
North Cook News

Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Village of Hoffman Estates Village Board met Dec. 2

Webp meet

Village of Hoffman Estates Board of Trustees met Dec. 2.

Here is the minutes provided by the Board:

1. Call to Order:

Village President William McLeod called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. The Village Clerk called the roll. Trustees present: Gary Pilafas, Gary Stanton, Michael Gaeta, Karen Arnet, Anna Newell A quorum was present.

Administrative Personnel Present:

J. Norris, Village Manager

D. O’Malley, Deputy Village Manager

A. Janura, Corporation Counsel

P. Cross, Asst. Corporation Counsel

M. Koplin, Asst. Village Manager Development Services

P. Fortunato, Fire Chief

J. Kotrba, Fire Lieutenant

T. Bos, Police Chief

K. Cawley, Asst. Police Chief

J. Nebel, Public Works Director

F. Besenhoffer, IS Director

P. Seger, HRM Director

R. Musiala, Finance Director

M. Saavedra, H&HS Director

R. Signorella, CATV Director

S. Ostrovsky, Asst. to the Village Manager

P. Gugliotta, Planning, Building and Code Enforcement Director

K. Anderson, Development Services Technician

2. Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag:

The Pledge was led Trustee Pilafas.

3. Recognition of Audience:

No one wished to be recognized.

4. Approval of Minutes:

Motion by Trustee Gaeta, seconded by Trustee Arnet, to approve Item 4. Voice vote taken. All ayes. Motion carried.

Approval of Minutes

Minutes from November 18, 2019.

5. Consent Agenda/Omnibus Vote:

Motion by Trustee Gaeta, seconded by Trustee Arnet, to approve Item 5.A.

5.A. Approval of Agenda

Roll Call:

Aye: Pilafas, Stanton, Gaeta, Arnet, Newell


Mayor McLeod voted aye.

Motion carried.

Motion by Trustee Gaeta, seconded by Trustee Arnet, to approve Item 5.B.

5.B. Approval of the schedule of bills for December 2, 2019 - $2,848,022.36.

Roll Call:

Aye: Pilafas, Stanton, Gaeta, Arnet, Newell


Mayor McLeod voted aye.

Motion carried.

Motion by Trustee Gaeta, seconded by Trustee Arnet, to approve Item 5.C.

5.C. Request Board approval of Ordinance No. 4766-2019 granting a special use to Bright Hope International (owner) and Ash, Anos, Freedman & Logan LLC (applicant), 2070 Stonington Avenue, Hoffman Estates.

Roll Call:

Aye: Pilafas, Stanton, Gaeta, Arnet, Newell


Mayor McLeod voted aye.

Motion carried.

Motion by Trustee Gaeta, seconded by Trustee Arnet, to approve Item 5.D.

5.D. Request Board approval of Ordinance No. 4767-2019 granting a special use amendment to Bright Hope International (owner) and Ash, Anos, Freedman & Logan LLC (applicant), 2060- 2080 Stonington Avenue, Hoffman Estates.

Roll Call:

Aye: Pilafas, Stanton, Gaeta, Arnet, Newell


Mayor McLeod voted aye.

Motion carried.

Motion by Trustee Gaeta, seconded by Trustee Arnet, to approve Item 5.E.

5.E. Request Board approval of Ordinance No. 4768-2019 adopting the budget for all corporate purposes of the Village of Hoffman Estates, Cook and Kane Counties, Illinois, in lieu of the Appropriation Ordinance, for the fiscal year commencing on the 1st day of January 2020, and ending on the 31st day of December, 2020.

Roll Call:

Aye: Pilafas, Stanton, Gaeta, Arnet, Newell


Mayor McLeod voted aye.

Motion carried.

Motion by Trustee Gaeta, seconded by Trustee Arnet, to approve Item 5.F.

5.F. Request Board approval of Ordinance No. 4769-2019 authorizing the levy and collection of taxes for the corporate and municipal purposes of the Village of Hoffman Estates for the fiscal year beginning on the 1st day of January, 2020 and ending on the 31st day of December, 2020.

Roll Call:

Aye: Pilafas, Stanton, Gaeta, Arnet, Newell


Mayor McLeod voted aye.

Motion carried.

Motion by Trustee Gaeta, seconded by Trustee Arnet, to approve Item 5.G.

5.G. Request Board approval of Resolution No.1689-2019 abating a portion of the 2019 tax levy – Series 2015A and 2015C Taxable General Obligation Bonds.

