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Village of Bartlett City Council met Nov. 25

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Village of Bartlett met Nov. 25.

Here is the minutes provided by the Council:

Call to Order

– At 6:35 PM, Alderman Quinn called to order the November 25, 2019 Regular City Council Meeting at City Hall, 8 North Elmhurst Road, Prospect Heights, IL 60070.

Roll Call for Quorum - City Clerk Prisiajniouk called roll. A quorum was present.

Elected Officials Present - Mayor Helmer, City Clerk Prisiajniouk, Aldermen Morgan-Adams (arrived at 7:08 PM – late by previous notification), Ludvigsen, Quinn, Dolick, Cameron

Absent - Treasurer Tibbits (by previous notification)

Other Officials Present - City Administrator Wade, Assistant to the City Administrator Falcone, Deputy Clerk Schultheis, Public Works Director Roscoe, Director of Building and Development Peterson, City Attorney Kearney, Finance Director DuCharme, Police Chief Zawlocki, Digital Communications Technician Colvin.

Pledge of Allegiance - Led by Girl Scouts Troop 43062; followed by Girl Scout Pledge.

Invocation - Led by Mayor Helmer

Approval of Minutes

A. November 11, 2019 Regular City Council Workshop Minutes - Alderman Ludvigsen moved to approve the Minutes as submitted; seconded by Alderman Dolick.

Voice Vote: All ayes, no nays

Motion carried 4-0, Alderman Morgan-Adams was not present.


A. Recognition Ceremony for Girl Scouts Troop 43062 and Their Bronze Award Project – It was noted by Mayor Helmer that Aldermen Quinn and Cameron were former Girl Scouts. The Girl Scouts from Troop 43062 that were awarded the Bronze Award - the highest honor for a Girl Scout Junior. The Scouts planted 25 oak trees at the Prospect Heights Gary Morava Nature Walk and the Slough as part of their "Oak Ecosystem Recovery" project. The troop collaborated with the Prospect Heights Natural Resources Commission for guidance on how to correctly prepare the oaks for planting, plant them and care for them. Honored for their efforts from Troop 43062 were Girl Scouts Carly Bierman, Sophia Hallenberg, Emily Pavydis, Sofia Bierman, and Lauren Eisinger. The adult supervisors and assistants to the project were Peter Hahn (PHNRC Commissioner), Richard Bierman (Project Coordinator), and Akvile Pavydis (Project Coordinator)

B. Presentation and Request for Council Approval of 2020-2021 City Vehicle Sticker Design the Council reviewed the design for the 2020 vehicle sticker which is to be in the ten-year tradition of spotlighting the Census in the Vehicle Sticker design. The Design that was determined to be the consensus choice of the Council is Design Number 10 - featuring the saying "Everyone Counts! In Prospect Heights - Census 2020 with a blue box and a red check mark. Assistant to the City Administrator Falcone said that he would verify that the City was not violating any patents or copyrights by using the design

C. Meet and Greet-Elsa Escobedo and Mario Martinez, Owners of Bread and Butter Café, Soon to Open at 1279 N. Rand, Prospect Plaza - Mayor Helmer said that Bread and Butter Café is looking to move into the spot formerly occupied Lola's in the Prospect Crossing. The owner were not available.

D. Presentation of Additional Information to the City Council Regarding Lexington Homes Proposed Muir Park Area Development, 1001 Oak Avenue, and Tax Increment financing Usage – Mr. Nate Wynsma said that Lexington wished to provide more information, and had their attorney present as well as a representative from Johnson Research Group to discuss TIF's. Ann Moroney, President of Johnson Research Group discussed the structure of the TIF. She said that all of the upfront costs would be assumed by Lexington Homes and that the TIF would pay back the money to Lexington Homes, including for soft costs. She said that the TIF money could be used in the TIF area or to expand the TIF area to adjacent properties. She noted that a TIF boundary could be created to include any piece of land that would benefit from the TIF. She said that to expand the TIF to adjacent land would mean going through the same TIF process, and would cost more money to set up. In the TIF summary, there was a REVISED plan for 69 townhomes with an $18million dollar total return over the life of the TIF. Mayor Helmer asked why schools are wary of TIF'S. Ann Moroney said that there was a fear of diverting revenue.

She also noted that TIF money could possibly be used for storm water detention and drainage issues. If the City declares a surplus, the money is unencumbered. There was a question as to whether bonds would be used, but President Moroney said that it would not be bonds but promissory noted. She noted that any additional costs that were incurred might be TIF-eligible. Nate Wynsma said that the plan would be to create a water system and stabilize the system before turning it over to a private water company. Revenue from the sale would go back to the City.

Alderman Morgan-Adams moved to direct Attorney to draft an Inducement Resolution; seconded by Alderman Dolick.

