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Monday, July 1, 2024

Village of Streamwood Village President and Board of Trustees Met March 4

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Village of Streamwood Village President and Board of Trustees Met March 4.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:


President Roth called the meeting to order at 7:04 p.in.


Trustee William Harper Present

Trustee Larry Schmidt Present

Trustee Michael Baumer Present

President Billie D. Roth Present

Trustee Mary Thon Present

Trustee William Carlson Present

Trustee James Cecille Present

All those answering "present" were physically present at the meeting.




Commission Resignation, Appointments and Re-appointments

President Roth requested concurrence with a correction to the appointment of Lukasz Stykowski as a member of the Planning & Zoning Board for a four-year term expiring March 2025. The original approved motion was for a two-year term on February 18, 2021. Members of the Planning & Zoning Board each serve a four-year term. Trustee Schmidt moved for approval. Trustee Baumer seconded the motion. A voice vote approved the appointment.

President Roth requested concurrence with the appointment of Maria Cordoba as a member of the Fire and Police Commission for a three-year term expiring April 2024. Trustee Thon moved for approval. Trustee Schmidt seconded the motion. A voice vote approved the appointment.

President Roth requested concurrence with the appointment of William Schmidt as a member of the Veterans Memorial Commission for a two-year term expiring April 2023. Trustee Baumer moved for approval. Trustee Carlson seconded the motion. A voice vote approved the appointment.


Village Manager Sharon Caddigan mentioned that at the February Planning and Zoning Board meeting, the Board reviewed the Village's ADA Transition Plan. This plan includes a review of all Village facilities, including public infrastructure, to ensure that all our facilities are compliant with ADA standards, along with a plan for improvements where these standards are not met. Interested groups were invited to comment on the plan, although none were received. The Board accepted the Plan as presented. It is available on the Village's website. In addition, Manager Caddigan commented that local COVID positivity numbers are on the decline. The Village is also working with 11 other communities within our membership in Joint Emergency (JEMS) on a regional mass vaccination site. A new mass vaccination site opens this Friday in Des Plaines. Lastly, the Village hosted a Public Forum on the proposed bridge over Route 59 near the intersection of Irving Park Road. Over 30 residents attended the meeting and provided input to staff and the consultants working on the project. A survey is located online on the Village website and comments will be accepted through March 12, 2021. As of today, there were over 100 responses from the community.


Request the Board approve the March 4, 2021 Agenda as presented. Trustee Carlson moved for approval. Trustee Harper seconded the motion. A voice vote approved the Agenda as presented.


Request the Board approve the Minutes of the Regular Board Meeting of February 18, 2021 as presented. Trustee Carlson moved for approval. Trustee Cecille seconded the motion. A voice vote approved the Minutes as presented.

COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT - Trustee Carlson/Trustee Cecille

A-21-021 Ordinance - Approval of Special Use for Sale of Alcoholic Beverages / 1300 E. Irving Park Road / PVR Events, LLC

Request the Board approve an Ordinance entitled “AN ORDINANCE GRANTING A SPECIAL USE PERMIT TO ALLOW FOR THE OPERATION OF A BANQUET FACILITY WITH THE SERVICE OF ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES IN A C-2 COMMERCIAL DISTRICT 1300 E. IRVING PARK ROAD." This Ordinance approves a Special Use Permit to allow the operation of a banquet hall with the service of alcoholic beverages, 1300 E. Irving Park Road, PVR Events, LLC. This Ordinance is being presented for first reading and posting. Community Development Director John Peterson stated that a change in ownership and management was taking place at the business and the petitioner was requesting a Special Use for alcohol at the banquet hall. Director Peterson mentioned that the Planning and Zoning Board approved the request with a modification not including the basement of the facility due to a lack of sufficient parking. The approval of this ordinance would only allow for the use on the first floor only. The petitioners, Margarita Brady and Pedro Aguillon, spoke briefly about the business and that they are optimistic about the potential of the location. Trustee Cecille asked the petitioners about future updates and renovations to the basement. The petitioners stated that it was their intention to renovate the basement and have multiple or larger parties in the future once it was safe. The petitioners also stated that they were working on an agreement with a nearby company for the added parking. Director Peterson stated that the petitioner would need to go through the process again once the additional parking agreement was in place and the basement was renovated.

A-21-022 Motion - Approval of One Ford Escape - Community Development Department

Request the Board approve the purchase of one 2021 Ford Escape for a total cost not to exceed of $21,998.00 from Ford Currie Commercial Center, Frankfort, Illinois. This vehicle is being purchased using the Northwest Municipal Conference bid. Funds to purchase this vehicle are included in the 2021 Equipment Replacement Fund (ERF). Trustee Carlson presented the motion and moved for approval. Trustee Cecille seconded the motion.


Trustee Harper Aye

Trustee Schmidt Aye

Trustee Baumer Aye

Trustee Thon Aye

Trustee Carlson Aye

Trustee Cecille Aye

Motion carried.

PUBLIC WORKS - Trustee Baumer/Trustee Schmidt

A-21-023 Motion - Approval of One Tandem Axle Dump Truck – Public Works Department

Request the Board approve the purchase of one (1) 2022 Freightliner 108SD cab and chassis from the Sourcewell Purchasing Contract for a price not to exceed $99,807. This vehicle is being obtained from TransChicago Truck Group, Elmhurst, Illinois, through a purchasing cooperative with Sourcewell. Funds to purchase this vehicle are included in the 2021 Equipment Replacement Fund (ERF). Trustee Baumer presented the motion and moved for approval. Trustee Carlson seconded the motion.


Trustee Thon Aye

Trustee Carlson Aye

Trustee Cecille Aye

Trustee Schmidt Aye

Trustee Baumer Aye

Trustee Harper Aye

Motion carried.

