manager to execute an agreement with InterDev LLC, for IT Support Services, pending review and approval by the Village Attorney. Upon roll call, Trustees voted as follows:

AYES: 6 – Johnson, Cesario, Ottenheimer, Stein, Pike, Weidenfeld

NAYS: 0 – None

Motion declared carried.


Moved by Cesario, seconded by Ottenheimer, to pass Ordinance No. 2023-84, authorizing the Village Manager to execute an Intergovernmental Agreement with Lincolnshire for purposes of sharing an IT service provider to reduce contract costs, pending review and approval by the Village Attorney. Upon roll call, Trustees voted as follows:

AYES: 6 – Johnson, Cesario, Ottenheimer, Stein, Pike, Weidenfeld

NAYS: 0 – None

Motion declared carried.


Moved by Stein, seconded by Weidenfeld, to pass Ordinance No. 2023-85, authorizing an Amendment to the Frederick Quinn Corporation Contract establishing a Guaranteed Maximum Price of $17,967,980.00 for Construction Improvements to the new Public Works facility.

Mr. Warnstedt reviewed the proposed ordinance, details of which are contained in his memo of June 15, 2023, to Mr. Bragg.

Upon roll call, Trustees voted as follows:

AYES: 6 – Johnson, Cesario, Ottenheimer, Stein, Pike, Weidenfeld

NAYS: 0 – None

Motion declared carried.


President Smith reviewed the parameters to be followed by speakers and asked if there were any questions from the audience on items not on tonight’s agenda; there were no such questions.


Moved by Johnson seconded by Ottenheimer, to move to Executive Session to discuss: Section 2(C)(21) of the Illinois Open Meetings Act: Discussion of Minutes of Meetings Lawfully Closed Under This Act, Whether for Purposes of Approval by the Body of the Minutes or Semi-Annual Review of the Minutes as Mandated 

by Section 2.06, and Section 2(C)(11) of the Illinois Open Meetings Act: Litigation, When an Action Against, Affecting or on Behalf of the Particular Public Body Has Been Filed and is Pending Before a Court or Administrative Tribunal, or When the Public Body Finds that an Action is Probable or Imminent, in Which Case the Basis for the Finding Shall be Recorded and Entered into the Minutes of the Closed Meeting, and Section 2(C)(1) of the Illinois Open Meetings Act: the Appointment, Employment, Compensation, Discipline, Performance, or Dismissal of Specific Employees of the Public Body or Legal Counsel for the Public Body, Including Hearing Testimony on a Complaint Lodged Against an Employee of the Public Body or Against Legal Counsel for the Public Body to Determine Its Validity, and Section 2(C)(5) of the Illinois Open Meetings Act: (5) the Purchase or Lease of Real Property for the Use of the Public Body, Including Meetings Held for the Purpose of Discussing Whether a Particular Parcel Should be Acquired. Upon roll call, Trustees voted as follows:

AYES: 6 – Johnson, Cesario, Ottenheimer, Stein, Pike, Weidenfeld

NAYS: 0 – None

Motion declared carried.

The Board adjourned to Executive Session from 8:29 P.M. until 9:42 P.M.


Moved by Cesario, seconded by Johnson, to adjourn the meeting. Upon roll call, Trustees voted as follows:

AYES: 6 – Johnson, Cesario, Ottenheimer, Stein, Pike, Weidenfeld

NAYS: 0 – None

Motion declared carried.

The Regular Meeting was adjourned at 9:43 P.M.
