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City of Prospect Heights Mayor and City Council met April 27

Webp meeting 10

City of Prospect Heights Mayor and City Council met April 27.

Here is the minutes provided by the council:

CALL TO ORDER - At 6:30 PM, Mayor Nicholas J. Helmer called the Revised City Council Regular Teleconference Meeting to order. Deputy Clerk Schultheis read the Preamble to the Meeting.

ROLL CALL FOR QUORUM – City Clerk Prisiajniouk called the roll. 

A quorum was present.

ELECTED OFFICIALS PRESENT – Treasurer Tibbits, Mayor Helmer, City Clerk Prisiajniouk Aldermen - Dolick, Cameron, Quinn, Ludvigsen, Morgan-Adams

OTHER OFFICIALS PRESENT – City Administrator Wade, Assistant City Administrator Falcone, Police Chief Zawlocki, Director of Building and Development Peterson, Deputy Clerk Schultheis, Finance Director Graefen, Digital Communications Technician Colvin, Public Works Director Roscoe and City Attorney O'Driscoll.


A.April 13, 2020 City Council Workshop Teleconference Minutes – Alderman Dolick moved to approve the April 13, 2020 City Council Workshop Teleconference Minutes as presented; seconded by Alderman Ludvigsen. There was unanimous approval.


AYES - Ludvigsen, Morgan-Adams, Cameron, Dolick, Quinn

NAYS - None


Motion carried 5 - 0




Director of Business and Development Peterson - Noted that the information received from Congresswoman Schakowsky's office had been forwarded to small businesses in the City. Mayor Helmer added that the Economic Redevelopment Committee members would be contacting small businesses to get the status of small businesses in the area. The Mayor expressed his concern for small businesses in the area.

Treasurer Tibbits - noted that the A/V Department was still progressing with an updating of the City Council Chambers recording system. He reminded the Council that the City also maintains a Youtube video channel.

Police Chief Zawlocki – noted that everyone in the Police Department was healthy.

- The Police are doing drive-by birthday well-wishes for children in the City whose families request it. The Police are getting 2 - 3 requests per week. The requests are also for seniors celebrating birthdays.

Mayor Helmer - noted that there would be a St. Viator graduation parade, in which he and the Prospect Heights Police Department would participate. They will be going by the homes of graduating seniors. The mayor said that this event was open to anyone else who wanted to participate. The event is May 8th.

City Clerk Prisiajniouk - The Greater Wheeling Chamber of Commerce is working on a new website. She said that she would like to see the City highlight the new website, and noted that the Executive Director of the Chamber shared survey results from small businesses. She said that it was suggested that smaller banks could better help smaller businesses with government grants during this crisis.

Alderman Quinn - stated that small retailers should be advised to go to their own banks in order to have the grant money processed. She said that the Chamber would have info as to what they will need from government sites.

Mayor Helmer - added that banks such as Village Bank and Trust and Inland Bank would work for non-members of their banks to receive grant money. Alderman Quinn said that Inland Bank was the only bank that would allow non-members. Mayor Helmer stated that he was on the Board and had been one of those that had asked Inland bank to be open to non-members. Director of Building and Development Peterson said that he had spoken with the VP of Inland Bank and in order to qualify small businesses should go to their own banks first. Inland Bank would accept applications for grants from non-members but an account would have to be opened at the bank along with an application for Payroll Protection Program.

A.Summer Event Changes Due to COVID -19 - City Administrator Wade said that the following changes were made to the Spring/Summer City Events -

1. Community Day (scheduled for June 6) – has been cancelled 

2. Census Block Party (scheduled for April 18) - has been postponed until September 12 

3. Rock and Run the Runway (scheduled for June 27) - has been postponed until August 22 

4. Prospect Heights Park District Block Party - (scheduled for June 27) - cancelled 

5. Shredding Event - (scheduled for June 13- remains as June 13 

6. Fourth of July Parade - (scheduled for July 4) – most likely cancelled

B.March Treasurer's Report Presented by Finance Director Cheri Graefen - said that the City is at 73% of expenditures and 94% of revenues that were budgeted. There was not a significant impact of the COVID-19 pandemic in the March revenues. - No action was taken.


