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Sunday, February 23, 2025

City of Prospect Heights Mayor and City Council met May 11

Webp meeting 07

City of Prospect Heights Mayor and City Council met May 11.

Here is the minutes provided by the council:

CALL TO ORDER - At 6:30 PM, City Administrator Wade noted that Mayor Helmer was absent by previous notification. He asked for approval of a Mayor Pro Tem. Alderman Dolick moved to appoint Alderman Ludvigsen as Mayor Pro Tem for the May 11, 2020 Regular City Council Workshop; seconded by Alderman Morgan-Adams. 


All Ayes, No Nays

Motion carried 4-0; Alderman Cameron absent.

ROLL CALL FOR QUORUM – City Clerk Prisiajniouk called roll. A quorum was present. 

ELECTED OFFICIALS PRESENT – City Prisiajniouk, Treasurer Tibbits, Mayor Pro Tem Ludvigsen, Alderman Quinn, Alderman Dolick, Alderman Morgan-Adams. 

ABSENT: Mayor Helmer (by previous notification), Alderman Cameron (by previous notification) 

OTHER OFFICIALS PRESENT – City Administrator Wade, public Works Director Roscoe, Assistant City Administrator Falcone, Attorney O'Driscoll, Director of Building and Development Peterson, Deputy Clerk Schultheis, Digital Communications Technician Colvin, Police Chief Zawlocki, and Finance Director Graefen.


A. April 27, 2020 Revised Regular Teleconference City Council Meeting Minutes 

B. April 27, 2020 Teleconference Budget Hearing Minutes - Alderman Dolick moved for omnibus approval of April 27, 2020 Revised Regular Teleconference City Council Meeting Minutes and April 27, 2020 Teleconference Budget Hearing Minutes; seconded by Alderman Quinn. 


All Ayes, No Nays

Motion carried 4 – 0; Alderman Cameron absent.




Alderman Quinn - Said that she was speaking on behalf of Alderman Cameron, and noted that the paint for census signs is on the way.

- Alderman Quinn said that her ward would like to do something for the graduating seniors from Rob Roy. 

Treasurer Tibbits – said that he thought City Clerk Prisiajniouk's idea of putting information about the website, Enews, the City cable channel and videos on YouTube on the sewer bills. He said that it was common for municipalities to put that kind of information on bills. He added that it did not cost anything. City Clerk Prisiajniouk said that she had been waiting for a response from the City regarding her suggestion.

- Talked about interactions with the Greater Wheeling Area Chamber. He said that he had offered the Chamber the opportunity to promote their services on PHTV at no cost to the Chamber, but had not received an enthusiastic response. City Clerk Prisiajniouk had spoken to the Chamber and she noted that the new director is interest. 

Alderman Morgan-Adams - thanked the Police Department and the Fire District for participating in community parades on Saturday in celebration of Mother's Day. She noted that the procession had 40 cars. 

Police Chief Zawlocki – noted that the Police Department is healthy.

- The Police Department has participated in several parades during the week to celebrate Milestones for individuals while they shelter in place.

Public Works Director Roscoe - Schoenbeck sidewalk - asphalt has been put down.

- The Roof at Public Works is 3/4 completed. There had been delays due to the COVID-19 crisis, but it was back on track.

- There was a lot of storm water routing being done through old fields that still had tile. The Public Works crew had routed through debris enough for flow to resume in the Elm/Willow/Parkway.

- Public Works is still looking for one more seasonal worker. There is one worker that is locked in, and Public Works needs another worker 18 or older. The information is on the website and Facebook. 

Director of Building and Development Peterson - Plaza Drive has opened to the public last week. It has received positive reviews and is functioning well.

- He said the Redevelopment Committee Commissioners had reached out to local businesses at the request of the City. The surveys are not getting many responses. Only ten surveys have come back to the City 

Assistant City Administrator Falcone - promoted the City document destruction on June 13, from 9 AM – Noon at the Metra Station. He emphasized that all state safety restrictions will be adhered to, and no one will be allowed to leave their vehicles. He noted that this event is very popular with the residents. 

Treasurer Tibbits asked if this also included electronic destruction. Assistant City Administrator Falcone said that it did not, and that all previous events in April and May had been cancelled, and as this will be the first recycling event allowed, SWANCC did not want to be overwhelmed. He added that every Saturday there was electronic recycling at the Glenview Transfer Station from 9 AM – Noon. 

Finance Director Graefen - said that the City has collected $230,000 in vehicle sticker revenue. Last year, the City collected $487,000. She noted that the revenue is not lost, and the City expects to collect the revenue by the end of the extension deadline.

