
North Cook News

Monday, March 31, 2025

Village of Wheeling Board of Trustees and Plan Commission met October 18.

Webp meeting372

Village of Wheeling Board of Trustees and Plan Commission met Oct. 18.

Here is the minutes provided by the board and the commission:

1. Call to Order

Call to Order at 6:30 p.m.

2. Pledge of Allegiance led by President Horcher

3. Roll Call

Roll Call by Village Clerk Elaine E. Simpson.

Village Board: Ken Brady, Mary Krueger, Ray Lang, Mary Papantos, Joe Vito, Dave Vogel, Pat Horcher 

Plan Commission: Tatiana Blinova, Don Johnson, Jeff Creech, Steve Powers, James Ruffato

Absent: Plan Commissioners Pam Dorband and Joe Kalis were absent with prior notice.

4. Changes to the Agenda - None

5. Citizen Concerns and Comments - None

6. Staff Reports - None

7. New Business - All Listed Items for Discussion and Possible Action

Discussion RE: Concept Review Process

Village Manager Jon Sfondilis outlined the Discussion topic, specifically, drilling down on the process to make sure all questions are answered during a concept review.

Village Attorney Mallory Milluzzi reviewed Section 19.09.010 of Wheeling's municipal code - Planned Unit Developments (PUD), and answered questions from the Board.

Community Development Director Andrew Jennings spoke about a new format to streamline the information the Board receives for a Concept Review and reviewed each portion.

President Horcher asked for Board Consensus on adding a question to the Concept Review Checklist regarding the impact on infrascrutre and core services.

Final Resolution: Motion Approved

Yes: Pat Horcher, Ken Brady, Mary Krueger, Ray Lang, Mary Papantos, Dave Vogel

No: Joe Vito

Discussion continued on this topic.

8. Official Communications

9. Executive Session - None

10. Adjournment

President Horcher asked for a Motion to adjourn.

Motion by Joe Vito, second by Ken Brady.

Motion carried by Voice Vote, all ayes, the meeting adjourned at 8:07 p.m.
