
North Cook News

Friday, July 5, 2024

Village of Hanover Park Board of Trustees met November 19

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Village of Hanover Park Board of Trustees met Nov. 19.

Here is the agenda provided by the board:

1. Call To Order – Roll Call – Village President States Nature Of The Emergency

2. Pledge Of Allegiance

3. Acceptance Of Agenda

4. Presentations

a. Presentation – Covid-19 Data

b. Proclamation – Alignment Collaborative for Education

5. Townhall Session

Persons wishing to address the public body must register prior to Call to Order.

Please note that public comment is limited to 5 minutes.

6. Village President Report – Rodney S. Craig

a. Move to approve by omnibus vote items on the consent agenda.

Consent Agenda - Omnibus Vote

Illinois law permits municipalities to adopt by one single unanimous roll-call vote of the Board of Trustees and the Village President a group of designated ordinances, orders resolutions, or motions placed together for voting purposes in a single group.

All items marked with (C.A.) are considered routine and thus are considered to be on the Consent Agenda. Following vthe motion’s second, a brief discussion may be held about any designated item. If lengthier discussion or debate is vneeded, any Trustee or the Village President may request any item to be removed from the motion and those items vwill be considered during the regular course of the meeting as they appear on the agenda.

All matters listed under Consent Agenda are considered to be routine by the Village Board and will be enacted by one motion in the form listed above. There will be no further discussion of these items. If discussion is desired, that item will be removed from Consent Agenda and will be considered separately.

6-A.1 (C.A.) Move to approve the minutes of the Board Workshop of September 3, 2020.

6-A.2 (C.A.) Move to approve the minutes of the Regular Board meeting of September 17, 2020.

6-A.3 (C.A.) Move to approve the minutes of the Regular Board meeting of October 1, 2020.

6-A.4 (C.A.) Motion to accept the addendum to the service agreement from Snow Systems for the plowing of the snow in the commuter lot in the amount of $17,100 and authorize the Village Manager to execute all necessary documents.

6-A.5 (C.A.) Move approval of the cancellation of the regular Village Board meeting of January 7, 2021.

6-A.6 Motion to remove from the table the previously tabled motion to pass an Ordinance granting a change in Zoning from “B-2,” Local Business District to “R-4,” Multifamily Residence District, a special use for a Planned Unit Development to permit 20 townhomes in four buildings, and approving a preliminary plat of

subdivision concerning property at 1 Wise Road, Hanover Park, Illinois.

6-A.7 If motion to remove from the table passes, move to pass an Ordinance granting a change in Zoning from “B-2,” Local Business District to “R-4,” Multifamily Residence District, a special use for a Planned Unit Development to permit 20 townhomes in four buildings, and approving a preliminary plat of subdivision concerning property at 1 Wise Road, Hanover Park, Illinois.

6-A.8 Move to waive competitive bidding and approve the purchase of audio and video equipment, and services, from Cinemation, Inc in the amount of $23,077.40 and authorize the Village Manager to execute the necessary documents. A two-thirds vote of the corporate authority is required.

6-A.9 Move to approve Warrant 11/19/2020 in the amount of $513,310.45.

6-A.10 Move to approve Warrant Paid in Advance (10/29/2020-11/13/2020) in the amount of $557,646.90.

7. Village Manager’s Report – Juliana Maller

a. Treasurer’s Report – September, 2020

8. Village Clerk’s Report – Eira L. Corral Sepúlveda

9. Corporation Counsel’s Report – Bernard Z. Paul

10. Village Trustees Reports

10-A. Bob Prigge

10-B. Rick Roberts

10-C. Liza Gutierrez

10-D. Herb Porter

10-E. James Kemper

10-F. Sharmin Shahjahan

11. Executive Session

a. Section 2(c)(1) – Personnel

b. Section 2(c)(11) – Pending or probable litigation

12. Adjournment




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