Roll Call:

Aye: Pilafas, Stanton, Gaeta, Arnet, Newell


Mayor McLeod voted aye.

Motion carried.

Motion by Trustee Gaeta, seconded by Trustee Arnet, to approve Item 5.H.

5.H. Request Board approval of Resolution No. 1690-2019 abating a portion of the 2019 tax levy – Series 2015B General Obligation Bond.

Roll Call:

Aye: Pilafas, Stanton, Gaeta, Arnet, Newell


Mayor McLeod voted aye.

Motion carried.

Motion by Trustee Gaeta, seconded by Trustee Arnet, to approve Item 5.I.

5.I. Request Board approval of Resolution No. 1691-2019 abating a portion of the 2019 tax levy – Series 2017A and 2017B General Obligation Bonds.

Roll Call:

Aye: Pilafas, Stanton, Gaeta, Arnet, Newell


Mayor McLeod voted aye.

Motion carried.

Motion by Trustee Gaeta, seconded by Trustee Arnet, to approve Item 5.J.

5.J. Request Board approval of Resolution No. 1692-2019 abating a portion of the 2019 tax levy – Series 2018 General Obligation Refunding Bond.

Roll Call:

Aye: Pilafas, Stanton, Gaeta, Arnet, Newell


Mayor McLeod voted aye.

Motion carried.

Motion by Trustee Gaeta, seconded by Trustee Arnet, to approve Item 5.K.

5.K. Request Board approval of Resolution no. 1693-2019 abating a portion of the 2019 tax levy – Series 2019 General Obligation Refunding Bond.

Roll Call:

Aye: Pilafas, Stanton, Gaeta, Arnet, Newell


Mayor McLeod voted aye.

Motion carried.

Motion by Trustee Gaeta, seconded by Trustee Arnet, to approve Item 5.L.

5.L. Request Board approval of the FY2020-FY2027 Capital Improvements Program.

Roll Call:

Aye: Pilafas, Stanton, Gaeta, Arnet, Newell


Mayor McLeod voted aye.

Motion carried.

Motion by Trustee Gaeta, seconded by Trustee Arnet, to approve Item 5.M.

5.M. Request Board approval to enter into a Settlement Agreement with Hoffman Estates Acquisitions LLC.

Roll Call:

Aye: Pilafas, Stanton, Gaeta, Arnet, Newell


Mayor McLeod voted aye.

Motion carried.

Motion by Trustee Gaeta, seconded by Trustee Arnet, to approve Item 5.N.

5.N. Request Board approval to enter into a Settlement Agreement with TF Hoffman Estates IL LLC and Community Unit School District 300.

Roll Call:

Aye: Pilafas, Stanton, Gaeta, Arnet, Newell


Mayor McLeod voted aye.

Motion carried.

Motion by Trustee Gaeta, seconded by Trustee Arnet, to approve Item 5.O.

5.O. Request Board approval of a Mutual Aid Agreement between the Village of Hoffman Estates and other MABAS communities for emergency medical and transportation services.

Roll Call:

Aye: Pilafas, Stanton, Gaeta, Arnet, Newell


Mayor McLeod voted aye.

Motion carried.

Motion by Trustee Gaeta, seconded by Trustee Arnet, to approve Item 5.P.

5.P. Request Board approval of the 2019 Village of Hoffman Estates Sustainability Plan.

Roll Call:

Aye: Pilafas, Stanton, Gaeta, Arnet, Newell


Mayor McLeod voted aye.

Motion carried.

Motion by Trustee Gaeta, seconded by Trustee Arnet, to approve Item 5.Q.

5.Q. Request Board approval of a Change Order to the contract with Water Well Solutions of Elburn, IL for the abandonment of Well 9 in the amount of $25,609.22, for a total not to exceed $123,918.22.

Roll Call:

Aye: Pilafas, Stanton, Gaeta, Arnet, Newell


Mayor McLeod voted aye.

Motion carried.

Motion by Trustee Gaeta, seconded by Trustee Arnet, to approve Item 5.R.

5.R. Request Board authorization to award contract for tower painting and miscellaneous work at Stonington Blvd. Tower (T-2) and Huntington Blvd. Tower (T-4) to L.C. United Painting Co., Sterling Heights, MI, in an amount not to exceed $700,000.

Roll Call:

Aye: Pilafas, Stanton, Gaeta, Arnet, Newell


Mayor McLeod voted aye.

Motion carried.

