Village of Hoffman Estates Planning and Zoning Commission met Dec. 4.
Here is the minutes provided by the commission:
1. CALL TO ORDER: 7:00 P.M.
Members Present
Chairperson Combs
Vice Chairman Ring
Adam Bauske
Tom Burnitz
Lon Harner
Lenard Henderson
Minerva Milford
Sohita Patel
Denise Wilson
Members Absent Myrene lozzo, Nancy Trieb (All Excused).
A quorum was present.
Administrative Personnel Present: Jim Donahue, Senior Planner; Kevin Anderson, Planner; Parth Joshi, Development Services Technician,
Vice Chairman Ring moved, seconded by Commissioner Henderson, to approve the November 20, 2019, meeting minutes. Voice Vote: 9 Ayes, 2 Absent (lozzo, Trieb). Motion Carried.
Chairperson Combs stated the text amendments regarding regulation of cannabis uses was approved by the Village Board, with two Trustees voting against it. Village staff is revising the text amendments.
The special use and preliminary and final site plan amendment for an expansion to the behavioral health hospital at 1650 Moon Lake Boulevard, and preliminary and final plat of subdivision for the BMO bank at 1400 Gannon Drive, special use and preliminary and final site plan for a freestanding bank on Lot 2 of Hoffman Estates Retail Subdivision, and preliminary site plan for a multi-tenant retail building on Lot 1 of Hoffman Estates Retail Subdivision, were approved by the Village Board.
Vice Chairman Ring moved, seconded by Commissioner Henderson, to open the above hearing. Voice Vote: 9 Ayes, 2 Absent (lozzo, Trieb). Motion Carried.
Chairperson Combs swore the petitioners in.
Dan Olson (Watermark Engineering) Val Belmonte (Winston Knolls Foundation)
Dan Olson presented an overview of the project.
Val Belmonte presented an overview of the school.
Per Chairman Combs' request, Mr. Olson presented an overview of the landscaping and lighting.
Jim Donahue presented an overview of the staff report.
Commissioner Henderson is concerned with the fence being too close to the existing pond.
Commissioner Henderson stated he is okay with the proposed 6 foot tall metal fence. However, a chain link fence or a fence that is easy to climb is of concern. Mr. Olson stated the fence will be black metal, with slats. The fence is designed for ages between 3-12 years of age. Once the fence is erected, it will be inspected by the Illinois State Board of Education.
Commissioner Henderson likes the idea that before other schools use the playground, they must submit a plan.
Commissioner Henderson asked about a future plan for the playground. Mr. Belmonte stated the playground is part of curriculum.
Commissioner Henderson asked are there any plans for the playground to expand in the future. Mr. Belmonte stated as of now, there are no plans for expansion.
Commissioner Henderson asked is the playground use for special needs children only. Mr. Belmonte stated they would like the special needs children in the complex to have priority, but everyone in the organization can use the playground.
Commissioner Henderson asked about adult supervision. Mr. Belmonte stated there are 8-10 children in the classroom, with 4-5 instructors. For the playground, there will also be a physical education instructor.
Commissioner Henderson asked how many security cameras will be there. Mr. Belmonte stated as of now, there will be two cameras. There are also two people monitoring the cameras.
Commissioner Harner asked what happens if the Police find kids in the playground on the weekend. Mr. Donahue stated that is trespassing and the Police would tell the kids to leave. Commissioner Harner asked if the Police have access to the playground with keys. Mr. Belmonte stated they will supply the Police Department with enough keys for the squad cars as they work with them already with active shooter scenarios. The two security cameras will also be monitored on cell phones by employees.
Commissioner Harner has concerns about the children from Gigi's Playhouse using the parking lot to access the playground
Commissioner Harner asked was there consideration about a possible alternate access to the playground not from Hassell Road. Mr. Belmonte stated because of grading and elevation in another area, that was not possible.
