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Village of South Barrington Village President and Board of Trustees met Nov. 14

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Village of South Barrington met Nov. 14.

Here is the minutes provided by the Board:

Call to Order

President McCombie called the Board meeting to order at 7:31 p.m. Clerk Wood took roll: Present: President: Paula McCombie

Trustees: Joseph Abbate, Edgar Alvarado, Steve Guranovich, Bernard Kerman, Hina Patel, Anthony Stagno

A quorum was present.

Also present were Village Administrator Bob Palmer, Village Engineer Natalie Karney, Building Officer Mike Moreland, Finance Director Michelle Bodie, Executive Assistant/Deputy Clerk Melissa Moeller, Police Chief Tom Roman, and Village Attorney Brian Baugh. President McCombie led the room in the Pledge of Allegiance.

Throughout the meeting, President McCombie asked if there were any questions or comments after the motion on each agenda item.

Approval of Minutes

Motion to Approve the Minutes of the September 18, 2019 Executive Session, the October 10, 2019 Regular Board Meeting and the November 7, 2019 Town Hall Meeting was made by Trustee Abbate.

Seconded by Trustee Stagno.

There was no further discussion. By unanimous voice vote, the motion carried.

Warrants and Village Financial Statements

Motion to Approve Warrant Run #1 in the Amount of $ 39,841.88 was made by Trustee Kerman.

Seconded by Trustee Stagno.

There was no further discussion. Roll call was taken:

Ayes: Abbate, Alvarado, Guranovich, Kerman, Patel, Stagno

Nays: (None)

Abstain: (None)

Absent: (None)

Motion carried

Motion to Approve Warrant Run #2 in the Amount of $ 660,675.66 was made by Trustee Abbate

Seconded by Trustee Patel.

There was no further discussion. Roll call was taken:

Ayes: Abbate, Alvarado, Guranovich, Kerman, Patel, Stagno

Nays: (None)

Abstain: (None)

Absent: (None)

Motion carried.

Motion to Accept the Statement of Revenues and Expenditures vs. Annual Budget as of October 31, 2019 was made by Trustee Kerman.

Seconded by Trustee Alvarado.

There was no further discussion. By unanimous voice vote, the motion carried.

Motion to Accept the Detailed Balance Sheet as of October 31, 2019 was made by Trustee Patel.

Seconded by Trustee Alvarado.

There was no further discussion. By unanimous voice vote, the motion carried.

Citizen Comments/Presentations

President McCombie asked if anyone in the audience had questions or comments for the Board.

A resident, who is a physician, thanked the Board for good Village government. He then addressed the Board on the physical, emotional, and mental problems caused by misuse of marijuana. He also discussed issues on vaping, addiction, and consequential problems of marijuana use such as driving accidents, domestic abuse and workplace safety. He acknowledged that governments can tax the sale of the product, but asked how much should one tax for a teen's addiction or a fatal car crash?

Trustee Stagno, also a physician, thanked the speaker for his great summary of the problems, and said that since Springfield is making the substance legal, the Village cannot change that. He thought that Illinois' motive was to increase incoming funds and Trustee Stagno encouraged any citizens with concerns on the legalization of cannabis to complain to the Governor and our representatives at the State level.

The resident said that the Board could keep dispensaries from coming to the Village, and that the residents trust the Board to make the decisions that will be best for all of South Barrington. Trustee Kerman noted that another effect of legalized cannabis is an increase in car insurance rates. Trustee Guranovich stated that Colorado thought marijuana legalization would raise their income, but that in reality most marijuana is sold on the black market to avoid the high taxes.

A resident thanked the Mayor and Board, on behalf of The Homestead residents, for hosting the recent Town Hall meeting on the proposed Veteran columbarium.

President McCombie asked if anyone else in the audience wanted to address the Board; there was no one.

President Report

Resolution R-2019-1929 Resolution Ratifying the Acceptance of a Proposal and Execution of an Agreement by and between Talaske Sound Thinking and The Village of South Barrington for Acoustic Consulting Services for the Proposed South Barrington Veterans Columbarium

Motion to Ratify the Acceptance of a Proposal and Execution of an Agreement by and Between Talaske Sound Thinking and the Village of South Barrington for Acoustic Consulting Services for the Proposed South Barrington Veterans Columbarium was Made by Trustee Abbate. Seconded by Trustee Kerman.

