Village of South Barrington met Dec. 12.
Here is the minutes provided by the Board:
Call to Order
President McCombie called the Board meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. Clerk Wood took roll: Present: President: Paula McCombie
Trustees: Joseph Abbate, Edgar Alvarado, Steve Guranovich, Bernard Kerman, Hina Patel, Anthony Stagno
A quorum was present.
Also present were Village Administrator Bob Palmer, Village Engineer Natalie Karney, Building Officer Mike Moreland, Finance Director Michelle Bodie, Executive Assistant/Deputy Clerk Melissa Moeller, Police Chief Tom Roman, and Village Attorney Melissa Wolf.
President McCombie led the room in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Throughout the meeting, President McCombie asked if there were any questions or comments after the motion on each agenda item.
Approval of Minutes
Motion to Approve the Minutes of the November 14, 2019
Regular Board Meeting was made by Trustee Patel.
Seconded by Trustee Kerman.
There was no further discussion. By unanimous voice vote, the motion carried.
Warrants and Village Financial Statements
Motion to Approve Warrant Run #1 in the Amount of $ 40,419.41 was made by Trustee Guranovich.
Seconded by Trustee Stagno.
There was no further discussion. Roll call was taken:
Ayes: Abbate, Alvarado, Guranovich, Kerman, Patel, Stagno
Nays: (None)
Abstain: (None)
Absent: (None)
Motion carried.
Motion to Approve Warrant Run #2 in the Amount of $ 188,606.15 was made by Trustee Kerman.
Seconded by Trustee Patel.
There was no further discussion. Roll call was taken:
Ayes: Abbate, Alvarado, Guranovich, Kerman, Patel, Stagno
Nays: (None)
Abstain: (None)
Absent: (None)
Motion carried.
Motion to Accept the Statement of Revenues and Expenditures vs. Annual Budget as of November 30, 2019 was made by Trustee Abbate.
Seconded by Trustee Patel.
There was no further discussion. By unanimous voice vote, the motion carried.
Motion to Accept the Detailed Balance Sheet as of November 30, 2019 was made by Trustee Abbate.
Seconded by Trustee Kerman.
There was no further discussion. By unanimous voice vote, the motion carried.
Citizen Comments/Presentations
President McCombie asked if anyone in the audience had questions or comments for the Board.
High School student Sonia Halabi addressed the Board concerning the road maintenance plan for 2020. President McCombie answered Ms. Halabi's questions, and Engineer Karney noted that once the plan is approved in January, it will be detailed on the Village website. Brief discussion the ensued on snow plowing and the high price of salt this season.
President McCombie asked if anyone else in the audience wanted to address the Board; there was no one.
Public Hearing-Fiscal Year 2019-2020 Tax Levy
Motion to Open the Public Hearing for the Tax Levy for Fiscal Year 2019 to 2020 was made by Trustee Abbate.
Seconded by Trustee Kerman.
There was no further discussion. Roll call was taken:
Ayes: Abbate, Alvarado, Guranovich, Kerman, Patel, Stagno
Nays: (None)
Abstain: (None)
Absent: (None)
Motion carried.
President McCombie asked the audience and Board members if anyone had any questions or comments about the tax levy; there was no one.
Motion to Close Public Hearing on the Tax Levy for Fiscal Year 2019 to 2020 was made by Trustee Abbate.
Seconded by Trustee Stagno.
There was no further discussion. By unanimous voice vote, the motion carried.
Ordinance 0-2019-1218 Annual Tax Levy Ordinance of the Village of South Barrington for Fiscal Year 2019-2020
Motion to Approve the Annual Tax Levy of the Village of South Barrington for Fiscal Year 2019-2020 was made by Trustee Abbate.
Seconded by Trustee Guranovich. There was no further discussion. Roll call was taken:
Ayes: Abbate, Alvarado, Guranovich, Kerman, Patel, Stagno
Nays: (None)
Abstain: (None)
Absent: (None)
Motion carried.
President’s Report
President McCombie spent much of the month interviewing applicants for the Police Clerk position; over 150 candidates applied for the position. She will be meeting with Kevin Morrison of Cook County tomorrow concerning the upcoming census.
Motion to Approve Employee Holiday Bonus was made by Trustee Patel.
Seconded by Trustee Stagno.
There was no further discussion. Roll call was taken:
Ayes: Abbate, Alvarado, Guranovich, Kerman, Patel, Stagno
Nays: (None)
Abstain: (None)
Absent: (None)
Motion carried.
President McCombie referred to the submitted BACOG report. She summarized the report on private well water testing, noting that many Village residents took advantage of the testing program, and that the results showed bacteria in several South Barrington wells.
Motion to Approve BACOG Recommended 2020 Legislative Platform was made by Trustee Kerman.
