
North Cook News

Sunday, February 23, 2025

City of Elgin City Council met May 24

City of Elgin City Council met May 24

Here is the agenda provided by the council:

Call to Order

Pledge of Allegiance

Roll Call

Minutes of Previous Meetings – May 10, 2023


• Mental Health Month Proclamation

Public Comments

Bids -

1. 23-003 2023 Country Knolls Resurfacing Project ($1,966,244)

2. 23-026 2023 Providence Resurfacing Project ($1,644,336)

Other Business (O)

1. Resolution Reappointing Kimberly A. Dewis as City Clerk of the City of Elgin, Illinois

2. Resolution Reappointing Debra Nawrocki as City Treasurer of the City of Elgin, Illinois

3. Ordinance Granting a Conditional Use to Establish a Tobacco Store in the CC1 Center City District (20 South State Street)

4. Ordinance Granting a Conditional Use for Accessory Package Liquor Sales in the NB Neighborhood Business District and ARC Arterial Road Corridor Overlay District (500 South McLean Boulevard)

5. Authorization for Payment – Altorfer Caterpillar for Repairs of Elgin Fire Department Engine #4

*Consent Agenda (C)

1. Resolution Authorizing Execution of a Sales Agreement with the South Elgin & Countryside Fire Protection District for the Sale of Surplus Emergency Portable Radios

2. Resolution Authorizing Execution of a Sales Agreement with the Rutland and Dundee Townships Fire Protection District Volunteer Firemen’s Association for the Sale of Surplus Emergency Portable Radios

3. Resolution Authorizing Execution of a Purchase Agreement with Duff Entertainment, Inc. for Operational Services in Connection with Nightmare on Chicago Street Event

4. Resolution Authorizing Execution of a Local Public Agency Engineering Services Agreement with Hampton, Lenzini & Renwick, Inc. for Construction Engineering Services in Connection with the 2023 Coombs-Highland-McDonald Resurfacing Project

5. Resolution Authorizing Execution of a Change Order No. 1 and Final with Martam Construction, Inc. for Gifford Road Water Main Improvements Phase I (Bid No. 22-032)

6. Resolution Approving Annual Membership Renewal with Metro West Council of Government for May, 2023 to April, 2024

7. Resolution Ratifying the Execution of a Grant for Public Roadway Expansion Easement from Commonwealth Edison Company to Widen and Improve the Shales Parkway and Sheldon Drive Intersection

8. Resolution Authorizing Execution of a Purchase Agreement with Fire Service, Inc. for the Purchase of a Wheeled Coach Ambulance Miscellaneous Business (M)

1. 1. Boards and Commissions Minutes

a. E-911 Board, April 20, 2023

b. Liquor Commission, April 12, 2023

c. Committee of the Whole, April 26, 2023

d. City Council, April 26, 2023

2. Various Reports

a. Sales Tax Revenue

b. Local Sales Tax Revenue

c. Income Sales Tax Revenue

d. State Use Tax Revenue

e. Telecommunication Tax Revenue

f. Hotel Motel Tax Revenue

g. Local Motor Fuel Tax Revenue

h. Alcoholic Liquor Tax Revenue

i. Cannabis Revenue

j. Video Gaming Revenue

k. Riverboat Revenue

3. Disbursement Report


Next Committee of the Whole Meeting, Wednesday, June 14, 2023, at 6:00 p.m., in the City Council Chambers

Next Regular Meeting of the Elgin City Council, Wednesday, June 14, 2023, at 7:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers

