Village of Streamwood Board of Trustees met Oct. 3.
Here is the minutes provided by the Board:
Call to Order:
President Roth called the meeting to order at 7:06 pm.
Roll Call:
Trustee William Harper Present
Trustee Mary Thon Present
Trustee Larry Schmidt Present
Trustee William Carlson Present
Trustee Michael Baumer
Present Trustee James Cecille Absent
President Billie D. Roth Present
All those answering “present” were physically present at the meeting.
Pledge of Allegiance:
President’s Report:
Village Manager’s Report:
Village Manager Sharon Caddigan noted residents should have received their triennial property assessment notices from Cook County; all questions and appeals should be directed to the appropriate Township Assessor’s Office.
Approval of Agenda:
Request the Board approve the October 3, 2019 Agenda as presented. Trustee Carlson moved for approval. Trustee Harper seconded the motion. A voice vote approved the Agenda as presented.
Approval of the Minutes:
Request the Board approve the Minutes of the Board Workshop held September 12, 2019 as presented. Trustee Baumer moved for approval. Trustee Carlson seconded the motion. A voice vote approved the Minutes as presented.
Request the Board approve the Minutes of the Regular Board Meeting of September 19, 2019 as presented. Trustee Carlson moved for approval. Trustee Baumer seconded the motion. A voice vote approved the Minutes as presented.
Community Development – Trustee Carlson/Trustee Harper
A-19-104 Ordinance – Rezoning, Map Amendment, Special Use and Planned Unit Development – Fire Station 31
Request the Board approve an Ordinance entitled “An Ordinance Approving Rezoning, Map Amendment, Special Use and Planned Unit Development With Variations for the Property Located at 1204 S. Park Avenue in the Village of Streamwood.” This Ordinance approves the rezoning from R-2 to R-4, a special use for a government building and a planned unit development with variations for the replacement of Fire Station 31.
Trustee Carlson presented the Ordinance for first reading and posting.
Community Development Director John Peterson stated this Fire Station building wa constructed in 1972, and will be demolished and rebuilt on the same property parcel. The new building will house the Fire Administration offices, moving from the Schaumburg Road fire station. The property will be rezoned from R-2 to R-4PUD which is consistent with the surrounding property. The R-4 zoning district requires a special use for a government building, and several variances are also being requested. The Planning and Zoning Board heard this petition on September 17, 2019 and recommended in favor of the special use.
Ray Lee and Jason Estes from FGM Architects, provided an overview of the plans and variations. The proposed building is just over 23,000 square feet with the north half used for personnel and the south half used for enclosed vehicle parking with four drive-through bays, and a rear garage on the west end of the parcel. There is a 41 foot tower on the south side of the building for training purposes. A reduced setback on the northeast corner is requested from 25 feet to 3’7”; this reduced setback is consistent with the shopping center to the north. The garage also required variations for the height of 19’6” and the 2,716 square foot size; this is a non-residential garage needed to house larger equipment. An 8 foot tall masonry wall is proposed between the training tower on the rear southwest of the main building to the garage to screen the training area behind the station as well as to shield it from the ball park and maintain security. In addition to the administration offices, and personnel housing areas, the building also has a training/community room on the northeast side.
Mr. Lee reviewed the proposed signage for the building as well as the exterior elevations. Thirty-five total parking spaces are prosed; 14 spaces on-site behind the building and 21 on-street spaces along Cambridge Avenue. Variations are required for these parking areas. The site will have two full access curb cuts to allow emergency vehicles to access from Park as well as Cambridge and pull through the bay doors. The Park Avenue curb cut is 76 feet; the existing median in Park Avenue will also be modified to allow full access. Variances are needed for the curb cuts. Landscaping is proposed throughout the site with a variance to eliminate parkway trees as parking spaces are planned along Cambridge the parkway trees would cause visibility issues along Park Avenue for the emergency vehicles.
