
North Cook News

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Village of Streamwood President and Board of Trustees met Sept. 15

Village of Streamwood President and Board of Trustees met Sept. 15.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:


President Roth called the meeting to order at 7:01 pm.


Trustee William Harper Present

Trustee Mary Thon Present

Trustee Larry Schmidt Present

Trustee Rezwanul Haque Present

Trustee Michael Baumer Present

Trustee James Cecille Present

President Billie D. Roth Present

All those answering “present” were physically present at the meeting.



P-22-001 Commission Reappointment

President Roth requested concurrence with the reappointment of James Nicklen to the Veterans Memorial Commission for a 2-year term expiring September 2024. Trustee Thon moved for approval. Trustee Haque seconded the motion. A voice vote approved the reappointment.

P-22-002 K-9 Support Recognition – Canines Scout and Hope

Gateway Veterinary Clinic, St. Charles, IL – Dr. Kurt Klepitsch

Pet Supplies Plus, 61 E. Irving Park Rd, Streamwood – Manager Joey Keehn P-22-003 Police Department Swearing In – Police Officer Vanessa Mendez


Trustee Cecille moved for a short recess to allow for photos. Trustee Schmidt seconded the motion. A voice vote approved the Recess. The Village Board recessed their meeting at 7:13 p.m.


The Village Board reconvened their meeting at 7:28 p.m.


Trustee William Harper Present Trustee Mary Thon Present Trustee Larry Schmidt Present Trustee Rezwanul Haque Present Trustee Michael Baumer Present Trustee James Cecille Present President Billie D. Roth Present

All those answering “present” were physically present at the meeting.


Village Manager Sharon Caddigan noted the first section of new roadway paving is being done at Irving Park Road and Bartlett Road.

The Phoenix Lake annual cleanup is scheduled for September 17th from 8 am to 11 am. All supplies will be provided; dress to get wet and dirty.


Request the Board approve the September 15, 2022 Agenda as presented. Trustee Cecille moved for approval. Trustee Haque seconded the motion. A voice vote approved the Agenda as presented.


Request the Board approve the Minutes of the Board Meeting of September 1, 2022 as presented. Trustee Harper moved for approval. Trustee Schmidt seconded the motion. A voice vote approved the Minutes as presented.

COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT – Trustee Thon/Trustee Baumer

A-22-096 Ordinance – Special Use – Liquor Sales – BP Streamwood – 1236 E Irving Park Road

Request the Board approve an Ordinance entitled “AN ORDINANCE GRANTING A SPECIAL USE PERMIT TO ALLOW FOR THE SALE OF PACKAGED ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES FOR OFF-PREMISE CONSUMPTION IN A C-2 COMMERCIAL DISTRICT LOCATED AT 1236 E. IRVING PARK ROAD.” This Ordinance authorizes a special use permit to allow for the sales of alcohol in an existing gas station convenience store in a C-2 Commercial District.

Trustee Thon presented the Ordinance for second reading and moved for approval. Trustee Baumer seconded the motion.


Trustee Harper Aye

Trustee Thon Aye

Trustee Schmidt Aye

Trustee Haque Aye

Trustee Baumer Aye

Trustee Cecille Aye

Motion carried. ORDINANCE 2022-22

A-22-097 Ordinance – Special Use – Cannabis Dispensary – 1594 Buttitta Drive

Request the Board approve an Ordinance entitled “AN ORDINANCE GRANTING A SPECIAL USE PERMIT TO ALLOW FOR AN ADULT-USE CANNABIS DISPENSARY IN A C-2 COMMERCIAL DISTRICT LOCATED AT 1594 BUTTITTA DRIVE.” This Ordinance authorizes a special use permit to allow for a cannabis dispensary in an existing retail center in a C-2 Commercial District.

Trustee Thon presented the Ordinance for second reading and moved for approval. Trustee Haque seconded the motion. Trustee Cecille asked when the business planned to open; the petitioner stated he was hoping for early 2023.


