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City of Prospect Heights Plan/Zoning Board of Appeals met September 27.


City of Prospect Heights Plan/Zoning Board of Appeals met Sept. 27.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:


The regular meeting of the Plan/Zoning Board of Appeals was called to order at 7:00 pm by Chairman Dash, at City Hall, 8 N. Elmhurst Road, in Prospect Heights, Illinois.


Present: Commissioners Kempa, DeGraf, Tammen, Patel, Mellen, Saewert & Chairman Dash


Quorum is present.

Present at the meeting: Director of Building & Development Dan Peterson and Recording Secretary: Jennifer Myzia


Motion made by Commissioner Tammen, seconded by Commissioner Mellen to approve the meeting minutes.


AYES: Commissioners Kempa, DeGraf, Tammen, Patel, Mellen & Chairman Dash



ABSTAIN: Commissioner Saewert

Motion carried.



1. PZBA - Public Hearing: Case No. ZBA 18-11SU

Applicant: Village Cycle Sport: represented by Joe Eberhardt

Address: 1326 N Rand Rd., Prospect Heights, IL 60070

Description of Request:

A. Requesting a Special Use Permit for automobile storage facility for up to 20 vehicles in the B-3 General Services Zoning District per 5-7-5 C of the City of Prospect Heights Zoning Code.

Chairman Dash requests a motion to open public hearing 18-11SU at 7:02 pm

Motion by Commissioner Kempa

Second by Commissioner Saewert


AYES: Commissioners Kempa, DeGraf, Tammen, Patel, Mellen, Saewert and Chairman Dash



Director Peterson addresses that the Journal and Topics made an error and never ran the legal notification and therefore the previous public hearing was null and void. Per the attorney we had to re-notify and publicize everything as if this is a new application. Director Peterson states he has handed out a parking plan which had been received earlier in the week by Mr. Eberhardt and is being submitted as exhibit number seven.

Chairman Dash swears in the public wishing to testify.

Mr. Joe Eberhardt of Village Cycle Sport 1326 N Rand Rd. states the sheet he has handed out shows a seven foot high wooden fence and behind that is a row of trees which are about twenty feet high which blocks the view from behind. The parking may not work for the vehicles on the east side of the lot so a row has been removed.

Director Peterson asks that the record show Mr. Eberhardt presented a revised parking plan and it will be dated with today’s date, 9/27/18 as exhibit eight and therefore there will be no discussion on exhibit seven.

Mr. Eberhardt continues and states the limo parking is doubled up but they have no problem parking end to end and along the fence where it is “X-ed” out would move them more towards the center so the last row can get out easier. The other side shows six parking spaces where we had discussed twelve but it doesn’t look like with twelve cars in there it would be up to code from what he understands. That row was removed leaving one along the side by the office building.

Chairman Dash asks if the twenty foot high trees which are existing and if the seven foot high fence is existing or is it being proposed.

Mr. Eberhardt states both the trees and fence already exist.

Chairman Dash asks if the trees are on Mr. Eberhardt’s property or the adjacent property.

Mr. Eberhardt replies the trees are on both properties.

Chairman Dash clarifies that the trees are on the property line.

Mr. Eberhardt concurs.

Chairman Dash tries to clarify if the fence is on Mr. Eberhardt’s property.

Mr. Eberhardt states he believes the fence is on his property.

Director Peterson states he is unsure if the fence is on Mr. Eberhardt’s property or not. According to the survey it is on the property.

Chairman Dash states according to the survey the fence is on the property.

Chairman Dash asks Mr. Eberhardt to speak to the types of vehicles he is looking to rent space to.

Mr. Eberhardt states on one side there will be limousines and or a trolley on the other side would be cars and possible an RV and maybe a boat.

Chairman Dash states that she recalls from the first meeting the discussion of vehicles which would be allowed. The discussions included a condition that would not allow construction equipment or materials.

Mr. Eberhardt states that is correct but a commercial and or recreational type of vehicle would be allowed.

Chairman Dash asks what the hours of operation will be.

Mr. Eberhardt replies the limos come and go as needed. The store hours are 10am – 8pm.

Chairman Dash confirms the limos will be running twenty four hours with access from Rand Road.

