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Sunday, February 23, 2025

Village of Buffalo Grove Planning and Zoning Commission met June 21

Village of Buffalo Grove Planning and Zoning Commission met June 21.

Here are the minutes provided by the commission:

Call to Order

The meeting was called to order at 7:30 PM by Commissioner Mitchell Weinstein

Public Hearings/Items For Consideration - None

Regular Meeting

Other Matters for Discussion

1. Comprehensive Plan Reengagement - Staff Will Facilitate a Discussion with the PZC Regarding the Reengagement of the Community in the Comprehensive Planning Process (Trustee Weidenfeld) (Staff Contact: Kelly Purvis)

Purvis, Deputy Community Development Director, gave a presentation on the reengagement of the Buffalo Grove Comprehensive Plan, specifically the reason for updating the existing conditions report, taking the project in-house, and the project timeline.

Purvis provided the commissioners with a worksheet that included questions about the community including the strengths, issues, and overall vision of the Village as well as the Dundee and Milwaukee Corridors.

All the Commissioners took time completing the worksheet.

Purvis reviewed the questions one by one and gathered their responses.

The Commissioners spoke about the potential uses of both corridors and what they may look like 10-20 years down the road.

When asked about the strengths of the community, Commissioner Moodhe started off the conversation.

Com. Moodhe expressed diversity as a strength and a reoccurring desire amongst the community. Additionally, he mentioned the stability and reliability of village governance.

Com. Worlikar expressed the Villages schools as a strength and a draw to the community.

Com. Spunt expressed great village services as a strength to the community along with activities for families and children.

Com. Davis expressed diversity and the growing population within our geographic area.

Com. Richards mentioned the park district services as a great strength along with their programs and the greenspace that allows people to be active outdoors.

Additionally, he mentioned the fiscal responsibility.

Chairperson Weinstein expressed that residents of Buffalo Grove tend to stay for a long time, which goes along with the aging population. Additionally, he added comments he had heard during a steering committee where developers expressed the ease of working with the village for development as a strength.

Com. Saxena expressed the village does a great job at providing the essentials, whether it is grocery, medical, recreation and more.

Overall, the commissioners expressed the strengths of the Dundee Corridor include its contiguous land, traffic density, housing density, the location of BG High School, and its potential for mixed use development and overall growth.

When asked about the strengths of the Milwaukee Corridor, the commissioners expressed high traffic area, good access, potential to work with surrounding communities, and the potential for businesses to be located in the corridor (restaurant, entertainment, services, offices).

When asked about the issues facing the community, Commissioner Spunt started off the conversation.

Com. Spunt expressed the number of lanes on major roads as an issue – there are not enough lanes to handle more traffic that may come.

Com. Worlikar expressed the need for more room at the schools. Additionally, he mentioned improved public transportation as a need for the future.

Com. Saxena expressed the need to scale village services to keep pace with anticipated growth.

Com. Weinstein expressed the need for affordable housing and rising property taxes as issues.

Com. Moodhe expressed additional connectivity in these corridors which may become more high density in years to come. He also mentioned more public transportation.

Com. Davis expressed the need for more things to do that keep you within the boundaries of the village in addition to the great residential areas.

Com. Richards expressed the need for more business in buffalo grove so that we have more visitors coming in to work.

Overall, when asked about the issues facing Dundee Corridor, commissioners mentioned the dilapidated dealerships, safety of the road conditions in the winter, odd lot sizes, and property assemblage.

When asked about the issues facing the Milwaukee Corridor, commissioners mentioned the ownership/rights of land/property along the corridor as well as floodplain issues, lack of development, and too many gas stations.

When asked what their vision would be for the future of the community, Com. Moodhe started off the conversation.

Com. Moodhe expressed the desire for a strong mix or residential and a mix of various businesses.

Com. Spunt expressed the desire for a good comprehensive plan to help guide the community like we have been doing.

Com. Worlikar expressed the desire for a community identity. Additionally, he mentioned the desire for expanded community services such as parks, schools, and programs.

Com. Richards expressed the desire for intentional technology readiness such as solar and EV. Additionally, creating e-services for the community.

Com. Saxena expressed the desire for services for the aging population.

When asked about the vision for the Dundee Corridor, overall, the commissioners expressed the desire for a high-density area with mixed uses, and total revitalization of the area. Additionally, the possibility of creating an entertainment district and playing off the traffic that moves through the area.

When asked about the vision for the Milwaukee Corridor, overall, the commissioners expressed the desire for a strong retail corridor, business districts/employment opportunities, more restaurants, and creating an identity for the corridor itself.

Lastly, Purvis asked the commissioners is their thoughts, ideas and/or vision of the community, Dundee Corridor or Milwaukee Corridor have changed over the past 3 years. Commissioner Moodhe started off the conversation.

Com. Moodhe said that in the past he would not have said there was a need for high density and mixed use areas, but now he would like to see more of that.

Com. Spunt spoke to the changes that are occurring around us that have played into his thoughts, ideas and or vision of the community and the corridors.

Com. Davis spoke to diversity and the need for a community identity.

Com. Weinstein said he would like us to identify our strengths and build off them as our foundation for creating the plan. Additionally, creating fast casual places for those who now work in a hybrid environment who are looking for those types of restaurants.

Com. Worlikar talked about office space verses the hybrid work environment post-covid. How will the labor market drive our development and how can we be flexible as the market changes.

Com. Saxena spoke to the labor market and keeping a pulse on industry treads.

Purvis concluded the discussion by presenting the next steps in the reengagement of the comprehensive plan.

Approval of Minutes

1. Planning and Zoning Commission - Regular Meeting - May 17, 2023 7:30 PM


AYES: Moodhe, Spunt, Weinstein, Richards, Worlikar, Davis

ABSTAIN: Sujat Sazen

ABSENT: Zill Khan, Amy Au

Chairman's Report

Chairperson Weinstein congratulated Com. Saxena for joining the commission and congratulated Com. Richards on his appointment to vice chairperson.

Committee and Liaison Reports

Com. Richards provided the liaison report for the last Village Board meeting.

Staff Report/Future Agenda Schedule

Purvis provided the commission with updates including the resignation of Com. Khan from the Planning and Zoning Commission and future agenda items.

Public Comments and Questions


The meeting was adjourned at 9:23 PM