Roll Call Vote:

Ayes - Dolick, Ludvigsen, Morgan-Adams, Cameron, Quinn

Nays - None

Absent - None

Motion carried 5 - 0

Appointments/Confirmations and Proclamations

A. Appointment of City Clerk Joanna Prisiajniouk as the City Representative to the Greater Wheeling Chamber of Commerce - Alderman Ludvigsen moved to Appointment of City Clerk Joanna Prisiajniouk as the City Representative to the Greater Wheeling Chamber of Commerce; seconded by Alderman Dolick.

Voice Vote: All Ayes, No Nays

Motion carried 5 - 0

Public Comment (Agenda Matters) - None

Staff and Elected Officials Reports

A. City Clerk Joanna Prisiajniouk - - reminded the audience that the Tree Lighting event would be held on November 30th at the Gary Morava Center at 5 p.m

B. City Treasurer Richard Tibbits - Absent

C. Alderman Quinn - Alderman Cameron thanked Public Works Director Roscoe for his assistance with a situation regarding ice in the area. She also said that she had received a letter from a resident regarding daycare children - the letter noted that children in daycare to do walk outside of the facility – this in response to cannabis dispensary discussion as to whether or not children in daycare are kept inside or on the grounds only.

D. Building and Economic Development Director Dan Peterson - said that the Board of Directors of the Greater Wheeling Chamber of Commerce have a new executive director - Linda Callaghan. On December 4th from 5 - 7 PM, the Chamber will have a Meet and Greet at City Works.

E. Director of Public Works Mark Roscoe – Noted that there would be yard waste pick up on Saturday, November 30 and Friday, December 6.

F. City Administrator Wade - Plaza Drive Status Report – noted that due to the inclement weather Plaza Drive will not be completed this year.

G. Police Chief Zawlocki – noted that the Thanksgiving Day drive collected food outside of Tony's. that food was sorted and allocated to residents at Harper College. No Shave November has gone well – as officers collect money for cancer. The shift that collects the most may keep their beards for another month. He said that collection money is skyrocketing this year.

H. Mayor Helmer - noted that Joe Pascucci donated 50 turkeys,

Commission Reports

A. Chicago Executive Airport Report Presented by Director Scott Saewert – Director Saewert said that the Prospect Heights police helped the Airport get High Def cameras installed for better airport viewing. It is a notable safety feature.

• The NBAA conference went well and highlighted what the future of aviation will look like.

• The Hangar 4 demolition is going well to make way for a customs facility.

• There was an information session on November 12 for the noise insulation program. 150 residents attended.

• District 214 and Lewis University have teamed up with the FAA and the CEA for aircraft maintenance training. Director Saewert thanked Director Peterson for assistance with the permits for the facility.

• There will be a Noise Commission Meeting on December 4 at 6 p.m.

• The Administration Building of the Airport will be closed on Thursday and Friday for Thanksgiving.

Alderman Dolick noted that he had been approved by the Noise Commission as a commissioner. Mayor Helmer noted that two Wheeling directors on the CEA Board have left. Director Saewert said that one has been replaced and the other slot is stillopen.

B. October Treasurer's Report Presented by Finance Director Michael Ducharme - Finance Director DuCharme has noted that the City is on schedule with its revenues and expenditures and everything is on target.

Consent Agenda -

A. R-19-52 Staff Memo and Resolution Approving a Renewal Contract with Alliant/Mesirow Financial for Property, Casualty, Worker Compensation, and Cyber Liability Insurance for the Year Beginning December 1, 2019 through November 30, 2020

B. Approval of 2020 City Council Meeting Calendar

C.R-19-53 Staff Memo and Resolution Authorizing Use of Motor Fuel Tax Funds, $268,100, for Schoenbeck Road Sidewalk Improvement, Marion Street to Camp McDonald Road Alderman Ludvigsen moved for omnibus approval of the R-19-52 Resolution Approving a Renewal Contract with Alliant/Mesirow Financial for Property, Casualty, Worker Compensation, and Cyber Liability Insurance for the Year Beginning December 1, 2019 through November 30, 2020; Approval of 2020 City Council Meeting Calendar with the change of the June date to June 8; and R-19-53 Resolution Authorizing Use of Motor Fuel Tax Funds, $268,100, for Schoenbeck Road Sidewalk Improvement, Marion Street to Camp McDonald Road; seconded by Alderman Dolick. There was unanimous approval.

Roll Call Vote:

Ayes - Cameron, Dolick, Quinn, Ludvigsen, Morgan-Adams

Nays - None

Absent - None

Motion carried 5 - 0

Old Business

A. 0-19-34 An Ordinance Amending the Code of the City of Prospect Heights by the Addition of Chapter 2-2-11 Imposing a Municipal Cannabis Retailers' Occupation Tax (Second Reading) Alderman Dolick moved to Approve 0-19-34 An Ordinance Amending the Code of the City of Prospect Heights by the Addition of Chapter 2-2-11 Imposing a Municipal Cannabis Retailers' Occupation Tax; seconded by Alderman Morgan-Adams. There was unanimous approval.

