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Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Village of Bartlett Zoning Board of Appeals met March 7

Village of Bartlett Zoning Board of Appeals met March 7.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:

M. Werden called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm.

Roll Call

Present: M. Werden, G. Koziol, B. Bucaro, J. Rasmussen, L. Hanson and J. Banno


Also Present: R. Grill, Acting CD Director, K. Stone, Assistant Village Planner

Approval of Minutes

A motion was made to approve the minutes of the December 6, 2018 meeting.

Motioned by: G. Koziol

Seconded by: B. Bucaro

Roll Call

Ayes: M. Werden, G. Koziol, B. Bucaro, J. Rasmussen and J. Banno

Nayes: None

Abstain: L. Hanson

The motion carried.

Case (#18-22) Moureau’s Crest View Addition to Bartlett (Lot 72)


a) A 4 foot reduction from the required 45 foot rear yard on Lot 1; and

b) A 9 foot reduction from the required 45 foot rear yard on Lot 2

Public Hearing

The following Exhibits were presented:

Exhibit A - Picture of Sign

Exhibit B - Mail Affidavit

Exhibit C - Notification of Publication

Petitioner, Mr. Mohammed Ahmed was sworn in by M. Werden.

Mr. Ahmed stated he would like to subdivide Lot 72 into 2 lots.

K. Stone stated this parcel has been part of Bartlett since its incorporation in 1891. It was recorded in 1926 as part of Moureau’s Crest View Addition to Bartlett. The petitioner is proposing to subdivide this into two lots. This went before the Plan Commission on February 14th, they reviewed the plans and recommended approval of the Plat of Subdivision. Both lots meet the minimum lot width and size requirements for the SR-4 Zoning District. Lot 1 would have access off of E. North Avenue and Lot 2 would have access off North Chase Avenue.

Since the subject property is less than 3 acres, no storm water detention is required for this subdivision. The Petitioner will plant parkway trees along the existing rights-of-way as required by the subdivision ordinance. There are existing concrete sidewalks along North Chase Avenue and E. North Avenue that are currently deteriorating; a part of the subdivision requirements, these sidewalks will be removed and replaced.

The Petitioner is also requesting two variations from the rear yard setback:

a) A 4 foot reduction from 45 foot rear yard on Lot 1 to reduce it to 41 feet: and b) A 9 foot reduction from 45 foot rear yard on Lot 2 to reduce it to 36 feet.

This project is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and new addresses will be assigned to each lot. The discussion tonight is for the two variance requests on Lot 1 and 2.

M. Werden stated Lot 2 will face east and Lot 1 will face south. The sidewalks requirements are wider than previously required, will the sidewalks meet the new code? K. Stone stated yes it will.

M. Werden asked if there were any questions from the board.

J. Banno asked if this project will meet the impervious surface requirement. K. Stone stated that will be looked at once a building permit comes in. Right now they are asking for variances without a specific building pad so an impervious calculation cannot be done without knowing the size of the driveways and the actual footprint of the proposed buildings. J. Banno stated there is a difference between the setback widths around the properties from one page to the other within the packet and the setback distance along East North Avenue. K. Stone stated it’s a 25 foot building setback requirement. Looking at the proposed building map is what the Petitioner is proposing for the building to be with a setback of 35 feet to be in line with the other homes on Chase Avenue. It’s a recorded 25 foot building setback line. J. Banno questioned the setback of 35 feet on North Avenue. K. Stone stated the building setback is required to be 25 feet, but we cannot condition a variation. What they are showing is 35 feet, and it’s not something we can restrict, they could go up to the 25 foot setback line. J. Banno stated it looks as though the two buildings will be very close together, maybe a 10 foot distance between the two buildings. K. Stone stated this is correct. The SR4 Zoning District requires 5 feet. J. Banno stated yes, but this is not what we are voting on.

G. Koziol stated this is a reasonable request to effectively use this land by building 2 homes. M. Werden opened the Public Hearing portion of the meeting to the public.

