
North Cook News

Monday, March 31, 2025

Wood Oaks Junior High School Administration Board of Education met Sept. 5

Webp meeting 10

Wood Oaks Junior High School Administration met Sept. 5.

Here is the minutes provided by the Board:

The regular meeting of September 5, 2019 of the Board of Education, School District 27 was called to order at 6:30 p.m. in the Wood Oaks Library, 1250 Sanders Road, in said district.

Roll Call

On call of the roll, the following members were present:


Mrs. Helen Melnick, president

Mr. Alex Frum, vice president

Mr. Frank Andreou

Mrs. Melissa Copeland (electronic)

Mr. Ed Feld

Mr. Brian Paich


Dr. David Kroeze, superintendent

Dr. Kimberly Arakelian, assistant superintendent

Dr. Theresa Fournier, assistant superintendent

Dr. Katharine Olson, assistant superintendent


Mrs. Laurie Garber-Amram

President Melnick called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m.



Mrs. Melnick announced that this evening would be the Public Hearing on the 2019-20 Tentative Budget.

Dr. Arakelian summarized the Tentative Budget stating the Administration has recommended a balanced final budget for 2019-20 at $28.5 million, which represents a 2.4 percent increase (budget to budget). There are contingencies included in the budget of $500,000 for any unforeseen expenses. If contingencies are not spent and all other budget projections are realized, the District should anticipate ending the 2019-20 fiscal year with a surplus. The District ended the 2018-19 fiscal year with a cumulative fund balance reserve of $20.4 million. This represents a 74 percent fund balance reserve level against anticipated expenditures of $27.9 million. Dr. Arakelian stated we would continue to monitor the economic landscape; property tax freeze legislation, school funding reform, cost shift to employers on pension obligations and PPACA. Dr. Arakelian concluded stating the Adoption of the Final Budget will be on the September 19, 2018 Board meeting Consent Agenda.

Mrs. Melnick reiterated that this is a Public Hearing and open to public comment and asked if anyone would like to comment. As there were no comments, President Melnick stated that Public Hearing on the 2019-20 Tentative Budget was thereby closed.




Mr. Feld reported on the August 28, 2019 NSSED Leadership Meeting. The two main issues discussed were a banking issue and the Financial Model. Julie Dillon, the new Business Manager at NSSED stated she had a discussion with the bank, and within the next 12 months, the interest should begin to increase. NSSED has formed a Finance Committee to develop a Financial Model; the Committee of 15 people will be led by Mr. Dave Peterson, former superintendent of NSSED and Dr. Harry Rossi, former superintendent of Northbrook/Glenview School District 30. Dr. Arakelian of the representatives for District 27 for the Committee. In December, the Committee plans to present the Financial Model to the Leadership Council. The Leadership Council plans to vote on the Model by January of 2020. The NSSED Budget will be developed once the Financial Model is approved.


Dr. Fournier reported on the Opening Institute Day Report. A variety of training topics took place during the three days of Opening Institute. Dr. Doug Bolton was the keynote speaker. Dr. Bolton has degrees in clinical psychology, school psychology and educational leadership and supports students with social, emotional and behavioral challenges.

Mrs. Deely, Mr. Panozzo, Mrs. Buchanan and Mrs. Beake reported on the opening of school activities at each of their schools. It was a great start to the school year.

Dr. Arakelian acknowledged that the District has experienced unsatisfactory service from First Student Transportation at the beginning of the year. It has been the worst in over 20 years. We are in a combined contract with the other Township school districts and high school district. These schools have also experienced the same decline in service. We contacted the Vice President and Regional Manager of First Student to update them on all of the issues the school districts have experienced. The service has improved over the past few days. There has been improvement with communication. First Student will be sending a letter to our families and they will be making a refund for the first week of school to our families.

Mr. Heurich presented the Transportation Report for the 2019-20 school year. We are in the final year of a three-year contract with First Student Bus Company. Our ridership this year is 652, which is an increase of 38 students. Wood Oaks has 188 riders, Shabonee has 237 riders, and Hickory Point has 227 riders, and the activity routes have 250 riders.

Dr. Kroeze presented a report on the District's enrollment. He stated the enrollment is 1,300. All grades have class sizes that are within our target of 17 - 23. Enrollment at Hickory Point is 383, while Shabonee is at 438 and Wood Oaks is at 450. These are excellent school sizes. Twenty-nine students are served in other special placements. The District typically experiences an influx of new students into the District, and this year is no exception. The District has 116 new students. We are now reflecting the trend that existed prior to the housing crisis. Dr. Kroeze projected enrollment will increase over the next four years, with the District expected to reach an enrollment of almost 1,341 students by the 2023-2024 school year.

Consent Agenda

Mrs. Melnick called for Review of the Consent Agenda items.

No. 18641 Support Staff Termination – Inability to Return to Work

Mr. Andreou moved and Mr. Paich seconded the motion that the Board of Education approve the recommendation of the superintendent to terminate Instructional Assistant, Maya Lara, due to continuous inability to return to work.

On roll call vote, the members voted as follows:

Aye: Helen Melnick, Frank Andreou, Melissa Copeland (electronic attendance), Ed Feld, Alex Frum and Brian Paich

Nay: None

Absent: Laurie Garber-Amram

No. 18642 Approval of Settlement Agreement - Unreimbursed Medical Expenses

Mr. Andreou moved and Mr. Paich seconded the motion that the Board of Education approve the recommendation of the superintendent to reimburse the paernts of a student for out-of-pocket expenses not covered by insurance for the injury incurred on March 23, 2018. The expenses total $1,728.65

On roll call vote, the members voted as follows:

Aye: Helen Melnick, Frank Andreou, Melissa Copeland (electronic attendance), Ed Feld, Alex Frum and Brian Paich

Nay: None

Absent: Laurie Garber-Amram

Unfinished Business


New Business


Closed Session

No. 18643 Board Adjourns to Closed Session

At 7:45 p.m., Mr. Andreou moved and Mr. Paich seconded the motion that the Board of Education adjourns to Closed Session for the purpose of discussing discipline and performance of personnel and student disciplinary cases. Action will not be taken following Closed Session.

On roll call vote, the members voted as follows:

Aye: Helen Melnick, Frank Andreou, Melissa Copeland (electronic attendance) Ed Feld, Alex Frum, and Brian Paich

Nay: None

Absent: Laurie Garber-Amram

No. 18644 Board Returns from Closed Session

At 9:05 p.m., Mr. Andreou moved and Mr. Paich moved and seconded the motion that the Board of Education returns from Closed Session.

On roll call vote, the members voted as follows:

Aye: Helen Melnick, Frank Andreou, Melissa Copeland (electronic attendance) Ed Feld, Alex Frum, and Brian Paich

Nay: None

Absent: Laurie Garber-Amram

Adjournment There being no further business to come before the Board at this time Mrs. Copeland moved and Mr. Paich seconded the motion that the meeting is adjourned.

The motion was unanimously approved, and President Melnick called the meeting adjourned at 9:05 p.m.