There was no further discussion. Roll call was taken:

Ayes: Abbate, Alvarado, Guranovich, Kerman, Patel, Stagno

Nays: (None)

Abstain: (None)

Absent: (None)

Motion carried.

Resolution R-2019-1930 Resolution Authorizing the Renewal of an Intergovern mental Agreement by and between Cook County Health Department and The Village of South Barrington for Environmental Health Inspection Services in the Village Effective December 1, 2019 through November 30, 2020

Motion to Authorize the Renewal of an Intergovernmental Agreement by and Between the Cook County Health Department and the Village of South Barrington to Perform Environmental Health Inspection Services in the Village Effective December 1, 2019 Through November 30, 2020 was made by Trustee Abbate.

Seconded by Trustee Stagno.

There was no further discussion. Roll call was taken:

Ayes: Abbate, Alvarado, Guranovich, Kerman, Patel, Stagno

Nays: (None)

Abstain: (None)

Absent: (None)

Motion carried.

President McCombie thanked Executive Assistant/Deputy Clerk Melissa Moeller, Finance Director Michelle Bodie, and Conservancy Chairwoman Diane Bodkin for putting together the successful Fall Fest for the Village.

Among other items on a long list of activities this month, the Mayor reported that the Village is looking at a reverse osmosis water filtering system for drinking water at the Hall. She attended an international Police conference at McCormick Place to see new cameras, drones, training equipment, software, etc. She spoke with the new Barrington Postmaster about the possibility of a mailbox in front of the Village Hall, spoke with Toll Brothers about a traffic study they are doing for a possible turn lane at their development, and interviewed two acoustical consulting agencies about having a sound study done concerning gun salutes, considering both what residents would hear out and inside of their homes. President McCombie continues to work on issues of the proposed Veteran columbarium, and attended another meeting of the Northwest Water Planning Alliance.


President McCombie referred to the submitted report.


Representative Abbate reported that there was no SWANCC meeting this month, and informed the audience that Earth911.com has a very interesting podcast about recycling.

Committee Reports - Building and Zoning

Chairman Guranovich noted that the Committee did meet this month, but had no items for the Board's agenda tonight.

Committee Reports - Finance

Chairman Stagno introduced tonight's agenda items, noting that the Police Pension Fund stocks did very well this year, the draft of the Tax Levy Ordinance will be held over for a Public Hearing in December, and that the motor fuel tax funds are from the money paid on gasoline.

The Actuarial Report for South Barrington Police Pension Fund for Year Ending April 30, 2019 and Required Reporting to Municipality by Pension Board for Fiscal Year Ending April 30, 2019 were presented.

Motion to Accept Police Pension Fund Reports and Place Them on File With Village Clerk was made by Trustee Patel.

Seconded by Trustee Kerman.

There was no further discussion. By unanimous voice vote, the motion carried.

Resolution R-2019-1931 Resolution Determining the Estimated Property Taxes to be Levied for Fiscal Year 2019-2020 of The Village of South Barrington, Illinois

Motion to Approve Resolution Determining the Estimated Property Taxes to be Levied for Fiscal Year 2019-2020 was made by Trustee Kerman.

Seconded by Trustee Patel.

There was no further discussion. Roll call was taken:

Ayes: Abbate, Alvarado, Guranovich, Kerman, Patel, Stagno

Nays: (None)

Abstain: (None)

Absent: (None)

Motion carried.

The Draft Annual Tax Levy Ordinance for Fiscal Year 2019-2020 was presented and will be held over until the December public hearing.

Resolution R-2019-1932 Resolution Authorizing the Transfer of Funds from Motor Fuel Tax Fund to Road Replacement Fund for the 2019 Road Improvement Program

Motion to Authorize the Transfer of Funds from Motor Fuel Tax Fund to Road Replacement Fund for the 2019 Road Improvement Program was made by Trustee Abbate.

Seconded by Trustee Kerman.