Seconded by Trustee Abbate.
There was no further discussion. Roll call was taken:
Ayes: Abbate, Alvarado, Guranovich, Kerman, Patel, Stagno
Nays: (None)
Abstain: (None)
Absent: (None)
Motion carried.
Trustee Patel commended Janet Agnoletti for her impressive letter written to the VA concerning the Environmental Assessment of the proposed columbarium.
Representative Abbate reported that the SWANCC Board of Directors had their year-end meeting last night. He stated that recycling makes quite a difference, and noted that between May and October, SWANCC shredded over 307,000 pounds of paper in just their document destruction program, as well as collecting over 536,000 pounds of electronics.
Committee Reports - Building and Zoning
Chairman Guranovich reported that the Committee met and was presenting an ordinance concerning flagpoles.
Ordinance 0-2019-1219 Ordinance Amending Title 8, Entitled "Building and Development Regulations" and Add Chapter 8 Entitled "Flag Poles”, in the Village Code of Ordinances for the Village of South Barrington
Motion to Amend Title 8, Entitled “Building and Development Regulations", of the Village Code of Ordinances Regarding Flag Poles in the Village of South Barrington was made by Trustee Kerman.
Seconded by Trustee Stagno.
There was no further discussion. Roll call was taken:
Ayes: Abbate, Alvarado, Guranovich, Kerman, Patel, Stagno
Nays: (None)
Abstain: (None)
Absent: (None)
Motion carried.
Committee Reports - Finance
Chairman Stagno noted that there was no meeting this month.
Committee Reports – Emergency Management
Chairwoman Patel reported that the Committee did not meet this month but continues to work on obtaining grant funding.
Committee Reports - Legal and Human Resources
Chairman Stagno noted that there was no meeting this month.
Committee Reports - Public Safety
Chairman Abbate introduced tonight's agenda item. He explained that Cook County has decided to not prosecute those people driving without a license, or on a suspended or revoked license.
Ordinance 0-2019-1220 Ordinance Amending Section 6-6-1 Entitled "Vehicle Seizure and Impoundment” of Chapter 6 Entitled "Seizure and Impoundment of Motor Vehicles Used in the Commission of Offenses" of Title 6 Entitled "Motor Vehicles and Traffic" of the Village Code of Ordinances for the Village of South Barrington
Motion to Amend Section 6-6-1 Entitled “Vehicle Seizure and Impoundment” of Chapter 6 Entitled “Seizure And Impoundment of Motor Vehicles Used in the Commission of Offenses" of Title 6 Entitled "Motor Vehicles and Traffic” of the Village Code of Ordinances for the Village of South Barrington was made by Trustee Abbate.
Seconded by Trustee Guranovich.
Discussion: Trustee Guranovich asked how many vehicles were impounded this year, Chief Roman said the Department impounds several dozen each year. Finance Officer Bodie stated that about 100 vehicles were impounded for all the possible offenses that allow impounding. Chief Roman stated that the majority of all those offenses are for revoked or suspended licenses. Trustee Stagno asked if the Village should use the term "fee" rather than “bond” in the impounding process, as it would be more accurate. Attorney Wolf will look into the matter.
Roll call was taken:
Ayes: Abbate, Alvarado, Guranovich, Kerman, Patel, Stagno
Nays: (None)
Abstain: (None)
Absent: (None)
Motion carried.
Committee Reports - Public Works
Chairman Kerman noted that there was no meeting this month. He asked for any questions or comments; there were none.
Commission Reports - Conservancy Commission
(No report tonight.)
Commission Reports – Architectural Control Commission
President McCombie noted that the sign guidelines for The Arboretum would be up for referral to the PC/ZBA later tonight.
Commission Reports – Plan Commission/Zoning Board of Appeals
Motion to Approve Recommendation By the Plan Commission for Approval of Amendments to the Zoning Regulations of the Village Code of Ordinances to Prohibit Cannabis Business Establishments in the Village of South Barrington was made by Trustee Guranovich.
Seconded by Trustee Patel.
Discussion: Trustee Stagno asked counsel for clarification on exactly what a 'Yes' and 'No' vote would mean. Attorney Wolf clarified that our ordinances allow the Village to prohibit Cannabis business in the Village, and a 'Yes' vote would mean the Village could so prohibit.
Roll call was taken:
Ayes: Abbate, Alvarado, Guranovich, Kerman, Patel, Stagno
Nays: (None)
Abstain: (None)
Absent: (None)
Motion carried.
President McCombie clarified that the recommendation of the PC/ZBA was approved and that the Board would now vote on the proposed ordinance.