Commissioner Patel asked can the existing sidewalk on the east side of the site be extended so as not to have the children in the parking lot. Mr. Olson stated because of the retaining wall, the sidewalk cannot be extended. Mr. Donahue stated on the west side of the pond, there is a sidewalk that connects to Hassell Road that goes back to the main building where the bowling alley is.
Commissioner Burnitz asked how many adults will be with the children in the playground. Mr. Belmonte stated at least 5-6 adults with 8-10 children.
Commissioner Wilson had no questions, but commented that there are other areas in the Village where playgrounds are near ponds with no fences and that has not been an issue.
Commissioner Bauske asked is the wee-go-around wheelchair accessible. Mr. Belmonte stated yes.
Commissioner Milford is concerned about the height of the fence. Commissioner Milford is happy to have the bars on the fence as close as possible. Commissioner Milford asked if the maximum height of a fence is 6 feet. Mr. Donahue stated the maximum height for a fence is 6 feet, unless abutting commercial to residential that allows a 7 foot fence.
Vice Chairman Ring suggested the landscaping not be too tall to block visible street access. Vice Chairman Ring asked where is the second entrance relative to the landscape plan, where is it exiting out of, and is it designed as an emergency exit/access only. Mr. Belmonte stated there is a second access in the back which is a double gate located as pointed on the plan. Vice Chairman Ring suggested to install some paver stone so there is no plant interference in front of the secondary gate.
Vice Chairman Ring asked who is responsible for maintaining the landscaping. Mr. Belmonte stated they are maintaining the playground and the group that handles the landscaping for the shopping center will maintain the outside landscaping.
Chairperson Combs suggested the light to be installed on the west side be motion activated and get brighter if people are present.
Chairperson Combs asked about gate noise. Mr. Olson stated they are okay with what is presented.
Chairperson Combs asked if there is concern with the roses having thorns. Mr. Olson stated that was not discussed but would look into it.
Chairperson Combs asked are the flora and fauna classes going to be inside or outside of the fenced area. Mr. Belmonte stated they will use the sidewalk first.
Chairperson Combs asked staff about the fact that the staff memo motion deals with the special use amendment, but at the top of the staff memo it says there is a site plan amendment, which is not included in the motion. Mr. Donahue stated that is a mistake. There should be a special use amendment as well as a site plan amendment. Vice Chairman Ring asked should he add the words "and site plan amendment" under the same section or does it apply under another section. Mr. Donahue stated after Zoning Code say "and a site plan amendment".
Chairperson Combs asked the petitioner if they agree with the conditions of approval in the staff report. Mr. Belmonte stated yes.
Commissioner Patel asked what is the distance from the playground to the pond. Mr. Olson stated maybe 50 feet.
Vice Chairman Ring moved, seconded by Commissioner Henderson, to close the above hearing. Voice Vote: 9 Ayes, 2 Absent (lozzo, Trieb). Motion Carried.
MOTION: Vice Chairman Ring moved (seconded by Commissioner Henderson) to approve a request by De Schouw BSM, LLC (owner) and Winston Knolls Foundation (applicant) to consider a special use amendment under Section 9-8-2-C-9 of the Zoning Code and a site plan amendment to permit an outdoor playground for special needs children at the property located adjacent to 2353 Hassell Road, with the recommended conditions in the staff report.
Roll Call Vote: Aye: Bauske, Burnitz, Harner, Henderson, Milford, Patel, Wilson, Vice Chairman Ring, Chairperson
Combs Nay: None Absent: lozzo, Trieb Motion Carried.
Mr. Joshi stated that this will go to the Village Board meeting on December 16, 2019.
Mr. Joshi stated the next meeting is December 18, with two items on the agenda.
Vice Chairman Ring moved, seconded by Commissioner Henderson, to adjourn the meeting at 8:00 p.m. Voice Vote: 9 Ayes, 2 Absent (lozzo, Trieb). Motion Carried.