There was no further discussion. Roll call was taken:

Ayes: Abbate, Alvarado, Guranovich, Kerman, Patel, Stagno

Nays: (None)

Abstain: (None)

Absent: (None)

Motion carried.

Resolution R-2019-1933 Resolution for Maintenance Under Illinois Highway Code

Motion to Authorize the Expenditure of Motor Fuel Tax Funds for the 2020 Road Improvement Program was made by Trustee Abbate.

Seconded by Trustee Kerman.

There was no further discussion. Roll call was taken:

Ayes: Abbate, Alvarado, Guranovich, Kerman, Patel, Stagno

Nays: (None)

Abstain: (None)

Absent: (None)

Motion carried.

Committee Reports - Emergency Management

Chairwoman Patel reported that the Committee met this month and discussed the resolution on tonight's agenda, and applied for a grant for a back-up generator. They also continue to review the Emergency Management Plan.

Resolution R-2019-1934 Resolution Adopting the Update of the Cook County Multi Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan

Motion to Adopt the Update of the Cook County Multi Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan was made by Trustee Kerman.

Seconded by Trustee Stagno.

Discussion: Trustee Abbate asked if the Village already had a plan and this is an update. Administrator Palmer clarified that this is a new plan that the County has asked be formalized in a resolution.

Roll call was taken:

Ayes: Abbate, Alvarado, Guranovich, Kerman, Patel, Stagno

Nays: (None)

Abstain: (None)

Absent: (None)

Motion carried.

Committee Reports - Legal and Human Resources

Chairman Stagno noted that the Committee had a lengthy meeting this month, primarily dealing with insurance options. RESOLUTION R-2019-1935 Resolution Providing for Renewal of Employee Group Insurance for Full-Time Village Employees

Motion to Provide for Renewal of Employee Group Insurance for Full-Time Village Employees was made by Trustee Patel.

Seconded by Trustee Alvarado.

There was no further discussion. Roll call was taken:

Ayes: Abbate, Alvarado, Guranovich, Kerman, Patel, Stagno

Nays: (None)

Abstain: (None)

Absent: (None)

Motion carried.

Resolution R-2019-1936 Resolution Regarding Village Contributions to Employee Health Reimbursement Accounts (HRA) for 2020

Motion to Approve Resolution Regarding Village Contributions to Employee Health Reimbursement Accounts for 2020 was made by Trustee Kerman.

Seconded by Trustee Patel.

There was no further discussion. Roll call was taken:

Ayes: Abbate, Alvarado, Guranovich, Kerman, Patel, Stagno

Nays: (None)

Abstain: (None)

Absent: (None)

Motion carried.

Resolution R-2019-1937 Resolution Regarding Village Contributions to Employee Health Savings Accounts (HSA) for 2020

Motion to Approve Resolution Regarding Village Contributions to Employee Health Savings Accounts for 2020 was made by Trustee Guranovich. Seconded by Trustee Alvarado.

There was no further discussion. Roll call was taken:

Ayes: Abbate, Alvarado, Guranovich, Kerman, Patel, Stagno

Nays: (None)

Abstain: (None)

Absent: (None)

Motion carried.

Resolution R-2019-1938 Resolution Authorizing the Acceptance of the Proposal of Insurance from Corkill Insurance Agency Effective January 1, 2020 through December 31, 2020 (Workers' Compensation Insurance)

Motion to Authorize and Accept the Proposal of Insurance from Corkill Insurance Agency, Effective 1/1/20 Through 12/31/20 (Workers' Compensation Insurance) was made by Trustee Kerman.

Seconded by Trustee Patel.

There was no further discussion. Roll call was taken:

Ayes: Abbate, Alvarado, Guranovich, Kerman, Patel, Stagno

Nays: (None)

Abstain: (None)

Absent: (None)

Motion carried.

Committee Reports - Public Safety

Chairman Abbate introduced tonight's agenda item, noting that the property was a 2013 Ford Explorer, for which CarMax offered $3000.

