
North Cook News

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Village of Buffalo Grove BG Days Committee met July 23

Webp meeting41

Village of Buffalo Grove BG Days Committee met July 23.

Here is the minutes provided by the committee:

The meeting was called to order at 7:10.

The minutes of the last meeting were discussed. Jackie made a motion to accept the minutes. Howard seconded the motion. The motion was carried.

Chairman’s Report: Paulette Greenberg/Eric Gordon

Paulette welcomed Debbie Rybarszyk back to the committee and Don Geno to his first meeting.

Paulette stated that she has secured the contract for the ATM machines. We will use the same company as we used last year. They will be giving the Village 1% per transaction. Last year the Village received a check for $250-$260.

Paulette stated that the shirts have been ordered, both the blue polo and the tie dyed. She did order extra shirts and JV brought in some extra shirts that are on the back table. You are welcome to take any for extras.

Paulette also ordered the name tags, based on the list passed around at the last 2 meetings.

Paulette has contacted Home City Ice and ordered 2 freezers and the first order to fill up both freezers. One freezer may be designated for the Chamber.

Parking passes will be handed out at the last meeting before the festival on August 27th. They will be printed on special paper that cannot be duplicated.

Police: Michelle Kondrat/Robert Broussard

Bobby stated that he will get started on the parking passes

The Police Department plans on putting an officer on McHenry Road and the main drive to the festival and the fitness center. Last year, there was confusion about food vendors trying to drop off items. They will help direct traffic, freeing up committee members.

Parade: Rodney Odelson/Lee Orlov/Ken Lazar

Rodney stated that he has 53 in the parade. He has maxed out his budget. He charged the 6 commercial entries $75 each. He has one politician.

He says that he still needs help on Friday night and Sunday morning. He also needs parade marshals.

Mobile Com: Paul Zucher

Paul was not present and emailed his no report.

Fun and Food: Rick Kahen/Debbie Verson Debbie had no report.

Fire Department: Joe Welter Joe was not present.

Park District: Ryan Risinger Ryan was not present.

Public Works: Dave Haisma/Mike Reynolds Mike had no report.

Sponsorship: Mike Reynolds

Mike stated that we have 20 sponsors so far, for a total of $40,750 in sponsorship including in kind donations. That is $30,750 cash and $10,000 for in kind donations. They are waiting on $5,200 to come in

Food Tent: Sarah Lee/JV Springman

Sarah stated she has commitments and signed letters of interest for the following restaurants:

Brother's Ribs

Lou Malnati's El Barrio Culver's Luke's

Mike's Catering Your Sister's Tomato Mozzarpas

Kona Ice Popcornjester

She is waiting for letters of interest from: Dorfler's Rokbonki

Sarah says she still is waiting for commitments from 5 others vendors who have expressed interest. Paulette stated that it looks like we will have 12 vendors.

Paulette noted that Sarah works full time including traveling for her work and was still able to get the job done as a volunteer with more food vendors. This is compared with the Food Tent chair last year who got paid and came in with fewer restaurants. She and Eric congratulated Sarah for a job well done.

Not For Profit: Mike Reynolds

Mike stated that he has 15 not for profits signed up

It will be business as usual for soda and corn. There will be 3 booths for the beverages, one on each side of the Food Tent and one in the field. There will be one booth for corn.

Mike went on to explain to the committee how the not for profit program worked.

Beer Tent: Brad Schencker Brad was not present.

Business Fair: Brad Schencker Brad was not present.

Set Up/Take Down: Marc Spunt

Eric asked if Marc needs volunteers. Marc replied yes. He needs help on Thursday at 10 to change the Bingo Tent into the Food Tent.

Paulette stated that that she is reaching out to not for profits for teen volunteers. Paulette stated that we can give service hours for scouts and teens. She is looking for help Thursday night and Monday for break down.

Arts Fair: Jackie Beegun/Sharon Borstein

Sharon stated that right now she has 11 artists have sent in applications and money or applications and images. She has 11 images and 11 payments but not from the same people. The cutoff date is August 1st.

Andy said that he is concerned about who is applying, possibly for crafts not art. He is also concerned she has received only 11 applications when 30 had been promised.

Discussion ensued regarding whether the Art Fair should run. It was stated that it is already in the brochure. The deadline for submission for the Fair is August 1st. A small meeting will be held next Tuesday to make the final decision about the Art Fair.

Not for Profit Showcase: Arti Sinha

Arti was not present.

Paulette stated that she has received 6 applications for the not for profit showcase which will use the tents from the Art Fair on Sunday and Monday.

Kids Craft Tent: Jane Primack/Carol Irvin

Jane said that she talked to The Tile Shop and they will pull discontinued tiles and donate to the Kid’s Craft Tent. The manager declined a letter noting the donation.