FINANCE - Trustee Schmidt/Trustee Baumer

A-21-025 Motion - Approval of Semi-Monthly Expenditures

Request the Board approve the semi-monthly expenditures in the amount of $690,997.05 which represents the total of the schedule of bills dated March 4, 2021.

General Fund $ 392,085.29

Wetland Special Service Areas 162.16

Capital Replacement Fund 138,438.61

Street Improvement Fund 42,473.53

Equipment Replacement Fund 1,550.00

Facilities Replacement Fund 69,523.00

Water and Sewer Fund 40,929.73

Golf Fund 5.834.73

Total $ 690,997.05

Trustee Schmidt moved for approval of the semi-monthly expenditures as presented. Trustee Baumer seconded the motion. Trustee Cecille asked about the various locations for the Nicor bills. Public Works Director Matt Mann stated that these are for the water plant locations throughout town and the golf course.


Trustee Schmidt Aye

Trustee Baumer Aye

Trustee Harper Aye

Trustee Carlson Aye

Trustee Cecille Aye

Trustee Thon Aye

Motion carried.

A-21-026 Resolution - IPBC Individual Member Resolution

Request the Board approve a Resolution entitled "A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE OF STREAMWOOD AUTHORIZING AND APPROVING WITHDRAWAL FROM MEMBERSHIP IN AN INSURANCE SUB-POOL AND AUTHORIZING SUBMISSION OF A PETITION FOR FULL MEMBERSHIP IN THE INTERGOVERNMENTAL PERSONNEL BENEFIT COOPERATIVE." This Resolution approves the Village's participation in the Intergovernmental Personnel Benefits Cooperative (IPBC) as an individual, as opposed to a sub-pool, member. Trustee Schmidt presented the Resolution and moved for approval. Trustee Harper seconded the motion. Finance Director Josh Peacock stated that the IPBC was restructuring and, while there is no financial impact on the Village for leaving the sub-pool, that the Village would be better represented with enhanced voting rights as an individual member with over 150 covered lives.


Trustee Carlson Aye

Trustee Cecille Aye

Trustee Thon Aye

Trustee Bauiner Aye

Trustee Harper Aye

Trustee Schmidt Aye

Motion carried.


LEGISLATIVE - Trustee Cecille/Trustee Thon

A-21-024 Motion -- Accepting Global Settlement and Release of Claim

Request the Board accept a global settlement and release of all claims and authorize the Village President to execute the settlement agreement on behalf of the Village. This motion directs the Village President to execute a settlement agreement regarding Morrow vs. Benchmark with Liberty Mutual Insurance. Trustee Cecille presented the motion and moved for approval. Trustee Baumer seconded the motion. Village

Attorney Peter Pacione stated that, while the Village has not been found liable in the case, the insurance company is requesting a settlement in this case to officially resolve the matter. Trustee Cecille and Trustee Harper asked about any lawsuits may be filed in the future. Attorney Pacione stated this settlement agreement would resolve the entire matter.


Trustee Baumer Aye

Trustee Harper Aye

Trustee Schmidt Aye

Trustee Cecille Aye

Trustee Thon Aye

Trustee Carlson Aye

Motion carried.

COMMUNITY AFFAIRS – Trustee Thon/Trustee Harper

A-21-027 Ordinance --- Approval of Amendment to Zoning Map

Request the Board approve an ordinance entitled "AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ZONING ORDINANCE AND ZONING MAP OF THE VILLAGE OF STREAMWOOD, COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS". This Ordinance amends the Village's official zoning map to include any additions or changes that have occurred during the past year. This Ordinance is being presented for first reading and posting. Community Development Director John Peterson stated this is required annually each year under state law. Director Peterson stated that this map incorporates our work with the GIS consortium. The significant changes are the new Fire Station 31 (1204 S. Park Ave.), updates to the Public Works facility (565 S. Bartlett Rd.), and identifying Sealmaster (375 Romajean Pkwy.).

Trustee Thon moved to waive the first reading. Trustee Harper seconded the motion. A voice vote approved waiving the first reading.

Trustee Thon then moved to approve the Ordinance as presented. Trustee Baumer seconded the motion.


Trustee Cecille Aye

Trustee Thon Aye

Trustee Carlson Aye

Trustee Harper Aye

Trustee Schmidt Aye

Trustee Baumer Aye

Motion carried.


PUBLIC SAFETY - Trustee Harper/Trustee Carlson

A-21-028 Resolution - Additional Branch Pickup Services

Request the Board approve a Resolution entitled “A RESOLUTION WAIVING COMPETITIVE BIDDING, ACCEPTING THE PROPOSAL AND AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF A THREE (3) YEAR CONTRACT WITH TREES “R” US, INC. FOR TREE BRANCH PICK-UP.” This Resolution approves a unit price contract with Trees “R” Us, Inc. for supplemental branch pickup services throughout the Village. Trustee Harper presented the Resolution and moved for approval. Trustee Schmidt seconded the motion. Public Works Director Matt Mann stated that we have worked with this company in the past and have a favorable working relationship with them. Director Mann stated that the branch pickup program is very popular further stating that this agreement is very cost effective with the flexibility to assist the Public Works Department in emergency situations. Trustee Schmidt asked if the cost changes with an emergency. Director Mann stated that the rates are the same.


Trustee Harper Aye

Trustee Schmidt Aye

Trustee Baumer Aye

Trustee Thon Aye

Trustee Carlson Aye

Trustee Cecille Aye

Motion carried.



Maria Cordoba, Board of Fire and Police Commissioner, thanked the Village Board and the Public Works Department for their outstanding work on the Village streets.


Trustee Baumer moved to adjourn. Trustee Harper seconded the motion. A voice vote approved the adjournment. The Village Board adjourned their meeting at 7:40 p.m.




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