City of Elgin Cultural Arts Commission met Aug. 13.
Here is the minutes provided by the Commission:
A. Call to Order: 6:05pm
B. Roll Call: Commissioners Hulin, Erlandson, Thomas, Richmond, Fox present. Councilwoman Powell present. Chairman Vassallo present. Staff Wilhelmi and Harris present. Student RepresentativeWebber present.
C. Citizen’s Forum:
a. Children’s Theatre of Elgin- Final Report, Susan Heaton, Director of Operations and David Cummings, Producer presenting. Project, “Mashup: When Songs Collide” was presented at ECC June and July of 2018. Susan spoke to the variety of students in ages that participated including special needs students and scholarship students. She also spoke to the growth of minority participation in the programs. All 49 participants had a speaking and/or singing role.
b. Councilwoman Powell commented that the quality of shows has always been great and that the kids really enjoy what they are doing.
D. Staff Report:
a. Financial Report:
i. Fringe expenses and Public Art expenses are going to be coming in as those events come in.
b. Art Showcase:
i. New blinds are being installed this month.
ii. 2019 dates went out to renters.
c. Hemmens:
i. First weekend of “Sister Act” just closed. This weekend is the final weekend. Tickets are still available.
ii. New curtains for the stage come in next week.
iii. CTE and ESO will be in after that.
iv. Mersey Beatles from Liverpool will be in Oct. 18th.
v. M3 and ESO will be presenting “The Nutcracker” this winter.
d. Approval of July Minutes:
i. Motion to approve minutes by Commissioner Erlandson. Seconded by Commissioner Fox. Approved by a vote of 5-0-3. with commissioner Hulin, Thomas and Richmond abstaining.
E. Old Business
a. Marketing:
i. EFF and ESFF video promos are done and will go to Marcus Theaters soon.
ii. EFF and ESFF digital and print ads have all been sent to the publishers.
iii. CAC Sponsored assignments for BRAVO, September. Call for Art winners and ESFF written by Erin Rehberg. Due 8/21. b. 2018 ECAC Projects:
i. Grant Workshop:
1. Only a few organizations participated.
2. Describing the new application to the folks that attended.
ii. Elgin Fringe Festival:
1. Tickets are on sale now!
2. Posters and postcards are here and being distributed.
3. Need more volunteers
iii. Elgin Short Film Festival:
1. More films have come in. They are being viewed and judged by the selection committee now.
2. A film from London has been submitted, making the festival international.
3. Still need 2 judges for the night of the event.
4. Mama Lees will be back selling popcorn in the lobby.
5. Chamber Music on the Fox will be back performing at the top of the second act,
an original piece of music to a short portion of the movie Hugo.
6. Six films will be shown at EFF as part of the “Next-In” event to determine which film in each category will move on to the final showing at the event at the Hemmens on September 22nd.
iv. Art Harvest:
1. October 27th from 1-4pm at DuPage Court.
2. Free, family-friendly, and open to the public.
3. This year we also have a hay ride.
4. There will be downtown trick-or-treating as well.
v. Kwanzaa Celebration:
1. Gail Borden Public Library, Sunday December 2, 2018 from 2-4pm. 2. Kucha and Baba Toni will be back.
vi. Elgin Literary Festival:
1. Speakers should be confirmed soon.
2. Hemmens, January 25 & 26.
3. Jane Erlandson joining the ELF committee.
F. Other Old Business: None brought.
G. New Business:
a. Organizational Grant Application going live. They are live on the website. Share the applications with organizations
b. Public Art:
i. Paperwork is being completed now.
c. Rain Barrel Art Program:
i. Staff Harris working with the Sustainability Commission to paint rain barrels for use at the Earth Day Celebration.
H. Adjournment:
a. Motion to adjourn at 7:37pm by Commissioner Fox. Seconded by Commissioner Richmond.
Approved by a vote of 8-0.