
North Cook News

Thursday, February 13, 2025

City of Evanston City Council Met April 26

Webp meetingroom01

City of Evanston City Council Met April 26.

Here is the minutes provided by the council:

Motion to suspend the rules and allow the meeting to be held virtually

Passed 7-0 Ald. Braithwaite and Fiske absent for vote

Motion: Ald. Wilson

Second: Ald. Wynne

Mayor’s Public Announcements

Mayor Hagerty Announcements:

● Evanston Own It Presentation

● Public Service Week May 2-8, 2021

● Arbor Day Proclamation April 30, 2021

● COVID-19 Vaccination update

City Manager’s Public Announcements

City Manager Erika Storlie announcements:

● APWA Project of the Year Awards - Main Street Improvements (Chicago Suburban Branch) and Robert Crown Community Center (National)

City Clerk’s Communications

City Clerk Reid will be sending out notices for new incoming City Council members Watch

Public Comment

Linda Del Bosque Asked for an opportunity to create a Committee responsible for bridging the digital gap with residents and businesses.

Mary Rosinski Requested a further discussion about the abolishment of the Board of Ethics. Would like the agreement between Northwestern and the City of Evanston for usage of the ice rink to be disclosed.

Benjamin Kadish Hopes City Council will support the amendment proposed for special use permits.

Annie Coakley Voiced her support for Ordinance 48-O-21 amending Title 6 of the Zoning Ordinance.

Ray Friedman Believes a discussion with residents should happen before an RFP to relocate the Civic Center is approved. He thanked all the outgoing Aldermen and Mayor for their service and congratulated the new incoming elected officials.

Katherine Gotsick Voiced her support for Ordinance 48-O-21 amending Title 6 of the Zoning Ordinance. Said the amendment would make it easier for individuals to invest in the city.

Misty Witenberg Her remarks were related to the proposed amendment to the City Code having to do with the Board of Ethics. She made suggestions and hopes proper legislation will be passed.

Jeff Smith Believes the decision to conduct an RFP to relocate the Civic Center should not be made by the current City Council since some members will be leaving office. He stated that the proposed amendments to the Zoning Ordinance were not properly published to the public. He asked for the ordinance to be sent back for further discussion with the public. Doesn’t support the abolishment of the Board of Ethics and wants that decision to be left for the new City Council.

Tina Paden Hopes the special use permit applies to everyone, including the small minority owned businesses. Doesn’t support the amendment to the leaf blower policy because it negatively affects landscaping workers who she stated are usually colored people. Shared her concerns over the agreement with Northwestern to utilize the Robert Crown Center.

Doesn’t support the City selling salt to Northwestern and the relocation of the Civic Center. She asked for Ald. Rue Simmons to recuse herself from the discussion of Ordinance 34-O-21 because of her affiliation with Sunshine Enterprises. Claimed there have been virtual public meetings which she hasn’t been able to attend and asked for staff to look into the matter.

Carlis Sutton Said that Northwestern doesn’t support ice skating programs but residents are forced to allow Northwestern to utilize the ice rink at the Robert Crown Center and inconvenience residents. Doesn’t support the selling of salt to Northwestern University. Asked why an RFP to relocate the Civic Center is being proposed when residents have previously voiced to leave the Civic Center at its current location. Hopes City Council will show more sensitivity to residents and not preferential treatment to developers.

Meg Welch Asked the Aldermen if they had the opportunity to review the agreement with Northwestern for the use of the Robert Crown Center and if they know the time slots residents will have to use the ice rinks.

She continued to ask more questions which would help her better understand the agreement with Northwestern University.

Special Order of Business

SP1. Ordinance 47-O-21, Lease of City-Owned Property Located at 2603 Sheridan Rd. to Artists Book House

City Council approved Ordinance 47-O-21, authorizing the City Manager to execute a lease agreement for Cityowned real property (known as the Harley Clarke Mansion) located at 2603 Sheridan Road with Artist Book House (“ABH”) for the operation of a venue for teaching creative writing, printing books, production of paper, and bookbinding, as well as space for bookstore, library, art gallery, cafe, lecture hall, and classrooms. The lease term is for 40 years beginning May 10, 2021, and ending May 10, 2061.

For Introduction

Passed 9-0

Motion: Ald. Rainey

Second: Ald. Wilson

SP2. Ordinance 38-O-21: 2020 Budget Amendment

City Council approved Ordinance 38-O-21, authorizing the City Manager to increase the fiscal year 2020 budget by $14,401,326, to a new total of $335,110,556. Actual spending from all funds in 2020 was $282,320,516, which was $38.3 million dollars below the Adopted Budget. It is required for the City to adopt a budget amendment after the fiscal year has been completed only for funds that exceeded budgeted expenses. Funds with spending below 2020 budgeted amounts are not required to be amended, which is why we show an increase to the overall budget of $14M but actual spending was $38M under budget. This increase will occur in only the following funds: Neighborhood Improvement, Debt Service, Howard-Ridge TIF, Special Service Area #6, Crown Construction Fund, Fire Pension, and Police Pension.

For Action

Approved on Consent Agenda

Consent Agenda

CM1. Approval of the Minutes of the Regular City Council meeting of April 12, 2021

City Council approved the minutes of the Regular City Council meeting of April 12, 2021.

For Action

Approved on Consent Agenda

A1. Approval of the City of Evanston Payroll, Bills, and Credit Card Activity

City Council approved the City of Evanston Payroll for the period of March 29, 2021, through April 11, 2021, in the amount of $2,876,823.47 Bills List for April 27, 2021, in the amount of $2,306,698.12 as well as credit card purchases period ending February 26, 2021, in the amount of $183,010.15.

For Action

Approved on Consent Agenda

A2. Approval of BMO Harris Amazon Credit Card Activity City Council approved the City of Evanston’s BMO Harris Amazon Credit Card Activity for the period ending February 26, 2021, in the amount of $5,619.80.

For Action

Passed 8-1-0 Ald. Suffreding abstained

Motion: Ald. Rainey

Second: Ald. Rue Simmons

A3. Summer Food Program Agreement with Evanston Township High School

City Council authorized the City Manager to execute an agreement with Evanston Township High School (ETHS), (1600 Dodge Ave, Evanston, IL 60201) to provide lunch meals for the 2021 Summer Food Program in the not-to-exceed amount of $3.50 per meal and $3.75 for special diet meals. Funding for this program is budgeted in business unit 100.30.3050 in various line items. There is a food budget allocation in 100.30.3050.65025 in the amount of $125,000.

For Action

Approved on Consent Agenda
