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Monday, March 3, 2025

Ewing Northern Community Consolidated School District 115 Board of Education met December 16

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Ewing Northern Community Consolidated School District 115 Board of Education met Dec. 16.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:

Regular School Board Meeting was called to order at 6:30 pm by President Adam Allsopp.

MEMBERS PRESENT: Adam Allsopp, Jonathon Edwards, Karla Gunter, Tom Harmon, Jake Page, Shannon Webb and Craig Zinzilieta.


Visitors present: Tammy Cripps

President’s Comments: *Congratulations to the Competition Cheer team for a successful start and qualifying for state.

*The Christmas Program will be held Tuesday, December 17, 2019. PreK-4th Grade will perform at 6:00pm. 5th-8th Grades will perform at 7:00pm.

*Teacher/Staff and Board Members Christmas Party will be held on Friday, December 20, 2019, at approximately 11:40 am.

*Teachers will return to school from Christmas break on January 3, 2020. Students will return to school on January 6, 2020. *The family of Josh Carlton appreciates and says Thank you for the food and supplies that have been brought in since he has been sick.

*The FCA Dodgeball tournament proceeds will go towards Josh

Carlton and his family for expenses.

Visitor Comments: None

Consent agenda: MOTION by Tom Harmon to approve the consent agenda. 2nd by Shannon Webb 7 ayes (Shannon Webb, Jonathon Edwards, Karla Gunter, Craig Zinzilieta, Tom Harmon, Jake Page, and Adam Allsopp).

Acknowledge new member: Congratulations to Karla Gunter. Karla has been appointed to fill the board seat of resigning Larry Webb. Her term will expire in 2021.

Oath of office: All board members read the Oath of Office out loud as a group.

Board Committees

Restructure: The board committees for the Finance and Building committees will remain the same. The screening committee will change. Tom Harmon resigned from this committee and Karla will fill his seat in this committee.

Tax Levy: MOTION by Adam Allsopp to Adopt a Tax Levy as presented for 2019 Payable in the Fall of 2020. 2nd by Shannon Webb. 7 ayes (Karla Gunter, Tom Harmon, Jonathon Edwards, Jake Page, Shannon Webb, Craig Zinzilieta, and Adam Allsopp) MOTION


Sewer Line Replacement: MOTION by Tom Harmon to approve Thad Ellett Plumbing to replace the sewer line from the southeast side of school building to the road and re-tap into the city sewer line with a bid of $7800.00. 2nd by Jonathon Edwards (Craig Zinzilieta, Jake Page, Karla Gunter, Shannon Webb, Jonathon Edwards, Tom Harmon, and Adam Allsopp). MOTION CARRIED

Second Reading of Policies: MOTION by Adam Allsopp to accept the Second Reading of Policies. 2nd by Jake Page 7 ayes (Jake Page, Tom Harmon, Jonathon Edwards, Craig Zinzilieta, Shannon Webb, Karla Gunter and Adam Allsopp). MOTION CARRIED

2:20, Powers and Duties of the School Board; Indemnification

2:20-E, Waiver and Modification Request Resource Guide

2:70, Vacancies on the School Board - Filling Vacancies

2:70-E, Checklist for Filling Board Vacancies by Appointment

2:100, Board Member Conflict of Interest

2:105, Ethics and Gift Ban

2:110, Qualifications, Term, and Duties of Board Officers

2:150-AP, Superintendent Committees

2:200, Types of School Board Meetings

2:220, School Board Meeting Procedure

2:220-E2, Motion to Adjourn to Closed Meeting

2:220-E6, Log of Closed Meeting Minutes

2:250-AP1, Access to and Copying of District Public Records

2:250-AP2, Protocols for Record Preservation and Development of Retention Schedules

2:250-E2, Immediately Available District Public Records and Web-Posted Reports and Records

2:260, Uniform Grievance Procedure

3:40-E, Checklist for the Superintendent Employment Contract Negotiation Process

4:15, Identity Protection

4:15-AP2, Treatment of Personally Identifiable Information Under Grant Awards

4:30, Revenue and Investments

4:60, Purchases and Contracts

4:60-AP1, Purchases

4:60-AP3, Criminal History Records Check of Contractor Employees

4:60-AP4, Federal and State Award Procurement Procedures

4:80, Accounting and Audits

4:80-AP3, Inventory Management for Federal and State Awards

4:150, Facility Management and Building Programs

4:170-AP1, Comprehensive Safety and Security Plan

4:175-AP1, Criminal Offender Notification Laws; Screening

4:190-AP2, Threat Assessment Team (TAT)

