
North Cook News

Sunday, February 23, 2025

City of Prospect Heights Mayor and City Council Met Jan. 25

Webp meeting 06

City of Prospect Heights Mayor and City Council Met Jan. 25.

Here is the minutes provided by the council:

CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL – At 6:30 PM, Mayor Nicholas J. Helmer called to order the City Council Regular Teleconference Meeting. Mayor Helmer called roll. A quorum was present. 

ELECTED OFFICIALS PRESENT - Treasurer Tibbits, City Clerk Prisiajniouk, Mayor Helmer Aldermen - Dolick, Morgan-Adams, Cameron, Quinn, Dash (after her swearing in at 6:46 PM) 

OTHER OFFICIALS PRESENT - City Administrator Wade, Assistant City Administrator Falcone, Attorney Hess, Attorney O'Driscoll, Police Chief Zawlocki, Finance Director Graefen, Director of Building and Development Peterson, Public Works Director Roscoe, Deputy Clerk Schultheis, Digital Communications Technician Colvin. 


A. January 11, 2021 Workshop Teleconference Meeting Minutes Alderman Morgan-Adams moved to approve the January 11, 2021 Workshop Teleconference Meeting Minutes as presented; seconded by Alderman Quinn. There was unanimous approval. 


AYES - Morgan-Adams, Quinn, Cameron, Dolick 

NAYS- None 

ABSENT - None 

Motion carried 4-0. 

B. January 11, 2021 Workshop Teleconference Executive Session Minutes - Alderman Dolick moved to approve the January 11, 2021 Workshop Teleconference Executive Session Minutes as presented but not for public release; seconded by Alderman Morgan-Adams. There was unanimous approval. 

ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES - Morgan-Adams, Quinn, Cameron, Dolick 

NAYS - None 

ABSENT - None 

Motion carried 4 -0. 


A. Mayoral Appointment of Danielle Dash as Alderman of Ward 4 - Ward 4 Aldermanic candidate Dash noted her that she grew up in Prospect Heights and had moved here with her husband and children in 2004. She has been serving on the PZBA for almost ten years, and has been the Chairperson since 2015. She has a degree in Civil Engineering with an emphasis in soil mechanics. 

Alderman Dolick moved to confirm the appointment of Danielle Dash as Alderman for Ward 4; seconded by Alderman Morgan-Adams. Discussion followed: Alderman Quinn asked who would take over the PZBA? The Mayor replied that he would make an appointment at some time to the PZBA, but immediate action as not required because the PZBA had a quorum. Alderman Quinn asked if Danielle Dash would recuse herself on votes relating to the Lexington TIF project? Alderman Morgan-Adams objected stating that there was no conflict of interest. Mayor Helmer added that Danielle Dash could only hold one position - either Alderman or PZBA commissioner. 


AYES - Morgan-Adams, Dolick, Mayor Helmer 

NAYS - Cameron, Quinn 

ABSENT - None 

Motion carried 3 - 2 

The Mayor votes to break the tie. 

At 6:46 PM, Attorney O'Driscoll swore in Danielle Dash as the Alderman for Ward 4. Immediately following the swearing in, Alderman Dash resigned her position on the PZBA. 

Mayor Helmer stated that the position for Alderman of Ward 4 was up for election on April 6, 2021. 



A.Chicago Executive Airport Monthly Update Presented by Director James Kiefer - Director Kiefer noted that the airport was running well. He acknowledged that the airport was under a weather alert this evening because of snowy conditions. Recap of 2020 

• Despite Covid, operations were up 4% over the previous year. 

• Fuel flowage was down 9.3% from the previous year 

The Customs Building - the footing is completed and underground utilities are being installed. Completion of the building is expected in 3rd Quarter, 2021. Then Customs and Border Control will do certification. Open for business in Fourth Quarter. Director Kiefer mention RSIP - Residential Soundproof Insulation Program was delayed due to COVID, but the target is to have it installed in ten homes this year. Four hundred homes are signed up for it. Director Kiefer said the TIPS - Transportation Improvement Program is waiting for the master plan to be approved by the FAA. The delay is holding up projects like drainage and the need to build another hangar. Director Kiefer said that the FBO, Atlantic, is building a new hangar on Wolf Road. The Village of Wheeling is doing the permitting. The Customs Building is permitted through the City of Prospect Heights. 

Director of Building and Development Peterson - in response to the Governor's reduction in Tier I restrictions, the City has been notifying restaurants to open to no more than 25% capacity. - He said that Zen Leaf's sales were better than expected in the few weeks that it has been open. 

Public Works Director Roscoe - said that the sewer lining project is wrapping up. 3000 feet of pipe has been fixed. 

- The City is in Winter Maintenance mode, and being very aware of drainage issues 

B. December Treasurer's Report Presented by Finance Director Cheri Graefen - Finance Director Graefen said that the City is 8 months into its fiscal year and the outlook is strong. The City has received 67% across all of the Funds. The City has maintained a strong position receiving income tax, sales tax and use tax revenue. The City's budgets are very conservative, so the City is in line with its predictions. 