Amy Jehezian who resides at 105 N. Marion Avenue stated she owns the home on the left side of Lot 1 and is questioning how close this will come to her property line. K. Stone stated they must be at least 10 feet from her property line and must put in a 10 foot utility easement. The building setback line shows 5 feet however they are not allowed to build within an easement. This will mean they will be at least 10 feet away from A. Jehezian’s property line. A. Jehezian asked if they are planning to put up a fence or will it be an open area. K. Stone stated at this point, this meeting is just for variations, no building permits have been submitted.

M. Werden asked if there were any further discussions or recommendations from the board.

G. Koziol made a motion to pass along a positive recommendation to the Village Board to approve

Case #18-22, Moureau’s Crest View Addition to Bartlett (Lot 72). M. Werden closed the Public Hearing portion of the meeting.

Motioned by: G. Koziol Seconded by: J. Banno

M. Werden closed the Public Hearing portion of the meeting.

Roll Call

Ayes: M. Werden, G. Koziol, B. Bucaro, J. Rasmussen, L. Hanson and J. Banno Nayes: None

The motion carried.

M. Werden advised the Petitioner to stay in touch with K. Stone as to when this case will be on the Village Board agenda. K. Stone stated at this time she was not sure of the date.

(#18-24) Stearns and Munger

Variation: to reduce the required number of parking spaces (Lot 1)

Public Hearing

The following Exhibits were presented:

Exhibit A - Picture of Sign

Exhibit B - Mail Affidavit

Exhibit C - Notification of Publication

Exhibit D - Letter from Forest Preserve District of DuPage County

Petitioners, Mr. Aaron Martell of Logistics Property Company, 1 N. Wacker, Chicago IL and Mr. Ethan

Frisch of 7325 Janes Avenue, Woodridge, IL were sworn in by M. Werden.

M. Werden stated the letter from the Forest Preserve District is requesting a change in the landscaping and also a change to the sealants used on the blacktop. Mr. E. Frisch has agreed to the suggested changes.

K. Stone stated this property was annexed into the Village in 1966 and was originally zoned R-1 Single Family. The following year it was rezoned to the M-Manufacturing Zoning District. During the comprehensive rezoning of the Village in 1978, the property was rezoned to the OR Office Research and SR-5 Suburban Residence (Multi-Family) Zoning District.

The petitioner is going before the Plan Commission next Thursday to discuss the rezoning as well as the plat of subdivision. They are proposing to make a three lot subdivision. Lots 1 and 2 would each contain a 207,000 square foot building. Lot 3, which is closest to the residences to the east, will be for a retention lot.

The Plan Commission will be reviewing Lots 1 and 2 per the site plan review next Thursday, March 14th. Two curb cuts are proposed along Stearns Road. The eastern curb cut on Stearns Road would be a right-in/right-out only for passenger vehicles only. The western curb cut on Stearns Road will be a full access. Munger Road access will right-in/right-out and left out.

Retaining walls are proposed along the north property line.

The Site Plan for Lot 1 identifies a total of 222 parking spaces. The Zoning Ordinance requires 234 parking spaces. The petitioner is requesting a Variation to reduce the required number of parking spaces for Lot 1 from 234 to 222 (12 spaces).

The Site Plan for Lot 2 identifies a total of 246 parking spaces, which exceeds the requirement of 234 parking spaces. Overall between the two lots they are required to have 468 spaces which they have provided. Because Lot 1 is short on its own the Village is requiring them to go through the variation request. They will be providing a shared parking agreement to be recorded between Lots 1 and 2. Between the two lots there is enough parking to meet the requirement, but because it’s a subdivision lot one is short, the other Lot 2 exceeds it. They will also be putting in a bike path along Stearns Road.

The detention basin will be wet bottom which is currently being reviewed by the Village Engineer.