5:10, Equal Employment Opportunity and Minority Recruitment

5:20, Workplace Harassment Prohibited

5:20-AP, Sample Questions and Considerations for Conducting the Internal Harassment in the Workplace Investigation

5:20-E, resolution to Prohibit Sexual Harassment

5:30, Hiring Process and Criteria

The policy and footnotes are updated to incorporate changes made to:

5:30-AP1, Interview Questions

5:30-AP2, Investigations

5:50, Drug- and Alcohol-Free Workplace; E-Cigarette, Tobacco, and Cannabis Prohibition

5:90, Abused and Neglected Child Reporting

5:100, Staff Development Program

5:120, Employee Ethics; Conduct; and Conflict of Interest

5:120-AP1, Statement of Economic Interests for Employees

5:120-AP2, Employee Conduct Standards

5:150-AP, Personnel Records

5:200, Terms and Conditions of Employment and Dismissal

5:220-AP, Substitute Teachers

5:250, Leaves of Absence

5:250-AP, School Visitation Leave

5:285, AP, Drug and Alcohol Testing for School Bus and Commercial Vehicle Drivers

5:290, Employment Termination and Suspensions

*5:330, Sick Days, Vacation, Holidays, and Leaves

6:20, School Year Calendar and Day

6:60, Curriculum Content

6:60-AP, Comprehensive Health Education Program

6:150, Home and Hospital Instruction

6:170-AP2, E1, District Annual Report Card Required by Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA)

7:20, Harassment of Students Prohibited

7:50-AP, School Admissions and Student Transfers To and From Non-District Schools

7:150, Agency and Police Interviews

7:180, Prevention of and Response to Bullying, Intimidation, and Harassment

7:190-AP6, Student Discipline Guidelines for Investigating Sexting Allegations

7:190-AP7, Student Discipline Guidelines

7:190-AP8, Student Re-Engagement Guidelines

7:190-E3, Memorandum of Understanding

7:240-AP1, Code of Conduct for Extracurricular Activities

7:270, Administering Medicines to Students

7:270-AP1, Dispensing Medication

7:270-AP2, Checklist for District Supply of Undesignated Asthma Medication, Epinephrine Injectors, Opioid Antagonists, and/or Glucagon

7:270-E1, School Medication Authorization Form

7:270-E2, School Medication Authorization Form - Medical Cannabis

7:290-AP, Resource Guide for Implementation of Suicide and Depression Awareness and Prevention Program

7:340-AP1, School Student Records

7:340-AP1, E1, Notice to Parents/Guardians and Students of Their Rights Concerning a Student’s

School Records

7:340-AP2, Storage and Destruction of School Student Records

7:340-AP2, E1, Letter Containing Schedule for Destruction of School Student Records

8:30, Visitors to and Conduct on School Property

8:95-AP, Parental Involvement

8:95-E1, Letter Notifying Parents/Guardians of School Visitation Rights Into executive session MOTION by Adam Allsopp to go into executive session to discuss:

The assignment, employment compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the District, including hearing testimony on a complaint lodged against and employee to determine its validity, along with a Special Education Student.5 ILCS 120/2(c)(1), as amended by P.A. 93-0057. 2nd by Jonathon Edwards. Time into

Executive Session 6:58pm.

MOTION by Adam Allsopp to exit Executive Session at 7:40pm and resume Regular Session. 2nd by Shannon Webb. 7 ayes (Adam Allsopp, Tom Harmon, Jonathon Edwards, Shannon Webb, Jake Page, Craig Zinzilieta and Larry Webb.)

Other: *The Board wanted to recognize Mrs. Ing for completing her dissertation through McKendree University.

*Mrs. Ing mentioned a maintenance grant with matching funds for up to $50,000.00.

Adjourn: MOTION by Tom Harmon to adjourn the board meeting at 7:05pm. 2nd by Adam Allsopp.