The City received Rebuild Illinois money and CARES Act money from the State. Property taxes came in higher than expected. No anticipated significant shortages. 'On February 1, the City will be selling new vehicle stickers. Commends front office staff – Administrative Assistant Falconer has done a great job collecting past due monies from sticker - about $100,000 in revenue. The City's late fees are at twice what was budgeted. Director Graefen noted that the Directors have been only 50-60% of budgeted expenditures, 

Alderman Cameron – Ward 1 asked what the City vehicle stickers were going to look like this year. Assistant City Administrator said that they would have the PHTV logo. Alderman Cameron asked if all of the hotels were up-to-date with their payments. Director Graefen said that all hotels, except one, are up to date. 

City Clerk Prisiajniouk - reminded residents to sign up for Enews to stay on top of the most current events and issues in the City. 

- She asked that residents support local businesses and view the local cable station to stay up to date, 

Treasurer Tibbits- said that the Police Pension Board was being consolidated into the State of Illinois' Pension Fund. The City Pension Fund would be losing its pension fund manager and its independence over the pension fund investing to the Consolidated State Board. the City will still maintain its own pension, but not the management of that pension. This will be a major change in the Police Pension Fund. 

Attorney O'Driscoll - noted that with the new government in power, he expected that federal executive orders would be coming down to the City-level; but he did not give specific examples. 

CONSENT AGENDA - A.R-21-02 Staff Memo and Resolution Approving Plat of Easement at Chicago Executive Airport for Sanitary Sewer Line B.0-21-01 Staff Memo and Ordinance Amending Title 10, Chapter 1 - Vehicle Licenses (2nd Reading) - Alderman Dolick moved for omnibus approval of R-21-02 Staff Memo and Resolution Approving Plat of Easement at Chicago Executive Airport for Sanitary Sewer Line and 0-21-01 Staff Memo and Ordinance Amending Title 10, Chapter 1 – Vehicle Licenses; seconded by Alderman Morgan-Adams. There was unanimous approval. 

ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES - Quinn, Cameron, Dolick, Dash, Morgan-Adams 

NAYS- None 

ABSENT - None 

Motion carried 5 -0. 



A.R-21-03 Staff Memo and Resolution Approving an Agreement Between the City of Prospect Heights and the Laube Companies to Provide Tax Increment Finance (TIF) Analysis of the Prospect Pointe/Muir Park Tax Increment Finance District Proposal – Alderman Morgan-Adams moved to approve R-21-03 Staff Memo and Resolution Approving an Agreement Between the City of Prospect Heights and the Laube Companies to provide Tax Increment Finance (TIF) Analysis of the Prospect Pointe/Muir Park Tax Increment Finance District Proposal; seconded by Alderman Dash. Discussion followed. It was noted by the City Administrator that the different districts are looking to get money from the TIF. The request being made by the school districts is for per student financial support. School districts are seeking donations from Lexington Homes and Impact fees. Prospect Heights has impact fees for the Park District but not for not for the school districts. These issues are having an effect on the TIF. The City is looking for an objective, third party consultant to review the TIF and the revenue stream that it would generate for the schools and the fire districts. Director Peterson noted that lack of public is the largest financial impact on the TIF. Laube Companies will make certain that the TIF is a viable financial decision. City Administrator Wade said that it is common to have a third party expert. He explained that tehis is a pay as go TIF, and that the TIF would benefit the City in the latter years. Alderman Dolick asked if the Laube was for informational purposes and not for the TIF? City Administrator Wade confirmed that it was for informational purposes. 

There was unanimous approval. 

ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES - Quinn, Cameron, Dolick, Dash, Morgan-Adams 

NAYS - None 

ABSENT - None 

Motion carried 5-0. 

DISCUSSION TOPICS FOR THIS MEETING: Mayor Helmer asked that Term Limits be added to the next workshop. 


A. Approval of Expenditures 

City Clerk Prisiajniouk read the warrants. Alderman Dolick moved to approve the Warrants as presented; seconded by Alderman Morgan-Adams to include a TOTAL of $149,291.88; 1/15/2021 

PAYROLL POSTING of $171,543.47; 1/21/2021 

POLICE PENSION FUNDING of $84,814.62; and 

TOTAL WARRANT of $405,649.97. 

There was unanimous approval. 

ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES - Cameron, Dolick, Dash, Morgan-Adams, Quinn 

NAYS- None 

ABSENT - None 

Motion carried 5-0. 




ADJOURNMENT - At 7:27 PM, Alderman Morgan-Adams moved to Adjourn; seconded by Alderman Quinn. There was unanimous approval. 

ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES - Dolick, Dash, Morgan-Adams, Cameron, Quinn 

NAYS - None 

ABSENT - None 

Motion carried 5 -0. 