Motion by Trustee Gaeta, seconded by Trustee Arnet, to approve Item 5.S.

5.S. Request Board authorization to award contract for purchase of an articulated wheel loader for sidewalk snow removal, including accessories, to Russo Power Equipment, Schiller Park, IL (low bid) in an amount not to exceed $55,472.

Roll Call:

Aye: Pilafas, Stanton, Gaeta, Arnet, Newell


Mayor McLeod voted aye.

Motion carried.

6. Reports:

6.A. President’s Report


Trustee Gaeta read the following proclamation.

Motion by Trustee Arnet, seconded by Trustee Stanton, to concur with the proclamation proclaiming December 2019 as National Impaired Driving Prevention Month. Voice vote taken. All ayes. Motion carried.

Dr. Saavedra accepted the proclamation.

Boards and Commission Appointment(s)

Motion by Trustee Gaeta, seconded by Trustee Stanton, to approve the appointment of Susana Padilla to the Youth Commission and Village Green Ad Hoc Commission. Voice vote taken. All ayes. Motion carried.

Motion by Trustee Gaeta, seconded by Trustee Arnet, to accept the resignation, with regrets, of Robert Neel from the Emerging Technology Advisory Commission. Voice vote taken. All ayes. Motion carried.

Mayor McLeod reminded everyone of the following upcoming events, the Kid’s Winter Craft Event. He stated that he attended the Brookdale Holiday event, a DARE graduation and an Eagle Scout Court of Honor for Christopher Joel Cabalfin.

6.B. Trustee Comments

Trustee Pilafas had no report.

Trustee Newell stated that she attended a JAWA meeting, the dog therapy class, the tree lighting, the Brookdale Holiday event and the Eagle Scout Court of Honor.

Trustee Gaeta stated that he attended the senior luncheon and he thanked the commission for the event, a ribbon cutting for Best Dental Spa, the tree lighting, the Brookdale event and the Eagle Scout Court of Honor.

Trustee Arnet stated that she attended the tree lighting and the Eagle Scout Court of Honor.

Trustee Stanton stated that he attended the Best Dental Spa ribbon cutting, the tree lighting, a DARE graduation, the Brookdale event and the Eagle Scout Court of Honor.

6.C. Village Manager’s Report

Mr. Norris had no report.

6.D. Village Clerk’s Report

The Village Clerk had no report.

6.E. Committee Reports

Planning, Building and Zoning

Trustee Stanton stated that they would be meeting to request by the Hoffman Estates Park District for site plan approval for park enhancements and parking lot expansion at South Ridge Community Park (1450 Freeman Road) and receive and file the Planning Division, the Code Enforcement Division and the Economic Development and Tourism monthly reports.

General Administration and Personnel

Trustee Arnet stated that they would be meeting to request approval of 2020 Village Board and Standing Committees meeting schedule; and receive and file the Cable TV, Human Resources Management and Legislative Operations & Outreach Monthly Reports.

Transportation and Road Improvement

Trustee Stanton stated that they would be meeting receive and file the Transportation Division Monthly Report.

Public Works and Utilities

Trustee Newell stated that they would be meeting to receive and file the Department of Public Works Monthly Report, and the Department of Development Services Monthly Engineering Report of the Transportation and Engineering Division.

Public Health and Safety

Trustee Gaeta stated that they would be meeting to receive and file the Police Department Monthly Report, the Health & Human Services Monthly Report, the Emergency Management Coordinator Monthly Report and the Fire Department Monthly Report.


Trustee Pilafas stated that they would be meeting to request approval of a resolution establishing hire back rates for Police and Fire personnel for the period January 1 through December 31, 2020; request approval of the 2020 renewal of the Village’s property and casualty insurance program through the Suburban Liability Insurance Pool (SLIP); and 2020 renewal of the Village’s worker’s compensation, underground storage tank and liquor liability coverages through Alliant/Mesirow Insurance Services; request authorization to waive bidding and purchase a Kubota worksite vehicle with snow blower, salt spreader, broom and blade attachments for the Sears Centre Arena from Russo Power Equipment, Schiller Park, IL in an amount not to exceed $42,416 and to receive and file the Finance Department Monthly Report; the Information System Department Monthly Report and the Sears Centre Monthly Report.

7. Planning and Zoning Commission:

Motion by Trustee Gaeta, seconded by Trustee Stanton, to concur with the Planning and Zoning Commission’s recommendation and approve the petitioners’ request.