Roll Call Vote:

Ayes - Cameron, Dolick, Quinn, Ludvigsen, Morgan-Adams

Nays - None

Absent - None

Motion carried 5 - 0

New Business

A. 0-19-35 An Ordinance for the Levy and Assessment of 2019 Taxes for the Fiscal Year Beginning May 1, 2019 and ending April 30, 2020 in and for the City of Prospect Heights Police Pension Fund (First Reading)

B. 0-19-36 An Ordinance for the Levy and Assessment of 2019 Taxes for the Fiscal Year Beginning May 1, 2019 and ending April 30, 2020 in and for the City of Prospect Heights Special Service Area Number One (First Reading)

C. 0-19-37 An Ordinance for the Levy and Assessment of 2019 Taxes for the Fiscal Year Beginning May 1, 2019 and ending April 30, 2020 in and for the City of Prospect Heights Special Service Area Number Two (First Reading)

D. 0-19-38 An Ordinance for the Levy and Assessment of 2019 Taxes for the Fiscal Year Beginning May 1, 2019 and ending April 30, 2020 in and for the City of Prospect Heights Special Service Area Number Three (First Reading)

E. 0-19-39 An Ordinance for the Levy and Assessment of 2019 Taxes for the Fiscal Year Beginning May 1, 2019 and ending April 30, 2020 in and for the City of Prospect Heights Special Service Area Number Four (First Reading)

F. 0-19-40 An Ordinance for the Levy and Assessment of 2019 Taxes for the Fiscal Year Beginning May 1, 2019 and ending April 30, 2020 in and for the City of Prospect Heights Special Service Area Number Five (First Reading)

G. 0-19-41 An Ordinance for the Levy and Assessment of 2019 Taxes for the Fiscal Year Beginning May 1, 2019 and ending April 30, 2020 in and for the City of Prospect Heights Special Service Area Number Eight (First Reading)

H. 0-19-42 An Ordinance Amending Chapter 1 (Title, Intent and Purpose), Chapter 3 (General Provisions), Chapter 7 (Business Districts) of Title 5 (Zoning) of the City Code Pertaining to Adult-use Cannabis (First Reading) – Director Peterson said that the DRAFT ordinance calls for one dispensary. The PZBA had asked about the possibility of adding dispensaries on the future – they wanted to understand the process. Director Peterson said that the PZBA gave unanimous approval to the Ordinance. City Attorney Kearney said that the City would also need a “trailerOrdinance to specify costs, and an amount set by a yearly fee. January 1, 2020 is the deadline to get the zoning Ordinance passed. - No action was taken.

Discussion/Selection of Topics for Upcoming Workshop Meeting:

A. Liquor License Code Review

B. 2020 Census

C. Staggered Elections - Attorney Kearney told the Council to initiate a referendum on this topic would have to come from resident petition, and could not be initiated by the Council. Ten percent of the voters would need to sign a petition to put it on the ballot as a referendum.

Approval of Warrants

A. Approval of Expenditures

General Fund $81,042.27

Motor Fuel Tax Fund $0.00

Palatine/Milwaukee Tax Increment Financing District $0.00

Tourism District $1,256.16

Development Fund $0.00

Drug Enforcement Agency Fund $584.16

Solid Waste Fund $0.00

Special Service Area #1 $0.00

Special Service Area #2 $0.00

Special Service Area #3 $0.00

Special Service Area #4 $0.00

Special Service Area #5 $0.00

Special Service Area #8 - Levee Wall #37 $0.00

Special Service Area-Constr #6 (Water Main) $0.00

Special Service Area- Debt #6 $0.00

Capital Improvements $11,700.00

Palatine Road Tax Increment Financing District $0.00

Road Construction $0.00

Road Construction Debt $0.00

Water Fund $1,434.01

Parking Fund $0.00

Sanitary Sewer Fund $3,910.11

Road/Building Bond Escrow $7,801.00

Total $107,727.71

Wire Payments

11/22/2019 Payroll Posting $167,891.31

11/13/2019 Police Pension Payments $82,794.55

Total Warrant $358,413.57

City Clerk Prisiajniouk read the warrants.

Alderman Ludvigsen moved to approve the warrants as presented; seconded by Alderman Dolick to include a Total of $107,727.71; 11/22/2019 Payroll Posting of $167,891.31; 11/13/2019 Police Pension Payments of $82,794.55; and a TOTAL WARRANT of $358,413.57. There was unanimous approval.

Roll Call Vote:

Ayes - Cameron, Dolick, Morgan-Adams, Quinn, Ludvigsen

Nays - None

Absent - None

Motion carried 5 -0.

Public Comment (Non-Agenda Matters) - A short video was shown of the Channel 7 interview of Mayor Helmer by Channel 7 news reporter John Garcia. The Mayor was interviewed regarding the City's position on cannabis.

Executive Session - None

Action On Executive Session Items, If Required

Adjournment - At 8:40 PM, Alderman Ludvigsen moved to Adjourn; seconded by Alderman Dolick. There was unanimous approval.

Voice Vote: All Ayes, No Nays

Motion carried 5-0.




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