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Saturday, March 1, 2025

City of Prospect Heights Chicago Executive Airport Board of Directors met Jan. 18

City of Prospect Heights Chicago Executive Airport Board of Directors met Jan. 18.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

I. Call to Order and Roll Call 

Chairman Court Harris called the meeting to order at 6:02 p.m. Roll call confirmed the following present: Directors Berman, Hellyer, Kearns, Kiefer, Lang, and Saewert. Absent: None.

Also in Attendance: 

Jeff Miller - Executive Director

George Sakas - Director of Economic Development

Jason Griffith - Director of Finance

Andrew Wolanik – Director of Operations & Maintenance

Krista Coltrin - Administrative Manager/Recording Secretary 

Kim Mueller -- Property Accountant

Penny Merritt - QuieterHome® Program Project Manager 

Tom Lester - Attorney

II. Pledge of Allegiance 

Chairman Harris led those in attendance in the Pledge of Allegiance.

III. Approval of Minutes 

A motion was made by Director Lang and seconded by Director Berman to approve the minutes from the December 14, 2022, Regular Board Meeting. The motion was approved by voice vote. Ayes: Directors Director Berman, Hellyer, Kearns, Kiefer, Lang, and Saewert. Nays: None. Absent: None.

Director Kearns recommended clarification of the comments from Director Saewert under Section VII, Hearings and Reports, Item C, sixth bullet point: to reflect that 30% of the units must apply and qualify for testing for the building to be included in the [RSIP] program. Penny Merritt confirmed that this was an accurate reflection of the program requirements.

IV. Changes to the Agenda 

The following was moved to Executive Session:

Resolution 23-002 – A Resolution to Approve a Purchase and Sale Agreement for Surplus Airport Properties on and near Wolf Road

V. Public Comments 

Jim Loerzel, a commercial pilot, airport tenant and Prospect Heights resident, addressed the Board of Directors regarding increasing hangar rates. After mentioning a surplus of unallocated funds from 2021 and 2022, he requested that the board consider applying the surplus to help offset increasing lease rates for the upcoming year.

VII. Hearings and Reports 

A) Director of Finance Report 

Director of Finance Jason Griffith delivered the Treasurer's Report and said December is the eighth month in the fiscal year, meaning the target percentage collected or expended is 66.67% of the budget. Year-to-date operating revenues were at 76.08% and operating expenditures were at 58.03% of the budget.

B) Executive Director's Report 

Jeff Miller reported on the following:

✈ Total operations for November were 6,319, which is 18% below November 2022 and 8.5% below December 2021. The previous 12-month operations dropped to 97,456. However, this is 33% above average for the month of December since 2010.

✈ December fuel flowage was 746,485 gallons, which is 5% above November 2022 and 5% below December 2021. The previous fuel flowage dropped to 8,291,751 gallons. However, fuel flowage is 68% above the average month of December since 2010.

✈ Total Customs clearances were 44 in December, which is 3 more than November 2022, but 6 less than December 2021. The 12-month total for Customs clearances increased to 512. Clearances are 9 above the average month of December since 2010. Chicago Executive Airport remains the busiest airport customs facility in the Customs and Border Patrol region.

✈ Annual numbers:

о Total operations for 2022 decreased 2% to 97,456. The 20-year average 96,283. is Fuel flowage decreased less than .5% to just less than 8.3 million gallons. The 20-year average is 5.7 million gallons.

о At 512, Customs clearances were 37% above 2021, which is in line with 2017. The 20-year average is 449 clearances.

о Total fuel consumption: Jet A = 97.6%; 100LL is 2.4%.

о The fuel-to-operations ratio rose to 87, meaning 87 gallons of fuel were pumped for every flight. The 22-year average is 62 and rising.

✈ The total number of noise comments was 20; 11 calls were from 2 people; 1 of the comments received was from a household outside CEA's airspace; and 1 call was for rotorcraft. The new phone system is working well.

✈ To date, 612 applications have been received for the Residential Sound Insulation Program (RSIP).

o The FAA is reviewing the initial report. A follow-up meeting with them is scheduled for tomorrow with hopes of receiving a formal reply to the review soon. The program was reviewed in Washington, D.C. and has been returned to the local airport district office for further consideration.