7.A. Request by Kimley-Horn (Applicant) and AMITA Health Alexian Brothers Behavioral Health (Owner) for a Special Use under Section 9-5-11-G-5 of the Municipal Code and a Preliminary and Final Site Plan Amendment to permit an expansion of a behavioral health hospital located at 1650 Moon Lake Blvd, subject to following conditions:

1. The number of beds at this facility shall not increase with this expansion. Expansion for additional beds shall not occur without additional Village site plan review and approval.

2. The building permit shall be obtained within twelve (12) months of the Village Board action on this request.

3. Modifications to the detention basin relative to the restrictor and outflow will need to be made as per the Village Engineer’s direction. Petitioner shall submit revised detention basin plans as part of the building permit process and detention basin modifications shall be completed prior to the issuance of a certificate of occupancy for the addition.

4. As noted by staff, the illegally placed barricades located in the existing parking on the west side of the building shall be removed before a building permit is issued for the expansion.

5. The following conditions relate to the site construction:

a. A pre-construction meeting shall be conducted with the Village staff prior to construction commencing.

b. Fire Department and emergency access to the property shall be maintained at all times. Petitioner shall make any adjustments on the site as needed for access as per direction by the Village.

c. In accordance with Village Code, construction hours shall be limited to 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Monday through Friday, and 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturday and Sunday.


Trustee Stanton asked if there would be enough parking.

Chairperson Combs replied that the expansion doesn’t add the need for more parking.

Roll Call:

Aye: Pilafas, Stanton, Gaeta, Arnet, Newell


Mayor McLeod voted aye.

Motion carried.

Motion by Trustee Gaeta, seconded by Trustee Arnet, to concur with the Planning & Zoning Commission’s recommendation and approve the petitioners’ request.

7.B. Request by Charles Vincent George Architects (Applicant) and 1400 Gannon Road, LLC (owner) to consider a Preliminary and Final Plat of Subdivision for the property located at 1400 Gannon Road.


Trustee Stanton asked if this was going to be done in two phases with the first phase building the new bank building.

Chairperson Combs replied yes.

He asked about parking and using part of the Acura lot.

Mr. Gugliotta said that he didn’t think that they had an agreement with Acura and that they would open up part of the drive-thru to be used for parking.

He then asked when this project would start.

Mr. Gugliotta said in the spring. Jake Ladzinski, Woolpert Engineering, and Mark Nosky, Charles Vincent George Architects, explained how the western side of the site would be built up and when completed the existing bank would close.

Trustee Stanton asked if the fence on the western side of the property would be higher. Mr. Ladzinski responded yes.

Roll Call:

Aye: Pilafas, Stanton, Gaeta, Arnet, Newell


Mayor McLeod voted aye.

Motion carried.

Motion by Trustee Gaeta, seconded by Trustee Arnet, to concur with the Planning and Zoning Commission’s recommendation and approve the petitioners’ request.

7.C. Request by Charles Vincent George Architects (Applicant) and 1400 Gannon Road, LLC (owner) to consider a Special Use under Section 9-8-2-C-10 of the Municipal Code and a Preliminary and Final Site Plan for a free standing financial institution (bank) on the property located on Lot 2 of Hoffman Estates Retail Subdivision, subject to following conditions:

1. The building permit shall be obtained within twelve (12) months of the Village Board action on this request.

2. A performance guarantee for all exterior building and site work shall be submitted to the Village prior to issuance of a building permit.

3. A permit from IDOT shall be submitted prior to construction commencing in the Higgins Road right-of-way.

4. A permit from the Metropolitan Water Reclamation District shall be provided prior to site construction commencing.

5. No exterior signage is approved with these plans. Site and building signage will be required to meet current Village code.

6. The following conditions relate to the site construction:

a. A pre-construction meeting shall be conducted with the Village staff prior to construction commencing.

b. Fire Department and emergency access to the property shall be maintained at all times. Petitioner shall make any adjustments on the site as needed for access as per direction by the Village.

c. In accordance with Village Code, construction hours shall be limited to 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Monday through Friday, and 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturday and Sunday.

7. A performance guarantee for all exterior building and site work shall be submitted to the Village prior to issuance of a building permit.

8. The following conditions relate to the site construction:

a. A pre-construction meeting shall be conducted with the Village staff prior to construction commencing.

b. Fire Department and emergency access to the property shall be maintained at all times. Petitioner shall make any adjustments on the site as needed for access as per direction

by the Village.

c. Customer parking and construction parking shall be managed to ensure that illegal parking does not occur. This may require construction parking off-site if work is occurring during business hours.

d. In accordance with Village Code, construction hours shall be limited to 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Monday through Friday, and 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturday and Sunday.

