
North Cook News

Friday, February 28, 2025

Shockingly unethical Illinois school board member


Kim Cavill | Illinois Family Institute

Kim Cavill | Illinois Family Institute

In closing statements at a recent D211 School Board candidate forum during which candidates had free rein to say anything, a controversial candidate for re-election, Kim Cavill, chose to make a provocative statement about a local church. With her usual supercilious attitude, Cavill said this:  

I'm going to address the elephant in the room. New Hope Community Church and their preferred candidates desperately want me off this board because I'm very effective, because I read my board documents and come to every meeting very prepared, because I routinely bring chaotic and unproductive board conversations back to practical matters using good common sense, and because I strongly resist any attempt to further politicize this district, this board and most importantly our students. [New Hope Community Church] cannot intimidate me, they can't shame me … so they double down on conspiracy theories and cheap shots while I remain laser-focused on making sure District 211 provides a challenging, robust education to every kid that walks through our door, no matter who they are or what their family believes. And if my unwavering commitment to that principle makes me unpopular with New Hope Community Church and whatever candidates they prefer, it's a price called willingly pay in my second term.

You may be wondering what kind of church objects to effectiveness, common sense, reading board documents, coming to meetings prepared, and bringing chaotic and unproductive board conversations back to practical matters.

Kim Cavill | Breakthrough Ideas

What kind of church opposes a laser focus on providing all kids a challenging and robust education? What kind of church wants to deny kids a challenging, robust education based on “who they are” or “what their family believes”?

What kind of church wants to politicize the district, board, and students? That’s usually the goal of leftists, so, is this a leftist church? It is leftists who are politicizing schools by teaching arguable ideas on race derived from Critical Race Theory as objective truth. It is leftists who are politicizing schools by instituting ahistorical, controversial policies derived from trans-cultism, like the sexual integration of locker rooms and bathrooms and mandating incorrect pronoun use.

What exactly are the “conspiracy theories and cheap shots” this church allegedly doubled down on?

Fortunately for those invested in transparency and truth, New Hope Community Church’s pastor and school task force posted an open letter to Cavill to correct her disinformation—one that lacked the arrogance of Cavill’s statement: 

OPEN LETTER to D211 Board Member Cavill in Response to Her Comments about New Hope Community Church on 3/15/23 at the LWV Candidate Forum:
“Dear Ms. Cavill,

At the recent League of Women Voters D211 Candidate Forum you stated that “New Hope Community Church desperately wants you off the board” because:

1) You “read your board documents and come to every meeting very prepared”

2) You “use good common sense”

3) You “strongly resist any attempt to politicize this district, this board and most importantly our students”

Ms. Cavill, you know this is not true. We have criticized you for none of these things. We do, however, want you off the board–and you know why. Specifically, you support radical gender policy, extreme sex ed, and obscene books in our schools. In short, you support using the schools to sexualize minor children.

A few months ago, with the election in view, you deleted every episode of your Six Minute Sex Ed podcasts for “teens and tweens.” (You even deleted the reference to teens and tweens!) This indicates you are well aware that your views regarding what is appropriate for minor children are not shared by the vast majority of parents or your constituents.

Although the podcasts themselves are gone, enough of your thoughts and views remain in the titles and descriptions to illustrate the problem.

- All About Oral Sex (Ep. 7)

- Let's Talk About Porn (Ep 15)

- Masturbation (Ep. 24)

- All About Butts! (Ep. 37)

- All About Anal (Ep. 38)

- Revenge Porn (Ep. 41)

- Can Boys Wear Dresses?

- Creating Queer Inclusive Spaces

Again, unbelievably, you created these for “teens and tweens.” Why would an adult woman be so determined that such content be shared with other people’s children? 

During your podcast interview with Dr. Elisabeth Sheff on "Polyamory and Consensual Non-Monogamy" (Ep. 64) you asked, “What advice do you have for health teachers … who want to talk to young people about polyamorous and multi-parent family structures?“ 

Your agenda is clear. In our opinion, the examples listed here amply demonstrate that you do not belong on any school board. These sorts of discussions should be left to parents–if they are discussed at all.

I have many sermons on the internet, yet I have never deleted a single one. I believe the Bible is true and I WILL stand by my beliefs, regardless of how the wind blows. By contrast, you have hidden your beliefs during election season. If you truly thought your values were shared by the majority of our community, you would not have removed your podcasts.

Morality is not bigotry. Protecting the innocence of all children, regardless of how they identify, is not oppression. You stand by an empty podcast page with many deleted podcasts. We will stand by the Word of God.


The “Elephant in the Room”

Pr. James Pittman Jr. and the

New Hope Community Church School Task Force

Perhaps rather than spend time promoting herself as a courageous martyr willing to “pay a price” for “principle,” Cavill could share with the public some specifics about those principles, particularly regarding public schools and sexuality, “gender,” religious liberty, and ideological diversity. And perhaps she could share with specificity the content of those “conspiracy theories” and “cheap shots,” she has alleged New Hope Community Church has doubled down on.

For those interested, here's more on Cavill’s history of ethically dubious actions: click here and here.

Let’s hope and pray that every local church in every community would have the courage to put into action their commitment to care for the least among us—for example, children—as Pastor Pittman and his church have.

And let’s hope and pray that every community will have the wisdom and good sense to keep people as indecent, unethical, and foolish as Kim Cavill off school boards.

This story was originally published by Breakthrough Ideas. Read the original HERE.