о $2.5 million is programmed from the FAA for the 2023 RSIP program.

o RS&H has the raw data for flight tracks from the FAA and the Noise Exposure Map update is anticipated for a spring/summer timeline.

✈ Updates to construction projects include:

о The airfield lighting project is scheduled to start April 17, 2023. The airfield ramp project and roadway rehabilitation project in front of Atlantic Aviation are on schedule for summer/fall 2023.

о The new Atlantic Aviation fuel farm is operational; work on removing the old fuel farm is expected to begin in spring 2023.

✈ Other items include: 

о The Village of Wheeling Fire Department anticipates the arrival of the new Aircraft Rescue Fire Fighting (ARFF) truck in February. Airport staff and the Village of Wheeling will work to distribute a press release at that time.

о Work has begun on the FY24 budget.

о Review of hangar 5/6 restroom renovation is underway.

✈ Public Relations Report 

о Updates to the social media accounts are underway.

o Airport and Serafin staff are collaborating on a 2023 marketing and communication strategy to include core messaging and brand specifications.

o The Airport donated $1,000 to the Chicago Executive Pilots Association's scholarship fund for training at one of the Airport's flight schools for a student pursuing an aviation career.

о The Airport donated $1,000 to Women in Aviation - Chicago's Leading- Edge Chapter.

o Early planning for the 100-year anniversary in 2026 is underway and could include a rebranding initiative.

✈ Upcoming Meetings & Events

о Staff will be attending NBAA Schedulers & Dispatchers Conference in Nashville, TN, Tuesday through Thursday, January 24-26.

о Staff will attend the Chicago Area 99's Aviation Expo on Saturday, January 28th

о The next Board of Directors meeting is Wednesday, February 15th.

о The CEA office will be closed Monday, February 20th, in observance of Presidents Day.

C) Board Member Comments 

• Director Saewert appreciated the opportunity to attend the Annual CABAA Kickoff luncheon and hear legislative insights from Ed Bolen, President and CEO of NBAA.

• Director Kearns added that he appreciated hearing Mr. Bolen discuss the focus on sustainable aviation and the industry's pledge to reach net zero carbon emissions by 2050. Mr. Bolen also addressed the FAA funding bill that is important to the aviation industry.

D) Correspondence and Chairman's Comments 

• None.

VIII. New Business 

A. Resolution 23-001 - A Resolution Authorizing the Payment of Claims

A motion to approve was made by Director Saewert and seconded by Director Lang. The motion was approved by roll call. Ayes: Directors Berman, Hellyer, Kearns, Kiefer, Lang, and Saewert. Nays: None. Absent: None.

IX. Executive Session - Pursuant to 5 ILCS 120/2 (c) (6) to discuss the sale or lease of property owned by the public body

At 6:17 p.m. a motion to move into Executive Session was made by Director Berman and seconded by Director Kearns. The motion was approved by roll call. Ayes: Directors Berman, Hellyer, Kearns, Kiefer, Lang, and Saewert. Nays: None. Absent: None.

At 8:29 p.m. a motion to return to open session was made by Director Berman and seconded by Director Hellyer. The motion was approved by voice vote. Ayes: Directors Berman, Hellyer, Kearns, Kiefer, Lang, and Saewert. Nays: None. Absent: None.

X. Action Taken from Executive Session 

A. Resolution 23-002 - A Resolution to Approve a Purchase and Sale Agreement for Surplus Airport Properties on and near Wolf Road

A motion to approve was made by Director Kiefer and seconded by Director Saewert. The motion was approved by roll call. Ayes: Directors Berman, Hellyer, Kearns, Kiefer, Lang, and Saewert. Nays: None. Absent: None.

XI. Adjournment 

At 8:32 p.m. a motion was made by Director Kearns and seconded by Director Saewert to adjourn the meeting. The motion was approved by voice vote. Ayes: Directors Berman, Hellyer, Kearns, Kiefer, Lang, and Saewert. Nays: None. Absent: None.