Trustee Thon Aye

Trustee Schmidt Aye

Trustee Haque Aye

Trustee Baumer Aye

Trustee Cecille Aye

Trustee Harper Aye

Motion carried. ORDINANCE 2022-23

A-22-098 Ordinance – Authorizing the Execution of an Annexation Agreement – Oasis Senior Living Facility – 30W320 and 30W360 Irving Park Road

Request the Board approve an Ordinance entitled “AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF AN ANNEXATION AGREEMENT FOR PROPERTY KNOWN AS OASIS OF STREAMWOOD.” This Ordinance authorizes the execution of an annexation agreement to permit real property to be annexed into the Village of Streamwood for development.

Trustee Thon presented the Ordinance for second reading and moved for approval. Trustee Cecille seconded the motion.


Trustee Schmidt Aye

Trustee Haque Aye

Trustee Baumer Aye

Trustee Cecille Aye

Trustee Harper Aye

Trustee Thon Aye

Motion carried. ORDINANCE 2022-24

A-22-099 Ordinance – Annexation – Oasis Senior Living Facility – 30W320 and 30W360 Irving Park Road

Request the Board approve an Ordinance entitled “AN ORDINANCE ANNEXING CERTAIN TERRITORY TO THE VILLAGE OF STREAMWOOD, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS, PROPERTY KNOWN AS THE OASIS OF STREAMWOOD.” This Ordinance authorizes the annexation of roughly six acres of property to be developed as an assisted living and memory care facility in Streamwood.

Trustee Thon presented the Ordinance for second reading and moved for approval. Trustee Haque seconded the motion.


Trustee Haque Aye

Trustee Baumer Aye

Trustee Cecille Aye

Trustee Harper Aye

Trustee Thon Aye

Trustee Schmidt Aye

Motion carried. ORDINANCE 2022-25

A-22-100 Ordinance – Rezoning and Special Use – Authorizing Planned Unit Development Agreement – Oasis Senior Living Facility – 30W320 and 30W360 Irving Park Road

Request the Board approve an Ordinance entitled “AN ORDINANCE ZONING NEWLY ANNEXED LAND AND GRANTING A SPECIAL USE PERMIT FOR A PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT, THE OASIS OF STREAMWOOD.” This Ordinance rezones newly annexed real property to R-3 Residential and authorizes a special use permit to allow for the development of the property as an assisted living and memory care facility.

Trustee Thon presented the Ordinance for second reading and moved for approval. Trustee Baumer seconded the motion.


Trustee Baumer Aye

Trustee Cecille Aye

Trustee Harper Aye

Trustee Thon Aye

Trustee Schmidt Aye

Trustee Haque Aye

Motion carried. ORDINANCE 2022-26

A-22-101 Ordinance – Authorizing the Execution of a Planned Unit Development Agreement – Oasis Senior Living Facility – 30W320 and 30W360 Irving Park Road

Request the Board approve an Ordinance entitled “AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF A PRELIMINARY PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT FOR THE PROPERTY KNOWN AS THE OASIS OF STREAMWOOD.” This Ordinance authorizes the Village President to execute the agreement to permit the construction and development of an assisted living and memory care facility.

Trustee Thon presented the Ordinance for second reading and moved for approval. Trustee Cecille seconded the motion.


Trustee Cecille Aye

Trustee Harper Aye

Trustee Thon Aye

Trustee Schmidt Aye

Trustee Haque Aye

Trustee Baumer Aye

Motion carried. ORDINANCE 2022-27

COMMUNITY AFFAIRS – Trustee Cecille/Trustee Haque

A-22-105 Motion – Waiver of Locational Restrictions / 700 S. Barrington Road / The Seville

Request the Board approve a Motion to renew the Waiver of Locational Restrictions to permit live entertainment at an existing banquet facility with the service of alcoholic beverages for The Seville, 700 S. Barrington Road. This Motion renews the Waiver of Locational Restrictions for live entertainment. The Seville was originally granted a waiver of locational restrictions in 2020, but it must be renewed annually.

Trustee Cecille presented the Motion and moved for approval. Trustee Haque seconded the motion. Community Development Director Jeff Harris noted there have been no issues at the Seville related to their entertainment license. Entertainment is based on the events being held at the facility. Their ratio of food sales to alcohol sales is 89% food/11% alcohol, far exceeding the Village’s requirements. Ganesh Subramanian, owner of The Seville, was present for questions. ROLL CALL:

Trustee Harper Aye

Trustee Thon Aye

Trustee Schmidt Aye

Trustee Haque Aye

Trustee Baumer Aye

Trustee Cecille Aye

Motion carried.