Chairman Dash states if Mr. Eberhardt has nothing further to present for his case she will open the case for public testimony and commissioner questions and discussion.

Chairman Dash swears in Mr. Terry Benjamin of 1504 Olive St., Arlington Heights IL 60004.

Mr. Benjamin states as far as vehicle parking is concerned there are currently bus type vehicles and then asks are these acceptable by the board and are there special restrictions for things like that.

Director Peterson states the location is in business district B3 which is the second highest intensity zone district. This type of parking is open to commercial style vehicles such as limos, trolleys and buses we did recently pass an ordinance restricting commercial vehicles in the residential area which could feasibly be store here so long as there are no other materials being stored. Obviously a semi is not going to fit in this area however restrictions can be placed but limos have been put on the list because that is what is currently there. Mr. Eberhardt is doing this in an effort to gain compliance.

Chairman Dash asks if a bus or coach bus would be allowable under the current zoning. Director Peterson confirms.

Mr. Benjamin states the other question he has is in regards to fencing or barricades between his property and the case property are there any noise barricades to code or restriction to fencing height.

Director Peterson states there is a fencing requirement between zoning districts and this fence meets that standard between zoning districts in terms of noise detaining there is nothing in the code so that can be discussed if it is felt necessary.

Chairman Dash asks if there are any issues with noise.

Mr. Benjamin states there are. He spends a lot of time in his back yard and it is noisy in his back yard.

Chairman Dash asks if Mr. Benjamin can describe the noise so a distinction can be made if it is from the limo service or potentially from Rand Road which is well traveled.

Mr. Benjamin states it is idling noise from the vehicles in the back lot. There is noise from the coming and going in the middle of the night.

Chairman Dash asks if Mr. Benjamin has any other concerns.

Mr. Benjamin states none other than the notice not going out.

Mr. Eberhardt states it was mailed to an address in Indiana which is the mailing address on the tax record.

Commissioner Patel asks how often Mr. Benjamin hears the noise. Mr. Benjamin responds every weekend.

Commissioner Patel asks at what times.

Mr. Benjamin states all throughout the day.

Commissioner Patel asks if it is past ten o’clock at night.

Mr. Benjamin responds at times. He continues with he has heard noise as late as three am.

Commissioner Patel asks if that is every weekend or rarely.

Mr. Benjamin states it is every weekend there is noise but he isn’t always awake at three am.

Chairman Dash states if Mr. Benjamin has no other concerns the commissioners will have discussion and ask questions of Director Peterson.

Chairman Dash asks Director Peterson if there is anything in the code specific to this zoning district that addresses noise.

Director Peterson states there are performance standards within the district but it is meant more for the heavier industrial users, impact noises, chemicals, emissions and odors, those types of things. Whatever use goes in there also has to meet the Illinois IEPA pollution control standards that are spelled out for this type of use which would be more about the impact type noises or the inconsistent noises which are not the consistent sound of a sledgehammer or the roof top motor unit. The limits are fairly high and somewhat hard to measure and a consultant would need to be hired as staff does not have the knowledge or equipment to make an accurate assessment.

Chairman Dash asks if a restaurant with a drive-thru be a B3. Director Peterson states that could be a B2, B2A or B3.

Chairman Dash asks if there could be a restaurant here with a drive-thru that could operate twenty-four hours a day with cars coming and going.

Director Peterson confirms with a Special Use yes.

Chairman Dash then confirms with a lower zoning density than what it is currently zoned for.

Director Peterson states that is correct.

Chairman Dash asks if the property has always been zoned B3.

Director Peterson states from what he can tell, yes.

Chairman Dash asks for any other questions amongst the commissioners.

Commissioner Saewert addresses Director Peterson states per the memo the hours of operation need to be addresses and asks if there is anything in the code that would limit the hours of operation which may address the noise issue. Also, is there going to be lighting for security.