Trustee Schmidt confirmed the masonry wall along the south side is only from the rear of the main building to the garage building in the rear. Trustee Harper expressed concern for the narrow setback on the northeast corner, and specifically for a vehicle jumping the curb and striking the building. He also asked about the signage and how it is illuminated. Mr. Lee stated the medallion sign is not lighted; the “31” on the front will be surface lit and the “31” on the south wall facing the ballfields is backlit providing a “glow” for the numerals.
A-19-105 Ordinance – Special Use and Planned Unit Development – Public Works Facility
Request the Board approve an Ordinance entitled “An Ordinance Approving a Special Use and Planned Unit Development With Variations for the Property located at 565 S. Bartlett Road in the Village of Streamwood.” This Ordinance approves a special use for a government building and a planned unit development with variations for the expansion of the Public Works Facility.
Trustee Carlson presented the Ordinance for first reading and posting.
Community Development Director John Peterson stated the current public works facility is expanding to accommodate staff needs, parking and equipment. The zoning will change from R-3 to R-3PUD to address the modifications and variances, and a special use for a government building is required in an R-3 zoning district. The Planning and Zoning Board heard this petition on September 27, 2019 and have recommended favorably with the planned expansion and variances requested.
Ray Lee and Jason Estes, FGM Architects, were present and provided an overview of the project. The fuel pumps will be relocated, stormwater detention will be added, the entrance drive will be realigned to the south, the existing storage shed will be reduced and an accessory building will be removed. The main building will be expanded to better accommodate staff, and an elevator will be added for accessibility needs. The storage garage is being expanded for necessary equipment storage and additional parking spaces are proposed.
Mr. Lee further discussed the realignment of the driveway to the south. The existing driveway is right against the rear yards/fence of the residences to the north; the realignment will improve vehicle sightlines, control and safety, and a greater distance from the intersection at Streamwood Blvd. The building improvements are designed to match the existing construction. Landscaping is proposed on the western portion of the site; required parkway trees will be eliminated as several trees exist in this area. There is currently no irrigation system and a variance is sought to not require one.
A large storm water basin is proposed behind the existing salt storage dome, with a smaller basin on the triangular peak of the north property line. A variance is requested to allow a release rate higher than allowed by Village Code but within the MWRD regulations. The existing monument sign is larger than allowed and a variance is requested to maintain the size and location; the sign face may, in the future, be replaced with an electronic message center of the same size.
Trustee Harper asked about additional parking in the front of the building. Mr. Lee stated that area is needed for access, and the grading of the property is very steep. Trustee Harper asked if the driveway could be shifted more to the south. Public Works Director Matt Mann stated there are a number of deep water main and MWRD manholes in that area and the driveway has been moved as far south as possible.
Legislative – Trustee Cecille/Trustee Thon
A-19-099 Ordinance – Approval of Disposal of Surplus Equipment
Request the Board approve an Ordinance entitled “An Ordinance Authorizing the Sale by Public Auction, Private Sale, or Transfer of Surplus Personal Property Owned by the Village of Streamwood.” This Ordinance approves declaring various items surplus and authorizing the disposal of these items by private sale, auction, trade-in, donation, or to otherwise discard them at the least cost to the Village.
Trustee Thon presented the Ordinance for second reading and moved for approval.
Trustee Carlson seconded the motion. Roll Call:
Trustee Harper Aye Trustee Thon Aye
Trustee Schmidt Aye Trustee Carlson Aye
Trustee Baumer Aye Trustee Cecille Absent
Motion carried. Ordinance 2019-33
A-19-106 Resolution – Review of Closed Session Minutes
Request the Board approve a Resolution entitled “A Resolution Regarding
The Review of Closed Session Minutes.” This Resolution directs the Village Clerk to keep certain closed session minutes confidential.
Trustee Thon presented the Resolution and moved for approval. Trustee Schmidt seconded the motion. Attorney Tom Bastian stated this is the required semi-annual review of Closed Session minutes, and it is his recommendation the minutes remain confidential. Roll Call:
Trustee Thon Aye Trustee Schmidt Aye
Trustee Carlson Aye Trustee Baumer Aye
Trustee Cecille Absent Trustee Harper Aye
Motion carried. Resolution 2019-44
Finance - Trustee Schmidt/Trustee Baumer
A-19-107 Motion – Approval of Semi-Monthly Expenditures
Request the Board approve the semi-monthly expenditures in the amount of $744,058.98 which represents the total of the schedule of bills dated October 3, 2019.