A-22-106 Motion – Waiver of Locational Restrictions / 7 W Streamwood Blvd / The Chicago Loop

Request the Board approve a Motion to renew the Waiver of Locational Restrictions to permit live entertainment at an existing restaurant with the service of alcoholic beverages for The Chicago Loop Sports Bar and Grill, 7 W Streamwood Blvd. This Motion renews the Waiver of Locational Restrictions for live entertainment. The Chicago Loop was originally granted a waiver of locational restrictions in 2001, but it must be renewed annually.

Trustee Cecille presented the Motion and moved for approval. Trustee Thon seconded the motion. Community Development Director Jeff Harris stated there have been no incidents with police involvement due to the entertainment license. The Chicago Loop is allowed entertainment up to three nights each week and has live bands, DJs and karaoke. Their food sales are above the 35% requirement at an average of 37%. Owner Mike Manzuk was present for questions. ROLL CALL:

Trustee Thon Aye

Trustee Schmidt Aye

Trustee Haque Aye

Trustee Baumer Aye

Trustee Cecille Aye

Trustee Harper Aye

Motion carried.

PUBLIC WORKS – Trustee Harper/Trustee Cecille

A-22-107 Resolution – Vehicle Purchase – Skid Steer for Public Works

Request the Board approve a Resolution entitled “A RESOLUTION WAIVING COMPETITIVE BIDDING, APPROVING AND AUTHORIZING THE VILLAGE ENGINEER TO EXECUTE A PURCHASE ORDER ON BEHALF OF THE VILLAGE FROM MCCANN INDUSTRIES FOR THE PURCHASE OF ONE (1) 2022 CASE SV340B SKID STEER AT A PRICE NOT TO EXCEED $76,967.00.” This Resolution authorizes the purchase of a skid steer for use by Public Works, at a price that is lower than the official Sourcewell Purchasing bid price. Since the purchase is direct from the local dealer waiving competitive bidding is recommended. Money for the purchase of this equipment is in the 2022 Equipment Replacement Fund.

Trustee Harper presented the Resolution and moved for approval. Trustee Baumer seconded the motion. Public Works Director Matt Mann stated this is a planned replacement of a 2008 skid steer. The state does not bid this equipment, so prices were sought from alternate sources. A local dealer has the low price over Sourcewell, the next lowest price. This equipment is used heavily by the landscape and streets departments in Public Works. Our existing equipment attachments are compatible with the new Case skid steer and will be re-used. When received, the old skid steer will be sent to auction.


Trustee Schmidt Aye

Trustee Haque Aye

Trustee Baumer Aye

Trustee Cecille Aye

Trustee Harper Aye

Trustee Thon Aye

Motion carried. RESOLUTION 2022-51

A-22-108 Motion – Vehicle Purchase – Two Trucks for Public Works

Request the Board approve a Motion for the purchase of two (2) Public Works vehicles. The 2022 Budget includes funds for the replacement of these vehicles, a 2008 Ford Expedition and a 2010 Chevy Tahoe, used by the Public Works Administration and Engineering. This Motion requests the Board approves the purchase of $77,515.28 ($38,757.64 each) for the two 2023 Explorers. Money for the purchase of these vehicles is in the 2022 Equipment Replacement Fund.

Trustee Harper presented the Motion and moved for approval. Trustee Haque seconded the motion. Public Works Director Matt Mann stated vehicles are not currently available through normal suppliers. Sourcewell, an alternate government provider, is taking orders and these vehicles were anticipated to be replaced in 2022; however, there is likely a 9- month wait for delivery. When received, the old vehicles will be sent to auction. Trustee Harper asked about any hybrid options. Mr. Mann stated they are significantly more expensive and have an even longer delivery date.


Trustee Haque Aye

Trustee Baumer Aye

Trustee Cecille Aye

Trustee Harper Aye

Trustee Thon Aye

Trustee Schmidt Aye

Motion carried.