Director Peterson states to address the lighting first, under the parking lot design requirements, if in the opinion the Director feels there could be a potential safety hazard a lighting plan could be requested to make sure that area is safe for the patrons that use it, the drivers and/or the safety of the vehicles. His question to Mr. Eberhardt in the previous hearing was have there been any issues do you have any plans to put in lighting. If the answer was affirmative then the lighting standards in the zoning code would need to be reviewed. At this point in time and at the last meeting there was no plan presented indicating that additional lighting would be installed. Director Peterson recalls that Mr. Eberhardt stated in the previous hearing there have been no issues with safety or vandalism. In further research the police department has no record of any incidences related to that area either. Originally it was the intent of Mr. Eberhardt being it was not designed for a rental type usage. The hours of operations were discussed for this issue with a limo service that could potentially have comings and goings all night, would there be a potential impact. The police department does not have any and the building department doesn’t have any record however it has been stated tonight there has been some noise. Director Peterson is unsure if it is anything that would qualify to be in violation of the pollution control act but it is a potential quality of life issue.

Mr. Eberhardt states this is something he can discuss with the company to make sure they are aware of this and they need to be quiet at night and not to be slamming doors and things like that.

Chairman Dash asks Mr. Eberhardt if he is aware of trucks or limos idling and is there a reason to keep them idling while they are stored.

Mr. Eberhardt states not that he is aware and all that is doing is burning gas and he cannot imagine why they would want to burn gas. They may start them to warm them up but they shouldn’t be idling too long.

Director Peterson asks Mr. Eberhardt to state for the record that in the original discussion there was a much larger number of vehicles that the limousine company had, where are you at with him or what is his proposal of what he wants to rent from you.

Mr. Eberhardt states he has seven vehicles presently. He had twelve but has brought it down to seven.

Director Peterson asks if they are all trolley style.

Mr. Eberhardt replies he believes there are two car vehicles and the rest are bigger ones.

Commissioner Kempa asks Director Peterson is the neighboring property is a dealership.

Director Peterson replies to the north is the Napleton dealership which is within the Village of Arlington Heights.

Mr. Eberhardt states the previous tenant of the bike shop was a banquet hall and they did keep late hours.

Commissioner Patel asks what Mr. Eberhardt feels the frequency of late hours will be.

Mr. Eberhardt states they are busy on weekends so they would probably come and go at night but the other vehicles would probably not be coming and going. If it is a boat or RV storage they may move it once every couple of weeks or once a month.

Commissioner Patel asks how many vehicles at night he estimates will be moved, for example in a weekend.

Mr. Eberhardt replies it could possibly be any of the seven limos but the other vehicles he states he cannot see them coming and going at night.

Commissioner Patel asks for clarification on Mr. Eberhardt’s definition of at night on a typical weekend.

Chairman Dash asks Mr. Eberhardt to confirm if this is or is not his limo company. Mr. Eberhardt states it is not his company.

Commissioner Patel asks what time he would typically expect a limo to be leaving on a Saturday night.

Mr. Eberhardt states they would probably leave about four or five o’clock in the afternoon but they may come back at one or two o’clock in the morning.

Commissioner DeGraf asks at this point there is no fencing on the side or in the front as far as a gate to let yourself in or out.

Mr. Eberhardt states no there is no security gate for in/out access. Commissioner DeGraf asks if he has any plans for this in the future. Mr. Eberhardt states that he does not.

Director Peterson states that as a point of reference the existing bike shop requires that there be thirty six spaces and with this configuration he is at the minimum necessary to support the building even though with his experience in this city it has not been fully occupied. He believes that when this was a banquet hall it was designed to park for a banquet facility but without the back area Mr. Eberhardt meets the minimum requirement for parking which is part of the reason he is here asking for this.

Mr. Eberhardt states the bike shop generally has three or four cars and three or four employee cars, maybe five unless we have a sale once a year.

Chairman Dash states obviously Rand Road is a busy commercial corridor and that the hope is there are many people coming and going with all the establishments. She states her point in inquiring about what else could potentially be here since the zoning is B3 and her thoughts are that this proposal is quite less than if the property were to be sold and could be twenty four hours of people coming and going.

Commissioner DeGraf asks Director Peterson if a Special Use is granted can it be granted just for the business or does the Special Use go with the property if Mr. Eberhardt decides to sell it.

Director Peterson replies there are a lot of directions this could go. Special Uses can be granted specifically to the applicant who is asking for that similarly to the previous case for Grandbrier where an LLC built it but was not operating it and the ordinance was to them. The Special Use could be done to the property as long as the use does not end or does not become obsolete or extinct. Mr. Eberhardt could sell the property and the next operator would have the rights to continue it. Director Peterson’s recommendation at this time is that the Special Use is with the operator and then if he so chooses to bring it in we would know who would have control.

