Village of Kenilworth Board of Trustees met March 18.
Here is the minutes provided by the board:
Village President Ann Potter called to order the regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Village of Kenilworth in the Kenilworth Village Hall, Kenilworth, Illinois at 7:33 p.m.
President Potter requested that Village Clerk Tim Ransford call the roll:
Trustee Scott Lien Present
Trustee Pete Shadek Present
Trustee Alison Winslow Absent
Trustee Cecily Kaz Present
Trustee Jeff Bedwell Present
Trustee James McClamroch, Jr. Present
President Ann Potter Present
A quorum was present.
Others Recorded as in Attendance:
Village Officials and Staff:
Pat Garvey Village Treasurer
Patrick Brennan Village Manager
David Miller Police Chief
Hart Passman Village Attorney
Alannah Doak Management Analyst
Chris Strom Management Analyst
Others, signing in:
Christopher Ottsen Justin Mohr
Fouad Egbaria Lee Ann Shay
Trustees addressed draft minutes of as provided in the meeting packet. Upon review, Trustee Shadek offered a motion to approve the February 19, 2019 minutes of the Village Board meeting and the Closed Session Minutes of the same date. Trustee McClamroch seconded the motion.
Upon a voice vote, President Potter declared that the minutes were approved, by voice vote, without dissent.
AGENDA ITEM III: Village President’s Report
President Potter reminded those in attendance of the April 2nd 12 election. She noted that the Park District passed the proposed Intergovernmental Agreement and that the Village Board would be considering it this evening. She noted progress regarding consideration of designating a TIF district for Green Bay Road and Park Drive, with the Joint Review Board forming and the potential to schedule a public hearing on May 20th. Finally, she informed the board that Susan Criezis would be retiring after working with the Village for 17 years.
AGENDA ITEM IV: Approval of the Warrants
President Potter asked the Chairman of the Finance Committee, Trustee Shadek to present the warrants.
Trustee Shadek, reported he had reviewed all bills as presented in the monthly packet. He stated that all of the requested payments and those listed for ratification were in order and that he recommended the Board authorize the warrant list.
Trustee Shadek offered a motion and Trustee Kaz seconded the motion to approve the Class A warrants in the amount of $182,746.98 and Class B warrants in the amount of $172,535.34, as presented.
A roll call vote was taken as follows:
For: Lien, Shadek, Kaz, Bedwell, McClamroch
Opposed: None
The roll call tally was five votes in favor and none opposed. President Potter declared the motion passed.
AGENDA ITEM V: Regular Scheduled Business
A. Items for Omnibus Vote
1. Adoption of Resolution Appointing Alannah Doak as Deputy Village Clerk
2. Authorization to Adjust the Compensation of the Police Chief
3. Adoption of a Resolution Adopting the Revised Employee Handbook
4. Authorization to Execute a Contract with BS&A of Bath, Michigan for the
Purchase of an Enterprise Resource Planning Software System and Deployment in the Amount Not to Exceed $187,230
5. Adoption of the Following Items Concerning an Uncollectable Debt Write-off
Policy: a) Approval of the Policy b) Authorization to Write-Off Debt
6. Authorization to Execute an Intergovernmental Agreement with the Kenilworth Park District for the Sharing of Services and Equipment
President Potter read each agenda title aloud and inquired if any Trustee wished to pull an item from the omnibus list for individual vote or discussion. Hearing no such request, Trustee McClamroch offered a motion to approve Items 1 through 6 as presented. Trustee Winslow offered a second to the motion.
A roll call vote was taken as follows:
For: Lien, Shadek, Kaz, Bedwell, McClamroch
Opposed: None
The roll call tally was five votes in favor and none opposed. President Potter declare the motion passed.
B. Items for Consideration by Individual Vote
7. Adoption of a Resolution Awarding the Sterling Road Realignment Project to Lenny Hoffman Excavating Inc. of Wilmette, Illinois in the Amount Up to $258,914.80
Manager Brennan noted that the low cost bid exceeded the engineer’s estimate of construction costs, but was lower than the lowest bid received in October, 2018 in the amount of $320,000. A resident inquired why the project cost had grown significantly more than previously anticipated. Brennan indicated that the initial project estimates did not include the removal of the abandoned section of Sterling Road and that the sidewalk on the east side of the new Sterling Road had been added. Those increases in the scope of work were primarily responsible for the added cost.