Ordinance 0-2019-1216 Ordinance Ratifying the Authorization of Sale and Disposal of Surplus Personal Property Consisting of One Patrol Vehicle from the Village of South Barrington Police Department

Motion to Ratify the Authorization of Sale and Disposal of Surplus Personal Property Consisting of One Patrol Vehicle from the Village of South Barrington Police Department was made by Trustee Kerman.

Seconded by Trustee Stagno.

There was no further discussion. Roll call was taken:

Ayes: Abbate, Alvarado, Guranovich, Kerman, Patel, Stagno

Nays: (None)

Abstain: (None)

Absent: (None)

Motion carried.

Committee Reports - Public Works

Chairman Kerman presented highlights from the last Committee meeting of October 15th. He noted that the Simple Recycling program had collected 1005 lbs. of materials, for which they paid the Village $10.05. The next Public Works meeting will be at 1:00 p.m. on November 19th. Trustee Abbate announced that the next Public Safety meeting, on November 20th, would include a presentation on video cameras, and he invited anyone interested to attend. President McCombie briefly gave more information on the Simply Recycling program, explaining that they accept other items besides rags and clothes, and noting that it was a much better option than sending items you no longer want to a landfill.

Resolution R-2019-1939 Resolution Authorizing the Acceptance of a Proposal and Execution of an Agreement by and between Soil and Material Consultants Inc. and The Village of South Barrington for the Material Testing, Material Evaluation, and Report for the 2020 Road Maintenance Program in the Village of South Barrington

Motion to Authorize the Acceptance of a Proposal and Execution of an Agreement by and Between Soil and Material Consultants Inc. and the Village of South Barrington for the Material Testing, Material Aluation, and Report for the 2020 Road Maintenance Program in the Village of South Barrington was made by Trustee Kerman.

Seconded by Trustee Stagno.

There was no further discussion. Roll call was taken:

Ayes: Abbate, Alvarado, Guranovich, Kerman, Patel, Stagno

Nays: (None)

Abstain: (None)

Absent: (None)

Motion carried

Resolution R-2019-1940 Resolution Authorizing the Acceptance of a Proposal and Execution of an Agreement by and between Spectrum Contracting Corporation and The Village of South Barrington for Repairs to be made to the Covered Bridge Weir in the Village of South Barrington

Motion to Authorize the Acceptance of a Proposal and Execution of an Agreement by and Between Spectrum Contracting Corporation and the Village of South Barrington for Repairs to Be Made to the Covered Bridge Weir in the Village of South Barrington was made by Trustee Abbate.

Seconded by Trustee Stagno.

There was no further discussion. Roll call was taken:

Ayes: Abbate, Alvarado, Guranovich, Kerman, Patel, Stagno

Nays: (None)

Abstain: (None)

Absent: (None)

Motion carried.

Commission Reports - Conservancy Commission

Chairwoman Diane Bodkin thanked everyone for attending the 8th Scarecrow Walk and the 1st Family Fall Fest. She recognized all the work that Executive Assistant/Deputy Clerk Melissa Moeller, Finance Director Michelle Bodie and the rest of staff did for the program, which was attended by 415 visitors. She particularly thanked Ms. Moeller and Ms. Bodie for talking twelve other organizations into taking part in the Fest, and thanked the administration for running the carnival games. Chairwoman Bodkin wanted the residents to know that all the game prizes were a gift from the administration. She also thanked resident, and Police Department employee, Sue Ardizzone for volunteering to provide face-painting on both days. Chairwoman Bodkin showed slides of the scarecrow entries, of which Rose Elementary won first place with a Toy Story 4 depiction.

Chairwoman Bodkin updated the Board on Conservancy business. She publicly commended Executive Assistant/Deputy Clerk Melissa Moeller on her work for The Conservancy on the new Village website. Chairman Bodkin showed more slides from The Conservancy, including the new Butterfly Garden from the South Barrington Garden Club. An Eagle Scout is working on a floating island for their project, which will benefit fish, frogs and birds. The trees have grown so well that several name tags need to be restrung. She also showed evidence of beaver damage to the area. Chairwoman Bodkin reported that The Commission is currently working on their budget and 5-year plan, and asked the Board for any questions.

Commission Reports - Architectural Control Commission

(No report tonight.)