Ordiance O-2019-1221 Ordinance Amending Title 10, Entitled “Zoning Regulations" of the Village Code of Ordinances to Prohibit Cannabis Business Establishments in the Village of South Barrington
Motion to Approve Adoption of an Ordinance Amending Title 10, Entitled “Zoning Regulations", of the Village Code of Ordinances to Prohibit Cannabis Business Establishments in the Village of South Barrington was made by Trustee Abbate.
Seconded by Trustee Kerman.
There was no further discussion. Roll call was taken:
Ayes: Abbate, Alvarado, Guranovich, Kerman, Patel, Stagno
Nays: (None)
Abstain: (None)
Absent: (None)
Motion carried.
Motion to Refer To PC/ZBA Discussion and Possible Recommendation to the Board of Trustees Amendments to the Planned Unit Development for the Arboretum of South Barrington Regarding General Signage Requirements was made by Trustee Patel.
Seconded by Trustee Stagno.
Discussion: President McCombie stated that signage at The Arboretum has gotten out of control according to the original agreement; the PC/ZBZ will review the contemporary situation.
By unanimous voice vote, the motion carried.
Commission Reports - Police Commission
Chief Roman reported that the Commission had two more interviews to perform and would then set the list for new officers.
Staff Reports - Building Officer
Building Officer Moreland referred to the monthly report and noted that housing permits had picked up in the last quarter of the year, that the department had been 50 percent behind 2018, and it is now 20 percent behind. Trustee Guranovich asked about a house that changed from five bedrooms to seven bedrooms; Building Officer Moreland stated that the owner would have to expand the septic or reduce the number of bedrooms.
Staff Reports - Village Engineer
Engineer Karney referred to her monthly report and noted that Public Works would meet this month on the road program. She noted that the project at Penny and Route 59 is still on hold, and that Cook County would soon be repairing a culvert problem at Penny and Bartlett. Trustee Stagno asked about efforts to reduce the use of salt this winter. Engineer Karney said that the trucks have regulatory devices to lessen the use of salt, and also have a product to mix with the salt. President McCombie reported that the Village is looking into a new patching product for the pot holes on Old Barrington Road. The product goes on cold and can be used in weather down to 0 degrees.
Staff Reports - Chief of Police
Chief Roman reported that the 'No Shave' fundraiser was now over, and that the department raised a good amount of money for a good cause. He also presented the 2018 Annual Report. Chief Roman also reported that the Police Department was responsible for escorting Santa at The Arboretum and the Park District.
Trustee Patel suggested that participants at the Village Christmas party bring in a toy to donate
Staff Reports – Village Clerk
Motion to Approve the 2020 Village Meeting Calendar and Publication of the 2020 Regular Meeting Notice was made by Trustee Abbate.
Seconded by Trustee Kerman.
There was no further discussion. Roll call was taken:
Ayes: Abbate, Alvarado, Guranovich, Kerman, Patel, Stagno
Nays: (None)
Abstain: (None)
Absent: (None)
Motion carried.
President McCombie announced that the Board would be breaking in about 5 minutes for an Executive Session tonight.
Staff Reports - Village Administrator
Administrator Palmer reported that in three snow events so far this season, there was damage to four mailboxes and one turf complaint. President McCombie stated that there is a second grant program that the Village can apply to for cost of the generator.
Motion to Move Into Closed Session to Consider Pending or Imminent Litigation Pursuant to 5 ILCS 120/2 (C) (11) and Invite Administrator Palmer Into Executive Session was Made by Trustee Abbate.
Seconded by Trustee Stagno.
There was no further discussion. Roll call was taken:
Ayes: Abbate, Alvarado, Guranovich, Kerman, Patel, Stagno
Nays: (None)
Abstain: (None)
Absent: (None)
Motion carried and the Board moved into Executive Session at 8:25 p.m.
The Board resumed the regular meeting at 8:50 p.m. Clerk Wood took roll:
Present: President: Paula McCombie
Trustees: Joseph Abbate, Edgar Alvarado, Steve Guranovich, Bernard Kerman, Hina Patel, Anthony Stagno
A quorum was present.
Also present were Village Administrator Bob Palmer and Village Attorney Melissa Wolf.
Old Business
New Business
Trustee Guranovich asked about Hoffman Estate's TIF and if any property was in our School District; none of it is in our district.
It was reported that Hoffman Estates has three sites for Cannabis businesses: one on Barrington Road somewhere south of Mundhank, one on the west side of Hoffman Estates, and one at Roselle and Higgins Roads.
President McCombie announced that the Building and Zoning Committee would be discussing the South Barrington monument signs at their next meeting.
Board Member Comments and Announcements
President McCombie referred to the list of upcoming meetings.
Motion to Adjourn was made by Trustee Abbate.
Seconded by Trustee Patel.
There was no further discussion. By unanimous voice vote, the motion carried, and the meeting adjourned at 8:55 p.m.