A.O-20-14 Ordinance Amending Title 12, Fine and Fee Schedule of the Prospect Heights City Code (1st Reading) – this is an update as there were changes in some of the fines and fees, such as vehicle stickers deadline moved to May 31 

Alderman Quinn noted that on Page 77, regarding the Water Rates, non-residential customers cost to tap into City water pipes at $18000 per inch. She noted that the fee was "dramatic.” Director Peterson said that the City has never had a request to do this during his tenure. There was discussion regarding multi-family housing costs to tap in. Director Peterson said that the rates were a one-time fee for four-flats or better.- No action. First Read

B.Requested Waiver for 1st Reading 0-20-15 Ordinance Regarding Chapter 1, Section 4 of Title 2 - Conditional Extension of 2019-2020 Business Licenses (1st Reading) – Alderman Dolick moved to Approve the Waiver of First Reading for 0-20-15, Ordinance Regarding Chapter 1, Section 4 of Title 2 - Conditional Extension of 2019-2020 Business licenses; seconded by Alderman Morgan-Adams. Discussion followed. 

Mayor Helmer said that he was looking to moving the deadline to coincide with the liquor license extension - moved to July 31st Director Peterson noted that this was an extension of the deadline to pay for the full year 2020/2021 license not a shortening of the license time period of the 2020/2021 license. 

There was unanimous approval.


AYES - Morgan-Adams, Cameron, Dolick, Quinn, Ludvigsen

NAYS - None


Motion carried 5 - 0

C.O-20-15 Ordinance Regarding Chapter 1, Section 4 of Title 2 - Conditional Extension of 2019 2020 Business Licenses (2nd Reading) - Alderman Morgan-Adams moved to approve 0-20-15 Ordinance Regarding Chapter 1, Section 4 of Title 2 - Conditional Extension of 2019-2020 Business licenses; seconded by Alderman Dolick. There was unanimous approval.


AYES - Morgan-Adams, Cameron, Dolick, Quinn, Ludvigsen

NAYS - None


Motion carried 5 - 0

The extension will be until July 31, 2020. Director Peterson said that a letter would be sent to businesses that had not yet paid their business licenses for 2020/2021.

The Mayor emphasized that businesses should be told that their payments were not due until the end of July.


A.Discussion of Illinois Municipal League Communication Regarding Model Ordinances: Video Gaming, Streaming Services, and Ride Sharing - City Administrator Wade addressed a letter from the IML regarding some of the recently-adopted model ordinances for video gaming taxes, push taxes, streaming services and ride sharing. The only one that is specifically available for non-home rule municipalities is streaming services. The Mayor wanted the Council to be aware of this. Mayor Helmer has objected that the City can only receive $25 per video machine while other municipalities can charge multiples of that amount as home rule.

Alderman Ludvigsen asked if wireless facilities pertained to this model? City Administrator Wade said that wireless was separate, but also an area where the City's non-home rule status put the City at a disadvantage.

Director Peterson said that small cell in non-home rule has limited fees that they can charge. Video gaming for non-home rule is capped as to stickers per terminal and is $25 per terminal. Home Rule communities can go $1000 per machine. 

Director Peterson said that there was the possibility that the City could get some revenue from gaming online. 

City Administrator Wade noted that non-home rule Lake Zurich was able to enact a video gaming establishment parlor liquor license. Director Peterson said that the Village Board of Lake Zurich enacted a Class AV license so that - equal to $500 per terminal. So, would pay for Class A liquor license plus AV license for the terminals. They have not had any challenges to that enactment. In Lake Zurich, in most cases the vendor was willing to pick up the cost, not the establishment owner. 

The Mayor said that it was worth pursuing the same here. – No action was taken.

B.O-20-10 Staff Memo and Ordinance Adopting the FY2020-21 Budget for the City of Prospect Heights (2nd Reading) – Alderman Ludvigsen asked the City Attorney if it was an appropriate place in the meeting to ask that the Staff not spend on any capital items or employment, anything other than status quo. Alderman Morgan-Adams asked about making certain that the City was not postponing projects underway. City Administrator Wade said that there are layers of approval – Adopting a capital budget, and the other part is that a project would be brought to the Council for approval, such as the Willow Road project. All are multi-year projects like the Arlington Countryside storm sewer. Bids would be brought to Council for acceptance." He added that during bad economic times, there were grant opportunities for those municipalities that had projects. He added that all of the projects had layers of grant applications. Arlington Countryside has received a grant, and Rebuild Illinois and FEMA grants are outstanding. Willow Road has an MWRD grant. The sidewalk network has 84 grants pending. Mayor Helmer noted that the City has a grant writer. Finance Director Graefen talked about gasoline funds, and that the City has to register to ask for reimbursement for airport-related costs. Finance Director Graefen said that typically the City split the revenue with Wheeling. Going forward the City has certified with the State, that we would like reimbursement of costs that are spent on airport operations. She noted that the number only included sale tax, Alderman Ludvigsen asked if there was an application process. Finance Director Graefen replied that Wheeling and Prospect Heights had to go through IDOR to obtain state sales tax numbers – we have not heard yet about the recovery of costs. Alderman Ludvigsen responded that the City would only be able to send in small bills, because the City only gets money back after expended, but the City does not know what is allowed and what is not. Director Graefen said that the City has not gotten any direction. She added that Wheeling is at the same place in the process.

