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Saturday, March 1, 2025

City of Prospect Heights City Council met Jan. 23

City of Prospect Heights City Council met Jan. 23 

Here are the minutes provided by the council:

Prospect Peights

CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL - At 6:02 PM, Acting Mayor Dolick called to order the Regular Prospect Heights City Council Meeting at City Hall, 8 N Elmhurst Road, Prospect Heights, IL 60070.

Deputy Clerk Schultheis read the preamble to the meeting.

City Clerk Prisiajniouk called roll. A quorum was present.

ELECTED OFFICIALS PRESENT - Acting Mayor/Alderman Dolick; Aldermen - Dash, Cameron, Ludvigsen, Morgan-Adams; Treasurer Tibbits, City Clerk Prisiajniouk

OTHER OFFICIALS PRESENT - City Administrator Wade, Assistant City Administrator Falcone, Deputy Clerk Schultheis, Director of Building and Development Peterson, Public Works Director Roscoe, Digital Communications Technician Colvin, Attorney O'Driscoll, Co-Finance Director Giacalone; Assistant Finance Director Tannehill; Police Chief Caponigro.

PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE – led by resident Mariusz Folta


A.January 9, 2022 City Council Regular Meeting Minutes - Alderman Morgan-Adams moved to Approve the January 9, 2023 City Council Regular meeting Minutes as presented; seconded by Alderman Dash. There was unanimous approval. ROLL CALL VOTE: 

AYES - Dash, Morgan-Adams, Ludvigsen, Cameron, Dolick 

NAYS - None


Motion carried 5 - 0


A.Chicago Executive Airport Monthly Update Presented, by Director Bill Kearns -

gave a 2022 year in review - there were 97,456 operations; which was close to the 20-year average and above the ten-year average

- Fuel flowage was 8,291,751 gallons compared to the 20-year average of 5.7 million gallons. That is due to the increase in aircraft that take larger amounts of fuel.

- Customs had 512 operations.

Director Kearns said that the CEA is waiting for the FAA's final approval of the sound insulation program. They will be meeting with the FAA on February 3rd to discuss Phase II.

- There is an airfield lighting project - will start in April.

- Airfield grant roadway project in front of Atlantic Aviation. Scheduled for the summer into the Fall, 2023.

- ARFF (Aircraft Rescue and Firefighting) foam truck from Wheeling. It will assist in aircraft emergencies. Partially paid for with money from airport sales taxes.

- Job shadowing project with District 214 in February

- The fiscal Year Budget will be presented by the February meeting.

- Solar Energy at the airport is being discussed to lower costs and to have the airport go green.

Acting Mayor Dolick asked about the foam truck - how are emergencies handled until the truck's arrival? CEA Director Kearns said that the Airport has an existing ARFF truck that it is using. It will be replaced by the new one.

Alderman Morgan-Adams asked about the additional taxes that had not been paid. Director Kearns said that the Airport is still working on that issue, and that some of the taxes had been paid. He noted that the larger bill is still in an appeal case with Cook County to appeal those taxes. No action was taken. 






A.R-23-02 Staff Memo and Resolution Acknowledging the City of Prospect Heights' Support of Tax Increment Financing - City Administrator Wade said that the IML has asked the cities to adopt to endorse authority on TIF's to remain under the control if the cities, and not allow Springfield to erode the municipal authority. He stated that the TIF is a city responsibility. Alderman Morgan-Adams moved to approve R-23-02 Staff Memo and Resolution 

Acknowledging the City of Prospect Heights' Support of Tax Increment Financing; seconded by Alderman Ludvigsen. 

Discussion followed - Alderman Ludvigsen said that the City should be allowed to maintain its authority. Alderman Morgan-Adams said that as the City is not Home Rule, the TIF is one of the major tools the City can use.

There was unanimous approval. 


AYES - Morgan-Adams, Ludvigsen, Cameron, Dolick, Dash

NAYS - None


Motion carried 5 - 0

B.R-23-03 Resolution Authorizing a Legal Services Agreement Between the City of Prospect Heights and Tressler LLP - Alderman Ludvigsen moved to Approve R-23-03 Resolution Authorizing a Legal Services Agreement Between the City of Prospect Heights and Tressler LLP as amended; seconded by Alderman Cameron. 

Discussion followed.

Alderman Morgan-Adams wanted to know if travel time to the meetings was included? She wanted it put in the agreement. Attorney O'Driscoll said that travel time at no cost to the City Council meetings would be added to the contract.

Alderman Cameron asked that the contract be amended to show a start date of February 1, 2023, not January 1, 2023. Attorney O'Driscoll agreed to that amendment. There was unanimous approval. 


AYES - Ludvigsen, Cameron, Dolick, Dash, Morgan-Adams

NAYS - None


Motion carried 5 - 0


A.December Financial Report Presented by Finance Director Nate Giacalone said that the City is on target at 71% of budget revenues. He noted that expenses were 80% due to the Arlington Countryside capital improvement project and General Obligation payments.

B.Report of Legally Reported Adult-Use Zoning Proposal by Community Development Director Dan Peterson - Because of the disconnection of Sanders Road, the City eliminated its adult use zoned area; which is required as a non-Home Rule community. The City has identified parcels not near religious or residential areas. The areas are isolated and do not have an impact on existing businesses. The property owners understood the position of the City, but were only concerned that the City Council and residents know that this was not initiated by the property owners, and that their current uses will not be impacted.