Jane stated that she is having problems getting yarn. She has approached Michaels and Hobby Lobby. Neither will be able to donate due to corporate rules. She has posted on 2 groups she belongs to and is still looking. Alan N stated his wife has a stash of yarn and he will check with her if she wants to donate any.

Grilling Challenge: Ed Bjes

Ed says that he has 21 entries so far and has at least 5 others coming in. It is still early.

Entertainment: Karen Danenberg/Marlene Kozak

Karen stated that she is winding everything up.

She says she has a good plan for the Sunday in the craft area when the Art Fair is done. It will fill in that area. Brian Campbell of the Black Hawks will be coming. She will need a Police detail to form a line for people to get one item autographed. He will cost $1000 to $1300. She does not have a time yet. He will be here 1 1⁄2 to 2 hours. Right now, it looks like we will not have Tommy Hawk so she will save money there. Since the brochure is done, she will get it on the website, use signage and social media to get the word out about the event. This is part of the Black Hawks’ ambassador program.

Karen presented a short clip of our Saturday night entertainment. It is in their contract that their name not be published until August 1st. On that day, it will be put on the website, and social media. It has been included in the brochure that has already been sent to the printer. The brochures will not come out until after the deadline.

Karen said that the entertainment is done

Karen stated that she will have Total Impact Martial Arts on the Main Stage on Sunday at 2:15.

Debbie asked about the entertainment for the Fun and Food. Karen said she would have the same DJ as always and the same walk arounds except that for now, Tommy Hawk is unable to come. He may be able to come last minute.

Technical Production: Doug Primack/Adam Moodhe

Adam stated that they have been working on the back line for the main band on Saturday night. He went to a number of vendors and will be coming in under budget.

Marketing/Publicity: Alan Danenberg

Alan stated that the website is up to date with the schedule at this point.

The applications for the Art Fair and the BBQ Challenge have been placed on the website for downloading. The pre order beer tickets are on there as well as a sign up for volunteer as servers in the Beer Tent per the request of the Chamber.

The brochure was submitted at 3:00 yesterday, Monday July 22 to the village’s printer, 2 hours before the deadline. The brochures will be in resident’s Mailboxes August 20.

Clicks and Shutters: Marian Rodriguez/Randy Kittell adam

Marian had no report.

Paulette asked if they would be able to take a group picture the last meeting before BG Days begins. Marian said she did not think it would be a problem. Paulette said they can figure out where to have it, in the Board room or outside, as long as they can get 60 people in it. Which shirt to wear will decided at a future meeting.

Car Show: Cody and Diane Bartlett

Diane said that everything is going pretty good. She got everything to Crown Trophies to start printing new plaques for the trophies. She will take them over there for them to place the plaques on the trophies.

They have ordered key chains this year for the give aways.

She says the event page is good. She keeps putting the car show out there on social media along with attending various car shows to pass out flyers.

When asked, Diane said the hours for the car show on Monday will be 11 to 4 People start coming at 9:30 or sooner. Registration will continue for those coming in until 1.

She will need 3 to collect tickets for the voting. Categories for voting include car owner pick, community pick and the committee pick.

Sara stated that she is working a on a number of food vendors in the field for the event.

Information Booth/Ice Man: Marc Spunt Marc had no report.

Carnival: Paulette Greenberg

Paulette received the carnival layout. She has forwarded a copy to the Police and Fire Departments.along with Public Works. She has not heard any complaints or comments back yet. Paulette gave a list of the rides that will be at the carnival this year.

The Mega pass will be on sale starting August 1st for $65 which will give unlimited rides for all 5 days. This will be available on line until midnight Saturday August 31st. Wrist bands for the specific days, Thursday, Saturday and Monday are $22 on line or $27 at the box office. Sheets of 30 tickets will sell for $30 sold at Village Halls. Sales start the first week of August with the last day for paper sheet purchase Wednesday August 28th at the close of the business day.

Village Liaison: Mike Reynolds Mike had no report.

Trustee Liaison: Andy Stein/Eric Smith

Andy stated that the Trustees will ride on a float this year, a float created by Public Works. They will not be using golf carts in the parade. There is no throwing of candy from the float. Andy says he plans on getting off the float, walking the route and handing out candy.

Your 2 Cents Worth: All committee members

Paulette stated that the Porta Potties have been ordered. We are getting the same ones as last year. They have air conditioning and play music.

Jane talked about the difficulty with communication last year with the rain and changes in the festival activities. Paulette contacted her to send out email alerts but since everyone does not check emails on their phone, this was not the best solution. Jane has found out about a phone group called Groupme, where she can enter all the phone numbers of the committee members. This can be used to send out mass text messages to all committee members. This could be used for weather information, lost children or whatever information needed to get out. Jane is willing to set this up but when she does, each person will get a notification to accept being in the group. Jane will also need updated cell phone numbers for everyone.

Rodney made a motion to adjourn. Rhonda seconded the motion.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:03.