9. The entire site changes, as shown on the approved plans, shall be completed prior to issuance of any occupancy permit for the newly constructed bank on Lot 2.

10. The owner shall monitor the business operations and parking lot to ensure that parking spaces are available at all times. Parking is only permitted to occur within designated parking spaces. To prevent obstructions for emergency or customer vehicle circulation, the site operations shall be managed and monitored to ensure that areas not specifically designated for car parking shall be kept clear of parked vehicles, and that illegal parking, stopping, or standing does not occur.

11. Within 6 months after occupancy is granted to the new BMO bank on Lot 2, the existing bank building on Lot 1 shall be razed and restored with a stand of grass. A site restoration plan depicting final grades, drainage paths and soil stabilization method shall be submitted with the demolition permit and shall be approved by the Village Engineer prior to issuance of the demolition permit. If the existing bank building site isn’t built with a new retail building within two years, three additional trees will be planted along the east wall of the new bank building.

Roll Call:

Aye: Pilafas, Stanton, Gaeta, Arnet, Newell


Mayor McLeod voted aye.

Motion carried.

Motion by Trustee Gaeta, seconded by Trustee Stanton, to concur with the Planning and Zoning Commission’s recommendation and approve the petitioners’ request.

7.D. Request by Charles Vincent George Architects (Applicant) and 1400 Gannon Road, LLC (owner) to consider a Preliminary Site Plan for a multi-tenant retail building on the property located on Lot 1 of Hoffman Estates Retail Subdivision, subject to following conditions:

1. Plans are preliminarily approved with the petitioner required to proceed with the final site plan review process prior to any work commencing on the multi-tenant building.

2. As part of this preliminary approval, the direct access to the site via Gannon Drive will be closed and apron removed as part of the existing bank building demolition permit and process. 3. Drive –thru as depicted on preliminary plans may or may not be approved depending on specific user and required stacking for the specific use. When final plans are brought forth, a review of the proposed users stacking needs will be required.


Trustee Stanton asked if there are tenant currently on the top floor. Mr. Ladzinski replied no.

Roll Call: Aye: Pilafas, Stanton, Gaeta, Arnet, Newell


Mayor McLeod voted aye.

Motion carried.

Motion by Trustee Gaeta, seconded by Trustee Newell, to approve the Planning & Zoning Commission’s report subject to the language from Corporation Counsel Janura’s memo Exhibit

A recommendation.

7.E. Request by the Village of Hoffman Estates for Text Amendments to Chapter 9 of the Municipal Code regarding regulation of Cannabis Uses as presented in Staff Report #2, including Maps 1, 2 and 4.


Trustee Stanton asked if the red lined properties could have cannabis sales. Mr. Gugliotta replied yes. Trustee Gaeta commented that he too would like these businesses 1,500 feet from schools and places of worship. Mr. Gugliotta said that the State doesn’t regulate them in that way and that the maps that we created avoid those areas. Mayor McLeod asked if every application will be a special use. Mr. Gugliotta responded yes. Corporation Counsel Janura said that the State will be making some changes and that this item should be brought back in two weeks.

Roll Call:

Aye: Gaeta, Arnet, Newell

Nay: Pilafas, Stanton

Mayor McLeod voted aye.

Motion carried.

8. Additional Business:

Motion by Trustee Gaeta, seconded by Trustee Newell, to approve Item 8.A.

8.A. Request Board approval of Resolution No. 1694-2019 creating the Fourth of July Commission of the Village of Hoffman Estates (decrease in membership from 15 to 9).

Roll Call:

Aye: Pilafas, Gaeta, Newell

Nay: Stanton, Arnet

Mayor McLeod voted aye.

Motion carried.

Motion by Trustee Gaeta, seconded by Trustee Stanton, to approve Item 8.B.

8.B. Request Board approval of the Collective Bargaining Agreement between the Village of Hoffman Estates and Teamsters Local 700 (Public Works), for the period January 1, 2020 through December 31, 2025.

Roll Call:

Aye: Pilafas, Stanton, Gaeta, Arnet, Newell


Mayor McLeod voted aye.

Motion carried.

9. Adjournment:

Motion by Trustee Gaeta, seconded by Trustee Arnet, to adjourn the meeting. Voice vote taken. All ayes. Motion carried. Time: 7:47 p.m.