He and City Administrator Wade spoke with CEA Airport Executive Director Miller and Economic Development Director Sakas and they also were in agreement about the locations chosen.

Director Peterson said that this will be sent to the PZBA at their March meeting, and then it will be brought back to the Council in April.

Acting Mayor Dolick asked what the area encompassed. Director Peterson said that the area was along Palatine Road Frontage on the north side o Palatine Road but south of the Airport. It's bounded by the Airport to the north, Milwaukee Avenue to the east and Palatine Road to the south.

Alderman Ludvigsen said that the map shows three parcels with PIN numbers next to other areas being discussed. He wanted to know if this area included McDonalds? Director Peterson said "no." He noted that e there were some size restrictions to the lots. These types of issues would be addressed in the rezoning language. There are only two parcels.

Acting Mayor/Alderman Ward 5 Dolick - said that he wanted to survey the Council to see if they wanted to maintain the Staff/Elected Official/Commission report format or streamline so that only those who had a report would speak. He would not have to go around the dais and ask each member.

Alderman Cameron (Ward 1) noted that at the last meeting there was an omnibus motion regarding two meetings - the December, 2022 City Council Meeting and the January 4, 2023 Strategic Directions meeting. While she abstained in the vote as she did not attend the December meeting; she did, in fact, attend the January 4th meeting.

Alderman Ludvigsen (Ward 2) – he does not need to be asked if he has a report.

Alderman Morgan-Adams (Ward 3) said she had no issue whether the current format was kept or changed.

Alderman Dash (Ward 4) said that she did not need to be asked if she had a report.

Acting Mayor/Alderman Ward 5 Dolick said that he would prefer the more time-saving format.

Treasurer Tibbits said that the format should be time-saving. He added that the those wishing to speak should notify the Mayor ahead of time.

City Clerk Prisiajniouk - said that the Greater Wheeling Chamber is hosting a business owners networking get-together on Thursday, January 26th from 5 - 7 PM - Mia's Cantina - 373 N Dundee, Wheeling. It costs $15 to register for non-members.

City Clerk Prisiajniouk said that she agreed with the Treasurer that the officials who want to speak should alert the Mayor in advance to save time.

Public Works Director Roscoe - said that the City Administrator, the City Engineer and he have been working with the Army Corp of Engineers regarding Levee 37. There will be a calculation to submit to IDOT regarding the Levee 37 project by the next meeting.

Police Chief Caponigro - asked that residents and officials keep reviewing the Prospect Heights Facebook page and the City webpage. He said that the Police Department will be conducting demonstrations regarding how to install child restraining seats.

He said that the new Social Worker has set up an upcoming program for emergency funds for fire victims.


Approval of Expenditures

General Fund $142,541.42

Motor Fuel Tax Fund $0.00

Palatine/Milwaukee Tax Increment Financing District $0.00

Tourism District $930.27

Development Fund $0.00

Drug Enforcement Agency Fund $41,514.53

Solid Waste Fund $0.00

Special Service Area #1 $0.00

Special Service Area #2 $0.00

Special Service Area #3 $0.00

Special Service Area #4 $0.00

Special Service Area #5 $0.00

Special Service Area #8 - Levee Wall #37 $0.00

Special Service Area-Constr #6 (Water Main)$0.00 

Special Service Area- Debt #6 $0.00

Capital Improvements $17,664.90

Palatine Road Tax Increment Financing District $583.53

Road Construction $0.00

Road Construction Debt $605.00

Water Fund $24,578.10

Parking Fund $0.00

Sanitary Sewer Fund $8,287.77

Road/Building Bond Escrow $10,375.60

Police Pension $0.00

TOTAL $247,081.12 

Wire Payments 1/13/2023 PAYROLL $189,717.66 

TOTAL WARRANT $436,798.78 

City Clerk Prisiajniouk read the warrants. Alderman Ludvigsen moved to approved the warrants as presented; seconded by Alderman Cameron to include a TOTAL of $247,081.12; 1/13/2023 Payroll of $189,717.66; and a TOTAL WARRANT of $436,798.78. There was unanimous approval. 


AYES - Dolick, Dash, Morgan-Adams, Ludvigsen, Cameron 

NAYS - None


Motion carried 5 - 0

PUBLIC COMMENT ON NON-AGENDA MATTERS (Five Minute Time Limit) – Richard Hamen - "Wishing Happy New Year to everyone one the city council and staff as well as Happy New Year to all of the residents of Ward 1 and the City of Prospect Hts. Let's make this out best year ever!

I agree with Wendy and Pat that Springfield should stick to state issues and leave municipal issues to us certainly our economic development.

Lastly as I've recovered from spinal surgery a month ago I have chosen to run this year's Chicago Marathon in October for Ronald McDonald House Charities. My sister has epilepsy and the kind and caring people of RMHC reached out to assist and I am forever grateful. Who wants to run with me? I'll train on Saturdays and Tuesdays and throughout the week in ward 1 and the entire city."


ADJOURNMENT – At 7:05 PM, Alderman Morgan-Adams moved to adjourn; seconded by Alderman Cameron. There was unanimous approval. 


All Ayes, No Nays

Motion carried 5-0
