
North Cook News

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Village of Buffalo Grove Planning and Zoning Commission met May 17

Village of Buffalo Grove Planning and Zoning Commission met May 17.

Here is the agenda provided by the commission:

I. Call to Order

II. Public Hearings/Items For Consideration

Public Comment is limited to items that are not on the regular agenda. In accordance with Section 2.02.070 of the Municipal Code, discussion on questions from the audience will be limited to 5 minutes and should be limited to concerns or comments regarding issues that are relevant to Planning and Zoning Commission business. All members of the public addressing the Planning and Zoning Commission shall maintain proper decorum and refrain from making disrespectful remarks or comments relating to individuals. Speakers shall use every attempt to not be repetitive of points that have been made by others. The Planning and Zoning Commission may refer any matter of public comment to the Village Manager, Village staff or an appropriate agency for review.

1. Consideration of a Special Use for a Child Care Center in the Office and Research District (O&R) at 1401 McHenry Road, Suite 124 (Trustee Johnson) (Staff Contact: Andrew Binder)

2. Consideration of Variations to Title 14 (Sign Code) Section 14.16 to Allow a Larger Ground Sign Than is Permitted in Residential Districts and to Allow Two Ground Signs Where One is Permitted at 10 Buffalo Grove Road (Trustee Pike) (Staff Contact: Andrew Binder)

3. Consideration of a Variation to Title 14 (Sign Code) Section 14.16 Pertaining to the Maximum Sign Area and the Maximum Height Permitted for a Ground Sign in the B-3 Planned Business Center District and an Amendment to ‘The Grove’ Shopping Center Uniform Sign Package to Allow Tenant Panels to be Added to the Existing Ground Sign at ‘The Grove’ Shopping Center at 59-197 McHenry Road (Trustee Ottenheimer) (Staff Contact: Andrew Binder)

III. Regular Meeting

A. Other Matters for Discussion

B. Approval of Minutes

1. Planning and Zoning Commission - Regular Meeting - May 3, 2023 7:30 PM

C. Chairman's Report

D. Committee and Liaison Reports

E. Staff Report/Future Agenda Schedule

F. Public Comments and Questions

Public Comment is limited to items that are not on the regular agenda. In accordance with Section 2.02.070 of the Municipal Code, discussion on questions from the audience will be limited to 5 minutes and should be limited to concerns or comments regarding issues that are relevant to Planning and Zoning Commission business. All members of the public addressing the Planning and Zoning Commission shall maintain proper decorum and refrain from making disrespectful remarks or comments relating to individuals. Speakers shall use every attempt to not be repetitive of points that have been made by others. The Planning and Zoning Commission may refer any matter of public comment to the Village Manager, Village staff or an appropriate agency for review.

IV. Adjournment

The Planning and Zoning Commission will make every effort to accommodate all items on the agenda by 10:30 p.m. The Board, does, however, reserve the right to defer consideration of matters to another meeting should the discussion run past 10:30 p.m.

V. Ordinances

The Village of Buffalo Grove, in compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, requests that persons with disabilities, who require certain accommodations to allow them to observe and/or participate in this meeting or have questions about the accessibility of the meeting or facilities, contact the ADA Coordinator at 459-2525 to allow the Village to make reasonable accommodations for those persons
