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City of Prospect Heights Fire/Police Commission met November 21

Webp meeting240

City of Prospect Heights Fire/Police Commission met Nov. 21.

Here is the minutes provided by the commission:

CALL TO ORDER - At 4:03 PM, Chairman Hoffman called to order the November 21, 2019 Special Meeting of the Prospect Heights Fire/Police Commission at City Hall, 8 North Elmhurst Road, Prospect Heights, IL 60070.

ROLL CALL - Deputy Clerk Schultheis called roll. A quorum was present. COMMISSIONERS PRESENT – Chairman Hoffman, Commissioners Fiorito and Meyer. OTHER OFFICIALS PRESENT – Police Chief Zawlocki, Deputy Chief Porlier, Community Liaison Batten, and Deputy Clerk Schultheis


A. September 25, 2019 Regular Meeting Minutes - Commissioner Meyer moved to approve the September 25, 2019 Regular Meeting Minutes as presented; seconded by Commissioner Fiorito. There was unanimous approval. 

VOICE VOTE: All Ayes, No Nays

Motion carried 3 - 0

CLOSED SESSION - If needed - None

RETURN TO OPEN SESSION - Action on Executive Items, if required


NEW BUSINESS A.Approval of the 2020 calendar - Commissioner Meyer moved to approve the 2020 calendar as presented; seconded by Chairman Hoffman. There was unanimous approval.


All Ayes, No Nays

Motion carried 3 - 0

DEPARTMENTAL UPDATE - Chief Zawlocki noted that there are two new squad cars with the new logo. Four more cars will have the new logo added.

- He said that Bradley Sigsworth would be graduating from the Police Academy on December 19, and that he and DC Porlier would be attending the ceremony. 

- There has been a contest during the No Shave November event. The Police Group that collects the most money for cancer prevention will be able to keep their beards another month. 

- There was a Veterans Day event at MacArthur Middle School in which students made breakfast for the local veterans. 

- The Police Department had its first time Chili Cook Off - Desk Officer Pablo Martinez won the contest 

- The City as been given a grant for extra traffic enforcement during the thanksgiving holiday. 

Community Liaison Batten - said that the Girls Club has been initiated by Officers Garcia and Zitkus, along with Community Liaison Batten. There are eleven girls currently enrolled. The age of the girls in the group is from 11- 13. They have had a lecture on bullying, and participated in crafts. Their next meeting will include a tour of the CEA; and in January, they will be touring the Fire District.

- There was a Food Drive that was sponsored by Tony's Finer Foods. The food was packaged at Harper College and then distributed to needy families. 

- The Christmas raffle sponsored by the Police and Fire District will benefit seven needy families with clothes, toys, and breakfast. 

- The Homework Help Program will begin on December 2 - officers will assist children who require tutoring from K-12. The tutoring will be every Monday.


NEXT REGULAR MEETING - December 18, 2019 at City Hall Council Chambers, 8 North Elmhurst Road, Prospect Heights, IL 60070 at 4 PM

ADJOURNMENT - At 4:12 PM, Commissioner Meyer moved to Adjourn; seconded by Chairman Hoffman. There was unanimous approval.

VOICE VOTE: All ayes, no nays

Motion Carried 3 - 0

Approved by the Fire Police Commission on this the 18th day of December, 2019.