- Aviation Fuel Tax – she noted that the City has not lost its 1.5% status despite changes on the law. The City's take will remain the same.

- Aviation Fund – Director Graefen said that this is still on hold. There has been no approved Disbursement. The IDNR and IDOT said that it will be routed to the airport. She noted that the City has done its certification of expenses. Alderman Ludvigsen asked if the City had received the 12 percent ever since the restriction on disbursement? Director Graefen replied that the City has always been receiving that disbursement. She said that it is due twice per year, and the City had submitted application for certification- which state that the City does incur airport costs. As long as that certification continues to be submitted, the City will receive reimbursement.


A.Requested Waiver of 1st Reading 0-20-16 Staff Memo and Ordinance Granting Certain Variations for the Property at 13 S. Wildwood Road - Reduce Side Yard Setback to construct a driveway (1st Reading) – Alderman Morgan-Adams moved to approve the waiver of first reading of 0-20-16 Ordinance Granting Certain Variations for the Property at 13 S. Wildwood Road - Reduce Side Yard Setback to construct a driveway; seconded by Alderman Dolick. 


AYES - Dolick, Quinn, Ludvigsen, Morgan-Adams


None Cameron

Motion carried 4 – 0, one absent

B.O-20-16 Staff Memo and Ordinance Granting Certain Variations for the Property at 13 S. Wildwood Road - Reduce Side Yard Setback to construct a driveway (2nd Reading) Alderman Dolick moved to approve 0-20-16 Ordinance Granting Certain Variations for the Property at 13 S. Wildwood Road - Reduce Side Yard Setback to construct a driveway; seconded by Alderman Quinn. 


AYES - Quinn, Ludvigsen, Morgan-Adams, Dolick 

NAYS - None 

ABSENT - Cameron

Motion carried 4-0, one absent

Director of Building and Development Peterson said that there might be residents online that were interested in this Ordinance approval. They did not comment. Alderman Quinn asked is residents behind the yard and on the side of the yard had any issues with the driveway. Director Peterson said that the property backs up to ComEd right-of-way, the neighbor to the west did participate in the public hearing with the PZBA and one of the conditions that the applicant has agreed to is a drainage system gets placed along the driveway to ensure that storm water continues to flow that way it currently flows. It will not have any impact on the neighbors. Mayor Pro Tem Ludvigsen asked if the City checks when residents do this kind of improvement? Director Peterson replied that the Building and Development Department does check.

C.O-20-17 Staff Memo and Ordinance Approving a Special Use Permit to Allow a Sit Down Restaurant with Drive-Thru at 580 N. Milwaukee Avenue - Fry the Coop (1st Reading) - Director Peterson noted that the proprietor was online for questions. He noted that the new restaurant would be going into the vacant, former Hardees location. Mr. Fontana, the proprietor of Fry the Coop, introduced himself and offered information regarding the new restaurant. - no action was taken.

Requested Waiver of 1st Reading 0-20-18 Staff Memo and Ordinance Granting Certain Variations for the Property at 1307 Williams Way - Allow an increase in the floor area ratio (1st Reading) – Alderman Dolick moved to waive first reading of 0-20-18 Ordinance Granting Certain Variations for the Property at 1307 Williams Way - Allow an increase in the floor area ratio; seconded by Alderman Morgan-Adams. 


AYES - Morgan-Adams, Quinn, Ludvigsen, Dolick 

NAYS - None 

ABSENT - Cameron

Motion carried 4 - 0, one absent

D.O-20-18 Staff Memo and Ordinance Granting Certain Variations for the Property at 1307 Williams Way - Allow an increase in the floor area ratio (2nd Reading) - Alderman Dolick moved

to Approve O-20-18 Ordinance Granting Certain Variations for the Property at 1307 Williams Way - Allow an increase in the floor area ratio; seconded by Alderman Quinn. 


Quinn, Dolick, Morgan-Adams, Ludvigsen 

NAYS - None 

ABSENT - Cameron

Motion carried 4 – 0, one absent

It was noted by Director Peterson that this was the last lot in the subdivision and that one of the conditions to proceed was that the applicant agreed to restrict future detached structures.

E.Requested Waiver of 1st Reading 0-20-19 Staff Memo and Ordinance Approving Annual Official Zoning Map of the City of Prospect Heights - Inclusion of Lutheran Charities prope Reading) – Alderman Quinn moved to waive first reading of 0-20-19 Ordinance Approving Annual Official Zoning Map of the City of Prospect Heights - Inclusion of Lutheran Charities property; seconded by Alderman Morgan-Adams. 