Chairman Dash asks for clarification if operator is the property owner.

Director Peterson states he is asking for the Special Use and he is renting the spaces to the other people.

Chairman Dash further clarifies that the Special Use would not run with the land but would be with Mr. Eberhardt.

Director Peterson states that is correct if that is the direction of the board.

Chairman Dash states she is struggling with this because there is obviously excess parking at this location above code and assumes anyone that would move in here would be meeting code based on their use. Chairman Dash asks if someone else moves into the building could that use require a different number of parking spaces.

Director Peterson states potentially yes.

Chairman Dash poses a scenario that if Village Cycle Sport leaves and this becomes another business such as an auto body shop or a drycleaners and then asks the use would then require a recalculation of the parking needed for that use.

Director Peterson states yes.

Chairman Dash states it would now make sense to have the Special Use with the applicant.

Commissioner Saewert asks Mr. Eberhardt what the temporary structure behind his building is used for.

Mr. Eberhardt states it is for storage.

Commissioner Saewert states that is a substantial size building which isn’t shown on the plat. She further states that as of now it is easy to get in the property and leave because of the vacant parcel next to this one which is for sale however she does not think this plan would work with that building where it is because the area isn’t open right now and asks if there is a plan to remove the temporary structure or what happens.

Mr. Eberhardt states there are a lot of extra spaces there and he was hoping to keep that along the fence where there is potentially a car wash going in.

Commissioner Saewert asks if that would eliminate some of the required parking spaces.

Mr. Eberhardt states that is correct the spaces would not be accessible.

Chairman Dash asks if where the structure is now is the parking accessible.

Mr. Eberhardt states it is because there is potentially so much parking at this time with the other lot and the configuration.

Director Peterson states he owns a matching lot right next door. However there is a potential purchaser for the matching lot so this lot is the one the parking is for. There will be a subdivision application coming before the board in the future.

Chairman Dash asks Commissioner Saewert what her concern is with the temporary structure. She asks if the temporary structure remains in place and these additional spots are rented that, Commissioner Saewert states if the temporary structure remains in place and the matching lot is sold she doesn’t feel there will be access to these parking spaces. She points to the plan and indicates the spots here and believes that the structure goes fairly far out in the back of the building. There is fairly easy access now because of the additional lot.

Chairman Dash states Mr. Eberhardt would still be in excess of the required number of spaces because more than a dozen spots are being added.

Director Peterson states if Mr. Eberhardt wanted to keep and relocate the temporary structure for storage he would have to make up the spaces for the bike business which means the rental may have to go away because the rental spaces may need to be allocated for the bike business to meet the minimum requirement per the code.

Mr. Eberhardt asks if the rental spaces can be counted as required spaces.

Director Peterson states no because those spaces would be allocated for a different use specifically for rental so those spaces would not be available for customers to the retail shop.

Mr. Eberhardt asks if it is possible to have a business with less than the required number of spaces.

Director Peterson states there are a few but retail and restaurants are two of our highest parking requirements. Director Peterson states in some senses there is more than adequate parking for the majority of uses that come in but there are a couple that do have less.

Mr. Eberhardt asks specifically in regard to his business as long as he is there.

Director Peterson states that Village Cycle Sport is roughly six thousand square feet. The code requires six spaces per thousand square feet for your use therefore the way the plan was originally submitted the design professional accounted for thirty seven spaces and one had to go away and that leaves thirty six so the bicycle shop met the minimum. The reason for the Special Use request was because there was surplus parking in the back.

Mr. Eberhardt asks if the limo company is his customer when he rents the spaces out.

Director Peterson states no it is not a customer of the retail shop. The spots are dedicated to the rental use and not a retail customer.

Mr. Eberhardt tries to clarify that even though the limo company is paying the bike shop it is or is not a customer.

Commissioner Mellen tries to clarify by stating a retail customer could not park in one of those spaces during the day if the space is occupied by a limo.

Director Peterson uses the analogy of a rental apartment building and if all the spaces are being used by the tenants there is no place for the retail customer to park. Director Peterson agrees Mr. Eberhardt is receiving money for those parking spaces but it isn’t as profit from the bike shop.