General Fund $ 95,433.35
Wetland Special Service Areas 23,140.66
Capital Replacement Fund 1,050.95
Street Improvement Fund 254,256.18
Equipment Replacement Fund 198,581.00
Facilities Replacement Fund 124,811.68
Water and Sewer Fund 32,629.21
Golf Fund 14,155.95
Total $ 744,058.98
Trustee Schmidt moved for approval of the semi-monthly expenditures as presented. Trustee Harper seconded the motion. Roll Call:
Trustee Schmidt Aye Trustee Carlson Aye
Trustee Baumer Aye Trustee Cecille Absent
Trustee Harper Aye Trustee Thon Aye
Motion carried.
Community Affairs - Trustee Thon/Trustee Cecille
A-19-108 Resolution – Approval of Village Board 2020 Goals and Objectives
Request the Board approve a Resolution entitled “A Resolution Adopting The 2020 Goals and Objectives.” This Resolution adopts the 2020 Village Board Goals and Objectives.
Trustee Thon presented the Resolution and moved for approval. Trustee Carlson seconded the motion. Village Manager Sharon Caddigan stated the Board and staff held workshop meetings to plan for the future and this Resolution adopts ongoing goals and focus goals. These goals guide the budget process as well. Roll Call:
Trustee Carlson Aye Trustee Baumer Aye
Trustee Cecille Absent Trustee Harper Aye
Trustee Thon Aye Trustee Schmidt Aye
Motion carried. Resolution 2019-45
Public Works - Trustee Baumer/Trustee Schmidt
A-19-109 Resolution – Professional Services Agreement / Phase III – North Park Lift Station
Request the Board approve a Resolution entitled “A Resolution Approving and Authorizing the Execution of a Professional Engineering Services Agreement With Ciobra Group Inc. to Provide Professional Engineering Services for the North Park Blvd. Lift Station Rehabilitation Project.” This Resolution approves the proposal for construction engineering services for the Lift Station Rehab project at 130 North Park Blvd.
Trustee Baumer presented the Resolution and moved for approval. Trustee Carlson seconded the motion. Public Works Director Matt Mann stated the contract for the full rehabilitation of this lift station was approved in August. An engineer must review and inspect the shop drawings, bypass pumping, electrical and mechanicals, new pumps and controls, blast cleaning, structural repairs, surface preparation and application of the interior coating. Requests were requested from engineering firms for this work. Ciobra Group is the recommended firm; they have a great deal of experience with this work, and specifically with local municipalities and the MWRD. The consultant is paid for the hours worked and will be scheduled on a part-time basis with support from Village staff.
Trustee Harper asked about handling the necessary pumping capacity while the work is being performed. Mr. Mann stated bypass pumping is part of the contract and will handle the necessary water flows. Roll Call:
Trustee Baumer Aye Trustee Cecille Absent
Trustee Harper Aye Trustee Thon Aye
Trustee Schmidt Aye Trustee Carlson Aye
Motion carried. Resolution 2019-46
Public Safety - Trustee Harper/Trustee Carlson
P-19-001 Proclamation – Fire Prevention Week
I-19-001 Information Item – Fire Department Open House
In honor of Fire Prevention Week, the Streamwood Fire Department will host its annual Fire Prevention Open House on Saturday, October 12. The event will be held at Fire Station #31, 1204 S. Park Ave. from 11:00 am to 2:00 pm. In addition to equipment and firehouse tours, there will be safety displays and demonstrations geared toward both children and adults. There will also be a side-by-side demonstration showing the effects of a fire on a room and its contents with and without automatic fire sprinklers.
Public Comments:
Trustee Baumer moved to adjourn. Trustee Carlson seconded the motion. A voice vote approved the adjournment. The Village Board adjourned their meeting at 8:02 p.m.