Alderman Dolick moved to approve 0-20-10 Ordinance Adopting the FY2020/2021 Budget for the City of Prospect Heights with the proviso to spend only what is needed until the time of the first amendment to the Budget in August or September; seconded by Alderman Morgan Adams. There was unanimous approval.


AYES - Morgan-Adams, Cameron, Dolick, Quinn, Ludvigsen

NAYS - None


Motion carried 5 - 0

C. 0-20-11 Staff Memo and Ordinance Establishing Water Rates for FY2020-21 (2nd Reading) - Alderman Dolick moved to Approve 0-20-11 Ordinance Establishing Water Rates for FY2020/2021; seconded by Alderman Ludvigsen. Alderman Quinn said if the rate increase was 1.7% by going from $53.07 to $53.99; the rate should actually be $53.97. Finance Director Graefen believed it was due to rounding, but said that she would investigate. There was unanimous approval.


AYES - Morgan-Adams, Cameron, Dolick, Quinn, Ludvigsen

NAYS - None


Motion carried 5 - 0

D.0-20-12 Ordinance Amending Title 1 of City Code and Adopting the Pay Plan (Compensation of Officers, Employee Salaries and Pay Plan) (2nd Reading) - Alderman Dolick moved to approve O 20-12 Amending Title 1 of the City Code and Adopting the Pay plan (compensation of the officers, employees and Pay Plan); seconded by Alderman Quinn. City Administrator Wade noted that this included the compensation for the 16 non-union employees in the City. There was unanimous approval.


AYES - Morgan-Adams, Cameron, Dolick, Quinn, Ludvigsen

NAYS - None


Motion carried 5 - 0

DISCUSSION TOPICS FOR NEXT WORKSHOP MEETING: Mayor Helmer asked that Workshop Items be removed until the City could meet in regular workshops.


A. Approval of Expenditures

General Fund $103,254.81

Motor Fuel Tax Fund $0.00

Palatine/Milwaukee Tax Increment Financing District $549.90

Tourism District $1,637.06

Development Fund $0.00

Drug Enforcement Agency Fund $45,226.00

Solid Waste Fund $29,570.09

Special Service Area #1 $0.00

Special Service Area #2 $0.00

Special Service Area #3 $0.00

Special Service Area #4 $0.00

Special Service Area #5 $0.00

Special Service Area #8 – Levee Wall #37 $0.00

Special Service Area-Constr #6 (Water Main) $0.00

Special Service Area- Debt #6 $0.00

Capital Improvements $0.00

Palatine Road Tax Increment Financing District $549.90

Road Construction $0.00

Road Construction Debt $0.00

Water Fund $25,689.26

Parking Fund $0.00

Sanitary Sewer Fund $3,367.59

Road/Building Bond Escrow $0.00

TOTAL $209,844.61

Wire Payments

4/10/20 PAYROLL POSTING $153,236.46

4/20/20 POLICE PENSION FUNDING $79,355.86

TOTAL WARRANT $442,436.93

City Clerk Prisiajniouk read the warrants. Alderman Morgan-Adams moved to Approve the warrants as presented; seconded by Alderman Ludvigsen to include a TOTAL of $209,844.61; 4/10/20 PAYROLL POSTING of $153,236.46; 4/20/2020 Police Pension Funding of $79,355.86; and a TOTAL WARRANT of $442,436.93. There was unanimous approval.


AYES - Cameron, Dolick, Quinn, Ludvigsen, Morgan-Adams,

NAYS - None


Motion carried 5 - 0

PUBLIC COMMENT ON NON-AGENDA MATTERS (Five Minute Time Limit) Alderman Quinn said that she would like to have the rooster issue on the next Workshop meeting as an Action Item, as an Ordinance. Mayor Helmer said that it would be taken under advisement.



ADJOURNMENT - At 7:45 PM, Alderman Dolick moved to Adjourn; seconded by Alderman Ludvigsen. There was unanimous approval. VOICE VOTE:

All Ayes, No Nays

Motion carried 5-0