Chairman Dash asks when there is a resubdivision if that will cause the parking to be recalculated.

Director Peterson states no because it is being shown on the lot Mr. Eberhardt is planning to keep that he is minimally compliant with parking spaces.

Chairman Dash asks if a complaint would have to be made indicating that a certain number of spaces are not accessible based on the new plan.

Director Peterson states he thinks Commissioner Saewert’ s concern is that with the temporary structure what is the traffic pattern, what is the traffic flow and can access be made on this lot to have safe maneuverability.

Commissioner Mellen states the plan shows a turning radius in the middle where the temporary structure is. He further states the temporary structure alone is going to make it difficult for the limousines to turn around.

Commissioner Patel asks if the temporary structure can be shifted. Mr. Eberhardt says yes.

Commissioner Patel asks if the temporary structure is moved to the property line where the twelve parking spaces are would the concern be removed.

Director Peterson tries to clarify the question by stating moving the temporary structure to the south side of the building over by the garbage structure is it appears there is sixty feet from back of stall to back of stall. He then asks Mr. Eberhardt if the temporary structure is about ten feet wide.

Mr. Eberhardt says correct.

Director Peterson states you subtract fifty now it is at eighteen feet now it’s down to thirty two feet from back of stall there is still will have adequate drive aisle width. Director Peterson states most standard vehicles could make a turn in thirty two feet but he is unsure of the larger vehicles making that maneuver.

Chairman Dash states that in theory when the limos are coming and going there is no one parked in the back.

Director Peterson states correct.

Chairman Dash states she is unsure if the case before the board is basically asking can he use this area for parking and maybe a re-evaluation of Mr. Eberhardt’ s use and parking is needed.

Director Peterson states he originally evaluated the parking plan when it was first submitted and his use met compliance which is why the application was allowed to move forward for that back area because there was a surplus of parking.

Chairman Dash states ultimately it would be up to the renter of the space if they felt they did or did not have adequate space to maneuver in the space that is being provided to them.

Commissioner Kempa asks is it in regard to those vehicles or is it in regard to delivery vehicles dropping of shipments for the bike shop and how would they come in and out.

Mr. Eberhardt states they would come in that entrance and then have to turn around. Mr. Eberhardt states in the original drawing the circle that is there was the minimum turn around for vehicles.

Director Peterson believes that even with the temporary structure where it is at there is enough distance behind that.

Mr. Eberhardt further states that realistically no body is parked in those spaces.

Director Peterson states he believes it goes back to the question Chairman Dash asked is there adequate room for the maneuvering in the back lot. He feels there is adequate parking for the retail component.

Commissioner Kempa states that any other parking lot such as a grocery store doesn’t have thirty feet there are just aisles with fifteen feet in between rows.

Chairman Dash states she feels it is between Mr. Eberhardt and the people he will be leasing to if the area doesn’t suit their needs or provide enough space for their vehicle to come and go would be between Mr. Eberhardt and the potential lessor.

Mr. Eberhardt agrees.

Commissioner Saewert states she understands the request is for the special use for the automobile parking facility and that she does not have a problem with that Mr. Eberhardt is trying to get into compliance however the code is grey is some areas and the question is should any conditions be placed on the request to help any outstanding issues be brought into compliance.

Director Peterson states that he thinks for the record to make sure Mr. Eberhardt and staff are clear that some conditions should be delineated at this meeting and Mr. Eberhardt and he can work on design but at minimum the fence has to be evaluated and sound. He would also like to take a look at the trees to make sure they are as healthy as they can be and provide adequate screening. He also thinks those are two very reasonable requests and the usage should be monitored to determine if lighting may be needed in the future. Director Peterson does not feel the lighting is needed now based on the lack of calls to the police building department and to City Hall. He feels that lighting could be a cause of some concern.

Mr. Eberhardt states there are two lights on the back of the building and there is one pole light next to where the circle is on the plan.

Chairman Dash agrees with the request to make sure the fence is not in need of repair but questions getting involved with inspecting the trees because if there is a tree that is dead or dying does that obligate the property owner to replace it. She feels that encroaches on a grey area considering the trees may be staggered on property lines.