AYES - Ludvigsen, Quinn, Dolick, Morgan-Adams 

NAYS - None 

ABSENT - Cameron

Motion carried 4-0, one absent

F.0-20-19 Staff Memo and Ordinance Approving Annual Official Zoning Map of the City of Prospect Heights - Inclusion of Lutheran Charities property (2nd Reading) Alderman Morgan-Adams moved to approve 0-20-19 Ordinance Approving Annual Official Zoning Map of the City of Prospect Heights - Inclusion of Lutheran Charities property; seconded by Alderman Dolick. 


AYES - Ludvigsen, Quinn, Dolick, Morgan-Adams 

NAYS - None 

ABSENT - Cameron

Motion carried 4 – 0, one absent


A.O-20-14 Staff Memo and Ordinance Amending Title 12, Fine and Fee Schedule of the Prospect Heights City Code (2nd Reading) – Alderman Dolick moved to approve 0-20-14 Ordinance Amending Title 12, Fine and Fee Schedule of the Prospect Heights City Code; seconded by Alderman Quinn. 


AYES - Dolick, Ludvigsen, Morgan-Adams Quinn 

NAYS - None 

ABSENT - Cameron

Motion carried 4-0, one absent


A.Term Limits for Elected Officials - Alderman Quinn asked why this topic was still part of the Agenda. She stated that Home Rule would be a much more pertinent topic. She added that voters determined how long elected officials should stay in power based on their votes. City Administrator Wade noted that the topic was the request of Mayor Helmer. Attorney O'Driscoll said that if the referendum were passed, all elected officials would start afresh with the terms. Alderman Ludvigsen asked if there could be a referendum enforcing a one-term limit. Attorney O'Driscoll said that he had never heard of that before, but noted that it could be dictated in a referendum question.- No action was taken.

B.Staggered Elections - Attorney O'Driscoll said that the catalyst for this to be a referendum had to come from the residents and not from the elected officials on behalf of the City. Ten percent of the residents from the total number of votes cast for Mayor in the previous election would need to sign a petition. That petition would be filed with the City Clerk. If the resolution were to pass, the following election. One alderman from each even number ward and one from each odd number ward would have a two-year term. This would not apply to the

Mayor, City Clerk nor City Treasurer. Alderman Ludvigsen said that 18 years ago, the City had 10 aldermen, and that became unwieldy. He said that since the advent of the five aldermen Council, there has been a fear that all five aldermen might be unelected in the same election. He said that staggered terms could be a way to ensure some continuity. – No action was taken.


A.Approval of Expenditures

General Fund $146,880.80

Motor Fuel Tax Fund $0.00

Palatine/Milwaukee Tax Increment Financing District $549.90

Tourism District $549.90

Development Fund $0.00

Drug Enforcement Agency Fund $186.00

Solid Waste Fund $29,570.09

Special Service Area #1 $0.00

Special Service Area #2 $0.00

Special Service Area #3 $0.00

Special Service Area #4 $0.00

Special Service Area #5 $0.00

Special Service Area #8 – Levee Wall #37 $0.00

Special Service Area-Constr #6 (Water Main) $0.00

Special Service Area- Debt #6 $26,245.00

Capital Improvements $780.00

Palatine Road Tax Increment Financing District $549.90

Road Construction $0.00

Road Construction Debt $114,680.00

Water Fund $19,274.84

Parking Fund $93.78

Sanitary Sewer Fund $87,825.42

Road/Building Bond Escrow $3,950.00

TOTAL $431,135.63

Wire Payments

3/27/20 PAYROLL POSTING $156,697.81


TOTAL WARRANT $610,094.35

City Clerk Prisiajniouk read the warrants. 

Alderman Morgan-Adams moved to approve the Minutes; seconded by Alderman Dolick to approve the TOTAL of $431,135.63; 3/27/2020 Payroll Posting of $156,697.81; April Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund of $22,260.91; and a TOTAL WARRANT of $610,094.35. 


AYES - Dolick, Quinn, Morgan-Adams, Ludvigsen 

NAYS - None 

ABSENT - Cameron

Motion carried 4 - 0, one absent




ADJOURNMENT- At 7:10 PM, Alderman Quinn moved to close Open Session and go into closed session to discuss Litigation; seconded by Alderman Morgan-Adams. There would not be any action afterwards. 


AYES - Dolick, Quinn, Morgan-Adams, Ludvigsen 

NAYS - None 

ABSENT - Cameron

Motion carried 4 – 0, one absent

Approved by the City Council of Prospect Heights on this the 27th day of May, 2020.