A traffic Impact Analysis was submitted and is being reviewed by the Village’s Traffic consultant and the DuPage County Highway Department. They have somewhat agreed with the findings that are outlined in the traffic study and the petitioner has worked with them to address all of their concerns.

The Landscape, Photometric and Engineering Plans are currently under Staff review.

The Plan Commission will be reviewing the rezoning, subdivision and a special use to fill in the two small wetlands that are on the site. The only item being requested tonight will be the variation.

M. Werden asked if the proposed detention area, will this correspond with the current SR5 Zoning. K. Stone stated yes. M. Werden asked if SR5 Zoning would allow multifamily. K. Stone stated yes. M. Werden stated this will be consistent with the rest of the industrial park. K. Stone stated yes, which is consistence with what the Comprehensive Plan shows and the West Bartlett Road Corridor Plan shows.

M. Werden asked if there were any other questions from the board. No comments were made from the board.

The Public Hearing portion of the meeting was open to the Public.

M. Werden asked the public to address the comments strictly to the parking issue, nothing to do with the building, landscaping etc. All other issues will be discussed next week Thursday, March 14th at 7:00 P.M. at the Plan Commission meeting. M. Werden asked anyone in the audience who would like to speak to please complete a witness form.

Rick Herring, of 1237 Lynnfield Lane stated he wasn’t aware the only item to be discussed tonight would be for the parking. R. Herring asked if the other findings such as the traffic study will be published somewhere. K. Stone stated all other items will be in included in the Plan Commission packet which will be available tomorrow and posted on our website.

Robert Miller was called but was not in the audience.

John Martin, stated he has the same issues as R. Herring does. J. Martin stated he will be preparing a statement for next week’s public hearing. He did not have an issue with shared parking, but his biggest concern would be with traffic and would like to see the traffic report as well. J. Martin stated he has no objection to what is happening in Brewster Creek. He was Vice President for Jen Land Designs for 30 years as a land planner and worked on Fairfax Crossings, Timberline, Herron’s Landing and is very familiar with Bartlett and its development. J. Martin stated he loves where Brewster Creek is located past the intersection of Munger Road/Stearns and that’s where everyone would like to see it stay. Not to come east of Stearns/Munger Road.

Joseph Kellar, 860 Middleton Lane, stated he noticed the parking line is approximately 100 feet from Lynnfield Lane and as a resident trying to make a right hand turn there is a potential snow problem. If there is snow plan being proposed, would the snow be plowed between the end of the parking lot near Lynnfield Lane blocking the view when turning right. M. Werden stated this would be a valid question for next week’s meeting.

M. Werden stated so many times in most developments they try to squeeze too much building on too small of a property and they wind up having parking on the side yard. It’s always a welcome sight when you see more green space and a more appealing look.

R. Grill stated there were no other comments from the public.

G. Koziol stated he was glad to see the property being developed. The parking proposal is somewhat

unique, usually people are looking for more parking and thinks its creative to do shared parking.

M. Werden stated this parcel was annexed into the Village in 1966 and the entire property rezoned to the M-Manufacturing Zoning District in 1967. He asked what year was the development to the east, Wethersfield. K. Stone stated that was annexed in 1988 and rezoned. M. Werden stated long after this was being developed.

K. Stone stated correct.

M. Werden asked for a motion.

J. Banno made a motion to pass along a positive recommendation to the Village Board to approve Case #18-24.

Motioned by: J. Banno Seconded by: G. Koziol

M. Werden closed the Public Hearing portion of the meeting.

Roll Call

Ayes: M. Werden, G. Koziol, B. Bucaro, J. Rasmussen, J. Banno and L. Hanson Nayes: None

The motion carried.

M. Werden advised the Petitioner to stay in touch with K. Stone as to when this case will be on the Village Board agenda.

Old Business/ New Business

R. Grill stated she wasn’t sure if there will be a meeting next month.

M. Werden asked if there was a motion to adjourn.

Motioned by: J. Banno Seconded by: L. Hanson

All in favor.

Motion Carried.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:45 P.M.