Commissioner DeGraf asks Director Peterson what the height requirement is for a commercial fence to a residential district.

Director Peterson states he would like to double check but he believes the maximum is eight feet. At seven feet it is a foot higher than our residential requirements.

Commissioner DeGraf states he believes the fence for the Chase Bank when that case was being deliberated was eight feet.

Chairman Dash reviews the discussions of making sure the fence is in good condition, limiting the parking to exclude construction equipment and construction materials, it was discussed that the Special Use is issued to the property owner versus running with the land and asks if there are any other conditions of approval that anyone would like to suggest.

Commissioner Mellen states that since a neighbor has expressed a concern about overnight idling he does not feel it is unreasonable to have an idling restriction after hours.

Chairman Dash asks if that is something that can be enforced.

Director Peterson states that if it becomes a problem the city has a very responsive police department that can do this and it can be addressed under the noise nuisance portion of the city code which they have the authority to write against the actual operator of the vehicle and not the operator of the land. He believes if there is a repetitive pattern of bad behavior Director Peterson will address the situation with Mr. Eberhardt. Director Peterson adds he would like to see the same as the construction ordinance no starting before seven am on Sundays but that is a construction ordinance.

Chairman Dash states Commissioner Mellen would like to add a limit to idling vehicles and she has no issue with putting that as a condition so long as the police department can enforce.

Director Peterson tells Mr. Benjamin if the noise bothers him that he will have to call and make a complaint.

Mr. Benjamin states that he and Mr. Eberhardt have discussed issues in the past and he plans on keeping the good neighbor relationship.

Mr. Eberhardt states he didn’t realize there was an issue but he will talk to the limo company as they are very compliant with any request.

Chairman Dash asks if there are any further comments from the commissioners. Chairman Dash requests a motion to close the public hearing on case ZBA 18-11SU

Motion by Commissioner Tammen

Seconded by Commissioner DeGraf

Voice Vote

AYES: Commissioners Kempa, DeGraf, Tammen, Patel, Mellen, Saewert and Chairman Dash




Motion carried.

Public hearing closed for 18-11SU at 7:45 pm

Chairman Dash calls for a motion to receive into public record the staff review of the zoning compliance for the application with the zoning standards as presented by staff this evening and to make these records an official part of the application.

Motion by Commissioner DeGraf

Second by Commissioner Kempa


AYES: Commissioners Kempa, DeGraf, Tammen, Patel, Mellen, Saewert and Chairman Dash




Motion carried.

Chairman Dash calls for a motion to receive into public record exhibit 7 and exhibit 8.

Motion by Commissioner DeGraf Second by Commissioner Tammen VOICE VOTE:

AYES: Commissioners Kempa, DeGraf, Tammen, Patel, Mellen, Saewert and Chairman Dash




Motion carried.

Chairman Dash calls for motion to vote on recommending City Council approval for the application before us which is to allow Special Use Permit for automobile storage facility for up to 20 vehicles in the B-3 General Services Zoning District per 5-7-5 C of the City of Prospect Heights Zoning Code with the following conditions

 The fence will be inspected by the city to ensure that it is not in need of repair.

 The automobiles parked in this location will not include any construction equipment or construction materials.

 The Special Use that would be granted should the City Council approve it is granted to the property owner versus running with the land.

Motion by Commissioner Saewert

Seconded by Commissioner Tammen

Roll Call Vote

AYES: Commissioners Kempa, DeGraf, Tammen, Patel, Mellen, Saewert and Chairman Dash




Motion carried.

This case shall go before City Council on Monday October 22, 2018 at 6:30pm.

VI. Communications -

Director Peterson states in October there will be two cases. One will be for a height variation for a new structure at 505 W Willow. The applicant will be proposing to have a roof height of almost forty feet and a large house on a large lot. The second case will be for a special use permit for a sit-down restaurant at 1 E. Camp McDonald Road in the vacant store front. George Sellis the owner of Rocky’s is looking to open up and put sandwiches, salad bar, soups a full kitchen and some gaming in the back. It will be open to families and kids. The Thornton’s demo has been done but the construction will be started in the spring.

VII. Adjournment: At 7:51 p.m.

Motion to Adjourn: Commissioner DeGraf Second: Commissioner Mellen

Voice Vote: Unanimous



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