A-22-109 Resolution – Path Maintenance – Phoenix Lake


CLERK TO ATTEST TO A CERTAIN CONTRACT WITH SCHROEDER ASPHALT SERVICES, INC.” This Resolution authorizes a contract with Schroeder Asphalt Services, Inc. for $58,090 for the resurfacing of the stone path in Phoenix Lake Business Park.

Trustee Harper presented the Resolution and moved for approval. Trustee Schmidt seconded the motion. Public Works Director Matt Mann stated this stone path is 18 years old and the top layer will be removed and replaced, the base will be repaired along with minor grading and restoration. The path is 8 feet wide and 2,400 feet long. Funds are available in the TIF for public improvements in this area. Four bids were received with Schroeder being the low bid. They have worked on various Streamwood projects with acceptable performance.


Trustee Baumer Aye

Trustee Cecille Aye

Trustee Harper Aye

Trustee Thon Aye

Trustee Schmidt Aye

Trustee Haque Aye

Motion carried. RESOLUTION 2022-52

LEGISLATIVE – Trustee Haque/Trustee Schmidt

A-22-110 Ordinance – Liquor License Classifications – Amending the Number of Class “B” and Class “P” Licenses Issued

Request the Board approve an Ordinance entitled “AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 3-4-8 ENTITLED “LICENSE CLASSIFICATIONS, FEES, NUMBER ISSUED” OF CHAPTER 4 ENTITLED “ALCOHOLIC LIQUOR DEALERS” OF TITLE 3 ENTITLED “BUSINESS AND LICENSE REGULATIONS,” OF THE VILLAGE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE VILLAGE OF STREAMWOOD.” This Ordinance reduces the number of Class “B” liquor licenses to eleven (11) and adjusts the number of Class “P” liquor licenses to one (1) to concur with the number of licenses issued.

Trustee Haque presented the Ordinance for first reading and posting.

Village Attorney Adam Durkin stated the Village Code needs to reflect the actual number of liquor licenses issued in each class. With the recent closing of CVS (Class B) and the impending approval of the BP Streamwood (Class P), this adjustment in the two classes is requested.

FINANCE - Trustee Baumer/Trustee Thon

A-22-111 Motion – Approval of Semi-Monthly Expenditures

Request the Board approve the semi-monthly expenditures in the amount of $2,349,732.53 which represents the total of the schedule of bills dated September 15, 2022.

General Fund $ 433,367.65

Motor Fuel Tax Fund 780,695.54

Wetland Special Service Areas 2,807.40

Street Improvement Fund 186,059.85

Facilities Replacement Fund 372,009.01

Water and Sewer Fund 550,942.10

Streamwood Oaks Golf Fund 23,850.98

Total $2,349,732.53

Trustee Baumer moved for approval of the semi-monthly expenditures as presented. Trustee Haque seconded the motion. Finance Director Josh Peacock noted significant expenses in the road program/MFT funds with the ongoing construction.


Trustee Cecille Aye

Trustee Harper Aye

Trustee Thon Aye

Trustee Schmidt Aye

Trustee Haque Aye

Trustee Baumer Aye

Motion carried.

PUBLIC SAFETY – Trustee Schmidt/Trustee Harper

A-22-112 Ordinance – Disposal of Surplus Property

Request the Board approve an Ordinance entitled “AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE SALE BY PUBLIC AUCTION, PRIVATE SALE, OR TRANSFER OF SURPLUS PERSONAL PROPERTY OWNED BY THE VILLAGE OF STREAMWOOD.” This Ordinance approves the disposal of surplus Village property via sale by public auction, private sale, or transfer of property.

Trustee Schmidt presented the Ordinance for first reading and posting.

Village Manager Sharon Caddigan stated the Village follows a replacement schedule and various items and equipment are declared surplus when past their useful life or not meeting the needs for use. This list includes a few vehicles and an air compressor.



Trustee Baumer moved to adjourn to Closed Session to consider the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees per 5ILCS 120/2(c)(1). Trustee Harper seconded the motion.


Trustee Harper Aye

Trustee Thon Aye

Trustee Schmidt Aye

Trustee Haque Aye

Trustee Baumer Aye

Trustee Cecille Aye

Motion carried. The Village Board adjourned to Closed Session at 7:57 p.m.