A question was also raised regarding the impact of sightlines upon drivers eastbound on Roger Avenue at Green Bay Road. Manager Brennan reported that the plans met the design standards according to the licensed engineer designing the project as well as IDOT. He stated that, if a problem is detected at any point, the Village can review the concerns and determine if actions such as parking restrictions near the intersection need to be implemented.
Upon completion of the questions and comments, Trustee Lien offered a motion to adopt the resolution as presented. Trustee Shadek offered a second to the motion.
Motion to approve Trustee Lien, seconded by Trustee Shadek
A roll call vote was taken as follows:
For: Lien, Shadek, Kaz, Bedwell, McClamroch
Opposed: None
The roll call tally was five votes in favor and none opposed. President Potter declared the motion passed.
8. Adoption of the Following Items Concerning a Potential Tax Increment
Financing District:
a) An Ordinance Setting a Date for a Public Hearing
b) An Ordinance Establishing Interested Parties Registry Rules
Manager Brennan provided the attendees with an overview of the TIF process and described the agenda items. He stated that conducting a public hearing was a required step in the process to evaluate implementing a TIF district. Further, Mr. Passman provided a brief overview of the Interested Parties Registry Rules. Upon conclusion of the discussion, Trustee McClamroch offered a motion to approve both ordinances as presented to the Board of Trustees. Trustee Kaz offered a second to the motion.
A roll call vote was taken as follows:
For: Lien, Shadek, Kaz, Bedwell, McClamroch
Opposed: None
The roll call tally was five votes in favor and none opposed. President Potter declared the motion passed.
A. Trustee Winslow was absent and President Potter confirmed that Ms Winslow is waiting on additional information before furthering the review of the tree protection ordinance.
B. Trustee Shadek stated he has nothing to report.
C. Public Safety: Nothing to report.
A. Public Safety: Trustee Lien stated that he had asked Manager Brennan to provide an update regarding both the Sterling Road Water Main Project and Water Tank.
Police Chief
Police Chief Miller said progress has been made on the Abbottsford loading zone parking situation and the welcome stakeholders feedback at the upcoming April meeting.
Village Manager
Manager Brennan offered the following comments and updates:
− He reminded the Board that Statement of Economic Interest reminders had recently been emailed to each member by Cook County.
− The Sterling Road water main project is progressing well and that the tie-in to Ridge Road should be completed this week. He indicated that efforts to complete a water main link between Sterling Road and Kenilworth Terrace is still being explored.
Additionally, that there may be an option to link the Exmoor Road water main to Green Bay Road.
− Brennan displayed several images from a Tank Industry Consultants report dated January 29th 34. The report was requested to provide the Board with potential alternate configurations of water tank design. The analysis was requested to determine what options existed for either reinforcing the existing water tank to meet the needs of four cellular service providers, or construct a new tank that meets the needs while better obscuring the equipment. The Board discussed the tank design options, status of the wireless carrier leases, and life span of the existing water tank. Upon conclusion of the0 discussion, it was the consensus of the Village Board for the Manager to explore negotiations with the wireless carriers and determine if it were feasible to obtain financial assistance to construct a new elevated water tank of similar capacity and elevation.
Mr. Razz Jenkins, from Des Plaines, IL informed the board he is a candidate for the Oakton Community College. He mentioned the League of Women Voters has done a great job presenting information about all 13 candidates. He thanked the board for allowing him to attend and felt the care and attention demonstrated in Kenilworth would be a model for him to follow.
Mr. James Good, was looking for guidance or a point of contact regarding information on the proposed Village House. Manager Brennan offered to provide him with the proper contact at the Kenilworth Park District.
With no further business, Trustee Shadek offered a motion to adjourn the meeting and Trustee Lien seconded to adjourn the meeting. The meeting was concluded by voice vote at 8:42 p.m.