
North Cook News

Sunday, February 23, 2025

City of Elgin Planning & Zoning Commission met June 5

City of Elgin Planning & Zoning Commission met June 5.

Here are the minutes provided by the commission:

The regular meeting of the Planning & Zoning Commission was called to order at 7:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers by Chairman Cox in the City Council Chambers, 2nd Floor North Tower, 150 Dexter Court, Elgin, IL, 60120.

Members Present: Karin Jones, Berto Valdez, Jordan Wildermuth, and Chairman Cox.

Members Absent: Nancy Abuali, Alex Lopez, Steven Migala

Staff Present: Marc Mylott, Community Development Director, Damir Latinovic, Senior Planner.


Motion made by Commissioner Wildermuth to approve the minutes of May 1, 2023, as submitted.

The motion was seconded by Commissioner Valdez.

The motion passed 4-0.

Oath Administered: The court reporter administered the oath to all persons desiring to testify.


Consideration of Petition 10-23 

Requesting approval of the preliminary and final plat of subdivision to resubdivide approximately 15.7 acres of partially vacant land located at the northeast corner of Big Timber Road and Madeline Lane, commonly referred to as 1655-1705 Madeline Lane, by GPF Seefried Elgin 2022, LLC (Seefried), as applicant, and property owner.

There was no public comment.

Commissioner Wildermuth moved to recommend that City Council approve Petition 10-23, subject to the conditions outlined within the staff report, and to adopt as the findings of the Commission, the documents and conditions provided within such staff report. Commissioner Jones seconded the motion, which was adopted 4-0.

Consideration of Petition 11-23 

Requesting approval of a planned development as a conditional use with a departure from the Elgin Municipal Code requirements for the location of a pergola, and any other departures as may be necessary or desirable to construct an outdoor eating and drinking facility (patio) partially covered by a pergola in the street yard of the existing restaurant at the property commonly referred to as 1725 N. State Street, by Bob Karas/Alexander's Restaurant, as applicant, and Karas and Karas Properties, LLC., as property owner.

There was no public comment.

Commissioner Jones moved to recommend that City Council approve Petition 11-23, subject to the conditions outlined within the staff report, and to adopt as the findings of the Commission, the documents and conditions provided within such staff report.

Commissioner Valdez seconded the motion, which was adopted 4-0.

Consideration of Petitions 57-21 and 58-21 

Requesting annexation and a planned development as a map amendment with departures from the Elgin Municipal Code requirements for: the maximum permitted vehicle use area, a monument graphic, the number of required replacement trees, the number of principal buildings per one zoning lot, the location of air conditioning equipment, and any other departures as may be necessary or desirable, to construct 36 townhomes within four 9-unit buildings with rear- loaded garages, private streets, and alleyways, all at the property commonly referred to as 36W380 Big Timber Road (to be known as 2100 Big Timber Road, if annexed to the City of Elgin); by The Burton Foundation, as applicant and property owner.

Several members of the public spoke regarding the petition.

Commissioner Wildermuth moved to recommend that City Council approve Petitions 57-21 and 58-21, subject to the conditions outlined within the staff report, with an additional condition that the proposed right-in-right-out access driveway be changed to a full access driveway, and to adopt as the findings of the Commission, the documents and conditions provided within such staff report.

Commissioner Valdez seconded the motion, which was adopted 4-0.

Consideration of Petition 14-23 

Requesting approval to amend Title 19 "Zoning" of the Elgin Municipal Code to establish a definition and supplementary regulations for brew pubs and to add brew pubs to the list of permitted land uses in certain business zoning districts, by the Development Administrator of the City of Elgin, as applicant.

There was no public comment.

Commissioner Jones moved to recommend that City Council approve Petition 14-23, subject to the conditions outlined within the staff report, and to adopt as the findings of the Commission, the documents and conditions provided within such staff report.

Commissioner Valdez seconded the motion, which was adopted 4-0.






Mr. Latinovic gave a summary of pending applications.


Motion to adjourn was made by Commissioner Jones

The motion was seconded by Commissioner Valdez.

The motion passed unanimously.

The meeting of the Planning & Zoning Commission was adjourned at 9:54 p.m.
