
North Cook News

Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Parents at Springman School challenge 'adaptive pause' for Grade 8


Eighth-graders at Springman Middle School have been moved to remote learning until Jan. 3. | Archive

Eighth-graders at Springman Middle School have been moved to remote learning until Jan. 3. | Archive

Parents are petitioning for a return to class after Springman Middle School canceled in-person learning for eighth-graders until the winter break is over Jan. 3.

The school posted an announcement of the move to remote learning, called an 'adaptive pause,' on its website Dec. 7. The pause to in-school classes went into effect Dec. 8.

According to the notice, the Cook County Department of Public Health called for the adaptive pause because outbreak testing returned positive infection results; previously, the department had stated eighth-grade students could remain in school as long as outbreak testing uncovered no new cases.

Parents at the school were not happy with the decision, according to a petition on change.org to allow the students to return to in-person learning.

“This pause was directed to the 8th grade students ONLY, with children in other grades allowed to continue their in-person learning experience. The directive did NOT contain evidence to support the assertion that cancelling in-person learning would make the Springman community materially safer,” the petition states.

Parents are asking that the school board reinstate classes and provide the reasoning for the cancellation. The petition had nearly 600 signatures. 

In an email to parents, Principal Megan Russell said the move was initiated at the county level.

The pause in in-person gatherings is recommended for extracurricular activities, as well.

“(Students) should not attend activities beginning this afternoon or otherwise gather outside of the home; these gatherings could lead to additional spread, which could impact our ability to return to an in-person environment on January 3,” Russell wrote.

Springman Middle School is part of the Glenview 34 school district.

In Oak Park, a public-health official moved to cancel extracurricular activities due to Covid spread. The move was overruled after parents protested.

Read Russell’s letter below: 

Dear 8th Grade Families,

Last week, after multiple COVID-19 cases occurred, the Cook County Department of Public Health determined that we could continue in-person learning as long as no new cases emerged through outbreak testing and we were able to maintain 6' distancing among students in impacted classrooms. However, yesterday's outbreak testing uncovered an additional positive case, there is an additional probable case as well.

Therefore, starting on Wednesday, December 8, on the directive of CCDPH, Springman's eighth grade students will begin an adaptive pause and move to a fully remote environment. They will return to in-person learning on January 3, 2022, after winter break. This quarantine will address any concern of asymptomatic cases that

could cause further spread.

All close contacts have been notified and informed of the steps they must take. In order to stop the spread, all eighth grade students should stay home until December 21 (14 days from the date of last exposure to a positive case, which was December 6) unless you already have been informed of an earlier date from the school health office. Students should not attend activities beginning this afternoon or otherwise gather outside of the home; these gatherings could lead to additional spread, which could impact our ability to return to an in-person environment on January 3.

If your child develops symptoms, please contact the school nurse, Whitney Henrique (whenrique @glenview34.org), as soon as possible.

If you have children in other grades, they are able to come to school. We do encourage you to have them tested, either during weekly SHIELD testing if they are signed up, or at an outside provider. Flick Park testing is a convenient option. If other children develop symptoms, contact the school nurse of their building.

During this adaptive pause, each student on the free/reduced meal plan is eligible for daily benefits based on their in person attendance. Due to remote learning, these students will not be offered a meal to be consumed at school (on an attendance day) which will then make them eligible for benefits on that day (and so on). These daily benefits should be loaded directly onto student's current P-ebt cards.

If your family requires assistance with meals during this 8-day adaptive pause, please contact the Food Service Dept at food@glenview34.org. P-ebt information is attached to this email for your reference.

Students will be informed about this move to adaptive pause during their last period class so that they have time to gather all the supplies and materials they need for remote learning. Zoom links and other communication will be posted in Schoology in time for the start of the student day tomorrow (which is a late start).

We recognize the challenges that this move poses to students and families, and

appreciate your partnership in protecting the safety and health of our entire school community. We are so thankful to our teachers for their flexibility and their skills in connecting with their students in any environment. If you have concerns about the impact of the remote environment on your child, please don't hesitate to reach out to their teachers, to our school social workers or psychologists or to me.

Megan Russell 


Springman Middle School

2701 Central Road Glenview, IL 60025