Commission Reports – Plan Commissionzoning Board of Appeals

Ordinance 0-2019-1217 Ordinance Denying a Variation to the Regulations of the Village of South Barrington Zoning Ordinance Related to the Side Yard Setback for a Single Family Residence Located at 22 North Freeman Road, South Barrington, Illinois MOTION to DENY A Variation to the Regulations of the Village of South Barrington Zoning Ordinance Related to the Side Yard Setback for a Single Family Residence located at 22 North Freeman Road, South Barrington, IL was made by Trustee Patel.

Seconded by Trustee Kerman.

Discussion: Trustee Stagno asked about the variation request. President McCombie provided a synopsis of the request and explained that the PC/ZBA found no hardship.

Roll call was taken:

Ayes: Abbate, Alvarado, Guranovich, Kerman, Patel, Stagno

Nays: (None)

Abstain: (None)

Absent: (None)

Motion carried.

Motion to Refer To PC/ZBA to Consider Amendments to the Village of South Barrington Zoning Code Regarding Regulations Pertaining to Cannabis Business Establishments and Making Recommendations To The Village Board of Trustees was made by Trustee Guranovich.

Seconded by Trustee Alvarado.

Discussion: President McCombie announced that the Public Hearing would be December 3rd By unanimous voice vote, the motion carried.

Commission Reports – Police Commission

(No report tonight.)

Staff Reports - Building Officer

Building Officer Moreland referred to the monthly report and noted that the department issued two new house permits, saying that the Village is up to a normal rate, and that Toll Brothers are selling properties.

Staff Reports - Village Engineer

Engineer Karney referred to her monthly report and added that she attended a storm water conference during the last two days where the emphasis was on green infrastructure and low impact development. She briefly discussed rain gauges in the Village and reported that the Village is considering applying for a grant to do restoration work adjacent to Village property. Trustee Guranovich thanked Engineer Karney for helping him identify where to place South Barrington monument signs.

Staff Reports - Chief of Police

Chief Roman referred to the monthly Police report and asked for questions. He noted that thirteen applicants passed the Police Officer test and twelve of those have already scheduled interviews.

Staff Reports - Village Clerk

(No report tonight.)

Staff Reports - Village Administrator

Administrator Palmer introduced tonight's proposed resolution and asked for any questions. He noted that it is a new vendor, and that the Village sent proposal requests to nine vendors and received information back from three.

Resolution R-2019-1941 Resolution Ratifying the Acceptance of a Proposal and Execution of an Agreement by and between Doering Landscape Company and The Village of South Barrington for Snow Removal and Ice Control Services for the Village Hall, Village Water Treatment Plant and South Barrington Conservancy for the 2019-2020 Winter Season

Motion to Ratify the Acceptance of a Proposal and Execution of an Agreement by and Between Doering Landscape Company and the Village of South Barrington for Snow Removal and Ice Control Services for the Village Hall, Village Water Treatment Plant, and South Barrington Conservancy for the 2019-2020 Winter Season was made by Trustee Patel.

Seconded by Trustee Stagno.

There was no further discussion. Roll call was taken:

Ayes: Abbate, Alvarado, Guranovich, Kerman, Patel, Stagno

Nays: (None)

Abstain: (None)

Absent: (None)

Motion carried.

President McCombie announced that there would be no Executive Session tonight.

Old Business


New Business


Board Member Comments and Announcements

President McCombie announced that this month is “No Shave November” for the Police Department, which is raising money for cancer research; donations can be made on the Village web page. She reminded everyone to submit comments to the VA on the proposed columbarium by midnight on Monday, and qualified that if they wanted any answers to questions, they had to submit clear questions, as the VA had previously interpreted questions as 'comments and made no reply. She also reminded everyone of the PC/ZBA Public Hearing concerning Cannabis Businesses to be held December 3rd. Trustee Guranovich showed a video of a gun salute at a service and reported that the noise was much louder in person than depicted on the video.

President McCombie referred to the list of upcoming meetings.


Motion to Adjourn was made by Trustee Stagno.

Seconded by Trustee Kerman.

There was no further discussion. By unanimous voice vote, the motion carried, and the meeting adjourned at 9:13 p.m.




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